Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Barquet, Karina;
Morsut, Claudia;
Rhinard, Mark Charles Thomas;
Englund, Mathilda;
Mees, Heleen;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Neby, Simon;
Jochemsen, Nenya;
Angell, Elisabeth
Variations of riskification: Climate change adaptation in four European cities.
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (RHCPP).
ISSN 1944-4079.
Volum 15.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12322
Rhinard, Mark Charles Thomas;
Morsut, Claudia;
Angell, Elisabeth;
Neby, Simon;
Englund, Mathilda;
Barquet, Karina;
Mees, Heleen;
Surian, Jana;
Vashishtha, Swapnil;
Segnestam, Lisa;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland
Understanding variation in national climate change adaptation: Securitization in focus.
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.
ISSN 2399-6544.
DOI: 10.1177/23996544231212730
Gabel, Friedrich;
Krüger, Marco;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Bridging the gap between vulnerable groups and vulnerable situations: Towards an integrative perspective on vulnerability for disaster risk reduction..
I: Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk
Reduction 2022: Our World at Risk: Transforming Governance for a Resilient Future.
ISBN 9789212320281.
Morsut, Claudia
Europeanisation of non-military dimensions of Security : The case of Norway.
I: Small states and security in Europe : Between national and international policymaking.
ISBN 9780367535513.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
International Public Management Review (IPMR).
ISSN 1662-1387.
Volum 20.
Hefte 1.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Krüger, Marco;
Segnestam, Lisa;
Orru, Kati;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav;
Airola, Merja;
Keränen, Jaana;
Gabel, Friedrich;
Hansson, Sten;
Torpan, Sten
Vulnerability and vulnerable groups from an intersectionality perspective.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
ISSN 2212-4209.
Volum 50.
Hefte November.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101826
Stene, Lillian Katarina;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Vulnerability revitalized : How can vulnerable groups enhance societal resilience.
I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Irregular migration and risk : Mapping risks for those leaving and for those receiving.
I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Morsut, Claudia
EU risk governance of migrants and refugees’ influxes: a realistic foundation for crisis governance?.
I: Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World. Proceedings of ESREL 2018, June 17-21, 2018, Trondheim, Norway.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781351174657.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
The (European) Union civil protection mechanism: a reliable crisis governance tool?.
I: Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice : Proceedings of ESREL 2016 (Glasgow, Scotland, 25-29 September 2016).
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781138029972.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Human factors in crisis governance: The L’Aquila case.
I: Safety & Reliability, Theory and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-1138629370.
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Morsut, Claudia
Resilience in a multilevel crisis governance context: A tale of joint implementation of community, regional, national and EU response capabilities..
I: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781138028791.
Morsut, Claudia
Italia e Nazioni Unite. La questione dell'ammissione (1943 - 1955). Politica e diplomazia internazionali in tempo di Guerra Fredda.
ISBN 978-3-639-65924-5.
Bøker og kapitler
Meyer, Sunniva Frislid;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav;
Morsut, Claudia
Tiltak for å bedre beredskapen for sårbare personer i Norge.
Transportøkonomisk institutt.
ISBN 978-82-480-1516-1.
Hefte 2011/2024.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Resilience and vulnerability.
I: Handbook to improve societal disaster resilience - BuildERS project findings.
ISBN 978-951-38-8768-1.
Rhinard, Mark;
Morsut, Claudia
Kajganovic, Jelena;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Hinton, Jennifer;
Rhinard, Mark;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav;
Jukarainen, Pirjo;
Keränen, Jaana;
Olsen, Alexandra;
Orru, Kati;
Lovasz, Gabriella;
Piseddu, Tommaso;
Ludvigsen, Johanna
D8.5 Sustainability Report. BuildERS Report.
Rhinard, Mark;
Hinton, Jennifer;
Gabel, Friedrich;
Schobert, Maira;
Olsen, Alexandra;
Mehvar, Abdi;
Piseddu, Tommaso;
Morsut, Claudia;
Orru, Kati;
Jukarainen, Pirjo;
Mela, Marianne;
Kajganovic, Jelena;
Pilsas, Gerttu;
Tominga, Ago;
Keränen, Jaana
D5.2: Innovation Policy Recommendations BuildERS Report.
Rhinard, Mark;
Hinton, Jennifer;
Bennich, Therese;
Engstrom, Alina;
Orru, Kati;
Hansson, Sten;
Jukarainen, Pirjo;
Myllylä, Miia;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Gabel, Friedrich;
Schobert, Maira;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav;
Olsen, Alexandra;
Klaos, Margo;
Kajganovic, Jelena
D5.3: Resilience Policy Recommendations. BuildERS Report.
