Alexandre Dessingué


Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
HG O-235


My background is in history, languages and culture/literature studies. I have studied in France (Université de Lille Charles de Gaulle), Spain (Universidad de Salamanca), Uruguay (Universidad de la República, Montevideo) and Norway (UiB, UiS) where I obtained my doctorate (Dr. Art) in 2005. 

Since 2003, I have been working at the University of Stavanger (UiS, Norway) where I work now as a Professor of Literacy Studies, History Education and History/Memory Culture. I teach different topics at the MA program in history and history education like “Digital and multimodal history”, “Uses of the past”, “Historical theories and methods”  and several postgraduate classes in pedagogy and didactics like “History didactics” and “Critical thinking in theory and in practice”.

As a memory scholar, I have been working in different fields like in cultural history, cultural memory studies, critical literacy/thinking and history education. In my research, I am interested in the many ways in which history and more generally the past is represented and (mis)used in society. This includes the study of collective and cultural memory, the (des)construction of identities, the study of historical consciousness and critical thinking. I have published several books, chapters and articles in these related areas of research. Recently, between 2017 and 2022, I have been coordinating and leading an international and multidisciplinary project (Norway, France, Spain and UK) about the implementation of critical thinking and awareness in education. This project resulted in the publication in 2022 of a book Å tenke kritisk sammen. Kritisk tenkning i dialogiske undervisningspraksiser  published by Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Here are some of the research projects I have participated in:

2023-2024: "Digital Memory and History Culture" (Investigator - I)

2023-2025: "Postwar Memory Generations: contested memory historical narratives and history education in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia", funded by The Velux Foundations (Advisory board - AB) 

2022-2025: “Partners in Practice: Establishing a system for educational development towards student participation”, funded by Norwegian Council of Research/ Education and Competence (I)

2019-2022: “Critical Literacy and Awareness in Education”, funded by EU/ERASMUS + (Project Leader - PL) phase 2

2017-2019: “Critical Literacy and Awareness in Education”, funded by EU/ERASMUS + (PL) phase 1

2015-2017: “New Tectonics of Memory of WWI”, funded by NORDFORSK (Principal Investigator - PI)

2012-2016: “In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe”, funded by EU/COST (MC member and PI)

2012-2013: “Teaching Cultural Studies: Text, Memory and History”, funded by EU/ERASMUS (PL)

2011-2013: “Myths and Collective Memory in a Transnational Age”, funded by Norwegian Council of Research/SAMKUL (PL)

2009-2012: “Towards a common past”, funded by NORDFORSK (PI)

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Post-Conflict Memorialization. Missing Memorials, Absent Bodies - Book Review.

      Memory Studies.

      ISSN 1750-6980.

    • Bugge, Hans Erik; Dessingué, Alexandre


      Å tenke kritisk sammen : Kritisk tenkning i dialogiske undervisningspraksiser .

      Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

      ISBN 9788202689148.

    • Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia; Dessingué, Alexandre; Wagner, David-Alexandre


      Critical literacies praxis in Norway and France. I: The Handbook of Critical Literacies.


      ISBN 9780367902599.


    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Knutsen, Ketil


      Empowering Critical Memory Consciousness in Education : The Example of 22 July 2011 in Norway.

      Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society.

      ISSN 2041-6938.

      Volum 13.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.3167/jemms.2021.130205

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Developing Critical Historical Consciousness: Re-thinking the Dynamics between History and Memory in History Education.


      ISSN 2000-9879.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Knutsen, Ketil


      Myndiggjøring gjennom kritisk minnebevissthet: Minnestudier i didaktisk perspektiv .


      ISSN 2000-9879.

      Volum 10.

      Hefte 3.


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Paul Ricoeur : Understanding the Past, Writing the Future. I: The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory.


      ISBN 9781138909366.


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      The Ethics of Memory in My Heart of Darkness. I: (Post)Colonial Histories. Trauma, Memory and Reconciliation in the Context of the Angolan Civil War.

      Transcript Verlag.

      ISBN 978-3-8376-3479-2.


      DOI: 10.14361/9783839434796-004

    • Dessingue, Alexandre; Winter, Jay


      Introduction: remembering, forgetting and silence. I: Beyond memory: silence and the aesthetics of remembrance.


      ISBN 978-1-13-882647-2.


    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Allegorical silence: The Plague as a critical literacy act. I: Beyond memory: silence and the aesthetics of remembrance.


      ISBN 978-1-13-882647-2.


