Steinar Sanni

Associate Professor

Steinar Sanni


Telephone: 51831710 / 92609135


Room: KE C-282


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Lyng, Emily; Flage, Roger


Exposure and effects of synthetic enhanced oil recovery polymers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Regional Studies in Marine Science.

ISSN 2352-4855.

Volum 69.

DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103334

Vora, Mehul Arun; Njau, John-Sigvard Gamlem; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger


Environmental risk assessment of inter-well partitioning tracer compounds shortlisted for the offshore oil and gas industry.

Energy exploration & exploitation.

ISSN 0144-5987.

DOI: 10.1177/01445987221097999

Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger


An environmental risk assessment framework for enhanced oil recovery solutions from offshore oil and gas industry.

Environmental impact assessment review.

ISSN 0195-9255.

Volum 88.

DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2020.106512

Turja, Raisa; Sanni, Steinar; Stankeviciute, Milda; Butrimaviciene, Laura; Dévier, Marie-Helene; Budzinski, Helene; Lehtonen, Kari K.


Biomarker responses and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Mytilus trossulus and Gammarus oceanicus during exposure to crude oil.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

ISSN 0944-1344.

Volum 27.


DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-07946-7

Sanni, Steinar; Brooks, Steven; Lyng, Emily; Pampanin, Daniela Maria


Experience with the use of Biomarkers as Risk Indicators in Environmental Risk Assessment of oil based discharges offshore.

Journal of Chemical Engineering And Bioanalytical Chemistry.

ISSN 2575-5641.

Volum 2.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.25177/JCEBC.2.1.4

Sanni, Steinar; Björkblom, Carina; Jonsson, Henrik; Godal, Brit F.; Liewenborg, Birgitta; Lyng, Emily; Pampanin, Daniela Maria


I: Biomarker quantification in fish exposed to crude oil as input to species sensitivity distributions and threshold values for environmental monitoring.

Marine Environmental Research.

ISSN 0141-1136.

Volum 125.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.12.002

Sanni, Steinar; Lyng, Emily; Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Smit, Mathijs GD


II. Species sensitivity distributions based on biomarkers and whole organism responses for integrated impact and risk assessment criteria.

Marine Environmental Research.

ISSN 0141-1136.

Volum 127.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.12.003

Sanni, Steinar; Lyng, Emily; Pampanin, Daniela Maria


III. Use of biomarkers as Risk Indicators in Environmental Risk Assessment of oil based discharges offshore.

Marine Environmental Research.

ISSN 0141-1136.

Volum 127.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.12.004

Arnberg, Maj; Moodley, Leon; Dunaevskaya, Evgenia; Ramanand, Sreerekha S.; Ingvarsdottir, Anna; Nilsen, Marianne; Ravagnan, Elisa; Westerlund, Stig; Sanni, Steinar; Tarling, Geraint A.; Bechmann, Renée Katrin


Effects of chronic crude oil exposure on early developmental stages of the Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica).

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.

ISSN 1528-7394.

Volum 80.

Hefte 16-18.


DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2017.1352204

Redmond, Kirsten; Berry, Mark; Sanni, Steinar; Andersen, Odd Ketil


Effect of dispersed crude oil on the feeding activity, retention efficiency, and filtration rate of differently sized blue mussels (Mytilus edulis).

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.

ISSN 1528-7394.

Volum 79.

Hefte 13-15.


DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2016.1171996

Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund; Klungsøyr, Jarle; Sanni, Steinar


Environmental impacts of produced water and drilling waste discharges from the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry.

Marine Environmental Research.

ISSN 0141-1136.

Volum 92.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.09.012

Beyer, Jonny; Myhre, Lars Petter; Sundt, Rolf; Meier, Sonnich; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik; Vabø, Rune; Klungsøyr, Jarle; Sanni, Steinar


Environmental risk assessment of alkylphenols from offshore produced water on fish reproduction.

