Tarja Irene Tikkanen


Tarja Irene Tikkanen


Telephone: 51831301

Email: tarja.tikkanen@uis.no

Room: HG R-408


Faculty of Arts and Education

Department of Education and Sports Science

About me

Background and academic interests

Tarja Tikkanen is an internationally renowned researcher investigating lifelong learning in the context of working life. Within this wide scope, major topics for her research have been: job-related competence (skills, knowledge, attitudes) in general, and in the context of the digital transformation and technology-rich work environments, in particular; participation in job-related learning, and; organisational learning and leadership from a learning organization perspective. She has been exploring these issues from different perspectives and within different sectors (private and public enterprises, such as kindergartens, schools, also trade unions). She gained her PhD in 1998 from the Department of Education, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, with her Minor in Social Policy. She became full professor in 2011.

Her current work in RDI is related to digital transformation in society in the context of education, particularly in the areas of technology-enhanced learning as well as skills and competence in teacher education and schools. This work involves dynamic collaboration with a wide network of Nordic and European researchers and educators, aiming at contributing to quality development in higher education in general, and in teacher education and training in particular, to support teacher educators' development of their Professional Digital Competence (PDC, defined as PfDK in Norway).

Current position

- Professor in Education, Department of Education and Sports Science (Teacher Education), University of Stavanger

- Since 2020: the representant of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Stavanger, in the Thematic Working Group for Teacher Education in the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU). - More of ECIU Education here

International Fellowships

- Invited Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Education, QUT Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, January-July 2003. Visiting the OVAL Research Centre, University of Technology UTS, Sydney in June 2003 (one-day seminar 16.6.2003

 - Fulbright-scholarship 1992-93, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Rackham Graduate School/PhD).

Research and dissemination

Most of Tarja's research work is international and comparative, primarily Nordic and European, but also wider international. She has solid experience on managing, coordinating, and contributing to regional and national R&D projects in Finland and Norway. She has had a range of expert assignments for the European Commission and the Nordic Council, also to the OECD, and been frequently invited to contribute as a scientific expert, together with expertise contributions to policy and practice.

Tarja has published widely on her research, including editorial work, e.g. for CEDFOP/EU and special issues in scientific journals.

ORCID orcid.org/0000-0001-5952-3875

Current projects

2023-2026: "Skills partnerships for sustainable and just migration patterns" (SKILLS4JUSTICE) financed from the EU call HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-03: Global Shortages and Skill Partnerships Specific conditions. Local Project Leader at UiS. Project Coordinator Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Partner,s from the EU countries France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, and from non- EU countries Turkey, UK, Norway, Noth Macedonia, Ukraine, and Ethiopia. Target group youth and young adults aged 16-35 years. Related to the EEA-project EmpowerVET.

2021-2023: "Vocational education and training, migration, social exclusion, empowerment, social integration (EmpowerVET)" EEA Baltic Research Programme Grant. Local Project Leader at UiS. Project Coordinator Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Partners: University of Latvia, Tallinn University, Estonia, University of Stavanger, Norway. - See an article in Education+Training.

2020-2023: "No teacher educator left behind (NOTELEB)" - Erasmus+ Strategic partnership for the development of innovation/Higher Education (2020-1-NO01-KA203-076495). Project leader & coordinator. Partners: TUB/Germany, Tallinn University/ Estonia, University of Jyvaskyla/Finland, NTNU/Norway. - Project Card

Completed projects (selection)

2020-2023: "Digital competence in teacher training in the Nordic countries" - Nordplus (NPHE-2020/10184). Project leader. Coordinator: University of Stavanger (NO). Partners: University College Copenhagen (DK), Tallinn University (EE), University of Jyvaskyla (FI), University of Iceland (IS), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL/NO), NTNU (NO), Linnaeus University (SE).

2020: "Future-oriented and pedagogic use of AR-technology and D-modelling in schools." (Framtidsrettet og pedagogisk bruk av AR-teknologi og 3D-modellering i grunnskolen) ? Regional Research Fund, Oslo (RFF Oslo). Coordination: Ludenso. Partner: University of Stavanger. Report: Framtidsrettet og pedagogisk bruk av AR-teknologi i grunnskolen

2020: "Impact of public authorities and educational technology on development of professional digital competence in teacher education and schools" - The University and College Network for Western Norway (UH-Nett Vest). Project coordinator. Collaboration with NLA University College, University of Bergen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), and Volda University College. - See an article in NJDL.

