Elisa Thomas

Associate Professor

Elisa Thomas


Telephone: 51832903

Email: elisa.thomas@uis.no

Room: EOJ SV-210


UiS School of Business and Law

Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Mikhailov, Andrei; Faccin, Kadigia; Wegner, Douglas; Thomas, Elisa


The Micro-Governance of Collaborative Networks: Promoting Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.

Journal of Technology Management & Innovation.

ISSN 0718-2724.

Volum 19.

Hefte 4.


Thomas, Elisa; Faccin, Kadigia; Bittencourt, Bruno; Coussi, Olivier


Introduction. I: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Drivers, Challenges and Success of Territories.

Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter).

ISBN 9783111101385.


DOI: 10.1515/9783111101385-001

Thomas, Elisa; Bittencourt, Bruno; Faccin, Kadigia; Coussi, Olivier


Final Considerations. I: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Drivers, Challenges and Success of Territories.

Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter).

ISBN 9783111101385.


DOI: 10.1515/9783111101385-010

Thomas, Elisa; Pugh, Rhiannon; Soetanto, Danny; Jack, Sarah


Beyond ambidexterity: universities and their changing roles in driving regional development in challenging times.

Journal of Technology Transfer.

ISSN 0892-9912.

DOI: 10.1007/s10961-022-09992-4

Thomas, Elisa; Benneworth, Paul; Berg, Laila Margaret Nordstrand; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Pinheiro, Romulo


Universities' mundaneness and regional engagement : Setting the stage. I: Universities and regional engagement : From the exceptional to the everyday.


ISBN 9780367713072.


DOI: 10.4324/9781003150299-1

Pinheiro, Romulo; Berg, Laila Margaret Nordstrand; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Thomas, Elisa; Benneworth, Paul


Unpacking Mundaneness : A novel conceptual framework for universities and regional engagement. I: Universities and regional engagement : From the exceptional to the everyday.


ISBN 9780367713072.


DOI: 10.4324/9781003150299-2

Berg, Laila Margaret Nordstrand; Thomas, Elisa; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Pinheiro, Romulo; Benneworth, Paul


Universities and regions : New insights and emerging developments. I: Universities and regional engagement : From the exceptional to the everyday.


ISBN 9780367713072.


DOI: 10.4324/9781003150299-14

Thomas, Elisa; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes; Huang, Hong


Inclusion of elderly users via virtual spaces in the early stages of the innovation process.

R&D Management.

ISSN 0033-6807.

DOI: 10.1111/radm.12551

Howells, Jeremy; Thomas, Elisa


Innovation search: the role of innovation intermediaries in the search process.

R&D Management.

ISSN 0033-6807.

Volum 52.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1111/radm.12534

Sandoval Hamón, Leyla A.; Peñalver, Soraya M. Ruiz; Thomas, Elisa; Fitjar, Rune Dahl


From high‑tech clusters to open innovation ecosystems: a systematic literature review of the relationship between science and technology parks and universities.

Journal of Technology Transfer.

ISSN 0892-9912.

DOI: 10.1007/s10961-022-09990-6

Thomas, Elisa; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes; Huang, Hong


Virtual inclusion of elderly users in early stages of the innovation process. I: Proceedings on the 2021 ISPIM innovation conference : Innovating our common future.

ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press.

ISBN 9789523354678.

Huang, Hong; Thomas, Elisa


A review of the living lab research development and methods. I: Proceedings on the 2021 ISPIM innovation conference : Innovating our common future.

ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press.

ISBN 9789523354678.

Thomas, Elisa; Asheim, Bjørn Terje


Entrepreneurial ecosystems learning regions and the role of universities. I: Universities, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, and Sustainability.

Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter).

ISBN 9783110670165.


DOI: 10.1515/9783110670219-002

Huang, Hong; Thomas, Elisa


A Review of Living Lab Research and Methods for User Involvement.

Technology innovation management review.

ISSN 1927-0321.

Volum 11.

Hefte 9.


DOI: 10.22215/timreview/1467

Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Thomas, Elisa; Faccin, Karinga


Universities as orchestrators of the development of regional innovation ecosystems in emerging economies.

Growth and Change.

ISSN 0017-4815.