Marine Environmental Research.

ISSN 0141-1136.

Volum 75.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2011.11.011

Ingvarsdottir, Anna; Björkblom, Carina; Ravagnan, Elisa; Godal, Brit Fjone; Arnberg, Maj; Joachim, Donna Leslie; Sanni, Steinar


Effects of different concentrations of crude oil on first feeding larvae of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus).

Journal of Marine Systems.

ISSN 0924-7963.

Volum 93.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.10.014

Beyer, Jonny; Sanni, Steinar; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Jonsson, Grete; Sundt, Rolf


Alkylphenol Metabolites in Fish Bile As Biomarkers of Exposure to Offshore Oil Industry Produced Water in Feral Fish.

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.

ISSN 1528-7394.

Volum 74.

Hefte 7-9.


DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2011.550565

Baussant, Thierry; Ortiz-Zarragoitia, Maren; Cajaraville, Miren P.; Sanni, Steinar; Bechmann, Katrin Renèe; Taban, Ingrid Christina


Effects of chronic exposure to dispersed oil on selected reproductive processes in adult blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and the consequences for the early life stages of their larvae.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

ISSN 0025-326X.

Volum 62.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.04.029

Jonsson, Henrik; Aas, Endre; Sanni, Steinar; Sundt, Rolf


The Arctic is no longer put on ice: Evaluation of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) as a monitoring species of oil pollution in cold waters.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

ISSN 0025-326X.

Hefte 60.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.200910014

Bechmann, Renée K.; Larsen, Bodil Katrine; Taban, Ingrid Christina; Hellgren, Lars I; Møller, Per; Sanni, Steinar


Chronic exposure of adults and embryos of Pandalus borealis to oil causes PAH accumulation, initiation of biomarker responses and an increase in larval mortality.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

ISSN 0025-326X.

Volum 60.

Hefte 11.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.07.010

Jonsson, Henrik; Sundt, Rolf; Aas, Endre; Sanni, Steinar


The Arctic is no longer put on ice: Evaluation of Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) as a monitoring species of oil pollution in cold waters.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

ISSN 0025-326X.

Volum 60.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.10.014

Skadsheim, Arnfinn; Sanni, Steinar; Pinturier, Laurence; Moltu, Ulf Einar; Buffagni, Melania; Bracco, Laura


Assessing and monitoring local and long-range-transported hydrocarbons as potential stressors to fish stocks.

Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.

ISSN 0967-0645.

Volum 56.

Hefte 21-22.


DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.11.014

Smit, Mathjis; Bechmann, Renée Katrin; Hendriks, A. Jan; Skadsheim, Arnfinn; Larsen, Bodil Katrine; Baussant, Thierry; Bamber, Shaw Duncan; Sanni, Steinar


Relating biomarkers to whole-organism effects using species sensitivity distributions: a pilot study for marine species exposed to oil.

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

ISSN 0730-7268.

Volum 28.

Hefte 5.


Sundt, Rolf; Meier, Sonnich; Jonsson, Grete; Sanni, Steinar; Beyer, Jonny


Development of a laboratory exposure system using marine fish to carry out realistic effect studies with produced water discharged from offshore oil production.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

ISSN 0025-326X.

Volum 58.

Hefte 9.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.04.016

Baussant, Thierry; Bechmann, Katrin Renèe; Taban, Ingrid Christina; Tandberg, Anne Helene Solberg; Bjørnstad, Anne; Torgrimsen, S.; Nævdal, A.; Øysæd, Kjell Birger; Jonsson, G.; Sanni, Steinar


Enzymatic and cellular responses in relation to body burden of PAHs in bivalve molluscs: A case study with chronic levels of North Sea and Barents Sea dispersed oil.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

ISSN 0025-326X.

Volum 58.

Hefte 12.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.08.007

Bøker og kapitler

Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger


Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of IOR solutions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf .

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Steven, Brooks; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Sanni, Steinar


Water Column Monitoring 2017. Environmental monitoring of petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf 2017..

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.

Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund; Klungsøyr, Jarle; Sanni, Steinar


Langtidsvirkninger av utslipp til sjø fra petroleumsvirksomheten. Resultater fra ti års forskning. Program Havet og kysten.

Norges forskningsråd.

ISBN 978-82-12-03027-5.


Vora, Mehul Arun; Gamlem Njau, John-Sigvard; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger


Environmental risk assessment of inter-well partitioning tracer compounds shortlisted for offshore oil and gas industry.


2021-12-05 - 2021-12-09.

Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Sanni, Steinar; Brooks, Steven; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Lyng, Emily


From individuals to ecosystem: the use of biomarkers as risk indicators for operational discharges of oil and gas activity in the North Sea.

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019;

2019-02-04 - 2019-02-07.

Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger; Madland, Merete Vadla


Environmental risk assessment of Smart Water EOR. .

OG 21 Conference;


Sanni, Steinar; Lyng, Emily; Pampanin, Daniela Maria


Experience with the use of biomarkers as Risk Indicators in Environmental Risk Assessment of oil based discharges offshore.


2018-05-13 - 2018-05-17.

Sanni, Steinar


NORCE (IRIS) Deep Sea Environmental R&D forcus for oil industry.

The Blue Industries & DeepSea Conservation Round-Table durng Norway Brazil week 2018 (November);


Sanni, Steinar


BraNor Environmental R&D networks building collaboration with Deep sea focus: Experiences and ways forward.

The Blue Industries & DeepSea Conservation Round-Table durng Norway Brazil week 2018 (November);


Sanni, Steinar


How we do different kinds of marine environmental assessments in Norway - "No harmful effects" of discharges-a challenge to be able to evaluate.

Guest lecture series at NUPEM;


Lyng, Emily; Sanni, Steinar


Environmental Risk Assessment methodology for operational discharges on Norwegian Continental Shelf.

VIth November Conference 2018;

2018-11-12 - 2018-11-13.

Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Brooks, Steven; Sanni, Steinar; Lyng, Emily; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Sundt, Rolf C


The environmenatl monitoring of operational discharges of oil and gas activity in the North Sea: linking field monitoring to risk assessment.

Gulf of Mexico oil spill and ecosystem science conference;

2018-02-05 - 2018-02-08.

Moodley, Leon; Fjelde, Ingebret; Sanni, Steinar; Guo, Ying


The trophic significance of EOR polymers to marine environment – A threat or “treat”?.

5th November Conference;

2017-11-06 - 2017-11-07.

Sanni, Steinar; Pampanin, Daniela M.; Goonewardene, S. P.; Hara, C.; Kindaya, E. Tsigereda; Lovasoa, C A; Randrianarimanana, J. V.; Mulyarenko, Daria; Bagi, Andrea


Ecotoxicity of thermally treated oil based drilling wastes.

The fourth international conference "Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management";

2014-09-02 - 2014-09-05.

Redmond, Kirsten; Berry, Mark; Sanni, Steinar; Andersen, Odd Ketil


On the implications of size for mussel sensitivity as indicator organisms: an example from feeding behaviour experiments and implications for use in laserbased biosensor methods.

5th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium;

2014-10-22 - 2014-10-24.

Carroll, JoLynn; Skeie, Geir Morten; Bogstad, Bjarte; Klok, Chris; Nepstad, Raymond; Juselius, Jonas; Broch, Ole Jacob; Brönner, Ute; Eiane, Ketil; Geraudie, Perrine; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Hendriks, Jan; Hjorth, Morten; de Hoop, Lisette; Howell, Daniel; Janssen, Colin; De Laender, Frederik; Langangen, Øystein; Moe, S. Jannicke; Nordtug, Trond; Olsen, Gro Harlaug; Ravagnan, Elisa; Reed, Mark; Sanni, Steinar; Spikkerud, Cathrine; Slagstad, Dag; Stige, Leif Christian; Varpe, Øystein; Viaene, Karel; Vikebø, Frode Bendiksen; de Vries, Pepijn


An ecosystem-based modeling system for predicting oil spill impacts in the marine environment.