2014-2018: Skills development for realizing the workforce competence reserve (SkillsREAL). THe Research Council of Norway (RCN/NFR). Project Coordinator. Carried out in collaboration between HVL (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, former HSH), Reading Centre at the University of Stavanger, and Norce (former International Research Institute of Stavanger, IRIS), with Scientific Advisors from partner universities in Finland (JyU), Sweden (LIU) and Australia (Griffith University). - Project Poster (in Norwegian).

2012-2017: A case study A Small Step Strategy to Boost Integration of Digital Technology in Learning and Teaching at an Upper-Secondary School (published in E. Elstad (Ed.) Digital Expectations and Experiences in Education), as a part a large research project Learning in the 21st century: Capitalising on students' digital strengths; compensating for desired capabilities 2012-2017 (NRC 218245). Principal investigator in the case study. Project coordinator HVL.

2014-2016: Promoting learning and development in multisensory environments with assistive technology solutions (SPEDUTEC). NORDPLUS Higher Education. Project leader.

2012-2013: Curriculum in kindergarten? Language learning and use of ICT with small children (CHILDICT). NORDPLUS Horizontal. Project leader.

2012-2014: Promoting competence building in Service Design through Touch-points (PRO-COMPETENCE). NORDPLUS Higher Education. Norwegian coordinator. Project Coordinator: Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

2008-2010: CM ProWork Transfer project on competence management. An Innovation Transfer project under the Leonardo da Vinci Programme (LLP/EU). Norwegian coordinator. Project Coordinator: the Fraunhofer Institute (IAO), Germany.



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Tutlys, Vidmantas; Vaitkute, Lina; Kaminskiene, Lina; Umarik, Meril; Loogma, Krista; Sloka, Biruta; Buligina, Ilze


VET Teachers' and Schools' Capacities to Tackle the Challenges of Vulnerable Students in the Baltic Countries and Norway.


ISSN 1392-0340.

DOI: 10.1583/p.2024.153

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Tūtlys, Vidmantas; Vaitkutė, Lina; Kaminskienė, Lina; Ümarik, Meril; Loogma, Krista; Sloka, Biruta; Buligina, Ilze


VET Teachers’ and Schools’ Capacities to Tackle the Challenges of Vulnerable Students in the Baltic Countries and Norway.


ISSN 1392-0340.

Volum 153.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.15823/p.2024.153.1

Tūtlys, Vidmantas; Buligina, Ilze; Dzelme, Juris; Gedvilienė, Genutė; Loogma, Krista; Sloka, Biruta; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Tora, Ginta; Vaitkutė, Lina; Valjataga, Terje; Ümarik, Meril


VET ecosystems and labour market integration of at-risk youth in the Baltic countries: implications of Baltic neoliberalism.

Education + Training.

ISSN 0040-0912.

Volum 64.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1108/ET-09-2021-0349

Amdam, Synnøve Hedemann; Kobberstad, Lina Rebekka; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Professional digital competence in strategy and management: A case study of three teacher education programs in Norway.

Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy.

ISSN 1891-943X.

Volum 17.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.18261/njdl.17.1.2

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Nissinen, Kari


Drivers of job-related learning among low-educated employees in the Nordic countries..

International Journal of Lifelong Education.

ISSN 0260-1370.

Volum 37.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2018.1554720

Olsen, Dorothy Sutherland; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


The developing field of workplace learning and the contribution of PIAAC.

International Journal of Lifelong Education.

ISSN 0260-1370.

Volum 37.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2018.1497720

Sortland, Merete Økland; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Heggen, Marianne Presthus; Holter, Kari; Langholm, Guri; Broström, Stig; Bollingberg, Karen; Damgaard, Birgitte; Frøkjær, Thorleif; Gustavsson, Laila; Ladstein, Sigve; Nappen, Kari Grutle; Nordahl, Kristín; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi; Staffans, Eva; Thulin, Susanne


Kvalitet i barnehagelærerutdanning i naturvitenskap: En fellesnordisk studiemodul.

Nordic Studies in Science Education.

ISSN 1504-4556.

Volum 13.

Hefte 1.


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Problem-solving skills, skills needs and participation in lifelong learning in technology-intensive work in the Nordic countries.

Sodobna Pedagogika.

ISSN 0038-0474.

Volum 68 (134).

Hefte 4.


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Problem-solving skills, skills needs and participation in lifelong learning in technology-intensive work in the Nordic countries<sup>12</sup> .

