Melina Antonia Buns

Associate Professor

Melina Antonia Buns


Telephone: 51832068


Room: HG O-232


Faculty of Arts and Education

Department of Cultural Studies and Languages

About me


Melina Antonia Buns (she/her) is Associate Professor of History at the University of Stavanger and The Greenhouse - Center for Environmental Humanities.


My research lies at the intersection of environmental, energy, and international history. In my previous research, I have in particular focused on the Nordic region, environmental politics, and international organisations. Moving into the field of energy and nuclear humanities, I am more and more interested in materials and (in-between) places. 


Currently, I am writing a book on Nordic cooperation in international environmental politics, that is based on my thesis (University of Oslo, 2021), in which I explore the dynamics and motives of the allegedly green Nordics. I have talked about this research in a on 'Nordic Cooperation: Self-Interest or Altruism?' .

Furthermore, I am conducting new research on the international dimension of radioactive waste and its technology-society-environment entanglements. This research had its beginnings in the project ‘Nuclear Nordics: Radioactive Waste Spatialities, Materialities and Societies in the Nordic Region, 1960s to 1990s’, which was funded by the Research Council of Norway (324293) and of which I was the PI.


In the autumn of 2023, I spent time at the Centre for Environmental Humanities at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Before that, I have been visiting postdoctoral researcher at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, and visiting doctoral candidate at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, Germany.


I am the Knowledge Event Coordinator at the Greenhouse and responsible for the research talk series, the work-in-progress seminars, and reading meetings.  


NB! Please do not try to reach me on the telephone. Write an email to instead and I will respond as soon as possible.




Melina Antonia Buns er førsteamanuensis i historie ved Universitetet i Stavanger og The Greenhouse - Senter for miljøhumaniora.


Mine forskningsinteresser ligger i mødepunktet mellem miljø-, energi-, og international historie. I min tidligere forskning har jeg særdeles fokuseret på de nordiske lande, miljøpolitik, og internationale organisationer. Ved at bevæge mig ind i energihumanioria og atomkrafthistorie er jeg blevet mere og mere interesseret i materialiteter og steder.


For tiden skriver jeg en bog om nordisk samarbejde i international miljøpolitik, som baserer sig på min afhandling (Universitetet i Oslo, 2021), i hvilken jeg analyserer dynamikker og motiver af de ’grønne’ nordiske lande. Jeg har snakket om denne forskning i en podcast om 'Nordic Cooperation: Self-Interest or Altruism?' .

Derudover bedriver jeg ny forskning om de internationale dimensioner af radioaktivt affald og dets sociale, økonomiske, politiske, teknologiske og miljømæssige forviklinger. Forskningen tog sit udgangspunkt i projektet ’Nuclear Nordics: Radioactive Waste Spatialities, Materialities and Societies in the Nordic Region, 1960s to 1990s’, hvilket var finansieret af Norges Forskningsråd (324293) og for hvilket jeg var PI.


I efteråret 2023 var jeg gæst ved Centre for Environmental Humanities ved University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Tidligere har jeg været gæst ved Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm, Sverige, og Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Tyskland.


På UiS er jeg emneansvarlig for HIS290 Bacheloroppgaven i historie. I 2023-2024 underviser jeg også i HIS175 Hva er historie?, HIS185 Innføring i historiske emner, og MHI336 Environmental History. Jeg vejleder gerne bachelor- og masteropgaver som vil beskæftige sig med internationale organisationer, miljøhistorie og -politik, nordisk samarbejde og historie, sociale bevægelser, eller energihistorie.

I september 2023 har jeg været gæsteforelæser på Bærekraftslaboratoriet på UiO. Jeg har tidligere undervist i miljøhistorie, konsumhistorie, international og transnational historie på UiO, samt i teknik- og videnskabshistorie på KTH.


Ved The Greenhouse er jeg ansvarlig for centrets forskningsarrangementer.


Jeg er repræsentant for UH fakultetet i Arbeidsgruppe for grønn omstilling på UiS.


NB! Venligst forsøg ikke at nå mig på telefonen. Skriv hellere en mail til og jeg skal svare så rask som muligt.

Træffetider kun efter aftale.



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Buns, Melina Antonia


Green Internationalism on Display: Motives, Structures, and Dynamics of Nordic Environmental Diplomacy during the 1970s.

Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society (DIPL).

ISSN 2589-1766.

Volum 5.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1163/25891774-bja10104

Buns, Melina Antonia


Making a model: the 1974 Nordic Environmental Protection Convention and Nordic attempts to form international environmental law.

Scandinavian Journal of History.

ISSN 0346-8755.

Volum 48.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1080/03468755.2022.2069151

Buns, Melina Antonia


Da miljøpolitik blev nordisk.


ISSN 1504-1913.

Hefte 1.


Buns, Melina Antonia


Marching Activists: Transnational Lessons for Danish Anti-Nuclear Protest.


ISSN 2199-3408.

Hefte Summer 18.

DOI: 10.5282/rcc/7918

Bøker og kapitler

Buns, Melina Antonia


Green Internationalists: Nordic Environmental Cooperation, 1967-1988.