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference;

2014-01-26 - 2014-01-29.

Redmond, Kirsten; Sanni, Steinar; Berry, Mark; Andersen, Odd Ketil


The effect of Arctic produced water on the fitness of Mytilus edulis: the potential for the use of growth and particle retention efficiency as real-time monitoring endpoints.

Arctic Frontiers 2013: Geopolitics and production in a changing Arctic;

2013-01-20 - 2013-01-25.

Redmond, Kirsten; Berry, Mark; Sanni, Steinar; Andersen, Odd Ketil


The effect of dispersed crude oil on the pumping rate, feeding rate and valve gaping behaviour of blue mussels, Mytilus edulis: new methods for environmental monitoring.

Nordic Marine Science Conference;

2013-10-28 - 2013-10-30.

Bechmann, Renèe Katrin; Taban, Ingrid C.; Larsen, Bodil Katrine; Hellgren, Lars I; Sanni, Steinar


Chronic exsposure of adults, embryos and larvae of Pandalus borealis to oil causes PAH accumulation, initiation of biomarker responses and reduced fitness.

Arctic Frontiers;

2012-01-25 - 2012-01-27.

Sanni, Steinar


Building Biomarker Bridges.

Arctic Frontiers;

2012-01-25 - 2012-12-27.

Sanni, Steinar


Biomarkers and Risk Assessment.

Oil in Ice;

2012-01-23 - 2012-01-25.

Sanni, Steinar


On-line monitoring methods.

ICES Working Group of Biological Effects of Contaminants (WGBEC) Annual meeting;

2012-03-12 - 2012-03-16.

Sanni, Steinar


Species differences in core Biomarkers.

ICES - Working Group of Biological Effects of Contaminants Annual Meeting;

2012-03-12 - 2012-03-16.

Sanni, Steinar


Implementation of Risk indicators in the water column effect monitoring program.

Forum for offshore miljøovervåking;

2012-10-30 - 2012-10-31.

Sanni, Steinar


Måler Barents-artenes tålegrense.

UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

Hefte 3.


Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund; Klungsøyr, Jarle; Sanni, Steinar


Ten years of research into the effects of discharges from the petroleum industry.

arctic update.

ISSN 1891-9669.

Hefte 1.


Sanni, Steinar; Bechmann, Renèe Katrin; Arnberg, Maj; Dupont, Sam


On-going research at IRIS on the interaction between acidification and oil pollution.

ICES - SCICOM Steering Group on Human Interactions on Ecosystems (SSGHIE), Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants WGBEC;

2012-03-12 - 2012-03-16.

Beyer, Jonny; Myhre, Lars Petter; Sundt, R.C.; Meier, S; Tollefsen, KE; Vabø, Rune; Klungsøyr, J.; Sanni, Steinar


Effects of alkylphenols in offshore oil industry produced water on reproduction in North Sea fish stocks: An environmental risk assessment.

Oral presentation at the conference;

2011-05-16 - 2011-05-18.

Beyer, Jonny; Skadsheim, Arnfinn; Kelland, Malcolm Andrew; alfsnes, Kjetil; Sanni, Steinar


Ecotoxicology of Oilfield Chemicals: The Relevance of Evaluating Low-dose and Longterm Impact on Fish and Invertebrates in Marine Recipients, SPE 65039.

2001 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry;

2001-02-13 - 2001-02-16.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Sanni, Steinar; "The People, Speak"


"Talkaoke" over temaet Olje- og Miljøsikkerhet.

Article 12 - DIALOG. Biennale for elektronisk og ustabil kunst.