Sodobna Pedagogika.

ISSN 0038-0474.

Volum 68.

Hefte 4.


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Nissinen, Kari


Participation in job-related lifelong learning among well-educated employees in the Nordic countries.

International Journal of Lifelong Education.

ISSN 0260-1370.

Volum 35.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1165749

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Lifelong learning – towards an active ageing [Elinikäinen oppiminen – kohti aktiivista vanhuutta]. I: Gerontologia.

ISBN 978-951-656-460-2.


Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka; Paloniemi, Susanna; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Gudmundsson, Bernhardur; Hansen, Leif Emil; Randle, Hanne; Sandvik, Jon


”Good practice are good, regardless of age!” - A comparison of trade union confederations' policy and practice regarding ageing employees in the Nordic countries..


ISSN 0358-6197.

Volum 32.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.33336/aik.93995

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Guðmundsson, Bernhardur; Hansen, Leif Emil; Paloniemi, Susanna; Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka; Randle, Hanne; Sandvik, Jon


Parti sociali: dall’uscita anticipata allo sviluppo dell’apprendimento e della carriera dei dipendenti senior?.

Sociologia del Lavoro.

ISSN 0392-5048.

Volum 1529.

Hefte 125.


DOI: 10.3280/SL2012-125007

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


From managing a problem to capitalizing on talent and experience of older workers: Editorial.

International Journal of Human Resource Management.

ISSN 0958-5192.

Volum 22.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2011.559093

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Social partners: out with early exit – in with lifelong learning and career development?.

FOVU Dialog.

ISSN 1102-7797.

Hefte 5.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


New opportunities and old challenges for older employees?.

Lifelong Learning in Europe.

ISSN 1239-6826.

Volum 14.

Hefte 2.


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Learning at work in technology intensive environments.

Journal of Workplace Learning.

ISSN 1366-5626.

Volum 14.

Hefte 3.


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


The Age-Participation Relationship Revisited: Focus on Older Adults.

Adult Education Quarterly.

ISSN 0741-7136.

Volum 49.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1177/074171369804900103

Bøker og kapitler

Sortland, Merete Økland; Arason, Haukur; Bollingberg, Karen; Damgaard, Birgitte; Frøkjær, Thorleif; Gisladottir, Jona Run; Gustavsson, Laila; Hagen, Astrid Wallem; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi; Holter, Kari; Jensen, Jacob; Ladstein, Sigve; Langholm, Guri; Nordahl, Kristín; Persson, Gunlög; Salmen, Christoffer; Staffans, Eva; Thulin, Susanne; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Tonnesen, Pernille Hummelgaard


Felles nordisk læringspakke i naturfag for barnehagen.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Nyhan, Barry


Innovative learning measures for older workers.

ISBN 978-92-896-0524-3.

Lie, Terje; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Kjestveit, Kari


Aldring og helse på sokkelen - et brukerstyrt innovasjonsprosjekt.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Nyhan, Barry


Les seniors et le développement de l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie: perspective international.

ISBN 92-896-0394-1.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Junge, Amund


Realisering av en visjon av et mobbefri oppvekstmiljø for barn og unge. Sluttrapport til evaluering av Manifest mot mobbing 2002-2004.

ISBN 82-490-0337-3.


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Tūtlys, Vidmantas; Ümarik, Meril; Sloka, Biruta


VET Teachers’ and Schools’ Capacities to Tackle the Challenges of Integration of At-risk Youth: An International Comparison .

ECER 2023 ;

2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Nousiainen, Tuula; Vesisenaho, Mikko; Tammets, Kairit; Sillat, Linda Helene


No Teacher Educator Left Behind: teacher educators' professional digital competence.

NERA 2023 - «Digitalization and Technologies in Education Opportunities and Challenges”;

2023-03-15 - 2023-03-17.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Nousiainen, Tuula; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Sillat, Linda Helene; Moen, Vegard; Vesisenaho, Mikko; Tammets, Kairit


Development teacher educators’ professional digital competence through colleague-supported work-based learning.

LLL 2023 Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference 2023;

2023-02-15 - 2023-02-17.

Tutlys, Vidmantas; Kaminskienė, Line; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Bruin, Marieke Gerdien; Sloka, Biruta; Ümarik, Meril


Vocational Aspects of Empowering At-risk VET Students in the Baltic Countries and Norway for Employment and Lifelong Learning.

The 5th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training;

2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26.

