Cathrine Lillo


Cathrine Lillo


Telephone: 51831875


Room: I8 D-204


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Paponov, Martina; Flåte, Juanita; Ziegler, Jörg; Lillo, Cathrine; Paponov, Ivan


Heterogeneous nutrient supply modulates root exudation and accumulation of medicinally valuable compounds in Artemisia annua and Hypericum perforatum.

Frontiers in Plant Science.

ISSN 1664-462X.

Volum 14.


DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1174151

Elshobaky, Ahmed; Lillo, Cathrine; Hodén, Kristian Persson; Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass


Protein–Protein Interactions and Quantitative Phosphoproteomic Analysis Reveal Potential Mitochondrial Substrates of Protein Phosphatase 2A-B’ζ Holoenzyme.


ISSN 2223-7747.

Volum 12.

Hefte 13.

DOI: 10.3390/plants12132586

Heidariahootapeh, Behzad; Nemie-Feyissa, Dugassa; Lillo, Cathrine


Distinct Clades of Protein Phosphatase 2A Regulatory B’/B56 Subunits Engage in Different Physiological Processes.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

ISSN 1661-6596.

Volum 24.

Hefte 15.

DOI: 10.3390/ijms241512255

Creighton, Maria Terese; Nemie-Feyissa, Dugassa; Zaman, Nabeela; Johansen, Sverre S.; Dysjaland, Hege; Heidariahootapeh, Behzad; Lillo, Cathrine


Loss of LEUCINE CARBOXYL METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 interferes with metal homeostasis in Arabidopsis and enhances susceptibility to environmental stresses.

Journal of plant physiology.

ISSN 0176-1617.

Volum 279.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2022.153843

Averkina, Irina Orestovna; Paponov, Ivan; Sanchez-Serrano, Jose J; Lillo, Cathrine


Specific PP2A catalytic subunits are a prerequisite for positive growth effects in arabidopsis co-cultivated with Azospirillum brasilense and pseudomonas simiae.


ISSN 2223-7747.

Volum 10.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.3390/plants10010066

Averkina, Irina Orestovna; Harris, Muhammad; Asare, Edward Ohene; Hourdin, Bérénice; Paponov, Ivan; Lillo, Cathrine


Pinpointing regulatory protein phosphatase 2A subunits involved in beneficial symbiosis between plants and microbes.

BMC Plant Biology.

ISSN 1471-2229.

Volum 21.

DOI: 10.1186/s12870-021-02960-4

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; ElShobaky, Ahmed; Heidariahootapeh, Behzad; Nemie-Feyissa, Dugassa; Thelen, Jay J.; Lillo, Cathrine


Multi-targeted trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase I harbors a novel peroxisomal targeting signal 1 and is essential for flowering and development.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Volum 251.

Hefte 5.

DOI: 10.1007/s00425-020-03389-z

Yuan, Guoliang; Heidariahootapeh, Behzad; Komaki, Shinichiro; Schnittger, Arp; Lillo, Cathrine; Storme, Nico De; Geelen, Danny


PROTEIN PHOSHATASE 2A B’α and β Maintain Centromeric Sister Chromatid Cohesion during Meiosis in Arabidopsis.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 178.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1104/pp.18.00281

Creighton, Maria Terese; Sanmartin, Maite; Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Averkina, Irina Orestovna; Heidariahootapeh, Behzad; Nemie-Feyissa, Dugassa; Sánchez-Serrano, Jose J.; Lillo, Cathrine


Light regulation of nitrate reductase by catalytic subunits of protein phosphatase 2A.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Volum 246.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1007/s00425-017-2726-4

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Creighton, Maria Terese; Napitupulu, Toga Pangihota; Sætre, Christine; Heidariahootapeh, Behzad; Ruoff, Peter; Lillo, Cathrine


PLATINUM SENSITIVE 2 LIKE impacts growth, root morphology, seed set, and stress responses.


ISSN 1932-6203.

Volum 12.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180478

Creighton, Maria Terese; Kolton, Anna; Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Averkina, Irina Orestovna; Heidariahootapeh, Behzad; Lillo, Cathrine


Methylation of protein phosphatase 2A—Influence of regulators and environmental stress factors.

