Jacob Ryan Adams

Associate Professor

Jacob Ryan Adams


Telephone: 51831672

Email: jacob.r.adams@uis.no


UiS School of Business and Law

Department of Accounting and Law



Bubalo, Lana; Adams, Jacob Ryan


Integrating Practical and Clinical Legal Education in the UiS Law Programmes.

Tra Vinh University Conference on Developing Sustainable Partnerships Between Canada and Vietnam in Education and Vocational Training;

2023-02-20 - 2023-03-21.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Indigenous Issues in Native Handicrafts and Intellectual Property.

Sealaska Heritage Institute Visiting Scholar Presentations;


Adams, Jacob Ryan


The Fertile Environment for Legal Protections of Native Alaskan Handicraft Heritage.

Sealaska Heritage Institute Visiting Scholar Presentations;


Adams, Jacob Ryan


Panel Discussion on Cultural Appropriation.

Riddu Riddu;


Adams, Jacob Ryan


Hvem Eier Retten Til Duodji?.

Markomeannu - SESAM Seminar;


Adams, Jacob Ryan


Trademarks and the Collective Identity.

Nordic IPR Network Meeeting;

2016-09-29 - .

Adams, Jacob Ryan


The use of trademarks and trademark-like protections in an indigenous rights context.

World Indigenous Law Conference;

2016-10-19 - 2016-10-22.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Trademarks as a tool of social good.



Adams, Jacob Ryan


Scholar: Trademarks could protect Alaska Native art and culture.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Trademarks as protection of Alaska Native art and culture.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


People's Handiwork.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Hevder store aktører stjeler samisk kultur.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Radio Interview.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Márkomeanu fakeságastallan: Sámi dávvirmearka veahkkeneavvun turisttaida.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Son buktá dávvirmearkavásáhusas Amerihkas eamiálbmotmáilbmái.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Mitä yhteistä on Tobleronella ja saamenpuvulla? - Tavaramerkistä haetaan ratkaisua feikkiongelmaan.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Gii oamasta rievtti duodjái?.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Radio Interview.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Jurist: Varumärkseskydd på ordet samer borde aldrig ha fått ske.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Unknown Trademarks.

Hjernekraftverk Forskerforbundets Pechakucha-kveld i Tromsø;


Adams, Jacob Ryan


Trump må belaga seg på å ile langsomt.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Hvor mye makt får trump?.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Cultural Conversations.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Protection of indigenous cultural expressions through existing intellectual property law - trademarks.


2015-10-19 - 2015-10-21.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Saami people are trying to stop exploitation of indigenous handicrafts.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Protection of Indigenous Cultural Expressions through Existing Intellectual Property Law.

NORSIL Seminar;

2014-06-10 - 2014-06-12.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Protection of Indigenous Cultural Expressions Through Existing Intellectual Property Law.

Nordic IPR Network Meeeting;

2014-05-08 - 2014-05-10.

Adams, Jacob Ryan


Intellectual property and indigenous resources.

Seminar om Duodjimerket;