Bruin, Marieke Gerdien; Moen, Vegard; Ohna, Stein Erik Solbø; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


«That is when I felt acknowledged” – Young people’s narratives on their opportunities, prospects, and limitations in the context of Vocational Education and Training in upper secondary education.

Nordic Educational Research Association NERA Conference;

2022-06-01 - 2022-06-03.

Tutlys, Vidmantas; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Bruin, Marieke Gerdien; Sloka, Biruta; Loogma, Krista; Meril, Umarik


Resiliency strategies of at-risk VET students in Norway and the Baltic States.

ECER Plus 2022;

2022-09-01 - 2022-09-10.

Waloszek, Barbara Malgorzata; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Bruin, Marieke Gerdien


Gaming and eSport in lower secondary schools.

Nordic Educational Research Association NERA Conference;

2022-06-01 - 2022-06-03.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Digital Competence in Teacher Education in Nordic Countries.

NERA 2022;

2022-06-01 - 2022-06-04.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Vesisenaho, Mikko; Nousiainen, Tuula; Tammets, Kairit; Letnes, Mari-Ann; Stilz, Melanie; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau


No teacher educator left behind.

NERA 2022;

2022-06-01 - 2022-06-04.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Networking and project work for developing of Professional Digital Competence among Teacher Educators.

Digital konferanse - Veien videre etter digitaliseringsprosjektene;


Amdam, Synnøve Hedemann; Kobberstad, Lina Rebekka; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse i strategi og realitet. Kva tyder digitalisering av lærarutdanning for leiarar ved ulike utdanningsinstitusjonar i Norge?.

Lærerutdanningskonferansen 2021;

2021-04-27 - 2021-04-28.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Achievements in and challenges of participation in job-related lifelong learning in the Nordic countries. Do basic skills matter?.

Webinar Upskilling Pathways in AE-PRO;

2019-05-21 - .

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Participation in job-related lifelong learning among employees with tertiary education.

The 50th EUCEN conference: Times of transition - the role of university lifelong learning;

2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Job-related lifelong learning in the Nordic countries: achievements in and challenges of participation.

Nordic PIAAC Expert Seminar ;


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Hovdhaugen, Elisabeth; Støren, Liv Anne


Work-related training and workplace learning: Nordic perspectives and European comparisons.

International Journal of Lifelong Education.

ISSN 0260-1370.

Volum 37.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2018.1554721

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Deltakelse i livslang læring i de Nordiske land: Behov for mer nyanserte hypoteser om kompetanseutvikling i arbeidslivet?.



Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Rønsen, Anne Kristin


Innovative use of technology to promote lifelong learning in public and private enterprises.

The 35th Annual Conference CASAE (2016);

2016-05-28 - 2016-06-01.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Nissinen, Kari


Participation in job-related lifelong learning among low-educated adults in the Nordic countries.

35th Annual Conference of CASAE (2016);

2016-05-28 - 2016-05-31.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Deltakelse i livslang læring i de Nordiske land: Mot mer nyanserte hypoteser om kompetanseutvikling i arbeidslivet..

FINNUT Utdanningskonferansen 2016: Ny kunnskap om læring. Konsekvenser for praksis, styring og organisering;


Rønsen, Anne Kristin; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Exploring the decision-making behind innovative use of technology-enhanced lifelong Learning in enterprises..

The ECER 2016 Conference Leading education: The distinct contributions of educational research and researchers;

2016-08-22 - 2016-08-24.

Sortland, Merete Økland; Langholm, Guri; Holter, Kari; Bollingberg, Karen; Damgaard, Birgitte; Frøkjær, Thorleif; Gisladottir, Jona Run; Gustavsson, Laila; Hagen, Astrid Wallem; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi; Jensen, Jacob; Ladstein, Sigve; Norddahl, Kristin; Persson, Gunlög; Salmen, Christoffer; Staffans, Eva; Thulin, Susanne; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Arason, Haukur; Tonnesen, Pernille Hummelgaard


A Joint Nordic Science Education Package for Kindergarten Teachers.


2016-08-31 - 2016-09-03.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Vedøy, Gunn; Gabrielsen, Egil


Voksnes ferdigheter og arbeidskraft (SkillsREAL).

Utdanningskonferansen 2016 (FINNUT): Ny kunnskap om læring –konsekvenser for praksis, styring og organisering.;


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Kari, Nissinen; Per, Andersson; Silvennoinen, Heikki


Basic skills and participation in lifelong learning among low-educated adults. A comparison between Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden.