Plant, Cell and Environment.

ISSN 0140-7791.

Volum 40.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.1111/pce.13038

Larbat, Romain; Robin, Christophe; Lillo, Cathrine; Drengstig, Tormod; Ruoff, Peter


Modeling the diversion of primary carbon flux into secondary metabolism under variable nitrate and light/dark conditions.

Journal of Theoretical Biology.

ISSN 0022-5193.

Volum 402.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.05.008

Eggen, Trine; Lillo, Cathrine


Role of transporters for organic cations in plants for environmental cycling of pharmaceutical residues.


ISBN 978-3-319-23792-3.

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Hagen, Lars; Kommedal, Roald; Slupphaug, Geir; Lillo, Cathrine


Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 167.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1104/pp.114.254409

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Heidari, Behzad; Hagen, Lars; Kommedal, Roald; Slupphaug, Geir; Lillo, Cathrine


Supplemental materials for: Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 167.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1104/pp.114.254409

Dugassa, Nemie-Feyissa; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Blaise, Mickael; Lillo, Cathrine


Analysis of interactions between heterologously produced bHLH and MYB proteins that regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis: Quantitative interaction kinetics by Microscale Thermophoresis.


ISSN 0031-9422.

Volum 111.


DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2015.01.004

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Schei, Edit; Lillo, Cathrine


MAP kinase phosphatase 1 harbors a novel PTS1 and is targeted to peroxisomes following stress treatments.

Journal of plant physiology.

ISSN 0176-1617.

Volum 179.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2015.03.002

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Schei, Edit; Lillo, Cathrine


Towards understanding peroxisomal phosphoregulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.


ISSN 0032-0935.


DOI: 10.1007/s00425-015-2439-5

Dugassa, Nemie-Feyissa; Olafsdottir, Solveig Margret; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Lillo, Cathrine


Nitrogen depletion and small R3-MYB transcription factors affecting anthocyanin accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves.


ISSN 0031-9422.

Volum 98.


DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2013.12.006

Lillo, Cathrine; Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Creighton, Maria Terese; Dugassa, Nemie-Feyissa; Ginbot, Zekarias; Jonassen, Else Muller


Protein phosphatases PP2A, PP4 and PP6: mediators and regulators in development and responses to environmental cues.

Plant, Cell and Environment.

ISSN 0140-7791.

Volum 37.

Hefte 12.


DOI: 10.1111/pce.12364

Dugassa, Nemie-Feyissa; Krollicka, Adriana; Førland, Nina; Hansen, Margarita; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Lillo, Cathrine


Post-translational control of nitrate reductase activity responding to light and photosynthesis evolved already in the early vascular plants.

Journal of plant physiology.

ISSN 0176-1617.

Volum 170.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2012.12.010

Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Dugassa, Nemie-Feyissa; Kangasjärvi, Saijaliisa; Lillo, Cathrine


Antagonistic Regulation of Flowering Time through Distinct Regulatory Subunits of Protein Phosphatase 2A.


ISSN 1932-6203.

Volum 8.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067987

Eggen, Trine; Lillo, Cathrine


Antidiabetic II Drug Metformin in Plants: Uptake and Translocation to Edible Parts of Cereals, Oily Seeds, Beans, Tomato, Squash, Carrots, and Potatoes.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

ISSN 0021-8561.

Volum 60.

Hefte 28.


DOI: 10.1021/jf301267c

Larbat, Romain; Olsen, Kristine Marie; Slimestad, Rune; Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Bénard, Camille; Verheul, Michel; Bourgaud, Frédéric; Robin, Christophe; Lillo, Cathrine


Influence of repeated short-term nitrogen limitations on leaf phenolics metabolism in tomato.


ISSN 0031-9422.

Volum 77.


DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2012.02.004

Tang, Wenqiang; Yuan, Min; Wang, Rujiu; Yang, Yihong; Wang, Chunming; Oses-Prieto, Juan A.; Kim, Tae-Wuk; Zhou, Hongwei; Deng, Zhiping; Gampala, Srinivas S.; Gendron, Joshua M.; Jonassen, Else Muller; Lillo, Cathrine; DeLong, Alison; Burlingame, Alma L.; Sun, Ying; Wang, Zhiyong


PP2A activates brassinosteroid-responsive gene expression and plant growth by dephosphorylating BZR1.