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Dynamisk kulturarv, kritisk literacy og (fler)kulturforståelse i norsk grunnskole? [Dynamic Heritage, Critical literacy and (multi)Cultural awareness in Norwegian education?].


      ISSN 2000-9879.

      Volum 2.


    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      From Collectivity to Collectiveness: Reflections (with Halbwachs and Bakhtin) on the Concept of Collective Memory. I: The Ashgate Research Companion to Memory Studies.


      ISBN 978-1409453925.


    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Le polyphonisme du roman.

      Peter Lang Publishing Group.

      ISBN 978-90-5201-844-7.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Looking at the Past with Jorge Semprún Literature or Life (1995): An Aesthetic Reflection on the Use of Memories.

      CFE Conference Papers Series.

      ISSN 1654-2185.

      Hefte 5.


    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      The ontological nature of memory : narratives from the world conflicts in northern France. I: Memories we live by.

      Hertervig Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-8217-207-3.


    • Dessingue, Alexandre; Ryckebusch, Olivier; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Oddone, Patrick; Tomasek, Michel; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin


      Dunkerque, ville-mémoire : Dunkirk, City of Memories.

      Hertervig Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-8217-019-2.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Towards a Phenomenology of Memory and Forgetting.

      Etudes ricoeuriennes.

      ISSN 2156-7808.

      Volum 2.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.5195/errs.2011.42

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      The discourse of memory in France : from individual and collective to dialogical memory. I: Flerstemte minner.

      Hertervig Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-8217-010-9.


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Polyphonisme de Bakhtine à Ricoeur.


      ISSN 0014-6242.

    • Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Dessingue, Alexandre


      The invisible jews of Gudbrandsdal and Lillehammer.

      Etter Lemkin: Tidsskrift for studier av folkemord og politisk massevold.

      ISSN 1891-084X.

      Volum 2.

      Hefte 3.


    • Solbakken, Marie Smith; Dessingué, Alexandre; Dessingué, Alexandre; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin


      The question of memorials for the invisible Jews. I: Identity, understanding, memory and landscape : collection of essays.

      Hertervig Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-8217-003-1.


    • Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Dessingué, Alexandre; Dessingué, Alexandre; Sognli, Helge; Syvertsen, Carsten; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin


      Krigsminnesmerker, krigsgraver og turisme. I: Katta på veggen : kulturarv og kritisk historie.

      Hertervig Akademisk.

      ISBN 9788282170079.


    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Forfatter og helt i Simenons romaner. I: Dialogens tenker - Nordiske perspektiver på Bakhtin.

      Scandinavian Academic Press.

      ISBN 82-304-0019-9.


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Polyphonisme de Bakhtine à Ricoeur.


      Volum 39-40.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Bugge, Hans Erik; Fuglestad, Unni ; Knutsen, Ketil; Normand, Silje Henriette A; Savic, Milica; Wagner, David-Alexandre


      Critical literacies and Awareness in Education 1st year report.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre; Winter, Jay


      Beyond memory: silence and the aesthetics of remembrance.


      ISBN 978-1-13-882647-2.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre; Knutsen, Ketil; Hansen, Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss


      Flerstemte minner.

      Hertervig Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-8217-010-9.

      Hefte 2.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Le polyphonisme chez Simenon - Lecture bakhtinienne du bloc Fayard.

      Universitetet i Bergen.

      ISBN 8249702913.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Polifonismo, de Bajtin a Ricoeur.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Pratique et sémantique de la transtextualité de Genette. Étude comparée de deux romans : Herman Melville, Benito Cereno et Tomás de Mattos, La fragata de las máscaras.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      El proceso de ficcionalización del personaje histórico en Eduardo Acevedo Díaz y Tomás de Mattos.

  • Formidling
    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Kritisk tenkning: hva, hvordan, hvorfor.



    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Wagner, Åse Kari Hansen; Jensen, Ingeborg Marie


      Enhancing dialogic practices in elementary history education in Norway: The students’ perspectives.

      The role of dialogue in history education;

      2023-03-11 - 2023-03-12.

    • Wagner, David-Alexandre; Dessingué, Alexandre; Wagner, Åse Kari H.; Jensen, Ingeborg Marie


      Enhancing dialogic practices in elementary history education in Norway: The students’ perspectives.

      The role of dialogue in historical knowledge education;

      2023-03-11 - 2023-03-12.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Bugge, Hans Erik


      Kritisk tenkning i teori og i praksis: en presentasjon av CLAE prosjektet(Critical literacies and Awareness in Education) .


      2022-04-27 - .

