Kristin Helen Roll


Kristin Helen Roll


Telephone: 51832258


Room: KE D-423


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Safety, Economics and Planning


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Nygård, Rune; Roll, Kristin Helen


Cross-hedging wild salmon prices.

Journal of Commodity Markets.

ISSN 2405-8513.

Volum 33.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcomm.2024.100390

Khan, Md. Akhtaruzzaman; Rahman, Md. Takibur; Roll, Kristin Helen; Guttormsen, Atle


Towards Economic Sustainability or Unsustainability: The Case of Artisanal Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 38.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1086/723732

Reiersen, Jon; Roll, Kristin Helen; Williams, Jesse Dyland; Carlsson, Bengt Wilhelm Michael


Trust: A double-edged sword in combating the COVID-19 pandemic?.

Frontiers in Communication.

ISSN 2297-900X.

Volum 7.

DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.822302

Straume, Hans-Martin; Asche, Frank; Oglend, Atle; Abrahamsen, Eirik Bjorheim; Birkenbach, Anna M.; Langguth, Johannes; Lanquepin, Guillaume; Roll, Kristin Helen


Impacts of Covid-19 on Norwegian salmon exports: A firm-level analysis.


ISSN 0044-8486.

Volum 561.

DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738678

Roll, Kristin Helen; Nygård, Rune; Fissel, Benjamin; Hilger, James


Are US Wild Salmon Products Affected by Farmed Salmon? A Cointegration Analysis.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 37.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1086/720517

Pincinato, Ruth Beatriz; Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen


Escapees in salmon aquaculture: A multi-output approach.

Land Economics.

ISSN 0023-7639.

Volum 97.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.3368/le.97.2.425

Khan, Akhtaruzzaman; Roll, Kristin Helen; Guttormsen, Atle


Profit efficiency of Pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus) pond fish farming in Bangladesh – The effect of farm size.


ISSN 0044-8486.

Volum 539.

DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736662

Nielsen, Max; Andersen, Peder; Asche, Frank; Ellefsen, Hans; Hammarlund, Cecilia; Hoff, Ayoe; Kristofersson, Dadi Mar; Nielsen, Rasmus; Rógvi, Heri á; Roll, Kristin Helen; Sævaldsson, Hordur; Virtanen, Jarno; Waldo, Staffan


Can small-scale fisheries survive market-based management? Nordic evidence.

Fish and Fisheries.

ISSN 1467-2960.

Volum 23.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1111/faf.12614

Pincinato, Ruth Beatriz; Asche, Frank; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura; Liu, Yaqin; Roll, Kristin Helen


The impact of transferable fishing quotas on cost, price, and season length.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 37.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1086/716728

Roll, Kristin Helen; Asche, Frank; Bjørndal, Trond


The effect of introducing fuel tax to the Norwegian fishery industry.

Marine Policy.

ISSN 0308-597X.

Volum 135.

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104829

Roll, Kristin Helen


Moral hazard: the effect of insurance on risk and efficiency.

Agricultural Economics.

ISSN 0169-5150.

Volum 50.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/agec.12490

Alam, Md Akhtarul; Guttormsen, Atle; Roll, Kristin Helen


Production Risk and Technical Efficiency of Tilapia Aquaculture in Bangladesh.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 34.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1086/704129

Asche, Frank; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura; Pincinato, Ruth Beatriz; Roll, Kristin Helen


Production Risk in the Norwegian Fisheries.

Environmental and Resource Economics.

ISSN 0924-6460.

Volum 75.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1007/s10640-019-00391-2

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen


Economic inefficiency in a revenue setting: the Norwegian whitefish fishery.

Applied Economics.

ISSN 0003-6846.

Volum 50.

Hefte 56.


DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2018.1489502

Roll, Kristin Helen; Dahl, Roy Endre


Survival of the fittest: US oil productivity during business cycles.

IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

Akhtaruzzaman, Khan; Guttormsen, Atle Guttorm; Roll, Kristin Helen


Production risk of pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus) fish farming.

Aquaculture Economics & Management.

ISSN 1365-7305.

Volum 22.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2017.1284941

Kumbhakar, Subal Chandra; Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


A General Error Revenue Function Model with Technical Inefficiency: An Application to Norwegian Fishing Trawler. I: Productivity and Efficiency Analysis.


ISBN 978-3-319-23228-7.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23228-7_3

Roll, Kristin Helen; Osmundsen, Petter


Rig rates and decreasing productivity.

IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Profiting from Agglomeration? Evidence from the Salmon Aquaculture Industry.

Regional studies.

ISSN 0034-3404.