Jukarainen, Pirjo;
Mela, Marianne;
Valsta, Emilia;
Orru, Kati;
Lusikka, Toni;
Latvakoski, Juhani;
Keränen, Jaana;
Pilsas, Gerttu;
Rhinard, Mark;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Gabel, Friedrich;
Berawi, Mohammed Ali;
Kajganovic, Jelena;
Vrabie, Catalina;
Schobert, Maira;
Tominga, Ago;
Hinton, Jennifer
D6.6 Stakeholder Validation of Research Findings and Co-Creation of Innovations. BuildERS Report.
Capone, Francesca;
Petrenj, Boris;
Morsut, Claudia;
Polese, Maria;
Casarotti, Chiara;
Di Bucci, Daniela;
Rebora, Nicola;
Dolce, Mauro;
Prota, Andrea;
Viegas, Domingos
Good practices in multi-hazard risk scenarios. ROADMAP Project Thematic Paper 1.
Tagliacozzo, Serena;
Rizzoli, Valentina;
Morsut, Claudia;
Di Bucci, Daniela;
Casarotti, Chiara;
Polese, Maria;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Fagà, Giulia;
Rebora, Nicola;
Dolce, Mauro;
Prota, Andrea;
Viegas, Domingos
Good practices in risk and crisis communication. ROADMAP Project Thematic Paper 2.
Tagliacozzo, Serena;
Farabollini, Piero;
Morsut, Claudia;
Casarotti, Chiara;
Di Bucci, Daniela;
Polese, Maria;
Giuliani, Francesca;
Hamidova, Erminia;
Rebora, Nicola;
Dolce, Mauro;
Prota, Andrea;
Viegas, Domingos
Good practices in Building Back Better and Leave No one Behind. ROADMAP Project - Thematic Paper 3.
Di Bucci, Daniela;
Casarotti, Chiara;
Morsut, Claudia;
Polese, Maria;
Rebora, Nicola;
Giuliani, Francesca;
Rodrigues, Tiago;
Viegas, Domingos;
Fagà, Giulia;
Centoducati, Carlo;
De Siervo, Giovanni;
Dolce, Mauro;
Gotti, Andrea;
Hamidova, Erminia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Prota, Andrea;
Ribeiro, Luis Mario;
Capone, Francesca;
Farabollini, Piero;
Petrenj, Boris;
Rizzoli, Valentina;
Tagliacozzo, Serena
Shared basic elements for a ‘European Doctrine on Disaster Risk and Crisis Management’. ROADMAP Vision Paper. ROADMAP Project.
Hagenlocher, Michael;
Thieken, Annegret;
Schneiderbauer, Stefan;
Aguirre Ayerbe, Ignacio;
Dobes, Pavel;
Donovan, Amy;
Morsut, Claudia;
Paris, Nicholas;
Pedoth, Lydia;
Tonmoy, Fahim
Risk Assessment.
I: Science for Disaster Risk Management 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow.
ISBN 978-92-76-18182-8.
Rhinard, Mark;
Bennich, Therese;
Engstrom, Alina;
Orru, Kati;
Hansson, Sten;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Schobert, Maira;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav
Morsut, Claudia;
Rhinard, Mark
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Airola, Merja;
Keränen, Jaana;
Orru, Kati;
Hansson, Sten;
Torpan, Sten;
Berg, Fanny;
Rhinard, Mark;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav;
Bennich, Therese;
Segnestam, Lisa;
Schobert, Maira;
Krüger, Marco
Report on segments of vulnerability country by country basis – inside and outside the official data (D1.3).
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar;
Schobert, Maira;
Krüger, Marco;
Gabel, Friedrich;
Orru, Kati;
Hansson, Sten;
Nahkur, Oliver;
Rhinard, Mark;
Molarius, Riitta;
Schmersal, Elsa;
Savadori, Lucia;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav
Final report of the unified theoretical framework on the concepts of risk awareness, social, capital, vulnerability, resilience and their interdependencies (D1.2).
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Kruger, Marco;
Gabel, Friedrich;
Nakhur, Oliver;
Orru, Kati;
Narusson, Dagmar;
Siibak, Andra;
Hanson, Sten;
Rhinard, Mark;
Berg, Fanny;
Salvadori, Lucia;
Nævestad, Tor-Olav
Hanson, Sten;
Siibak, Andra;
Back, Asta;
Orru, Kati;
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Gabel, Friedrich;
Kruger, Marco;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Report on communication behaviour and use of social media in Europe (D1.4).
Morsut, Claudia;
Irrera, Daniela
Security Beyond the State : the EU in an Age of Tranformation.
Verlag Barbara Budrich.
ISBN 9783847420989.
