Marius Sikveland

Associate Professor

Marius Sikveland


Telephone: 51833725


Room: iPark i2 Resepsjon (Handelshøyskolen / TN Adm)


UiS School of Business and Law

Department of Accounting and Law


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Sikveland, Marius; Xie, Jinghua; Zhang, Dengjun


Determinants of capital structure in the hospitality industry: Impact of clustering and seasonality on debt and liquidity.

International Journal of Hospitality Management.

ISSN 0278-4319.

Volum 102.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2022.103172

Sikveland, Marius; Tveterås, Ragnar; Zhang, Dengjun


Profitability differences between public and private firms: The case of Norwegian salmon aquaculture.

Aquaculture Economics & Management.

ISSN 1365-7305.

DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2021.1970856

Sikveland, Marius; Zhang, Dengjun


Determinants of capital structure in the Norwegian salmon aquaculture industry.

Marine Policy.

ISSN 0308-597X.

Volum 119.

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104061

Zhang, Dengjun; Xie, Jinghua; Sikveland, Marius


Tourism seasonality and hotel firms’ financial performance: evidence from Norway.

Current Issues in Tourism.

ISSN 1368-3500.

DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1857714

Itemgenova, Aigerim; Sikveland, Marius


The determinants of the price-earnings ratio in the Norwegian aquaculture industry.

Journal of Commodity Markets.

ISSN 2405-8513.

Volum 17.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcomm.2019.04.001

Zhang, Dengjun; Sikveland, Marius; Hermansen, Øystein


Fishing fleet capacity and profitability.

Marine Policy.

ISSN 0308-597X.

Volum 88.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.11.017

Misund, Bård; Sikveland, Marius


Takeover likelihood in the oil and gas industry: firm-specific, macroeconomic or industry-specific causes?.

Journal of Energy Markets.

ISSN 1756-3607.

Volum 11.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.21314/JEM.2018.170

Asche, Frank; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura; Sikveland, Marius


Market Shocks In Salmon Aquaculture: The Impact Of The Chilean Disease Crisis.

Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.

ISSN 1074-0708.

Volum 50.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1017/aae.2017.33

Asche, Frank; Sikveland, Marius; Zhang, Dengjun


Profitability in Norwegian salmon farming: The impact of firm size and price variability.

Aquaculture Economics & Management.

ISSN 1365-7305.

Volum 22.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2018.1385659

Misund, Bård; Mohn, Klaus; Sikveland, Marius


Exploration risk in international oil and gas shareholder returns.

Journal of Energy Markets.

ISSN 1756-3607.

Volum 10.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.21314/JEM.2017.167

Asche, Frank; Sikveland, Marius


The Behavior of Operating Earnings in the Norwegian Salmon Farming Industry.

Aquaculture Economics & Management.

ISSN 1365-7305.

Volum 19.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2015.1057880

Misund, Bård; Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius


International oil company valuation: the effect of accounting method and vertical integration.

Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management.

ISSN 1554-2904.

Volum 34.

Hefte 1.


Misund, Bård; Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius



IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2508478

Asche, Frank; Misund, Bård; Sikveland, Marius


The relationship between spot and contract gas prices in Europe.

Energy Economics.

ISSN 0140-9883.

Volum 38.


DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2013.02.010

Asche, Frank; Øglend, Atle; Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius


Cyclical Gas Demand And Volatility Transmission In European Oil And Gas Markets.

IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

Dahl, Roy Endre; Øglend, Atle; Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius


Are oil and natural gas going separate ways in the United Kingdom? Cointegration tests with structural shifts.

Journal of Energy Markets.

ISSN 1756-3607.

Volum 5.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.21314/jem.2012.073

Asche, Frank; Øglend, Atle; Sikveland, Marius; Osmundsen, Petter


Volatility and risk sharing in European gas markets. I: proceedings, International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), Vilnius, 25-28. august.

Asche, Frank; Osmundsen, Petter; Øglend, Atle; Sikveland, Marius



IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

Asche, Frank; Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius; Tveterås, Ragnar


Volatility and risk sharing in European gas markets. I: proceedings, International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), San Francisco, 21-24 juni.

Øglend, Atle; Sikveland, Marius


The Behaviour of Salmon Price Volatility.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 23.



Zhang, Dengjun; Sikveland, Marius; Xie, Jinghua


REISELIVET ETTER COVID-19:Større sesongvariasjoner i etterspørsel og høyere konkursrisiko?.

HRR: Hotell, restaurant & reiseliv.

Misund, Bård; Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius


Vertical Integration and the value relevance of accounting information from international oil and gas companies.

14th International IAEE Conference;

2014-10-28 - 2014-10-31.

Asche, Frank; Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius; Tveterås, Ragnar


Volatility and risk sharing in European gas markets.

International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE),;

2009-06-21 - 2009-06-24.

Osmundsen, Petter; Sikveland, Marius


Volatility and Risk Sharing in European Gas Markets.

IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.