Volum 50.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2015.1055460

Guttormsen, Atle; Roll, Kristin Helen


Production Risk in a Subsistence Agriculture.

The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension.

ISSN 1389-224X.

Volum 20.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2013.775953

Tveterås, Sigbjørn; Roll, Kristin Helen


Non-stop flights and tourist arrivals.

Tourism Economics.

ISSN 1354-8166.

Volum 20.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.5367/te.2013.0263

Roll, Kristin Helen


Measuring performance, development and growth when restricting flexibility.

Journal of Productivity Analysis.

ISSN 0895-562X.

Volum 39.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1007/s11123-012-0265-3

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen



Aquaculture Economics & Management.

ISSN 1365-7305.

Volum 17.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2013.812154

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Sandvold, Hilde Ness; Sørvig, Arne; Zhang, Dengjun


Salmon aquaculture : larger companies and increased production.

Aquaculture Economics & Management.

ISSN 1365-7305.

Volum 17.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2013.812156

Asche, Frank; Guttormsen, Atle; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Produksjonsvekst, innovasjon og miljøutfordringer. Veksten i norsk lakseoppdrett.


ISSN 1890-5250.

Hefte 4.


Osmundsen, Petter; Roll, Kristin Helen


Concave Drilling Curve.

IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2229038

Osmundsen, Petter; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Drilling speed—the relevance of experience.

Energy Economics.

ISSN 0140-9883.

Volum 34.


DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2011.11.016

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


FOU, innovasjon og produktivitetsvekst i havbruk : historisk utvikling og strategier for fremtiden.

Magma forskning og viten.

ISSN 1500-0788.

Volum 15.

Hefte 1.


Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Innovations and productive performance in salmon aquaculture. I: Advances in Production Management Systems. Value Networks: Innovation, Technologies, and Management.

Springer Science+Business Media B.V..

ISBN 978-3-642-33979-0.


DOI: 10.1080/13657309909380230

Guttormsen, Atle; Roll, Kristin Helen


Technical Efficiency in a Heterogeneous Fishery: The case of Norwegian Groundfish Fisheries.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 26.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.5950/0738-1360-26.4.293

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Product innovation, process innovation and increased production: The case of aquaculture. I: Advances in production management systems : value networks : innovatio n,technologies and management.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-7644-461-2.

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Salmon Aquaculture’s Innovation Process towards Biological Manufacturing: Past Performance and Future Challenges. I: Advances in production management systems : value networks : innovatio n,technologies and management.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-7644-461-2.

Osmundsen, Petter; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Exploration drilling productivity at the Norwegian shelf.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

ISSN 0920-4105.

Volum 73.

Hefte 1-2.


DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2010.05.015

Osmundsen, Petter; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar



IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

Osmundsen, Petter; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Exploration Drilling Productivity: What Types of Experience Matter.

IAEE International Conference.

ISSN 1559-792X.

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Economic inefficiency and environmental impact: An application to aquaculture production.

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

ISSN 0095-0696.

Volum 58.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2008.10.003

Osmundsen, Petter; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Drilling Productivity on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. I: IAEE International Conference.

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Trollvik, Trine Elisabeth


New Aquaculture Species - The Whitefish Market.

Aquaculture Economics & Management.

ISSN 1365-7305.

Volum 13.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1080/13657300902881641

Andersen, Trude Berg; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Sigbjørn


The Price Responsiveness of Salmon Supply in the Short and Long Run.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 23.

Hefte 4.


Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Sigbjørn


Future trends in aquaculture : productivity growth and increased production. I: Aquaculture in the Ecosystem.

Springer Science+Business Media B.V..

ISBN 978-1-4020-6809-6.


Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Productivity Growth in the Supply Chain ? Another Source of Competitiveness for Aquaculture.

Marine Resource Economics.

ISSN 0738-1360.

Volum 22.

Hefte 3.


Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Sigbjørn


Markedsvekst : en viktig drivkraft for laksenæringens utvikling. I: Havbruk : akvakultur på norsk / Bernt Aarset og Grete Rusten (red.).



Bøker og kapitler

Roll, Kristin Helen; Asche, Frank


Økonomiske Konsekvenser av Økt Drivstoffpris for utvalgte segmenter av Norsk Fiskeflåte.

ISBN 978-82-491-0995-1.

Volum 2019.

Hefte 1.

Roll, Kristin Helen; Asche, Frank


Økt drivstoffpris – konsekvenser for den norske fiskeflåten?.

Volum 2019.

Hefte 1.

Roll, Kristin Helen; Lønningdal, Torill; Holmene, Birgitte; Haslestad, Stine


Effekter av aktivitetsskjermen "Touch & Play" for personer med demens diagnose.