    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Bugge, Hans Erik


      Å tenke kritisk sammen - kritisk tenkning i dialogiske undervisningspraksiser .


      2022-06-02 - 2022-06-03.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Blir krigen i Ukraina et historisk vende­punkt?.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Kritisk tenkning i møte med fortidens fremstillinger og identitetskonstruksjon.

      Dembra seminar;

      2022-05-09 - .

    • Gillen, Julia; Dessingué, Alexandre


      Critical Literacies and Awareness in Education II (CLAE II).

      UKLA Conference 2021;

      2021-07-02 - 2021-07-04.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Gaming og læring: hva vet vi?.

      Fagdag for lærere;

      2020-01-08 - .

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Verdibørsen. Offer og overgriper (etter holocaust).

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      History teachers understanding and practices of criticality.

      International Conference;

      2018-08-28 - 2018-09-02.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Understanding collective memories.

      Seminars for Phd and postdoc students at UTS, Sydney, Australia;

      2018-06-06 - .

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      The Work of Memory : historical thinking and education in France.


      2018-06-13 - .

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Mener virkelig Aftenbladet at å velge mellom en fascist og en sosial/liberal er det samme?.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      The uses of history and memory in video game The example of “Valiant Hearts: the Great War” .

      Nordforsk Seminar New First World War Memories - Tectonics of Memory in Europe;

      2017-06-22 - 2017-06-23.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Knutsen, Ketil; Wagner, David-Alexandre


      Presentation of the CLAE-project - Critical Literacy Awareness in Social Studies Education.

      Nettverkskonferansen for samfunnsfagene 2017;

      2017-11-27 - 2017-11-28.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Å tenke med minner og historie : fortellinger fra verdenskrigene i Frankrike.

      Fagdag for videregående skoler i Rogaland;

      2017-11-14 - .

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      What does it mean to think critically ? Presentation of the theoretical and methodological framework for the CLAE-project.

      CLAE-seminar (Critical Literacies and Awareness in Education);

      2017-03-20 - 2017-03-24.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Teacher as Reflective Practitioner - workshop on log writing.


      2017-03-20 - 2017-03-24.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Folk bare begynner å grine - om terrorangrepet mot Charlie Hebdo i Frankrike.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Vi må kunne le av religion.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Debatt om ytringsfridommen etter Charlie Hebdo.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Freire: "Reading the word and the world".

      Les!skriv - konferanse;

      2015-05-18 - 2015-05-20.

    • Hoem, Toril Frafjord; Nielsen, Ingrid; Dessingué, Alexandre; Wagner, David-Alexandre; Knutsen, Ketil


      Kritisk literacy, Symposium.



    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Refleksjoner om kollektiv identitet og kollektiv hukommelse i dag.

      Seminar MUST (Stavanger Museum);

      2014-11-13 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Kritisk tenkning i norsk grunnutdanning.

      Demokratijubileet, Universitetet i Stavanger;

      2014-11-06 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Lesing og literacy i fremtidens skole.

      Prøveforelesning ;

      2014-10-16 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Tverrfaglige og kritiske refleksjoner om kulturarv i læreplaner.

      Forskningskabaret, UiS;

      2014-08-21 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Nasjonsbygging mellom hukommelse og glemsel.

      IKS arbeidsseminar;

      2014-03-05 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Nasjonsbygging mellom hukommelse og glemsel.


      2014-06-20 - 2016-06-21.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      La notion d'identité narrative appliquée aux récits de mémoire (the notion of "narrative identity" applied to memory narratives).

      Phd course ;

      2013-01-25 - 2013-01-26.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Les lois mémorielles en France: entre epistémologie de l'histoire et phénoménologie de la mémoire (Minnelover i Frankrike: mellom epistemologi av historie og hukommelsens fenomenologi).

      International workshop - phd seminar;

      2013-04-04 - 2013-04-05.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Camus, sa vie, son oeuvre (Camus liv og verk).

      Institut francais;

      2013-04-24 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      11.09, Tsunami og andre prostetiske minner (11.09, Tsunami and other prosthetic memories).


      2013-04-24 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Nasjonsbygging mellom hukommelse og glemsel - Diskusjoner om kollektivt minne og kollektiv identitet hos Renan, Anderson, Nora og Ricoeur.

      Monumenter, minner og myter i norsk nasjonsbygging;

      2013-10-30 - 2013-10-31.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Skal vi huske Solveig Bergslien? Fortellinger om en ung kvinne engasjert i motstandsbevelgelse.