Nature Cell Biology.

ISSN 1465-7392.

Volum 13.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1038/ncb2151

Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Matre, Polina Rafaelevna; Dugassa, Nemie-Feyissa; Meyer, Christian; Rognli, Odd Arne; Møller, Simon Geir; Lillo, Cathrine


Protein Phosphatase 2A B55 and A Regulatory Subunits Interact with Nitrate Reductase and Are Essential for Nitrate Reductase Activation.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 156.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1104/pp.111.172734

Jonassen, Else Muller; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Dugassa, Nemie-Feyissa; Matre, Polina Rafaelevna; Lillo, Cathrine


Protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunits are starting to reveal their functions in plant metabolism and development.

Plant Signalling & Behavior.

ISSN 1559-2316.

Volum 6.

Hefte 8.

s.1216 -1218.

DOI: 10.4161/psb.6.8.16180

Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Olsen, Kristine Marie; Slimestad, Rune; Verheul, Michel; Lillo, Cathrine


Synergetic effects of nitrogen depletion, temperature, and light on the content of phenolic compounds and gene expression in leaves of tomato.


ISSN 0031-9422.

Volum 71.

Hefte 5-6.


DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2009.12.014

Olsen, Kristine Marie; Hehn, Alain; Jugdé, Hélène; Slimestad, Rune; Larbat, Romain; Bourgaud, Frédéric; Lillo, Cathrine


Identification and characterisation of CYP75A31, a new flavonoid 3 ' 5 '-hydroxylase, isolated from Solanum lycopersicum.

BMC Plant Biology.

ISSN 1471-2229.

Volum 10.

Hefte 21.

DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-10-21

Reumann, Sigrun; Voitsekhovskaja, Olga; Lillo, Cathrine


From signal transduction to autophagy of plant cell organelles: lessons from yeast and mammals and plant-specific features.


ISSN 0033-183X.

Volum 247.

Hefte 3-4.


DOI: 10.1007/s00709-010-0190-0

Jolma, Ingunn; Lærum, Ole Didrik; Lillo, Cathrine; Ruoff, Peter


Circadian oscillators in eukaryotes.

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine.

ISSN 1939-5094.

Volum 2.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1002/wsbm.81

Feyissa, Dugassa N.; Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Olsen, Kristine Marie; Slimestad, Rune; Lillo, Cathrine


The endogenous GL3, but not EGL3, gene is necessary for anthocyanin accumulation as induced by nitrogen depletion in Arabidopsis rosette stage leaves.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Volum 230.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1007/s00425-009-0978-3

Olsen, Kristine Marie; Slimestad, Rune; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Brede, Cato; Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Ruoff, Peter; Verheul, Michel; Lillo, Cathrine


Temperature and nitrogen effects on regulators and products of the flavonoid pathway: experimental and kinetic model studies.

Plant, Cell and Environment.

ISSN 0140-7791.

Volum 32.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2008.01920.x

Matre, Polina; Meyer, Christian; Lillo, Cathrine


Diversity in subcellular targeting of the PP2A B'eta subfamily members.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Volum 230.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1007/s00425-009-0998-z

Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Lillo, Cathrine


Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR normalization in tomato subjected to nitrogen, cold, and light stress.

Analytical Biochemistry.

ISSN 0003-2697.

Volum 387.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2009.01.024

Jonassen, Else Müller; Sandsmark, Bjørnar A.A.; Lillo, Cathrine


Unique status of NIA2 in nitrate assimilation.

Plant Signalling & Behavior.

ISSN 1559-2316.

Volum 4.

Hefte 11.

Jonassen, Else Muller; Sévin, Daniel C; Lillo, Cathrine


The bZIP transcription factors HY5 and HYH are positive regulators of the main nitrate reductase gene in Arabidopsis leaves, NIA2, but negative regulators of the nitrate uptake gene NRT1.1.

Journal of plant physiology.

ISSN 0176-1617.

Volum 166.