Nielsen, Max; Hoff, Ayoe; Nielsen, Rasmus; Andersen, Peder; Waldo, Staffan; Hammarlund, Cecilia; Kristofersson, Dadi; Sævaldsson, Hordur; Virtanen, Jarno; Setälä, Jari; Roll, Kristin Helen; Asche, Frank; Rógvi, Heri á; Ellefsen, Hans


Structural Adjustment and Regulation of Nordic Fisheries until 2025.

ISBN 978-92-893-5802-6.

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen


Oppdrettsnæringen. I: Naturressursenes økonomi.

Gyldendal Akademisk.

ISBN 9788205468337.



Nygård, Rune; Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Misund, Bård


Investors perception of news concerning sustainability in salmon aquaculture.

IIFET 2024 Penang Aquatic Food Systems in the Blue Economy;

2024-07-15 - 2024-07-19.

Roll, Kristin Helen; Rødseth, Kenneth Løvold; Kuosmanen, Timo


Fuel efficiency in Norwegian fisheries.


2024-07-15 - 2024-07-19.

Roll, Kristin Helen


The effect of introducing fuel tax to the Norwegian fishery industry .

FAME kick-off meeting;


Roll, Kristin Helen; Pincinato, Ruth Beatriz; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura; Asche, Frank


An evaluation of the Norwegian fisheries management system for the conventional coastal vessels.

Samfunnsøkonomenes forskermøte 2018;

2018-01-03 - 2018-01-04.

Roll, Kristin Helen; Hilger, James


The Impact of Regulation: A case study of the Leatherback Turtle Conservation Area Closure and the California Drift Gill Net fishery.

IIFET 2018;

2018-07-16 - 2018-07-20.

Tveterås, Sigbjørn; Jørgensen, Helge; Tveterås, Ragner; Roll, Kristin Helen


Staff Workload Mismatch and Service Productivity.

IATE 2017;

2017-06-21 - .

Dahl, Roy Endre; Roll, Kristin Helen


Survival of the fittest: US oil productivity during business cycles.

15th IAEE European Conference 2017;

2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06.

Grasdalen, Ann Beate; Roll, Kristin Helen; Haslestad, Stine


Velferdsteknologi i praksis: Aktivitetstavlen «Touch & play».

Grasdalen, Ann Beate; Roll, Kristin Helen; Haslestad, Stine


Velferdsteknologi i praksis: Aktivitetstavlen «Touch & play».

Roll, Kristin Helen


Insurance and Moral Hazard in Salmon Aquaculture.


2017-01-05 - 2017-01-06.

Roll, Kristin Helen


Insurance effect on productivity.

Aquaculture America 2016;

2016-02-22 - 2016-02-26.

Roll, Kristin Helen; Asche, Frank


Insurance effect on productivity.


2016-04-18 - 2016-04-20.

Roll, Kristin Helen


Insurance effect on productivity.


2016-07-11 - 2016-07-15.

Tveterås, Sigbjørn; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar; Jørgensen, Helge


Workload Management and Staff Performance in the Hospitality Sector.

24th Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research;

2015-10-01 - 2015-10-03.

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen; Tveterås, Ragnar


Innovation in aquaculture.

Global Aquaculture Advocate.

ISSN 1540-8906.

Volum 16.

Hefte 2.


Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen


Bærekraft – Vellykkede kystsamfunn i et rent miljø?.

Hardangerkonferansen 2011;

2011-04-05 - .

Roll, Kristin Helen


Lakseoppdrett i Norge – en suksesshistorie.

Foredrag ved røktersamling;


Roll, Kristin Helen; Guttormsen, Atle


Technical Efficiency in a Heterogeneous Fishery: The Case of Norwegian Groundfish Fisheries.

Sixth Biennial NAAFE Forum;

2011-05-11 - 2011-05-13.

Roll, Kristin Helen; Asche, Frank


Decomposing Economic Inefficiency in a Revenue setting: The Norwegian Ground Fishery.

XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis;

2011-06-21 - 2011-06-24.

Roll, Kristin Helen


Vil fremtidens laks produseres på land?.

Norsk Fiskeoppdrett.

ISSN 0332-7132.

Asche, Frank; Roll, Kristin Helen


La lakesuksessen leve.

Dagens næringsliv.

ISSN 0803-9372.

Roll, Kristin Helen


Laks og lukking.

Dagens næringsliv.

ISSN 0803-9372.

Roll, Kristin Helen


Økt verdiskapning og nye teknologier i oppdrettsnæringen.

Dialogkonferanse; Teknologi Havbruk;


Roll, Kristin Helen


Er landbaserte anlegg fremtiden?.
