Kristina Johansen

Associate Professor

Kristina Johansen


Telephone: 51831728 / 45492269


Room: KA A-233


Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Social Studies

About me



Young unaccompanied refugees, psychosocial health, resilience, recognition, participation

Transnational families, grief and grief support


Current Teaching responsibilities: 

- Course coordinator for the master's thesis in social studies (MSOMAS)
- Course coordinator (with colleague) for the introductory course at the master's degree in social studies on the knowledge base in social work and social pedagogy (MSO114)
- Lecturer on topics such as refugees, forced migration and exile; psychosocial health; resilience; recognition; the knowledge base in social work; essay writing; ethics and critical reflection; emancipatory perspectives in social work.
- Supervisor of students writing master's thesis
- Supervisor (kontaktlærer) of students in work placements at BSOP20
- Seminar leader at an introductory course in social work (BSO101), and the project seminar at MSO130
- Marker of student assignments



  • PhD (doktorgrad) in Social Sciences, Specialisation in Social Work, University of Stavanger, Norway (2015-2023). Title of dissertation: Navigering mellom ambivalent anerkjennelse, betydningsfulle relasjoner og hverdagsforpliktelser: En studie av unge, enslige flyktningers psykososiale helse og deltakelse fra et erfaringsnært og kritisk perspektiv. (In English: Navigating between ambivalent recognition, significant relationships, and everyday commitments).  
  • Postgraduate diploma, psychosocial support (Diplomado en Actuaciones Psicosociales en Violencia Política y Catástrofes), Complutense University, Spain, 2014-2015
  • Postgraduate specialization (Especialización) in Journalism, University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2010-2011
  • Master's degree (hovedfag) in Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, 2001-2004. Title of master's degree: Som i en boble. Velstående colombianere - vold, usikkerhet og kamp om rom
  • First level degree (Cand.mag.grad) in social and human sciences, University of Bergen, 1997-2001


Former work experiences: 

- Research fellow (Department of Social studies, UiS), 2015-2019

- Representative/ guardian for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and refugees (County Governor of Rogaland) 2015-2020

- Short-term Election Observer (Norwegian Resource Bank for Democracy and Human Rights - NORDEM), 2015-1016

- Freelance Journalist (writing for Klassekampen, norske Le Monde, Verdensmagasinet X, Dagsavisen, Stavanger Aftenblad, Kvinner sammen, Apell, among others). 2011-2015

- Social worker/Information Officer at reception centre for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (Hero Norge), 2013

- Non-fiction Writer (book published by Aschehoug), 2011-2013

-   Human Rights Field Officer - volunteer (Peace Brigades International Mexico), 2009

- Manager (Latin America Groups of Norway/Latin-Amerikagruppene i Norge), 2007-2009

-   Human Rights Field Officer - volunteer (Peace Brigades International Colombia), 2006-2007

- Social worker with unaccompanied minor refugees (Municipality of Bergen/ The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs), 2005-2006



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Johansen, Kristina; Bendixsen, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad


Ambivalent recognition: young unaccompanied refugees’ encounters with Norwegian society.

Journal of Youth Studies.

ISSN 1367-6261.

DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2023.2231360

Johansen, Kristina


Gøy og lærerikt, men også vanskelig: Unge, enslige flyktningers perspektiver på deltakerbasert forskning.

Fontene forskning.

ISSN 1890-9868.

Volum 15.

Hefte 2.


Johansen, Kristina; Studsrød, Ingunn


“Help goes around in a circle”: young unaccompanied refugees’ engagement in interpersonal relationships and its significance for resilience.

International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care.

ISSN 1747-9894.

Volum 15.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1108/IJMHSC-03-2019-0035

Bøker og kapitler

Johansen, Kristina


Navigering mellom ambivalent anerkjennelse, betydningsfulle relasjoner og hverdagsforpliktelser: En studie av unge, enslige flyktningers psykososiale helse og deltakelse fra et erfaringsnært og kritisk perspektiv.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-8439-189-2.

Johansen, Kristina


Frykten har et ansikt. Rapport fra Colombia..

Aschehoug & Co.

ISBN 9788203294211.

Johansen, Kristina ; Bråten, Eldar


Som i en boble:Velstående colombianere vold, usikkerhet og kamp om rom.

Universitetet i Bergen.


Johansen, Kristina; Olsen, Gurli


"Young People in Vulnerable Positions: Challenges, Agency, and Relationships to Professional Helpers in the Norwegian Welfare State" .

Erasmus Staff Mobility For Teaching in Somaliland;


Johansen, Kristina; Tørrisplass, Ann-Torill


Pain, obstacles, and care in encounters with an ambivalent welfare state: Unaccompanied minor and young refugees’ challenges related to family separation and reunification .

Nordic Migration Research Conference;


Johansen, Kristina


Naboen min på 90 år er en tøff dame, men hun frykter å ta bussen med gåstol.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Johansen, Kristina


Hvordan støtte unge, enslige flyktninger og bygge videre på deres styrker?.

Digital workshop;

2024-11-28 - .

Johansen, Kristina


"Unge, enslige flyktningers fortellinger om ambivalent anerkjennelse i møte med det norske samfunnet".

Velferdsuniversitetet: Inkludering av flyktninger i skole og samfunn;


Johansen, Kristina


Slik opplever flyktninger møte med norsk skole og samfunn.

Johansen, Kristina


Young unaccompanied refugees' experiences of ambivalent recognition in encounters with Norwegian society.

At critical crossroads in Nordic Childhood Studies;

2023-08-16 - 2023-08-17.

Johansen, Kristina


Panelsamtale: Hvordan ser arbeidet med enslige mindreårige ut i framtiden? Hva kan vi lære av vår historie?.

BYMIF: Endring og kontinuitet i 40 år ;

2023-09-12 - .

Johansen, Kristina


Unge flyktninger trenger emosjonell, rettslig og sosial anerkjennelse.

Fontene. Et tidsskrift for Fellesorganisasjonen (FO).

Johansen, Kristina


Ambivalent recognition and resilience in young unaccompanied refugees' encounters with Norwegian society.

International Resilience Revolution Conference;

2022-03-30 - 2022-03-31.

Johansen, Kristina


Syv suksesskriterier for at unge, enslige flyktninger i Norge skal klare seg.

ISSN 1891-635X.

Johansen, Kristina ; Studsrød, Ingunn


Young unaccompanied refugees, interpersonal relationships and resilience: A qualitative study. .

International Conference on Children and Youth in Everyday Life and Professional Practices;

2019-06-19 - 2019-06-21.

Johansen, Kristina


Young unaccompanied refugees’ engagement in interpersonal relationships and its significance for resilience.

Brighton Resilience Forum;


Johansen, Kristina


Psychosocial support approaches in Latin America - Relevant for social work with refugees in Norway?.

Welfare Research Seminar ;

2018-01-24 - 2018-01-25.

Johansen, Kristina


Unaccompanied, yet connected: Significant relationships in the lives of young unaccompanied refugees in Norway.

Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development ;

2018-07-04 - 2018-07-07.

Johansen, Kristina


Gjør vår egen frykt det vanskeligere å se unge flyktningers situasjon?.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.