Hefte 18.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2009.05.010

Olsen, Kristine Marie; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Slimestad, Rune; Verheul, Michel; Lillo, Cathrine


Differential expression of four Arabidopsis PAL genes; PAL1 and PAL2 have functional specialization in abiotic environmental-triggered flavonoid synthesis.

Journal of plant physiology.

ISSN 0176-1617.

Volum 165.

Hefte 14.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2007.11.005

Lillo, Cathrine


Signalling cascades integrating light-enhanced nitrate metabolism.

Biochemical Journal.

ISSN 0264-6021.

Volum 415.


DOI: 10.1042/BJ20081115

Møller, Simon Geir; Allen, Trudie; Lillo, Cathrine


Phosporylation/dephosporylation in photoreceptor signalling. I: Annual Plant Reviews.

Blackwell Publishing.

ISBN 978-1-405-13983-0.

Jonassen, Else Müller; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Lillo, Cathrine


HY5 and HYH are positive regulators of nitrate reducatse in seedlings and rosette stage plants.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Hefte DOI 10.1007/s00425-0.

Lillo, Cathrine; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Ruoff, Peter


Nutrient depletion as a key factor for manipulating gene expression and product formation in different branches of the flavonoid pathway.

Plant, Cell and Environment.

ISSN 0140-7791.

Volum doi: 10.111/j.1365-3.

Provan, Fiona; Haavik, Jan; Lillo, Cathrine


The regulatory phosphorylated serine in full-length nitrate reductase is necessary for optimal binding to a 14-3-3 protein.

Plant Science.

ISSN 0168-9452.

Volum 170.

Hefte 2.


Lea, Unni Synnøve; Leydecker, M.T.; Quillere, I.; Meyer, Christian; Lillo, Cathrine


Posttranslational regulation of nitrate reductase strongly affects the levels of free amino acids and nitrate, whereas transcriptional regulation has only minor influence.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 140.

Lea, Unni Synnøve; Slimestad, Rune; Smedvig, Pål; Lillo, Cathrine


Nitrogen deficiency enhances expression of specific MYB and bHLH transcription factors and accumulation of end products in the flavonoid pathway.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Meyer, Christian; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Provan, Fiona; Lillo, Cathrine


Is nitrate reductase a major player in the plant NO (nitric oxide) game?.

Photosynthesis Research.

ISSN 0166-8595.

Volum 83.


Provan, Fiona; Lillo, Cathrine


The regulatory phosphorylted serine in full-length nitrate reductgase is necessary for optimal binding to a 14-3-3.

Plant Science.

ISSN 0168-9452.

Lillo, Cathrine


Light regulation of nitrate uptake, assimilation and metabolism. I: Nitrogen acquisition and assimilation in higher plants, chapter 6.

Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Lea, Unni Synnøve; Provan, Fiona; Lillo, Cathrine


Mutation of the regulatory phosphorylation site of tobacco nitrate reductse results in high nitrite excretion and NO em.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Provan, Fiona


Mechanism and importance of post-translational regulationof nitrate reductase.

Journal of Experimental Botany.

ISSN 0022-0957.

Hefte 55.


Christensen, Mette Krogh; Falkeid, Grete; Loros, Jennifer J.; Dunlap, Jay C.; Lillo, Cathrine; Ruoff, Peter


A Nitrate-Induced frq-Less Oscillator in Neurospora crassa En nitrat-indusert frq-uavhengig oscillator i Neurospora crassa.

Journal of Biological Rhythms.

ISSN 0748-7304.

Volum 19.

Hefte 4.


Ruoff, Peter; Christensen, Melinda; Falkeid, Grete; Loros, Jennifer J.; Dunlap, Jay C.; Lillo, Cathrine


A nitrate-induced frq-less oscillator in Neurospora crassa.

Journal of Biological Rhythms.

ISSN 0748-7304.

Volum 19.


Lea, Unni Synnøve; ten Hoopen, F; Provan, Fiona; Kaiser, WM; Meyer, Christian; Lillo, Cathrine


Mutation of the regulatory phosphorylation site of tobacco nitrate reductase results in high nitrite excretion and NO emission from leaf and root tissue.


ISSN 0032-0935.

Volum 219.


Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Provan, Fiona; Oltedal, Satu


Mechanism and importance of post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase.

