Ingrid Carita Augustsson

Telephone: 51831762
Room: KE E-362
Location: Room KE E-362
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources
About me
Please call me Carita. UiS updates all the staff names from the Norwegian national population register, which may cause confusion since some of us do not use our very first name.
Teaching fall 2024:
- GEO270 is a petrology course for bachelor students. The course is mainly microscope-based. I teach this course together with Udo Zimmermann.
- GEO501 is a subsurface-geology course for master students. The course includes exercises. I teach this course together with Udo Zimmermann.
- GEO680 is a practical-training course for master students that I coordinate. The students do most of the course activities at a company.
Research fields:
- Sedimentology - from source to sink
- Sedimentary petrology & geochemistry
- Sedimentation affected by tectonic activity
Research in progress:
- Factors influencing sediment composition in a source-to-sink perspective
- Sediment transport of the continental Permian Rotliegend and the Triassic Buntsandstein groups in Central Europe
- Palaeozoic to Mesozoic tectonosedimentary evolution of the North Sea
- Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Mexican Oaxaquia terrane during the Palaeozoic
- Methods for provenance studies
- Torres-Sánchez, S. A., Jenchen, U., Augustsson, C., Barboza-Gudiño, J. R., Martínez-Hernández, K. R., Ruiz-Mendoza, V., Torres-Hernández, R., 2023. Grafito en el Complejo Metamórfico Paleozoico Esquisto Granjeno. Actas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, UANL, 9, 195-200.Augustsson, C., Aehnelt, M., Olivarius, M., Voigt, T., Gaupp, R. & Hilse, U., 2023. Provenance from the geochemical composition of terrestrial deposits - a review with case study from the intracontinental Permo-Triassic of European Pangea. Sedimentary Geology 456, paper 106496, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2023.106496.
- Andersen, P. Ø., Skjeldal, M. & Augustsson, C., 2022. Machine Learning based Prediction of Porosity and Water Saturation from Varg Field Reservoir Well Logs. SPE EuropEC - Europe Energy Conference featured at 83rd EAGE Conference and Exhibition 5-9 June 2022 Madrid, Spain, 1-22.
- Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Augustsson, C., Guerrero-Suastegui, M., Barboza-Gudiño, J. R., Torres-Sánchez, S. A., Martínez-Paco, M. & Aceves de Alba, J., 2022: A wave to tidal influenced deltaic coastline in a carbonate environment: The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous La Casita Formation, northeastern Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 115, paper 103759, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103759.
- Ärlebrand, A., Augustsson, C., Escalona, A., Grundvåg, S.-A. & Marín, D., 2021: Provenance, depositional setting and diagenesis as keys to reservoir quality of the Lower Cretaceous in the SW Barents Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 132, paper 105217, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105217.
- Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Torres-Sánchez, S. A., Augustsson, C., Macías, J. L., Sosa-Ceballos, G., Cisneros-Máximo, G., García-Sánchez, L., Osorio-Ocampo, S., Avellan, D. R., Omma, J., Ortega-Obregón, C., Solari, L. A. & González-Barba, G., 2021: Provenance of the El Salto Formation (Early Oligocene to Early Miocene), southern of the La Reforma Caldera, Baja California Sur, Mexico. GSA Special paper 546, 277-308, DOI: 10.1130/2021.2546(11).
- Torres Sánchez, S. A., Augustsson, C., Jenchen, U., Barboza-Gudiño, J. R., Gärtner, A., Hofmann, M. & Linnemann, U., 2021: Geochemistry and detrital zircon geochronology of metasedimentary rocks in the Sierra Madre terrane, Mexico: Implications of deposition along the western margin of Pangea. Geological Journal 56, 3342-3377, DOI: 10.1002/gj.4108.
- Augustsson, C., 2021: Influencing factors on petrography interpretations in provenance research – a case-study review. Geosciences 11, paper 205, DOI: 10.3390/geosciences11050205.
- Casas-Peña, J. M., Ramírez-Fernández, J. A., Velasco-Tapia, F., Alemán-Gallardo, E. A., Augustsson, C., Weber, B., Frei, D. & Jenchen, U., 2021: Petrological, geochemical (major, trace, and rare earth elements), and U-Pb zircon data of the Tamatán Group, NE Mexico. Data in Brief 35, paper 106846, 51 pp., DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106846.
