Mats Ingdal

Senior Engineer

Mats Ingdal




Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science

Laboratory IMBM


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Ingdal, Mats; Johnsen, Roy; Harrington, David A.


The Akaike information criterion in weighted regression of immittance data.

Electrochimica Acta.

ISSN 0013-4686.

Volum 317.


DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2019.06.030

Holm, Thomas; Ingdal, Mats; Strobl, Jonathan R.; Fanavoll, Espen Vinge; Sunde, Svein; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A.


Generator-Sensor Impedance at Double Channel Electrodes.

Electrochimica Acta.

ISSN 0013-4686.

Volum 229.


DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2017.01.075

Holm, Thomas; Ingdal, Mats; Fanavoll, Espen Vinge; Sunde, Svein; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A.


Mass-transport impedance at channel electrodes: Accurate and approximate solutions.

Electrochimica Acta.

ISSN 0013-4686.

Volum 202.


DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.03.096


Thorkaas, Johan Andreas Håland; Ingdal, Mats; Bjerkan, Håkon Magne


Seminar i rapportskriving og prosjektarbeid for ingeniør bachelorstudenter.

MNT-konferansen 2023;

2023-03-16 - 2023-03-17.

Holm, Thomas; Ingdal, Mats; Strobl, Jonathan A; Fanavoll, Espen Vinge; Sunde, Svein; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A.


Downstream Impedance in Microfluidic Channels.

ECS 233rd meeting;

2018-05-13 - 2018-05-17.

Knudsen, Ole Øystein; Ingdal, Mats


Effect of electrochemical hydrogen reduction rate on absorption and diffusion rate in steel .


2018-09-09 - 2020-09-13.

Holm, Thomas; Ingdal, Mats; Sunde, Svein; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A.


FEM modelling of diffusional electrochemical impedance spectroscopy at a channel electrode.

8th KIFEE symposium;

2015-09-20 - 2015-09-23.

Holm, Thomas; Ingdal, Mats; Strobl, Jonathan; Fanavoll, Espen Vinge; Sunde, Svein; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A.


Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy at Channel Electrodes: A Rotating Ring-Disc Electrode Analogy.

8th KIFEE symposium;

2015-09-20 - 2015-09-23.

Holm, Thomas; Ingdal, Mats; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A.


FEM Modelling of Diffusional Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy at a Channel Electrode.

228th ECS Meeting;

2015-10-11 - 2015-10-16.