Jon-Sander Amland

PhD Candidate

Jon-Sander Amland


Telephone: 51831957


Room: EAL H-207


UiS School of Business and Law

Department of Economics and Finance

About me

Jon-Sander is a PhD candidate at the University of Stavanger's School of Business and Law, Department of Economics and Finance. His research primarily explores the impact of leadership behavior on employee outcomes. 

Jon-Sander is also affiliated with Synapse Lab at UiS, a cross-disciplinary laboratory for research on learning and motivation.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bollestad, Veronica Svihus; Amland, Jon-Sander; Olsen, Espen


The pros and cons of remote work in relation to bullying, loneliness and work engagement: A representative study among Norwegian workers during COVID-19.

Frontiers in Psychology.

ISSN 1664-1078.

Volum 13.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1016368