Silje Henriette Amalia Normand

Associate Professor

Silje Henriette Amalia Normand


Telephone: 51831286


Room: HG R-308


Faculty of Arts and Education

Department of Education and Sports Science


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Arbeid med mangfold,identitet og medborgerskap i engelskfaget gjennom kritisk literacy-praksis. I: Dembra : Faglige perspektiver på demokrati og forebygging av gruppefiendtlighet i skolen (4).

ISBN 978-82-92988-77-0.


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


I like understood it when we did it : Eliciting young L2 learners’ metapragmatic awareness of apologies through drama tableaux. I: Pragmatic aspects of L2 Communication : From awareness through description to assessment.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

ISBN 9781527577695.


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia; Dessingué, Alexandre; Wagner, David-Alexandre


Critical literacies praxis in Norway and France. I: The Handbook of Critical Literacies.


ISBN 9780367902599.


Normand, Silje Henriette A; Savic, Milica


Fostering Intercultural Competence through Process Drama in EFL Teacher Education. I: Teaching Languages and Cultures: Developing Competencies, Re-thinking Practices.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

ISBN 978-1-5275-0893-4.


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Venomous Words and Political Poisons: Language(s) of Exclusion in Early Modern France. I: Exploring Cultural History: Essays in Honour of Peter Burke.


ISBN 9780754667506.


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Poison, maladie et métaphore dans le Dictionnaire universel .

Littératures classiques.

ISSN 0992-5279.

Volum 47.


DOI: 10.3406/licla.2003.1901

Bøker og kapitler

Dessingué, Alexandre; Bugge, Hans Erik; Fuglestad, Unni ; Knutsen, Ketil; Normand, Silje Henriette A; Savic, Milica; Wagner, David-Alexandre


Critical literacies and Awareness in Education 1st year report.

Universitetet i Stavanger.


Cardozo, Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss; Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


EnviroCitizen Skoleuniversitetssamarbeid om utvikling av miljømedborgerskap i skolen.

Skolelederkonferansen Rogaland 2023;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Demokrati og medborgerskap: barnets stemme.


2023-02-02 - 2023-02-03.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Demokrati og medborgerskap i utdanningene. FoU arbeid i programområdet DEMCI. Presentasjon til Kunnskapsdepartementet.

Besøk fra Kunnskapsdepartementet ;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Drama som undervisnings- og forskningsmetode i skole og lærerutdanning .



Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia; Cardozo, Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss; Tveitnes, Sigrid


EnviroCitizen School Programmes: Teacher & Teacher Educators sharing experiences from school collaborations .

Citizen Science for Environmental Citizenship conference;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Mediating reflections on practice through drama tableaux.

Rehearsing Teaching in Teacher Education - Digital Research Conference;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Critical perspectives within EFL teacher education.

Whiteness, Cultural Diversity, Racism, and Teacher Education in Norway;

2023-04-17 - 2023-04-19.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia; Aarrestad, Berit; Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe


Erfaringer fra tverrfaglig samarbeid om undervisning som styrker demokrati, medvirkning og inkludering gjennom estetiske læringsprosesser: Engelsk, drama, samfunnsfag og migrasjonsstudier (EMMIR) .

Dembra KKS webinar Estetiske læringsprosesser, inkluderende læringsmiljø og forebygging av fordommer og utenforskap;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia; Aarrestad, Berit; Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe


Veien videre: Tverrfaglig samarbeid om Dembra tematikk og estetiske læringsprosesser. Prosessarbeid og institusjonell forankring.

Dembra avslutningskonferanse: Estetiske læringsprosesser, inkluderende læringsmiljø og forebygging av fordommer og utenforskap;

2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Democratic citizenship through arts-based learning .

DEMCI Annual research seminar;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Skills4Justice: Skill partnerships for sustainable and just migration patterns. Project overview.

DEMCI Annual research seminar;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Working with interculturality & diversity in educational contexts .

Digitalt regionalt kurs om rammeverket for demokratisk kultur i regi av Europarådet og Utdanningsdirektoratet;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Dembra-tematikk i kollegafelleskap og tverrfaglig samarbeid: Erfaringer, utfordringer, veien videre.

