Ion Patrick Francis Drew

Telephone: 51831094
Room: HG O-233
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Telephone: 51831094
Room: HG O-233
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Promoting EFL literacy through shared and individual classroom reading experiences of literature. .
Utbildning & lärande.
ISSN 2001-4554.
Volum 15.
Hefte 2.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
PhD revisited: Future teachers of English. A study of competence in the teaching of writing . I: English didactics in Norway - 30 years of doctoral research.
ISBN 978-82-15-03074-6.
Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Using lesson study as a developmental tool in initial teacher education with English as a foreign language student teachers. I: Teaching Languages and Cultures: Developing Competencies, Re-thinking Practices.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-5275-0893-4.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Reading in the second language classroom: Consideration of first language approaches in second language contexts.Acta Didactica Norge.
ISSN 1504-9922.
Volum 12.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.5617/adno.5570
Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Student teacher reflections on the experiences of undertaking an EFL Lesson Study project in initial teacher education. I: Lesson study i en nordisk kontekst.
Gyldendal Akademisk.
ISBN 9788205490888.
Myrset, Anders; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
A case study of Readers Theatre in a primary Norwegian EFL class.Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology (NJMLM).
ISSN 1894-2245.
Volum 4.
Hefte 1.
Larssen, Deborah; Drew, Ion
The influence of a Lesson Study cycle on a 2nd grade EFL picture book-based teaching practice lesson in Norway..
Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology (NJMLM).
ISSN 1894-2245.
Volum 3.
Hefte 2.
Larssen, Deborah; Drew, Ion
Student teachers’ reflections on teaching English during a practice cycle. I: FoU i praksis 2013. Artikkelsamling fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i lærerutdanning.
Akademika forlag.
ISBN 978-82-321-04215.
Drew, Ion
Linking Readers Theatre to CLIL in foreign language education.
Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology (NJMLM).
ISSN 1894-2245.
Volum 2.
Hefte 1.
Drew, Ion
Using Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the 9th grade:Teaching about the Second World War from a global to local perspective in English lessons. I: Proceedings of FoU i praksis 2012 : conference proceedings. Trondheim, 23. og 24. april 2012.
Akademika forlag.
ISBN 978-82-321-0086-6.
Drew, Ion; Pedersen, Roar R.
Readers theatre : a group reading approach to texts in mainstream EFL classes. I: The young language learner : research-based insights into teaching and learning.
ISBN 978-82-450-1197-5.
Drew, Ion
Leseteater som metode i språkundervisning.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0029-2052.
Hefte 4.
Drew, Ion; Kallelid, Ole; Løge, Heidi
Kongsgård's Roll of Honour: A testimony to its ex-pupils who fell in World War Two. I: Memories we live by.
Hertervig Akademisk.
ISBN 978-82-8217-207-3.
Drew, Ion; Sognli, Helge; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Hegland, Kåre
Silent heroes : Operation Freshman and others = Tause helter : operasjon Freshman og andre falne.
Hertervig Akademisk.
ISBN 978-82-8217-021-5.
Drew, Ion; Pedersen, Roar
Readers Theatre: A different approach to English for struggling readers.
Acta Didactica Norge.
ISSN 1504-9922.
Volum 4.
Hefte 1.
Drew, Ion
A longitudinal study of young language learners' development in written English :.
NLT - Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0800-3076.
Volum 28.
Hefte 2.
Drew, Ion
Using the early years literacy programme in primary EFL Norwegian classrooms. I: Early learning of modern foreign languages : processes and outcomes.
Multilingual Matters.
ISBN 978-1-84769-146-0.
Drew, Ion
Readers theatre : how low achieving 9th graders experienced English lessons in a novel way. I: FoU i praksis 2008. Rapport fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i lærerutdanning.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
ISBN 978-82-519-2417-7.
Drew, Ion
Reading and writing in Norwegian primary EFL education and how it compares with the Netherlands. I: Englisch in der Primarstufe - Chancen und Herausforderungen: Evaluation und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis.
Drew, Ion; Hasselgreen, Angela
Young language learner (YLL) research: An overview of some international and national approaches.
Acta Didactica Norge.
ISSN 1504-9922.
Volum 02.jan.
Hefte 5.
Drew, Ion
Lesing og skriving i engelsk på barnetrinnet : den australske måten. I: FoU i Praksis 2007: Rapport fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i lærerutdanning.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
ISBN 978-82-519-2295-1.
Drew, Ion; Oostdam, Ron; Van Toorenburg, Han
Teachers' experiences and perceptions of primary EFL in Norway and the Netherlands: a comparative study.
European Journal of Teacher Education.
ISSN 0261-9768.
Volum 30.
Hefte 3.