The NERA 2015 Conference Marketisation and Differentiation in Education;

2015-03-04 - 2015-03-06.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Kari, Nissinen; Heikki, Silvennoinen; Andersson, Per


Skills and participation in lifelong learning among adults with tertiary education. A comparison between Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden.

The 6th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning Adult Education and the Planetary Condition;

2015-03-26 - 2015-03-27.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Datafication - Lifelong learning analytics?.

Finnish-Norwegian Workshop in Learning Analytics ;

2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Basic skills and participation in lifelong learning among low- and high-educated adults - A comparison between Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden.


2015-04-23 - 2015-05-24.

Sortland, Merete Økland; Hagen, Astrid Wallem; Ladstein, Sigve; Thulin, Susanne; Langholm, Guri; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Holter, Kari; Gustavsson, Laila; Arason, Haukur; Bollingberg, Karen; Damgaard, Birgitte; Frøkjær, Thorleif; Gisladottir, Jona Run; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi; Jensen, Jens Jacob; Nordahl, Kristín; Persson, Gunlög; Salmen, Christoffer; Staffans, Eva; Tønnesen, Pernille


Felles nordisk læringspakke i naturfag for barnehagen.

Konferens om naturvetenskap och teknik i förskolan;

2015-10-14 - 2015-10-15.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Competence in pedagogical use of digital tools and media in kindergartens.

The 42nd NERA Conference "Education for sustainable development – only big words for politicians or a responsibility for education workers?";

2014-03-05 - 2014-03-07.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Problem-solving skills, skills needs and participation in learning and training in technology-intensive work.

International Conference on Skills for the Future: Training, employment, occupations and employability in turbulent times ;

2014-09-18 - 2014-09-19.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Deltakelse i kompetanseutvikling i Norden– om over- og underkvalifisering, holdninger og alder.

FINNUT konferanse om framtidens kompetansepolitikk;


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Innovative capability in the light of demographic change.

International HELIX Conference 2013: Innovative practices in work, organisation and regional development – Problems and prospects;

2013-06-12 - 2013-06-14.

Saarela, Merja; Santonen, Teemu; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Co-creation of innovation between higher education students and actors in public, private and the third sector.

HELIX Conference 2013 – Innovative Practices in Work, Organization and Regional Development – Problems and Prospects ;

2013-06-12 - 2013-06-14.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Brorström, Stig; Søndergaard, Steen; Eidsvik, Arne K.; Habbestad, Helge; Nugin, Kristina; Veisson, Marika; Lillvist, Anne; Skriver Jensen, Anders; Södén, Björn; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi; Pallisgaard, Jens; Kuginyte-Arlauskiene, Ieva; Pettersen, Geir Olaf


Curriculum in kindergarten? - Literacy learning and use of ICT with small children.

23rd EECERA Conference Values, Culture and Contexts;

2013-08-28 - 2013-08-30.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Skills development for realizing the workforce competence reserve (SkillsREAL) – A new research project.

FOSA Research Seminar «Aldring og arbeid» ;

2013-09-30 - 2013-10-01.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Skills development for realizing the workforce competence reserve.

FOSA Research Conference Aldring og arbeid;


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


A couple of decades of discourse on lifelong learning of and for ageing workers: Change, innovation, learning, progress?.

The European conference on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Learning – “One Step Up in later life: learning for active ageing and intergenerational solidarity” ;

2012-11-19 - 2012-11-21.

Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


"Social partners: out with early exit - in with lifelong learning and career development?" Rapport fra OWN survey i nordiske hovedsammenslutninger.

Seniorkonferanse 2012 ”Stå i jobb lenger: Suksessfaktorer – fleksible løsninger og kompetansesatsning” ;


Tikkanen, Tarja Irene


Teachers – The professionals in formal learning as practitioners in informal workplace learning.

4th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning;

2005-12-11 - 2005-12-14.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Sortland, Merete Økland; Langholm, Guri; Holter, Kari; Bollingberg, Karen; Damgaard, Birgitte; Frøkjær, Thorleif; Gisladottir, Jona Run; Gustavsson, Laila; Hagen, Astrid Wallem; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi; Jensen, Jacob; Ladstein, Sigve; Norddahl, Kristin; Persson, Gunlög; Salmen, Christoffer; Staffans, Eva; Thulin, Susanne; Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Arason, Haukur; Tonnesen, Pernille Hummelgaard


Felles nordisk læringspakke i naturvitenskap for barnehagen.