      2013-09-21 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Kampen mot kunnskapsløsheten.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      The Allegorical Silence of The Plague (Albert Camus).

      Memory Studies, Workshop;

      2012-06-08 - 2012-06-10.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      The Locatedness of the Collectiveness in Maurice Halbwachs.

      International Workshop;

      2012-12-12 - 2013-12-13.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Når kulturforskningen møter samfunnet.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Minnestudier: et tverrfaglig forskningsfelt.

      HIFO - gjesteforedrag;

      2011-03-31 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Er minner individuelle eller kollektive?.

      Filosofisk Forum;

      2011-04-11 - .

    • Dessingue, Alexandre


      Minnestudier fra sporvitenskap til lesevitenskap.

      Memory Studies Internseminar;

      2011-05-30 - 2011-05-31.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin


      Vi må ikke fortsette å glemme.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Dessingué, Alexandre; Dessingué, Alexandre


      De som ikke fikk plass i minnet.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Dessingué, Alexandre


      De som ikke fikk plass i minnet.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Kunnskapsløft = Fremmedspråkløft ?.

      Fremmedspråkseminar i regi av Gyldendal forlaget;

      2009-04-20 - 2009-04-21.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Polyfoni, dialogisme, intertekstualitet : et terminologisk kaos?.

      Dialogisk diskursanalyse, Temakurs for ph.d.-studenter i lesevitenskap/Literacy studies;

      2009-01-26 - 2009-01-28.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Memory Studies in France : from Bergson to Ricoeur.

      Ethics of Memory;

      2009-05-29 - 2009-05-30.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      From individual to collective memory in Jorge Semprún.

      Memory, Trauma and Reconciliation;

      2009-11-23 - 2009-11-24.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Flerspråklighet bra for verden, men ikke for Norge ?.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Det flerspråklige og flerkulturelle Europa.



    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      EKSPER - En aksjonell tilnærming til språkundervisning EKSPER - evalueringsverktøy av språkferdigheter.

      Språk og språkundervisning.

      ISSN 0038-8521.

      Volum 3.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio : En "komplett" forfatter Intervju ifm tildeling av Nobelpris i litteratur i 2008 m Tollef Mjaugedal.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      L'enseignement communicatif : questions et enjeux pour un enseignement communicatif du français.

      Fransk Forum;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Texte et communication en Français langue étrangère Comment les enfants entrent dans la culture écrite?.

      Cycle de conférences dans le cadre du "Kunnskapsløftet";


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Réflexions didactiques autour de l'utilisation de la BD en classe de FLE L'exemple d'Astérix et Obélix.

      Cycle de conférences dans le cadre du "Kunnskapsløftet";


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Approche didactique de la nouvelle de JMG Le Clézio "Celui qui n'avait jamais vu la mer".

      Cycle de conférences dans le cadre du "Kunnskapsløftet;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Le concept de polyphonie appliqué à L'Assommoir de Zola.

      Prøveforelesning ved doktordisputas;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Hva er kunnskapsløftet ? Den nye læreplanen for 2. og 3. fremmedspråk.

      Møte med fransklærere fra Sandnes Kommune;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      "Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio : un auteur pour la jeunesse ?".

      Åpen fagdag ved Universitetet i Stavanger;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Racisme et antisémitisme en France.

      Fransk fagdag for lærere i Rogaland;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      La littérature de jeunesse en France au travers des romans de Lehmann, Ferdjoukh et Solet.

      Fransk fagdag 2004;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Pedagogiske og faglige fordeler ved å bruke tegneserier i franskundervisningen.

      i regi av Damm Undervisning og Norli bokhandler;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Simenon : sa vie, son oeuvre.



    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      La polyphonie chez Simenon : une alternative à la représentation du mystère existentiel de l'être humain.

      Conférence internationale des études francophones;

      2004-06-19 - 2004-06-27.

    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Didaktiske og pedagogiske utfordringer : å undervise kommunikativt med Caminos.

      i regi av Gyldendal forlaget;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Le roman policier français.

      Åpen fagdag ved UiS;


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      El valor del espacio en dos cuentos de Borges.



    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Réflexion autour du livre de Michel Lafon, Borges ou la réécriture.

      Université de Lille III - Charles de Gaulle (Frankrike);


    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      Un estudio retórico : Las arengas de los jefes en la Araucana de Ercilla.



  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Dessingué, Alexandre


      EKSPER - Elevenes Kommunikative Språk PERformanse.

  • Kommersialisering
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