- Casas-Peña, J. M., Ramírez-Fernández, J. A., Velasco-Tapia, F., Alemán-Gallardo, E. A., Augustsson, C., Weber, B., Frei, D. & Jenchen, U., 2021: Complete data set of petrological, geochemical (major, trace, and rare earth elements), and U-Pb zircon analysis from the Tamatán Group, NE Mexico. Mendeley Data, V1, DOI: 10.17632/wbzzy6hcgj.1.
- Casas-Peña, J. M., Ramírez-Fernández, J. A., Velasco-Tapia, F., Alemán-Gallardo, E. A., Augustsson, C., Weber, B., Frei, D. & Jenchen, U., 2021: Provenance and tectonic setting of the Paleozoic Tamatán Group, NE Mexico: Implications for the closure of the Rheic Ocean in northwestern Gondwana. Gondwana Research 91, 205-230, DOI: 10.1016/
- Dunkl, I., von Eynatten, H., Andò, S., Lünsdorf, K., Morton, A., Alexander, B., Aradi, L., Augustsson, C., Bahlburg, H., Barbarano, M., Benedictus, A., Berndt, J., Bitz, I., Boekhout, F., Breitfeld, T., Cascalho, J. P., Costa, P. J. M., Ekwenye, O., Fehér, K., Flores-Aqueveque, V., Führing, P., Giannini, P., Goetz, W., Guedes, C., Gyurica, G., Hennig, J., Hülscher, J., Jafarzadeh, M., Jagodzinski, R., Józsa, S., Kelemen, P., Keulen, N., Kovacic, M., Liebermann, C., Limonta, M., Lužar-Oberiter, B., Markovic, F., Melcher, F., Miklós, D., Moghalu, O., Mounteney, I., Nascimento, D., Novaković, T., Obbágy, G., Oehlke, M., Omma, J., Onuk, P., Passchier, S., Pfaff, K., Pinto, L., Power, M., Razum, I., Resentini, A., Sági, T., Salata, D., Salgueiro, R., Schönig, J., Sitnikova, M., Sternal, B., Szakmány, G., Szokaluk, M., Thamó-Bozsó, E., Tóth, A., Tremblay, J., Verhaegen, J., Villaseñor, T., Wagreich, M., Wolf, A. & Yoshida, K., 2020: Comparability of heavy mineral data – the first interlaboratory round robin test. Earth-Science Reviews 211, paper 103210, 27 pp, DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103210.
- Helleren, S., Marín, D., Ohm, S., Augustsson, C. & Escalona, A., 2020: Why does not lithology correlate with gamma-ray spikes in the shaley source rocks of the Upper Jurassic Alge Member (southwestern Barents Sea)? Marine and Petroleum Geology 121, paper 104623, 19 pp.
- Zhong, X., Escalona, A. & Augustsson, C., 2020: Architecture of shoreface to deep-water systems in segmented rift systems: Evidence from the southern margin of the Sogn Graben, northern North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 117, paper 104361, 23 pp.
- Lorentzen, S., Braut, T., Augustsson, C., Nystuen, J. P., Jahren, J. & Schovsbo, N. H., 2020: Provenance of lower Cambrian quartz arenite on southwestern Baltica: weathering versus recycling. Journal of Sedimentary Research 90, 493-512.
- Augustsson, C., Aehnelt, M., Voigt, T. Kunkel, C., Meyer, M. & Schellhorn, F., 2019: Quartz and zircon de-coupling in sandstone: petrography and quartz cathodoluminescence of the Early Triassic continental Buntsandstein Group in Germany. Sedimentology 66, 2874-2893, DOI: 10.1111/sed.12620.
- Lorentzen, S., Augustsson, C., Jahren, J., Nystuen, J. P. & Schovsbo, N. H., 2019: Tectonic, sedimentary and diagenetic controls on sediment maturity of lower Cambrian quartz arenite from southwestern Baltica. Basin Research 31, 1098-1120, DOI: 10.1111/bre.12359.
- Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z. E., Torres-Sánchez, S. A., Augustsson, C., Barboza-Gudiño, J. R., García-Díaz, J. L., Talavera-Mendoza, O., Aceves de Alba, J., Castro-Larragoitia, J., Martínez-Paco, M., Saucedo, R. & Aguillón-Robles, A., 2019: Provenance and tectonic setting of the Jurassic Huayacocotla Formation and Alamitos Sandstone, Central Mexico. Geochemistry 79, 369-383.
- Kołtonik, K., Isaacson, P., Pisarzowska, A., Paszkowski, M., Augustsson, C., Szczerba, M., Slama, J., Budzyń, B., Stachacz, M. & Krawczyński, W, 2019: Provenance of Upper Paleozoic siliciclastics rocks from two high-latitude glacially influenced intervals in Bolivia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 92, 12-31, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2019.02.023..
- Torres Sánchez, S. A., Jenchen, J., Augustsson, C. & Baboza-Gudiño, J. R., 2018: Reconstruyendo el pasado geológico por medio del análisis de minerales pesados. Ciencias UANL 87, 55-59.
- Augustsson, C., Voigt, T., Bernhart, K., Kreißler, M., Gaupp, R., Gärtner, A., Hofmann, M. & Linnemann, U., 2018: Zircon size-age sorting and source-area effect: the German Triassic Buntsandstein Group, , Sedimentary Geology 375. 218-231, DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.11.004.
- Lorentzen, S., Augustsson, C., Nystuen, J. P., Berndt, J., Jahren, J. & Schovsbo, N. H., 2018: Provenance and sedimentary processes controlling the formation of lower Cambrian quartz arenite on Baltica. Sedimentary Geology 375, 203-217, DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.08.008.
- Torres Sánchez, S. A., Augustsson, C., Jenchen, U., Barboza Gudiño, R., Torres Sánchez, D., 2017: Evidencias geoquímicas de presencia de piso oceánico antiguo en el basamento metamórfico paleozoico de la Sierra Madre Oriental en el noreste de México. In Ocaña Zurita, T. A., Torres Torres, J. G., Almaguer Cantú, M. H., Rodríguez Cervera, J. E., Estrada Andrade, L. F. & Ricárdez Jiménez, C. (eds): Perspectiva científica desde la UJAT, División Académica de Ciencias Básicas, Universitad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Mexico, pp. 208-215, ISBN 978-607-606-399-6.
- Torres-Sánchez, S. A., Augustsson, C., Jenchen, U., Barboza-Gudiño, J. R., Alemán Gallardo, E., Ramírez Fernández, J. A., Torres-Sánchez, D. & Abratis, M., 2017: Petrology and geochemistry of metaultramafic rocks in the Paleozoic Granjeno Schist, northeastern Mexico: Remnants of Pangaea ocean floor. Open Geosciences 9, 361-384, DOI: 10.1515/geo-2017-0029.
- Torres Sánchez, S. A., Augustsson, C., Barboza Gudiño, J. R., Jenchen, U., Ramírez Fernández, J. A., Abratis, M. & Scherstén, A., 2016: Magmatic source and metamorphic grade of metamorphic rocks from the Granjeno Schist: was northeastern Mexico a part of Pangaea? Geological Journal 51, 845-863, DOI: 10.1002/gj.2702.
- Scholonek, C. & Augustsson, C., 2016: Can cathodoluminescence of feldspar be used as provenance indicator? Sedimentary Geology 336, 36-45, DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.11.005.
- Augustsson, C., Willner, A. P., Rüsing, T., Niemeyer, H., Gerdes, A., Adams, C. J. & Miller, H., 2016: The crustal evolution of South America from a zircon Hf-isotope perspective, Terra Nova 28, 128-137, DOI: 10.1111/ter.12200.
- Torres Sánchez, S. A., Augustsson, C., Barboza Gudiño, R., Abratis, M., Ramírez Fernández, J. A., 2015: Basamento paleozóico de la Sierra Madre, Oriental: condiciones metamórficas de P-T en la presencia de fengita y clorita, Ciencia UANL 75, 47-53.