Universitetet i Oslo.


Buns, Melina Antonia


H-Diplo | RJISSF Roundtable Review 15-24 on Elisabeth Roehrlich 'Inspectors for Peace'.

H-Diplo The Robert Jervis International Security Studies Forum.

DOI: 10.1353/book.100164

Buns, Melina Antonia


Atomkraft i Norden.

Århundredets Festival;

2024-03-17 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia


Waste in Transit: Transport Technologies, Environments, and Anti-Nuclear Protest.

Global Legacies of Anti-Nuclear Activism;

2024-04-11 - 2024-04-14.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Reflections on the Future of Nuclear Humanities.

The Future of the Environmental Humanities;

2023-02-20 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia


Review of Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha by Robert A. Jacobs.

Technology and Culture.

ISSN 0040-165X.

Volum 64.

Hefte 3.


Buns, Melina Antonia


Transporting waste, transforming natures: how nuclear waste treatment challenges the boundaries of (non-)nuclear environments.

12th European Society for Environmental History Conference;

2023-08-22 - 2023-08-26.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Dreaming of a shared hiding place: Nordic nuclear waste cooperation and emergence of nuclear waste nationalism.

6th Nordic Challenges Conference ‘Nordic Challenges and Identities: Pasts, Presents, Futures’;

2023-05-24 - 2023-05-26.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Norsk-tysk energisamarbeid i historisk perspektiv.

’Tyskland i dag’ Tysklandskonferanse i Stavanger;

2023-09-07 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia


Samtale «Fremtidens energisektor – sett i et historisk perspektiv» med Grete Faremo, Einar Steensnæs, Björn Lindberg.

’Tyskland i dag’ Tysklandskonferanse i Stavanger;

2023-09-07 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia; Hill, Christopher


Residual Empire: The Imperial Heritage of Radioactive Waste in West Africa.

Theorizing the Nuclear Age in International Relations: Imaginaries, Intersections and Enduring Legacies;

2023-06-15 - 2023-06-16.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Norvège, fossile envers et contre tout.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Nuclear Nordics: Radioactive Waste Spatialities, Materialities and Societies in the Nordic Region, 1960s to 1990s.


2022-02-02 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia; Engh, Sunniva; Witcombe, Nicola


Nordic Cooperation: Self-interest or Altruism? .

Buns, Melina Antonia


Debate: Is Nuclear Energy Sustainable?.

Debate: Is Nuclear Energy Sustainable?;

2022-05-09 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia


Nuclear Nordics: Histories of Radioactive Waste in the Nordic Region.

Higher Seminar ;

2022-05-16 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia


From Nordic Environmental Cooperation Towards a Nordic Green New Deal.

Stockholm +50: The Nordic Model of Ecological Transformation: 1972-2022;

2022-05-20 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia; Nygaard, Pål


25 millioner til atomforskning er et dyrt villspor.


ISSN 0805-3847.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Shipping Nuclear Waste and Fluid Nuclearities in Border Environments.

10th Tensions of Europe Conference: Technology, Environment and Resources;

2022-06-29 - 2022-07-01.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Reinvesting in the Environment: Scandinavian Welfare State Ideals and Economic Instruments on Pollution Control.

European Society for Environmental History Conference 2022: Same planet, different worlds: environmental histories imagining anew;

2022-07-04 - 2022-07-08.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Weapons and Waste: Scandinavian anti-nuclear movements’ transnational campaign for non-proliferation .

Nordic Civil Societies Midway Seminar;

2022-08-25 - 2022-08-26.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Utopien om et fællesnordisk slutdepot.

BI Business History Seminar: Hva kan næringslivstorie lære av miljøhistorie?;

2022-11-11 - .

Buns, Melina Antonia


The emergence of Nordic environmental cooperation, 1967-1974.

ISSN 2597-016X.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Review of "The Environment and the European Public Sphere: Perceptions, Actors, Policies, eds. Christian Wenkel, Eric Bussière, Anahita Grisoni, Hélène Miard-Delacroix (Winwick: White Horse Press, 2020)".

H-Net Reviews.

ISSN 1538-0661.

Buns, Melina Antonia


The 1974 Nordic Environmental Protection Convention.

ISSN 2597-016X.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Interview: Melina Antonia Buns.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Histories of Scandinavian Foreign Policies. Rezension zu: Leira, Halvard: Utenrikspolitikkens opprinnelse. Norge og verden. Oslo 2020. ISBN 9788215030043 / Staur, Carsten: Skilleveje. Dansk udenrigspolitik i 250 år. Kopenhagen 2020. ISBN 978-87-12-05906-6 / Eddie, Graeme D.: Swedish Foreign Policy, 1809–2019. A Comprehensive Modern History. New York 2020. ISBN 978-1-4331-7484-1..

H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften.

ISSN 2196-5307.

Buns, Melina Antonia


On the disillusionment with ‘environmental’ research – and current opportunities.

Environmental History Now.

Buns, Melina Antonia


Klimaaktivisterne skal lære af deres historiske forgængere og kræve et opgør med systemet.

Dagbladet Information.