DOI: 10.1111/grow.12442

Nordling, Nadja; Thomas, Elisa; Pugh, Rhiannon; Hermann, Roberto Rivas


Multinational companies roles in start-up incubation ecosystems : The case of Microsoft innovation centres in Brazil. I: Research handbook on start-up incubation ecosystems.

Edward Elgar Publishing.

ISBN 9781788973526.


DOI: 10.4337/9781788973533

Thomas, Elisa; Faccin, Kadigia; Asheim, Bjørn Terje


Universities as orchestrators of the development of regional innovation ecosystems in emerging economies.

Growth and Change.

ISSN 0017-4815.

DOI: 10.1111/grow.12442

Thomas, Elisa; da Silva, Luciana Maines


Management of stakeholders` knowledge for responsible research and innovation. I: Responsible Innovation in Digital Health Empowering the Patient.

Edward Elgar Publishing.

ISBN 9781788975056.


Wegner, Douglas; Thomas, Elisa; Teixeira, Eduardo Künzel; Maehler, Alisson Eduardo


University entrepreneurial push strategy and students’ entrepreneurial intention.

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research.

ISSN 1355-2554.

DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-10-2018-0648

Thomas, Elisa


From Closed to Open Innovation in Emerging Economies: Evidence from the Chemical Industry in Brazil.

Technology innovation management review.

ISSN 1927-0321.

Volum 8.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.22215/timreview/1144

Thomas, Elisa; Marques Vieira, Luciana; Balestrin, Alsones


Mind the Gap: Lessons from the UK to Brazil about the Roles of TTOs throughout Collaborative R&D Projects.

BAR : Brazilian Administration Review.

ISSN 1807-7692.

Volum 14.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1590/1807-7692bar2017170048

Bøker og kapitler

Thomas, Elisa; Faccin, Kadigia; Bittencourt, Bruno; Coussi, Olivier


Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Drivers, Challenges and Success of Territories.

Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter).

ISBN 978-3-11-110063-0.

Hefte ..

Thomas, Elisa; Faccin, Kadigia; Bittencourt, Bruno; Coussi, Olivier


Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Drivers, Challenges and Success of Territories.

Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter).

ISBN 9783111101385.

Hefte 4.

Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Thomas, Elisa; Berg, Laila Margaret Nordstrand; Pinheiro, Romulo; Benneworth, Paul


Universities and regional engagement : From the exceptional to the everyday.


ISBN 9780367713072.


da Silva, Carlos; Thomas, Elisa; Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Nunes de Fonseca, Rodrigo; Estevez, F


Oil Capitals: convergences and divergences in the development models of Stavanger and Macaé from the perspective of the Triple Helix.

Triple Helix XXI Conference;

2023-06-26 - 2023-06-29.

Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Kickul, Jill; Thomas, Elisa; Oftedal, Elin M


PDW Future Literacy Lab for Social Impact of Digital Entrepreneurship.

Academy of Management Annual Meeting;

2022-08-05 - 2022-08-09.

Huang, Hong; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Thomas, Elisa; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes


The emergence of the boundary innovation space for user involvement – the study of a living lab in welfare service in Norway.

ISPIM Innovation Conference;

2022-06-04 - 2022-06-07.

Thomas, Elisa


The future of universities in uncertain times.

EcoHubI research group seminar;


Thomas, Elisa


Engaged University: the role of universities in the innovation ecosystem.

NEECI research group seminar;


Thomas, Elisa


Management of Stakeholders Knowledge for Responsible Research and Innovation.

GESMAC research group seminar;


Thomas, Elisa


Workshop “Tools & Methods for Responsible Innovation”.

ISPIM Innovation Conference;

2021-06-20 - 2021-06-23.

Thomas, Elisa


Startups' management of stakeholders' knowledge for product innovation.

ISPIM Innovation Conference 2019: Celebrating Innovation - 500 Years Since Da Vinci;

2019-07-16 - 2019-07-19.

Thomas, Elisa


Responsible Innovation in Digital Health – Empowering the Patient.

Nordic Edge Expo;


Thomas, Elisa


Responsible innovation for smart agriculture.

Nordic Edge;


Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Thomas, Elisa; Pansera, Mario


A model of science park intermediation in eco-innovation processes.

The 13th World Congress On Engineering Asset Management;

2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.

Pugh, Rhiannon; Thomas, Elisa


Moving, settling and becoming: A conversation about mobility between two early career researchers.