Journal of Experimental Botany.

ISSN 0022-0957.

Volum 55.


Lillo, Cathrine; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Meyer, Christian


Mutation of the regulatory phosphorylation site of tobacco nitrate reductase results in constitutive activation of the enzyme in vivo and nitrite accumulation.

The Plant Journal.

ISSN 0960-7412.

Volum 35.

Hefte 5.


Lillo, Cathrine; Appenroth, K.-J.


Light Regulation of Nitrate Reductase in Higher Plants: Which Photoreceptors are Involved?.

Plant Biology.

ISSN 1435-8603.

Volum 3.

Hefte 5.


Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian


Biological Clocks and the Nitrate Reductase Oscillating System.


Volum 32.

Hefte 4.


Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian; Ruoff, Peter


The Nitrate Reductase Circadian System. The Central Clock Dogma Contra Multiple Oscillatory Feedback Loops.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 125.

Hefte 4.


Appenroth, K.-J.; Meco, R.; Jourdan, V.; Lillo, Cathrine


Phytochrome and post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase in higher plants.

Plant Science.

ISSN 0168-9452.

Volum 159.

Hefte 1.


Provan, Fiona; Aksland, Liv-Margareth; Meyer, Christian; Lillo, Cathrine


Deletion of the nitrate reductase N-terminal domain still allows binding of 14-3-3 proteins but affects their inhibitory properties.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 123.

Hefte 2.


Provan, Fiona; Lillo, Cathrine


Photosynthetic Post-Translational Activation of Nitrate Reductase.


Volum 154.


Lillo, Cathrine; Provan, F.; Appenroth, K.


Photoreceptors involved in the regulation of nitrate reductase in Spirodela polyrhiza.


Volum 44.


Ruoff, Peter; Lillo, Cathrine


Evidence for increased proton dissociation in lowactivity forms of dephosophorylted squash-leaf nitrate reductase.

Biophysical Chemistry.

ISSN 0301-4622.

Volum 67.


Lillo, Cathrine; Kazazic, Sabina; Ruoff, Peter; Meyer, C.


Effects of 14-3-3 proteins on Nitrate Reductase in light and darkness.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Volum 114.


Lillo, Cathrine


Light regulation of nitrate reductase in green leaves of higher plants.


Hefte 90.


Lillo, Cathrine; Smith, L.H.


Light regulation of PEPc in barnley mesophyll protoplasts is 1:modulated by protein synthesis and calcium, 2:not necessarily correlated with PEPc k activity.



Lillo, Cathrine


Light/dark regulation of nitrate reductase and phosphoenol carboxylase in barley protoplasts.



Lillo, Cathrine


Rhythms in magnesium inhibition and hysteretic on nitrate reductase in the CAM plant Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi.

Physiologia Plantarum : An International Journal for Plant Biology.

ISSN 0031-9317.

Volum 98.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.1996.tb00685.x

MacKintosh, C.; Douglas, P.; Lillo, Cathrine


Identification of a protein which acts stoichiometrically to inactivate the phosphorylated form of nitrate reductase from spinach leaves.

Plant Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0889.

Hefte 107.


Lillo, Cathrine


Light/dark regulation of higher plant nitrate reductase related to hysteresis and calium/magnesium inhibition.


Hefte 91.


Lillo, Cathrine


Only the complete NADH: nitrate reductase activity is inhabited by magnesium, not the partial activitets.

Plant and Cell Physiology.

ISSN 0032-0781.

Hefte 35.


Bøker og kapitler

Rosnes, Jan Thomas; Oduro, Juliana Amamoo; Rode, Tone Mari


New processing methods for food with mild preservation.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Lillo, Cathrine


First International Workshop on Growing Plants for Increased Nutritional Value.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 8276442692.

Hefte 1.


Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; ElShobaky, Ahmed; Lillo, Cathrine


Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase I harbors a novel peroxisomal signal and is implicated in abiotic stress and development.

ICAR: Arabidopsis Research in 2017 & Beyond;

2017-06-19 - 2017-06-23.

ElShobaky, Ahmed; Lillo, Cathrine; Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass


Investigating the role of PP2A-B’ζ in regulating energy metabolism in mitocondria..


