Magnus Jørgensen

Associate Professor

Magnus Jørgensen


Telephone: 51832294



Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Public Health

About me

Magnus holds a master's degree in Psychology from Copenhagen University and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Bergen. In his doctoral research, he explored how adolescent depressed mood, life transitions, health behaviors, and social relationships serve as pathways linking adolescent social background to disparities in adult depressed mood. His current research focuses on adolescent mental health in school settings, among other topics. Magnus has extensive experience with quantitative analysis, including structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, growth modeling, conjoint analysis, and more.

My research

  • Adolecent mental health
  • Health and developmental psychology
  • Life Course Research
  • Social inequalities in (mental) health

Academic background

• Structural equation modeling
• Systematic review
• Multilevel modeling
• Longitudinal modeling
• Philosophy of science


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Jørgensen, Magnus; Smith, Otto Robert Frans; Wold, Bente; Haug, Ellen Merethe Melingen


Social inequality in the association between life transitions into adulthood and depressed mood: a 27-year longitudinal study.

Frontiers in Public Health.

ISSN 2296-2565.

Volum 12.

DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1286554

Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Jørgensen, Magnus; Haug, Ellen Merethe Melingen


I want to play a game: Examining sex differences in the effects of pathological gaming, academic self-efficacy, and academic initiative on academic performance in adolescence.

Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education.

ISSN 1360-2357.

Volum 29.


DOI: 10.1007/s10639-024-12632-z

Kristensen, Sara Madeleine Eriksen; Jørgensen, Magnus; Meland, Eivind; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy


The effect of teacher, parental, and peer support on later grade point average: The mediating roles of self-beliefs.

Psychology in the Schools.

ISSN 0033-3085.

Volum 60.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1002/pits.22865

Jørgensen, Magnus; Smith, Otto Robert Frans; Wold, Bente; Bøe, Tormod; Haug, Ellen Merethe Melingen


Tracking of depressed mood from adolescence into adulthood and the role of peer and parental support: A partial test of the Adolescent Pathway Model.

SSM - Population Health.

ISSN 2352-8273.

Volum 23.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101440

Harris, Samantha Marie; Jørgensen, Magnus; Lowthian, Emily; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine Eriksen


Up in smoke? Limited evidence of a smoking harm paradox in 17-year cohort study.

BMC Public Health.

ISSN 1471-2458.

Volum 23.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-16952-6


Jørgensen, Magnus


Depressed mood from early adolescence to mid-adulthood: A life course perspective focused on social inequality, gender, and the role of adolescent pathways..

Folkehelsekonferansen 2023;

2023-09-21 - 2023-09-22.

Jørgensen, Magnus


Hvorfor hænger vores sociale status sammen med vores sundhed?.

ISSN 1903-301X.

Jørgensen, Magnus


Associations between early life transitions and depressed mood over time: A 27-year study.

15th European Public Health Conference;


Jørgensen, Magnus


The associations between early life transitions and depressed mood over time: A 27-year longitudinal study of a Norwegian cohort from age 13 to 40.

Social and Community Psychology Conference 2021;
