Mira Aurora Marlow

Associate Professor

Mira Aurora Marlow


Telephone: 51832557

Email: mira.a.marlow@uis.no

Room: KA A-212


Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Social Studies


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Marlow, Mira Aurora; Sørly, Rita; Kaatrakoski, Heli Kyllikki


Service User Participation in Child Welfare Institutions: Possible, Plausible and Preferable Future.

Nordisk tidsskrift for livskvalitet og bærekraftig velferdsutvikling.

ISSN 2703-9986.

Marlow, Mira Aurora; Gunnarsdottir, Hulda Mjöll; Studsrød, Ingunn


“No one saw us, and no one did anything”–young women with a history in out-of-home care narrate management of (in)visibility and intersecting identities.

Nordic Social Work Research.

ISSN 2156-857X.

Volum 15.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1080/2156857X.2023.2255870

Marlow, Mira Aurora; Sørly, Rita; Kaatrakoski, Heli Kyllikki


Personal Stories of Young Women in Residential Care: Health-Promoting Strategies and Wellbeing.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH).

ISSN 1661-7827.

Volum 19.

Hefte 24.

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192416386

Marlow, Mira Aurora; Søndenå, Kari


Sosialpedagogikk i lys av endrede historiske og kulturelle vilkår --- tid for fornyelse. I: Sosialpedagogiske perspektiver.


ISBN 9788215033501.


Bøker og kapitler

Marlow, Mira Aurora


A Narrative Study of the Best Interest of Young Women in Out-of-Home Care: Towards a more sustainable Social Work Practice .

ISBN 978-82-8439-255-4.


Marlow, Mira Aurora


Voldens Skygge: En god bok om vold i nære relasjoner og foreldreskap.

Fontene forskning.

ISSN 1890-9868.

Marlow, Mira Aurora


Implementation of Children’s rights and materiality: can a ‘good enough’ childhood be measured by material wealth?.

Childhood and Materiality - VIII Conference on Childhood Studies;

2018-05-07 - 2018-05-09.