Lillian Katarina Stene
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51831552
Room: KE C-233
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Associate Professor
Telephone: 51831552
Room: KE C-233
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Slotsvik, Tone Njølstad; Gould, Kenneth Arne Pettersen; Stene, Lillian Katarina
Contributions and limitations of relational governance towards the reliability of publicly procured air ambulance services.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 164.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Utne, Richard
To what extent is the ISPS code relevant for mitigating current and future security threats along the Norwegian coastline?. I: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022).Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-18-5183-4.
Slotsvik, Tone Njølstad; Gould, Kenneth Arne Pettersen; Stene, Lillian Katarina
Public procurement of critical services : Effects of service transfer on organizational reliability. I: Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference.Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-18-2016-8.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Vulnerability revitalized : How can vulnerable groups enhance societal resilience. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Utne, Richard
"How will different risk perspectives within Naval Organizations in the High North affect societal resilience?". I: Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference(ESREL). 22 – 26 September 2019 Hannover, Germany .Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Eikemo, Irene Kristin
"Is Whistle-blowing a Safety Mechanism or a Threat? A Study of Petroleum-related Companies in Norway.". I: Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference(ESREL). 22 – 26 September 2019 Hannover, Germany .Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Folgerø, Ragnhild Storeide
Customs - a vital contributor to safe societies? A Study of the Norwegian customs service.. I: Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World. Proceedings of ESREL 2018, June 17-21, 2018, Trondheim, Norway.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781351174657.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Unity of effort in the new wars?. I: Safety & Reliability, Theory and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-1138629370.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Comprehensive approach: An appropriate tool to gain security in the new wars and complex emergencies?. I: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781138028791.
Slotsvik, Tone Njølstad
Procured reliability? Effects of competitive tendering processes on critical service reliability.
ISBN 978-82-8439-179-3.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Rational beliefs -inconsistent practicies: civil military coordination in North Afghanistan.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 9788276445763.
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Stene, Lillian Katarina; Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes
Israels form for krig på Gaza bør ryste vår felles samvittighet.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Stene, Lillian Katarina
Norsk beredskap igjen under lupen.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Stene, Lillian Katarina; Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes
Beredskap – bedre føre-var ….
ISSN 0805-3782.
Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes; Stene, Lillian Katarina; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland
Hva med oss og Russland etter krigen?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Gould, Kenneth Arne Pettersen; Slotsvik, Tone Njølstad; Stene, Lillian Katarina
Reliability contributions of relational governance.
Working on Safety Conference 2022;
2022-09-25 - 2022-09-28.
Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes; Stene, Lillian Katarina; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland
Hva med oss og Russland etter krigen?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes
Fôrer vi bare monsteret? Stabile og gode samfunn kan vanskelig bygges med våpen i hånd..
ISSN 1503-2892.
Slotsvik, Tone Njølstad; Gould, Kenneth Arne Pettersen; Stene, Lillian Katarina
Public procurement of criitcal services. Effects of service transfer on organizational reliability.
ESREL-konferanse 2021;
2021-09-19 - 2021-09-23.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Rational beliefs, inkonsistent practices.
Northeren European conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies;
2018-03-21 - 2018-03-23.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
The Customs, - an important contributor to societal security? A study of the Norwegian Customs.
European Safety and Reliability Conference;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
"How will different risk perspectives within naval organizations in the High North affect societal resilience?".
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), Nordic;
2018-11-07 - 2018-11-09.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Unity of efforts in the new wars.
European Safety and reliability Conference;
2017-06-18 - 2017-06-21.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
The Customs, - an important contributor to safe societies?.
European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA) ;
2017-11-01 - 2017-11-04.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
For NATO eller for Afghanistan?.
ISSN 0805-3790.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
“How does Comprehensive Approach contribute to a network response in the complex emergency in Afghanistan”.
Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA);
Stene, Lillian Katarina
“Military coalition’s challenges in complex emergencies.”.
Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA) ;
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Comprhensibe Appraoch: An appropriate tool to gain security in the new wars and complex emergencies..
2015-09-07 - 2015-09-11.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
“Civil-military coordination in a complex emergency. Findings from a study of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) organization in North-Afghanistan.”.
Samfunnssikkerhetskonferansen, UiS;
Stene, Lillian Katarina
“Samfunnssikkerhet og kriser.”.
Norges Bygdekvinnelag;
2015-01-17 - 2017-01-17.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
“Always expect the unexpected.”.
Beredskapskonferansen i regi av Kunnskapsdepartementet, ;
Stene, Lillian Katarina
“International security and the New Wars.
Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge (NEON) konferansen.;
Stene, Lillian Katarina
“Civil-military coordination in a complex emergency, Aghanistan.”.
Institutt for Forsvarestudier (IFS) ;
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Rom for islam i Norge?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Psykososialt arbeidsmiljø.
Mulighetens Arena (Forsvarets HMS magasin).
Hefte 3.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
HMS er ikke bare statistikker og fancy databaser.
Mulighetens Arena (Forsvarets HMS magasin).
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Trenger vi risiko?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Mobbing, - et problem på norske arbeidsplasser?.
OFSA: Medlemsblad for oljearbeidernes fellessammenslutning.
Stene, Lillian Katarina
Psykososialt arbeidsmiljø.
OFSA: Medlemsblad for oljearbeidernes fellessammenslutning.