LeCoze, Jean Christophe;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Ylonen, Marja;
Morsut, Claudia;
Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard;
Pettersen, Kenneth Arne;
Heikkila, Joukko
Sociotechnical systems theory and regulation of safety in high-risk industries. White paper.
ISBN 978-951-38-8523-6.
Hefte 293.
Ylonen, Marja;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
LeCoze, Jean Christophe;
Pettersen, Kenneth Arne;
Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard;
Morsut, Claudia;
Heikkila, Joukko
Sociotechnical safety assessment within three risk regulation regimes.
ISBN 978-951-38-8528-1.
Hefte 295.
Morsut, Claudia
Looking for societal security in the Norwegian government’s discourse on integration.
The Baltic Sea Region: Hard and Soft Security Reconsidered.
ISBN 978-9984-583-89-1.
Leknes, Einar;
Morsut, Claudia
Nordland Fylkeskommunes internasjonale engasjement.
Morsut, Claudia;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Neby, Simon;
Angell, Elisabeth
Paper presentation: Translations of securitisation of climate change consequences at local level: climate change adaptation in Bergen and Stavanger municipalities .
Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap;
2024-01-08 - 2024-01-10.
Morsut, Claudia
Klimatilpasning i Stavanger og Bergen: lokal forståelse i lys av risikoer, klima trussel og normalpolitikk.
Morsut, Claudia
BuildERS findings on vulnerability, risk awareness, risk and crisis communication.
PreparEU Pilot workshop focusing on vulnerable groups and preparedness -reaching out and engage;
2024-03-19 - 2024-03-20.
Morsut, Claudia
Resilience a challenging concept.
TDD Internal Training Deep Dive Events;
Morsut, Claudia
Is anticipatory governance making the EU more resilient to polycrises?.
Interdisciplinary workshop Anticipatory Governance in the Anthropocene: Opacity, Cybernetics, and Resilience ;
2024-11-04 - 2024-11-05.
Morsut, Claudia
ROADMAP2 main findings WP2.
ROADMAP2 project final conference;
2024-12-09 - 2024-12-10.
Morsut, Claudia
Application of multi-risk scenarios in local exercises.
ROADMAP2 webinar;
Neby, Simon;
Angell, Elisabeth;
Morsut, Claudia;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland
Den nasjonale klimatilpasningspolitikken i Norge: mellom risiko, sektorgrenser og umodenhet.
Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap;
2023-01-09 - 2023-01-11.
Angell, Elisabeth;
Neby, Simon;
Morsut, Claudia;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland
Klimatilpasning i Norge: Mellom risiko, beredskap og normalsituasjon .
Felles forskningsgruppesamling ;
2023-04-18 - 2023-04-19.
Angell, Elisabeth;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Morsut, Claudia;
Neby, Simon
Er beredskap og klimatilpasning to sider av samme sak?
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Morsut, Claudia
Presentation of ROADMAP2 project to the European Commission.
2023-02-01 - 2023-02-02.
Morsut, Claudia
Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crises Governance, writing seminar.
Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crises Governance;
2023-03-27 - 2023-03-28.
Morsut, Claudia
Crisis Management in the EU Context.
Swedish and Dutch national crisis centers ;
2023-09-26 - 2023-09-27.
Morsut, Claudia
Panel organisation and presentation: Local pathways of climate change adaptation: discourses, actors and tools .
Earth Science Governance Conference ;
2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26.
Morsut, Claudia;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland
Local climate change adaptation in Stavanger municipality (Norway).
Earth Science Governance Conference ;
2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26.
Morsut, Claudia;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Neby, Simon;
Angell, Elisabeth;
Karina, Barquet;
Mathilda, Englund;
Heleen, Mees;
Jochemsen, Nenya
RISKSEC2.0 Local Stakeholders Workshop.
RISKSEC2.0 Stakeholders' workshop;
2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28.
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Morsut, Claudia
Interfacing risk logic, riskification, and risk governance: some research implications. .
ESREL 2023 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference: The Future of Safety in the Reconnected World ;
2023-09-03 - 2023-09-07.
Morsut, Claudia
Klimatilpasning i Stavanger og Bergen: lokal forståelse i lys av risikoer, klima trussel og normal politikk.
Plan - og byggesakskonferansen;
2023-11-20 - 2023-11-21.
Morsut, Claudia
From Securitization to Desecuritization? Tracking the Evolution of European Union Security Discourses on Climate Chang.
SGEU 2022;
2022-06-08 - 2022-06-10.
Morsut, Claudia
The Collective Securitization of Climate Change Adaptation.
ECPR 2022;
2022-08-21 - 2022-08-26.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Social Capital Webinar: Social capital, resilience and vulnerability in crisis management .
