Nina Lazarevic

Associate Professor

Nina Lazarevic


Telephone: 51832118


Room: HG R-309


Faculty of Arts and Education

Department of Education and Sports Science


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Lazarevic, Nina


Grammar teaching in English language teacher professional development. Is there anything else left to say? .

The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL.

ISSN 2192-1032.

Volum 13.

Hefte 2.


Lazarevic, Nina; Paunovic, Tatjana


TEFL Methodology and Pre-Service Teacher Education at the English Department, University of Niš.

Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature (FU Ling Lit).

ISSN 0354-4702.

Volum 19.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.22190/FULL210906015P

Lazarevic, Nina; Markovic, Ljiljana


“A space for the translator(s)”: situating student translators in real-life shoes.

Современа филологија.

ISSN 2545-4765.

Lazarevic, Nina


CLIL teachers’ reflections and attitudes: surviving at the deep end.

International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

ISSN 1367-0050.

DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2019.1703897

Lazarevic, Nina


Collaborative story writing for intercultural communicative competence development.

Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature (FU Ling Lit).

ISSN 0354-4702.

Volum 15.

Hefte 2.


Bøker og kapitler

Lazarevic, Nina


What's so important about CLIL anyway? A practical guide for in-service and pre-service teachers of sciences and the English language.

ISBN 978-86-7379-552-2.

Lazarevic, Nina; Paunovic, Tatjana; Markovic, Ljiljana


Teaching Languages and Cultures: Developing Competencies, Re-thinking Practices.

ISBN 1-5275-0893-5.

Lazarevic, Nina


Integrated performance assessment: Assessment for learning. I: Teaching Languages and Cultures: Developing Competencies, Re-thinking Practices.

ISBN 1-5275-0893-5.


Lazarevic, Nina


Development of intercultural communicative competence – a course for pre-service EFL teachers. I: Intercultural Competence in International Higher Education.


ISBN 978-1-138-69385-2.


Lazarevic, Nina


Intercultural communicative competence – How to get there.

ISBN 978-86-7379-437-2.


Lazarevic, Nina


The creation and use of digital materials in the English teacher education program.

The Role of Materials Development in Foreign/Second Language Teacher Education A European Online Conference (MaDe-InTEd);


Lazarevic, Nina


Pre-Service Teachers as Material Creators – Insights from a Materials Design Course.

The MATSDA/ Universidade NOVA de Lisboa/FCSH Conference: Materials for Developing Communicative Ability;

2024-06-05 - 2024-06-06.

Lazarevic, Nina


Democracy and citizenship: Material development for teacher training programs. Insights from the project Student Active Digital Learning Cycles .

UNESCO Chair og programområdet for Mangfold, Inkludering og Utdanning (MIU) sammen med programområdet for Demokrati og Medborgerskap (DEMCI) seminar;


Lazarevic, Nina


Creating materials for working with Democracy and Citizenship in the English subject.

Skolelederkonferansen på Sola Demokrati og medborgerskap – barnets stemme;

2023-02-02 - 2023-02-03.

Lazarevic, Nina


Developing writing skills with young learners’ generated material.

Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Insights & Innovations TLC 2023;

2023-10-06 - 2023-10-07.

Lazarevic, Nina


Preparing EL teachers for intercultural classrooms .

Demci seminar;


Lazarevic, Nina


“I Want Them to Be Competent Communicators”: Pre-Service Teachers’ Views on Intercultural Competence in English Language Teaching.

. International conference English Studies at the Interface of Disciplines: Research and Practice (ESIDRP 2022);

2022-04-08 - 2022-04-09.

Lazarevic, Nina


"What do you actually mean by intercultural competence?" Teachers' and student-teachers' views.

DEMCI Past and Future;

2021-12-01 - 2021-12-03.

Lazarevic, Nina


Researching ICC.

Democracy and Citizenship: interdisciplinary approaches and critical perspective;

2019-11-25 - 2019-11-26.

Lazarevic, Nina


Are we preparing future EFL teachers for the intercultural world? .

International conference English Studies at the Interface of disciplines: Research and Practice;

2019-03-21 - 2019-03-23.

Lazarevic, Nina


Collaborative story writing for student teachers: intercultural competence development.

ATEE Conference – Changing Perspectives and Approaches in Contemporary Teaching;

2017-10-23 - 2017-10-25.

Lazarevic, Nina


New and old challenges to ICC teaching and assessment – examples from teaching practice.

SDAŠ 2016: M@king It New In English Studies;

2016-09-15 - 2016-09-17.

Lazarevic, Nina


Assessment of Intercultural Competence – Possibilities and Limitations.

Monterey Bay Foreign Language Education Symposium - Practices, Progress & Possibilities;