2017-06-21 - .

Kolton, Anna; Creighton, Maria Terese; Wisniexska, Alina; Lillo, Cathrine; Czernicka, Malgorzata


PP2A-C subunits and other parameters under hypoxia stress in tomato leaves and roots.

Communication in Plants: from cell to environment;

2017-09-12 - 2017-09-15.

Yuan, Guoliang; Heidari, Behzad; de Storme, Nico; Scnitter, Arp; Lillo, Cathrine; Geelen, Danny


Protein phosphatse 2A protects centromeric sister chromatid cohesion in Arabidopsis meiosis I by maintaining REC8 at the chromocenters .

Chromosome Biology and Genome engineering in the context of plant breeding;

2017-03-30 - 2017-03-31.

Averkina, Irina Orestovna; Creighton, Maria Terese; Nemie-Feyissa, Dugassa; Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Lillo, Cathrine


Protein phosphatase 2A activity in various Arabidopsis mutants.

BioCat annual meeting;

2017-06-12 - 2017-06-14.

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Schei, Edit; Lillo, Cathrine


Peroxisomal Protein Phosphatases: Identifications and Biotic Stress Implications.

Plant Biotic Stresses & Resistance Mechanism II, Vienna, Austria;

2015-07-02 - 2015-07-05.

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Lillo, Cathrine


Investigating Protein Phosphatase 2A Regulatory Subunits: From Subcellular Localization to Abiotic Stress Implications..

Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance III;

2015-06-29 - 2015-07-01.

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Lillo, Cathrine


Protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunits affecting plant innate immunity, energy metabolism, and flowering time – joint functions among B'η subfamily members.

Plant Signalling & Behavior.

ISSN 1559-2316.

Volum 10.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2015.1026024

Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass; Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad; Lillo, Cathrine


B’θ regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2a is involved in peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation, flowering, and plant innate immunity..

SPS conference: plant signalling in a changing environment;

2013-07-04 - 2013-07-07.

Heidari, Behzad; Jonassen, Else Muller; Nemie-Feyissa, Dugassa; Lillo, Cathrine


Role of Protein phosphatase 2A in adaptation mechanisms of higher plants.

Evolution of plant developmental regulatory mechanisms;

2011-04-30 - 2011-05-04.

Heidari, Behzad; Matre, Polina Rafaelevna; Jonassen, Else Muller; Nemie-Feyissa, Dugassa; Meyer, C; Rognli, OA; Møller, Simon Geir; Lillo, Cathrine


Protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunits are essential for metabolism and plant development.

XXIV SPPS, Stavanger;

2011-08-22 - 2011-08-25.

Lillo, Cathrine


Biotechnology research at CORE.


2011-02-24 - .

Lillo, Cathrine


Molecular farming.


2011-02-24 - .

Lillo, Cathrine




2011-02-25 - .

Lillo, Cathrine


Small RNAs and control of gene expression.


2011-02-25 - .

Jolma, Ingunn Westvik; Lillo, Cathrine; Ruoff, Peter


Temperature dependence of rutin-Fe(II) binding constants determined by isothermal titration calorimetry.

SPPS Congress;

2011-08-20 - 2011-08-25.

Jonassen, Else Müller; Matre, Polina; Hidary, Behzad; Feyissa, Dugassa N.; Rognli, Odd Arne; Lillo, Cathrine; Lillo, Cathrine



4th International Symposium of the SFB, Signals, sensing and plant primary metabolism;

2010-10-06 - 2010-10-09.

Jonassen, Else Müller; Matre, Polina; Hidary, Behzad; Feyissa, Dugassa N.; Rognli, Odd Arne; Lillo, Cathrine; Lillo, Cathrine



9th Norwegian Arabidopsis Meeeting;


Lillo, Cathrine


Nitrogen depletion as a key factor for gene expression and product formation in different branches of the flavonoid pathway.

Nitrogen2007, An international symposium on the nitrogen nutrition of plants;

2007-07-27 - 2009-07-31.

Jonassen, Else Müller; Lillo, Cathrine


Light-enhanced nitrate assimilation involves phytochrome, HY5/HYH and signalling from chloroplasts.