Drew, Ion
Comparing primary English in Norway and the Netherlands.
Volum 2.
Drew, Ion; Hasselgren, Angela
Developing the English language skills of primary school pupils. I: Kartlegging av kommunikativ kompetanse i engelsk. Teachers' Handbook:Primary School.
Drew, Ion; Flemmen, Randi Lothe; Sørheim, Bjørn
Developing reading and writing skills. I: Teacher's Book: Scoop 7.
Det Norske Samlaget.
Drew, Ion
Future teachers of English: a study of competence in the teaching of writing.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget.
ISBN 8276341683.
Drew, Ion; Hasselgren, Angela
Reading and Writing. I: Kartlegging av kommunikativ kompetanse i engelsk. Book of Ideas:Secondary School.
Hasselgreen, Angela Maria; Drew, Ion; Sørheim, Bjørn
The young language learner : research-based insights into teaching and learning.
ISBN 978-82-450-1197-5.
Rangnes, Brita Strand; Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene
Read Me! (Ressursverk i lesing (engelsk) for mellomtrinnet).
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252173871.
Heian, Bente; Lokøy, Gro; Ankerheim, Brynjulf; Drew, Ion
new eXperience.
Gyldendalske bokhandel, Nordisk forlag A/S.
ISBN 9788205392182.
Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion; Sørheim, Bjørn
English Teaching Strategies.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252173840.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene
Read Me! Teacher's Guide.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174847.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
The Kind Lion.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174861.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
Camping Mystery.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174854.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
The Viking Family.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174885.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
The Wadi.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174878.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
Weird Creatures.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174892.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
The Swan Knight.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174922.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
Solskjær: A Football Legend.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174908.
Drew, Ion; Skjærpe, Inger Helene; Strand Rangnes, Brita
The Old Man and the Sea.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252174915.
Drew, Ion; Nikolov, Marianne
Early learning of modern foreign languages : processes and outcomes.
Multilingual Matters.
ISBN 978-1-84769-146-0.
Hefte -.
Flemmen, Randi Lothe; Sørheim, Bjørn; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop 6 Workbook Basic.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252171969.
Flemmen, Randi Lothe; Sørheim, Bjørn; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop 7 Workbook Basic.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252171976.
Sørheim, Bjørn; Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion; Flemmen, Randi Lothe
A New Scoop 7.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252171976.
Drew, Ion; Vigrestad, Anette
Choosing the path to excellence. Kunnskapsløftet i Rogaland: Framgang, stagnasjon eller tilbakegang?.
Sørheim, Bjørn; Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop English Basic Workbook.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252171969.
Sørheim, Bjørn; Flemmen, Randi Lothe; Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop 7 English Textbook.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252168143.
Sørheim, Bjørn; Flemmen, Randi Lothe; Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop 7 English Workbook.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 9788252168150.
Engel, Gaby; Trimbos, Bas; Drew, Ion; Groot-Wilken, Berndt
English in Primary Education in the Netherlands, North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) and Norway.
ISBN 9789079012022.
Flemmen, Randi Lothe; Sørheim, Bjørn; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop 6: English Workbook.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 8252167675.
Sørheim, Bjørn; Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion
Teacher's Guide A New Scoop 6.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 8252167683.
Sørheim, Bjørn; Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop 6: Teacher's Guide.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 8252167683.
Heian, Bente; Lokøy, Gro; Ankerheim, Brynjulf; Drew, Ion
Gyldendal Akademisk.
ISBN 8205345449.
Heian, Bente; Lokøy, Gro; Ankerheim, Brynjulf; Drew, Ion
eXperience Lærerveiledning.
Gyldendal Akademisk.
ISBN 8205354286.
Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion; Sørheim, Bjørn
English Teaching Strategies. Methods for English teachers of 10 to 16-year-olds.
Det Norske Samlaget.
ISBN 8252163629.
Drew, Ion
Survey of English Teaching in Norwegian Primary Schools.
Drew, Ion
On Process Oriented Writing In English in Norwegian Secondary Schools.
Høgskulen på Vestlandet.
ISBN 82-90691-17-3.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Ways of developing literacy through literature in the classroom.
LDN 2019: Litteraturstudiers Samhallsrelevans;
2019-11-07 - 2019-11-08.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Readers Theatre workshop.
LDN 2019: Litteraturstudiers Samhallsrelevans;
2019-11-07 - 2019-11-08.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Operasjon Freshman.
NVIO avdeling Rogaland samling;
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis; Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia
Readers Theatre as a method to raise intercultural awareness in EFL classrooms. .
‘Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Challenges and Perspectives’ conference;
2018-10-26 - 2018-10-27.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Reading in the second language classroom – consideration of the potential of first language approaches in second language contexts..
