Simone Valerie Häckl-Schermer

Postdoctoral Fellow

Simone Valerie Häckl-Schermer


Telephone: 51831384


Room: EOJ SV-232


UiS School of Business and Law

Department of Economics and Finance

About me

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Stavanger Business School. I've finished my Ph.D. in May 2020 at WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business. You can find my personal homepage here.

I am affiliated with Synapse Lab, an interdisciplinary research lab with a focus on interventions for promoting motivation and learning in education and worklife, where I organize the Synapse Lab Research Seminar.

My interests lie in behavioral and experimental economics, and more specifically in individual decision making. In my thesis, I discuss behavioral motives to work hard, like intrinsic motivation, overconfidence, or grit. More recently, I am engaged in field experiments and policy projects in the area of educational interventions and organizational economics.



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Seifert, Marcel; Spitzer, Florian; Haeckl, Simone ; Gaudeul, Alexia; Kirchler, Erich; Palan, Stefan; Gangl, Katharina


Can information provision and preference elicitation promote ESG investments? Evidence from a large, incentivized online experiment.

Journal of Banking & Finance.

ISSN 0378-4266.

Volum 161.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2024.107114

Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Employee Satisfaction, Engagement, and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

Management science.

ISSN 0025-1909.

Volum 71.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2022.02170

Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Sausgruber, Rupert; Tyran, Jean-Robert


Work motivation and teams.

Economics Letters.

ISSN 0165-1765.

Volum 244.

DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2024.112020

Grosch, Kerstin; Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Rau, Holger A.


A Guide to Conducting School Experiments: Expert Insights and Best Practices for Effective Implementation.

UiS Working Papers in Economics and Finance.

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4476255

Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie


Image concerns in ex-ante self-assessments–Gender differences and behavioral consequences.

Labour Economics.

ISSN 0927-5371.

Volum 76.

DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102166

Grosch, Kerstin; Haeckl, Simone ; Kocher, Martin


Closing the Gender STEM Gap - A Large-Scale RandomizedControlled Trial in Elementary Schools.

CESifo Working Papers.

ISSN 1617-9595.

Hefte 9907.

Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Kartal, Melis


Does a stereotype benefit women in the labor market: An experiment on perseverance.

UiS Working Papers in Economics and Finance.

Bøker og kapitler

Haeckl, Simone ; Grosch, Kerstin; Martin, Kocher; Bauer, Christian


MINT-Interesse bei Kindern steigern: Ein Feldexperiment an Volksschulen in Österreich.

Haeckl, Simone ; Kocher, Martin; Sonntag, Axel; Florian, Spitzer


Pensionsreformansätze aus verhaltensökonomischer Sicht.


Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie


Supportive Leadership.

Fostering Psychological Safety in Firms;


Haeckl, Simone ; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

Research Seminar Lund;


Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

25th Colloquium on Personnel Economics;

2023-09-23 - 2023-09-24.

Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

Research seminar Paderborn ;


Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Möller, Jakob; Zednik, Anita


Can being competitive but unsuccessful harm you, even more so if you are a woman?.

IMEBESS Conference;

2023-05-16 - 2023-05-19.

Vadle, zsuzsanna; Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Hajdu, Gergely


Effects of a role model intervention on students’ aspirations, motivation and education choices.

ESA World Meeting;

2023-06-26 - 2023-06-29.

Vadle, Zsuzsanna; Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Hajdu, Gergely


Effects of a role model intervention on students’ aspirations, motivation and education choices.

Hungarian Economics Institute’s Summer Doctoral Workshop;

2023-03-15 - 2023-04-15.

Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Employee Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

MOB Research Seminar;


Haeckl, Simone ; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

SOLE Conference;

2022-05-06 - 2022-05-07.

Haeckl, Simone ; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

Advances with Field Experiments Conference;

2022-06-08 - 2022-06-09.

Haeckl, Simone ; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

6th Stavanger Behavioral Economics and Finance Workshop ;

2022-08-25 - 2022-08-26.

Haeckl, Simone




2022-06-07 - 2022-06-16.

Haeckl, Simone ; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

Field Days;

2022-10-20 - 2022-10-21.

Haeckl, Simone ; Rege, Mari


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.

University of Bergen Department Seminar;


Rege, Mari; Haeckl, Simone


Støttende lederskap.

Ledersamling i Lyse;

2022-06-09 - .

Rege, Mari; Haeckl, Simone


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field InvestigationRediger.

FAIR Midway conference;

2022-06-22 - 2022-06-23.

Rege, Mari; Haeckl, Simone


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Worker Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance: An Experimental Field InvestigationRediger.

Pillars Conferencs: Education, Skills, and Worker Retraining;

2022-02-17 - 2022-02-18.

Rege, Mari; Ertesvåg, Sigrun K.; Haeckl, Simone


RCT in Social Science.

Seminar at the Network for Welfare Research;


Haeckl, Simone


Closing the gender STEM gap - A large-scale randomized-controlled trial in elementary schools.

Research Seminar University of Regensburg;


Katharina, Drescher; Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Julia, Schmieder


STEM Careers: Workshops Using Role Models Can Reduce Gender Stereotypes.

DIW Weekly Report.

Volum 13.