Conférences Jacques-Monod, ¿Fine tuning of plant signalling pathways¿;

2008-06-04 - 2008-06-08.

Lillo, Cathrine


Influence of Nitrogen Depletion and Temperature on Flavonoid Metabolism in Arabidopis thaliana.

SFBV, 7th Conference;

2007-09-12 - 2007-09-14.

Olsen, Kristine Marie; Lea, Unni Synnøve; Slimestad, Rune; Verheul, Michel; Lillo, Cathrine


Differential expression of the four Arabidopsis PAL genes.

7e Collonque National de la SFBV;

2007-09-12 - 2007-09-14.

Lillo, Cathrine


Regulation of nitrate reductase to optimize nitrogen assimilation and avoid toxic products like nitrate and nitric oxide.

Invited seminar at Rothamstead Research Station;


Lea, Unni Synnøve; Slimestad, Rune; Lillo, Cathrine


Nitrogen deficiency enhances expression of specific MYB and bHLH transcription factors and accumulation of end products in the flavonoid pathway.

Poster at XV FESPB Congress, 17-21 July 2006;

2006-07-17 - 2006-07-21.

Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian; Lea, Unni Synnøve


NItrate reductase and biological clocks.

first international workshop on growing plants for incrased nutritional value;

2005-05-12 - 2005-05-14.

Lillo, Cathrine


Mechanisms and importance of post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase.

7th international synposium on inorganic nitrogen asimilation in plants. Wageningen, the Netherlands, june 23-27, 2004;

2004-06-23 - 2004-06-27.

Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian; Lea, Unni Synnøve


Regulation of nitrate reductase activity.

The 14th FESPB gongress;

2004-08-23 - 2004-08-27.

Appenroth, K.-J.; Lillo, Cathrine


Nitrat reduktase - Shclüsselenzym der Nitratassimilation Nitrate reducase - Key enzyme of nitrogen metabolism.

Biologie in unserer Zeit.

ISSN 0045-205X.

Volum 33.

Hefte 5.


Lea, Unni Synnøve; Meyer, Christian; Lillo, Cathrine


Nitrate reductase and biological clocks.

Gordon Research Conference in Chronobiology;

2003-05-11 - 2003-05-16.

Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian; Lea, Unni Synnøve


Mutation of the regulatory phosphorylation site of tobacco nitrate reductase results in constitutive activation of the enzyme in vivo and nitrite accumulation.

7th international congress of plant molecular biology;

2003-06-23 - 2003-06-28.

Lillo, Cathrine; Kazazic, Sabina; Ruoff, Peter; Meyer, C.


Regulation of nitrate reductase in light and darkness, effects of a signalling protein.


1996-11-30 - .

Lillo, Cathrine; Provan, Fiona


Deletion of an acidic stretch in the amino terminal domain of Nicotiana nitrate reductase does not prevent binding of Nicotiana 14-3-3 protein but influence on some characteristics of the NR/14-3-3 complex.

5th international symposium on inorganic nitrogen assimilation;

Savino, Gil; Pigaglio, Emmanuelle; Crete, Patrice; Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, Christian


Regulation of nitrate assimilation.


Provan, Fiona; Lillo, Cathrine; Meek, Sarah; MacKintosh, Carol


Nutrient and hormonal regulation of interactions between 14-3-3 proteins and binding targets in arabidopsis cell culture.

XIX Congress Scandinavian Society for Plant Physiology.;

Pigaglio, E.; Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, C.


Post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase in Nicotiana.

Second European Symposium on Protein Phosphorylation in plants;

Pigaglio, E.; Lillo, Cathrine; Meyer, C.


Post-translational regulation of nitrate reductase in Nicotiana.

International Conference on Nitrogen assimilation: Molecular an d genetic aspects;

Lillo, Cathrine; Smith, L.; Nimmo, H.G.; Wilkins, M.B.


Light/dark regulation in leaves and protoplasts of higher plants.

Fourth International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen assimilati on and First Biotress Syposium;

Smith, L.; Lillo, Cathrine; Nimmo, H.G.; Wilkins, M.B.


Coordination of carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the regulation of phosphoenol pyruvate in C3 plants.

10th International Photosynthesis Congress;