‘Everyone loves a good story’;
2017-03-07 - 2018-01-08.
Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
The researching student teacher: How can we support and assess their work using Lesson Study as a foundation..
The 6th NoFa-conference: Interplay between general and subject specific knowledge about teaching and learning in school and teacher education – perspectives and challenges.;
2017-05-29 - 2017-05-31.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo
Readers Theatre: How an L1 reading method can benefit the L2 classroom..
The 42nd Annual ATEE Conference: Changing perspectives and approaches in contemporary teaching;
2017-10-23 - 2017-10-25.
Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Helgevold, Nina; Næsheim-Bjørkvik, Gro; Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Østrem, Sissel; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
TasS Project (teachers as students): Lesson study in Initial Teacher education in Norway, a time-lagged experiment from field practice.
Bringing Teacher Education Forward;
2016-06-06 - 2016-06-08.
Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
The influence of Lesson study on Readers theatre in pre-service EFL teacher education.
3rd Nordic Journal of Modern languages Methodology Conference;
2016-06-02 - 2016-06-03.
Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Lesson Study as a supporting tool in EFL teacher education.
Teaching languages and culture in the post-method era: Developing competencies, re-thinking practices ;
2016-11-11 - 2016-11-12.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Kampen om tungtvann.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Operasjon Freshman - den første tungtvannsaksjonen.
Lærestudenter ved IGIS;
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis
Operation Freshman and Silent Heroes.
YouTube forelesning;
2015-03-10 - .
Drew, Ion; Larssen, Deborah
The effects of using a picture book with Norwegian 2nd grade EFL learners in a lesson study context.
Early Language Learning: Theory and Practice in 2014;
2014-06-12 - 2014-06-14.
Drew, Ion; Larssen, Deborah
Readers Theatre Workshop.
Early Language Learning: Theory and Practice in 2014 ;
2014-06-12 - 2014-06-14.
Drew, Ion; Larssen, Deborah
Changing policies in the selection of mentors for teaching practice in English at the University of Stavanger.
Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Issues and Developoments;
Drew, Ion; Larssen, Deborah
Lesson Study and the Teachers as Students (TasS) project.
Young Language Learner Research Group;
2014-12-08 - 2014-12-09.
Larssen, Deborah; Charboneau, Rebecca Anne; Drew, Ion
What is the subject ‘English’ as represented in dialogues between student teachers and their teaching practice mentors?.
Nordiske fagdidaktikkonferansen (NOFA4);
2013-05-29 - 2013-05-31.
Larssen, Deborah; Drew, Ion
Student teachers’ developing knowledge of teaching English during a practice cycle.
FoU i praksis;
2013-04-22 - 2013-04-23.
Drew, Ion
Pihlstrøm, Rikke: Teaching English in Norway: Ideas, Schemes and Resources.
Acta Didactica Norge.
ISSN 1504-9922.
Volum 7.
Hefte 1.
Larssen, Deborah; Drew, Ion
Utdanningsreformers utfordringer og muligheter : mellom tradisjon og fornyelse i engelskfaget. I: Utdanningskvalitet og undervisningskvalitet under press?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
ISBN 9788251928953.
Drew, Ion
Using Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the 9th grade: Teaching about the Second World War from a global to local prespective in English lessons.
FoU i praksis: Dannelse, mangfold og fremtid;
2012-04-23 - 2012-04-25.
Drew, Ion
Does writing mirror reading? A longitudinal study of young learners' EFL writing development in the Early Years Literacy Programme.
Making sense through writing;
2012-06-07 - 2012-06-09.
Drew, Ion
Linking Readers Theatre to CLIL in foreign language education.
1st Nordic Journal of Foreign Language Methodology Conference;
2012-09-20 - 2012-09-21.
Drew, Ion
Operasjon Freshman, NRK Rogaland distriktsnyheter.
Drew, Ion
Operasjon Freshman, NRK lokalen ettermiddagssending.
Hasselgreen, Angela Maria; Drew, Ion
Introduction. I: The young language learner : research-based insights into teaching and learning.
ISBN 978-82-450-1197-5.
Drew, Ion
Readers Theatre: Communicating through reading aloud in groups.
Lesing som grunnleggende ferdighet;
Drew, Ion; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Smith-Solbakken, Marie
Freshman operasjon.
Drew, Ion; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Smith-Solbakken, Marie
Krigserfaringer og minner fra krigen (1939 - 1945). Krigserfaringer og minner i et livløps perspektiv.
Drew, Ion; Sognli, Helge; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin
Tause helter: Operasjon Freshman og andre falne.
Drew, Ion
Using Readers Theatre with academically-challenged teenage EFL learners.