- Castillo, P., Lacassie, J. P., Augustsson, C. & Hervé, F., 2015: Petrography and geochemistry of the Carboniferous-Triassic Trinity Peninsula Group, West Antarctica: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting, Geological Magazine 152, 575-588, DOI: 10.1017/S0016756814000454.
- Augustsson, C., Rüsing, T., Niemeyer, H., Kooijman, E., Berndt, J., Bahlburg, H. & Zimmermann, U., 2015: 0.3 byr of drainage stability along the Palaeozoic palaeo-Pacific Gondwana margin; a detrital zircon study, Journal of the Geological Society 172, 186-200, DOI: 10.1144/jgs2014-065.
- Hilse, U., Aehnelt, M., Meyer, M., Kunkel, C., Voigt, T., Augustsson, C. & Gaupp, R., 2014: Neue Erkenntnisse zur Provenienz des Unteren und Mittleren Buntsandsteins im mitteldeutschen Raum, Beiträge zur Geologie von Thüringen, neue Folge 21, 53-66.
- Gunawan, I., Hall, R., Augustsson, C. & Armstrong, R., 2014: Quartz from the Tipuma Formation, West Papua: new insights from geochronology and cathodoluminescence studies, Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, 38th Annual Convention & Exhibition, contribution IPA14-G-303, 15 pp.
- Rehrmann, S., Augustsson, C., Izaguirre Valdez, R. N., Jenchen, U. & Schulte, P., 2012: Provenance and depositional conditions of Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sandstones from northeastern Mexico, Sedimentary Geology 282, 321-335, DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2012.10.002.
- Augustsson, C. & Reker, A., 2012: Cathodoluminescence spectra of quartz as provenance indicators revisited, Journal of Sedimentary Research 82, 559-570, DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2012.51.
- Ebinghaus, A., McCann, T. & Augustsson, C., 2012: Facies and provenance analysis of Paleogene-age alluvial conglomerates from the northern part of the Mesta Basin, SW Bulgaria, Geological Journal 47, 409-425, DOI: 10.1002/gj.1348.
- Augustsson, C., Rüsing, T., Adams, C. J., Chmiel, H., Kocabayoglu, M., Büld, M., Zimmermann, U., Berndt, J. & Kooijman, E., 2011: Detrital quartz and zircon combined: the production of mature sand with short transportation paths along the Cambrian west Gondwana margin, northwestern Argentina, Journal of Sedimentary Research 81, 284-298, DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2011.23.
- Bahlburg, H., Vervoort, J. D., Du Frane, S. A., Bock, B., Augustsson, C. & Reimann, R. C., 2009: Timing of crust formation and recycling in accretionary orogens: Insights learned from the western margin of South America, Earth-Science Reviews 97, 227-253, DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.006.
- Augustsson, C., & Bahlburg, H., 2008: Provenance of late Palaeozoic metasediments of the Patagonian proto-Pacific margin (southernmost Chile and Argentina), International Journal of Earth Sciences 97, 71-88, DOI 10.1007/s00531-006-0158-7.
- Augustsson, C., Münker, C., Bahlburg, H. & Fanning, C. M., 2006: Provenance of late Palaeozoic metasediments of the SW South American Gondwana margin: a combined U-Pb and Hf-isotope study of single detrital zircons, Journal of the Geological Society 163, 1-13, DOI: 10.1144/0016-76492005-149.
- Augustsson, C. & Bahlburg, H., 2003: Cathodoluminescence spectra of detrital quartz as provenance indicators for Paleozoic metasediments in southern Andean Patagonia, Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16:1, 15-26, DOI:10.1016/S0895-9811(03)00016-6.
- Augustsson, C. & Bahlburg, H., 2003: Active or passive continental margin? Geochemical and Nd isotope constraints of metasediments in a pre-Andean accretionary wedge in southernmost Chile (46°30' to 48°30'S), In, T. McCann & A. Saintot (eds): Tracing Tectonic Deformation Using the Sedimentary Record, Geological Society of London Special Publication 208, 253-268, DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.208.01.12.
- Augustsson, C., 2001: Lapilli tuff as evidence of Early Jurassic Strombolian-type volcanism in Scania, southern Sweden, Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 125:1, 23-28, DOI: 10.1080/11035890101231023.