International Social Capital Association ISCA;
Morsut, Claudia
Societal Security in Norway.
Disaster Risk Management Training online series 2022 organised by DRMKC and CONRIS;
Il Meccanismo Europeo di Protezione Civile.
IKIS Italiensk Kulturforening i Stavanger ;
Karlson, Cathrine Witnes;
Morsut, Claudia;
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland
Local level climate risk management – a critical investigation of the risk logic.
ECPR General Conference;
2022-08-22 - 2022-08-26.
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Morsut, Claudia
Climate risk governance on local level: discussing a systemic risk approach for safe and reliable transformation of a local industry system.
36th International Workshop by NeTWork;
2022-10-19 - 2022-10-21.
Morsut, Claudia
The conceptual approach of BuildERS.
SRA Virtual Conference 2021;
2021-06-14 - 2021-06-16.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander;
Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes;
Trageton, Sigmund;
Mathiesen, Espen
Risikobevissthet og risikokommunikasjon i skjæringspunktet mellom SoMe og tradisjonell media.
NFR SPREAD prosjekt OF-10727;
Morsut, Claudia
Resilient European societies? Unpacking the factors of resilience within the EU.
ECPR Virtual Conference 2020;
2020-08-24 - 2020-08-28.
Morsut, Claudia
Societal Security in Norway .
13th EISA (European International Studies Association) Conference;
2019-09-11 - 2019-09-14.
Morsut, Claudia
Norwegian security policy making in civil protection and the EU.
UACES workshop on small states and security;
2019-06-26 - 2019-06-28.
Morsut, Claudia
The emergence and development of samfunnssikkerhet in Norway.
NordSTEVA final conference;
2019-11-28 - 2019-11-29.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Migrasjon: Internasjonale løsninger for en internasjonal utfordring?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Morsut, Claudia
6 – 9 September 2017
Section organiser (with Giulia Tercovich University of Warwick) S52 The evolution of EU Crisis Management: from CSDP to a broader perspective - 3 panels presentation
ECPR European Consortium for Political Research;
2017-09-06 - 2017-09-09.
Morsut, Claudia
Paper Presentation: Human factors in crisis governance: the L’Aquila case ( written with Bjørn Ivar Kruke)
ESREL European Safety and Reliability;
2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22.
Morsut, Claudia
Paper Presentation: The EU’s delegation at the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR): debating its effectiveness
11th EISA (European International Studies Association) Conference ;
2017-09-12 - 2017-09-16.
Morsut, Claudia
Participant as representative of academia
European Commission Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC);
2017-03-09 - 2017-03-10.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
The (European) Union civil protection mechanism: A reliable crisis governance tool?.
2016-09-26 - 2016-09-29.
Morsut, Claudia;
Tercovich, Giulia
The evolution of EU Crisis Management: from the CSDP to a broader perspective
The European Union in International Affairs V;
2016-05-11 - 2016-05-13.
Morsut, Claudia
Panel organiser Re-thinking EU Crisis Management: broadening and deepening EU Crisis Management understanding (with Giulia Tercovich University of Warwick), chair and paper presentation: The evolution of EU Crisis Management: from the CSDP to a broader perspective
5th EUIA (EU in International Affairs) Conference ;
2016-05-11 - 2016-05-13.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
European Union Civil Protection Mechanism: Challenges and possibilites.
The International Emergency Management Society;
2015-09-30 - 2015-10-02.
Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland;
Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard;
Pettersen, Kenneth Arne;
Morsut, Claudia
A sociotechnical perspective on risk regulation and tripartite system in the Norwegian petroleum industry.
Working on Safety, Porto;
2015-09-23 - 2015-09-25.
Morsut, Claudia
Participant as representative of academia
European Commission Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) ;
2015-11-24 - 2015-11-25.
Morsut, Claudia
Paper presentation: European Union Civil Protection Mechanism: challenges and possibilities
Paper presentation: European Union Civil Protection Mechanism: challenges and possibilities
TIEMS (International Emergency Management and Disaster Response) Conference ;
2015-09-30 - 2015-10-02.
Morsut, Claudia
Section organiser, chair and discussant (with Daniela Irrera University of Catania) S50 Security Beyond the State: The Role of the EU – 6 panels
9th EISA (European International Studies Association) Conference ;
2015-09-23 - 2015-09-26.
Morsut, Claudia
Paper presentation: Resilience in a Multilevel Crisis Governance Context: A tale of joint implementation of community, regional, national and EU civil security capabilities
14th EUSA (European Union Studies Association) Biennial Conference ;
2015-03-04 - 2015-03-08.
Morsut, Claudia;
Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
How is resilient crisis management being shaped by multilevel crisis governance?.
2014-11-25 - 2014-11-27.