44th Annual IATEFL Conference;
2010-04-07 - 2010-04-11.
Drew, Ion; Kallelid, Ole
Kongsgård's Role of Honour: A testimony to its ex-pupils who fell in World War Two.
International workshop for the Nordic Network in Memory Studies: "Towards a Common past";
2010-10-04 - 2010-10-05.
Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion; Hasselgreen, Angela; Hasselgreen, Angela
Young language learner (YLL) research: the Norwegian perspective.
FoU i Praksis 2009;
2009-04-23 - 2009-04-24.
Drew, Ion
Using Readers Theatre in Language Teaching.
Drew, Ion
Graded Readers.
Drew, Ion
Literacy education in New Zealand and Vanuatu.
Drew, Ion
Readers Theatre: how low-achieving 9th graders experienced English lessons in a novel way.
6th Nordic conference on practice-oriented research and development in teacher education (FoU i Praksis);
2008-04-17 - 2008-04-18.
Drew, Ion
Using the Early Years Literacy Programme in Primary EFL Norwegian Classrooms.
Research into Teaching Modern Languages to Young Learners;
2007-02-01 - 2007-02-03.
Drew, Ion
Lesing og skriving i engelsk på barnetrinnet: den australske måten.
FoU i Praksis 2007;
2007-04-19 - 2007-04-20.
Drew, Ion
Engelskopplæring på 1. og 2. trinn.
Fagseminar om utvidet skoledag;
Drew, Ion
Pedagogical challenges of teaching English as a third language at the upper secondary level.
Drew, Ion
Overview of YLL (Young language learning) research.
Research into YLL (Young language learning);
2007-10-04 - 2007-10-05.
Drew, Ion
Lundquist, Lita 2006. Tekstkompetanse på Fremmedspråk. Frederiksberg:Forlaget Samfundslitteratur. 160 sider.
NLT - Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0800-3076.
Volum 25.
Hefte 2.
Drew, Ion
Literacy practices in English in Norwegian primary and lower secondary education.
The 28th Session of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education;
2006-08-16 - 2006-08-19.
Drew, Ion
Reading and writing in Norwegian primary EFL education and how it compares with the Netherlands.
Symposium on Literacy Studies;
2005-04-22 - 2005-04-24.
Drew, Ion
Extensive reading in a foreign language: classroom implications.
Lesing - "norsk nå igjen?" betydning av å lese i forhold til matematikkundervisning og fremmedspråksundervisning;
Drew, Ion
Primary English in Norway and how it compares with the Netherlands.
Nettverkskonferanse i engelsk;
2004-05-06 - 2004-05-07.
Drew, Ion
Å skrive en fagdidaktisk avhandling: betraktninger rundt prosess og funn med utgangspunkt i et doktorgradsarbeid "Writing a didactic thesis: thoughts on the process and findings of the doctoral thesis Future Teachers of English: A Study of Competence in the Teaching of Writing.".
Drew, Ion
Coping with the transition from upper secondary to higher education in English.
Drew, Ion
A comparison of early writing in Norwegian L1 and English L2.
The 8th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism;
2001-11-01 - 2001-11-03.
Drew, Ion
A comparison of early writing in Norwegian L1 and English L2.
8th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism;
2001-11-01 - 2001-11-03.
Drew, Ion
The role of English in Norwegian teacher education.
The 8th Symposium for Language Teacher Educators: 'Politics, Policy and Culture in Language Teacher Education'.;
Drew, Ion
The reading skill and the other language skills: psycholinguistic and pedagogical analysis of the mutual relationships.
Drew, Ion
The reading and writing skills.
Seminaret om etterutdanning i engelsk;
Drew, Ion
Lærerkompetanse og elevkompetanse: Metodiske betraktninger med utgangspunkt i doktoravhandlingen FUTURE TEACHERS OF ENGLISH: A STUDY OF COMPETENCE IN THE TEACHING OF WRITING.
Fagseminaret for medlemmer av Eksamenssekretariatet;
Drew, Ion
"L97 and writing".
Seminaret om etterutdanning i engelsk;
Drew, Ion
A Practical Guide For Teachers Of English In Norwegian Schools.
Sørheim, Bjørn; Flemmen, Randi Lothe; Drew, Ion; Drew, Ion
A New Scoop 7, CDs.
Drew, Ion
Writing from different perspectives.
Drew, Ion
An historical and statistical overview of the York mellomfag.
Drew, Ion
Why extensive reading is important for foreign language learners.
Drew, Ion
What materials are suitable for extensive reading.
Drew, Ion
Working with Texts: Finding Meaning in Texts.
Drew, Ion
Reading and Writing - Interactive Processes.