DEMBRA DEMCI Summer Seminar;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia; Aarrestad, Berit


(Mot)fortellinger og narrativ identititet.

Verksted for utviklingsprosjekt om estetiske læringsprosesser, inkluderende læringsmiljø og forebygging av fordommer og utenforskap;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


DEMCI Past and Future: 2019-2022 and 2023-2025.

DEMCI End of Year Seminar;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Implementing the RFCDC in EFL teacher education.

Workshop «RFCDC and teacher education» for det nordiske ekspertnettverket for demokrati, inkludering og sikkerhet;

2022-03-16 - 2022-03-17.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


UiS Dembra LU: Dembra-tematikk i kollegafelleskap og tverrfaglig samarbeid.

Dembra LU avslutningsseminar;

2022-05-30 - 2022-05-31.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


UiS Dembra Faculty Learning Community: Dembra utviklingsarbeid på tvers av lærerutdanningene.

Dembra LU erfaringsseminar;

2021-04-27 - .

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Migration Aesthetics: Representing migration through picturebooks and graphic novels .

Migration & Aesthetics Research Colloquium;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Symposium: Power relations in initial teacher education.

(Re)imagining and remaking teacher education ATEE Annual Conference;

2021-11-09 - 2021-11-11.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Pre-service and in-service teachers' conceptualisations of critical literacies praxis within EFL teaching.

(Re)imagining and remaking teacher education ATEE Annual Conference;

2021-11-09 - 2021-11-11.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Critical literacies pedagogy and classroom research .

Research presentation UC Davis;


Normand, Linn Anne Margrethe; Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Our Migration History and Inclusive Participatory Research in Norway .

Migration & Aesthetics seminar series at the UC Davis Global Migration Center;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia; Knarvik, Kimble


Our Migration History and inclusive participatory research.

DEMCI Past and Future Colloquium;

2021-12-01 - 2021-12-03.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


DEMCI past, present, and future.

DEMCI Past and Future Colloquium;

2021-12-01 - 2021-12-03.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


UiS Dembra LU Faculty Learning Community.

Dembra LU Kick Off Event;

2020-05-11 - 2020-05-12.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Culture and critical literacies pedagogy.

Fagdag for praksislærere;


Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


DEMCI: The year in review.

Democracy and citizenship: interdisciplinary approaches and critical perspectives;

2019-11-25 - 2019-11-26.

Normand, Silje Henriette A; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau


"I'm a bit sorry": Pragmatic features and metapragmatic awareness of apologies produced by Norwegian primary school EFL learners through drama tableaux.

Exploring and Assessing Pragmatic Aspects of L1 and L2 Communication: From Needs Analysis through Monitoring to Feedback;

2018-07-25 - 2018-07-27.

Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Exploring the affordances of drama tableaux in EFL teacher education.

Sustainability and citizenship. Literature and language;

2018-10-04 - 2018-10-05.

Drew, Ion Patrick Francis; Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


Readers Theatre as a method to raise intercultural awareness in EFL classrooms. .

‘Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Challenges and Perspectives’ conference;

2018-10-26 - 2018-10-27.

Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia


'Uh Oh!' Norwegian primary school EFL learners’ metapragmatic awareness in the evaluation of self-produced apology statements..

Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Challenges & Perspectives - TLC 2018;

2018-10-26 - 2018-10-27.

Normand, Silje Henriette A; Savic, Milica


Fostering empathy and multiperspectivity through process drama in EFL teacher education.

Global Citizenship Education in EFL Teaching;


Normand, Silje Henriette A; Savic, Milica


Critical literacies and awareness in EFL teaching.

Critical literacies and awareness in education (CLAE) launching conference;

2017-03-20 - 2017-03-24.

Normand, Silje Henriette A


Critical literacy and intercultural awareness through critical performative pedagogy in EFL teacher education.

42nd ATEE Conference 2017;

2017-10-23 - 2017-10-25.

Normand, Silje Henriette A; Savic, Milica


Critical literacy practices in the Norwegian EFL context.


2017-12-20 - 2017-12-22.

Normand, Silje Henriette A; Savic, Milica


Development of intercultural communicative competence through process drama in EFL teaching and teacher training.

Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Developing Competencies, Re-thinking Practices;

2016-11-11 - 2016-11-12.