Adriana Gerarda Bus


Adriana Gerarda Bus




Faculty of Arts and Education

National Centre for Reading Education and Research


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Shang, Yi; Roskos, Kathleen


Building a Stronger Case for Independent Reading at School.

AERA Open.

ISSN 2332-8584.

Volum 10.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1177/23328584241267843

van der Sande, Lisa; Wildeman, Ilona; Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Steensel, Roel van


Nudging to Stimulate Reading in Primary and Secondary Education.

Sage Open.

ISSN 2158-2440.

Volum 13.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1177/21582440231166357

Li, Xuan; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Efficacy of digital picture book enhancements grounded in multimedia learning principles: Dependent on age?.

Learning and Instruction.

ISSN 0959-4752.

Volum 85.

DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2023.101749

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Hoel, Trude


Digital picture books : Opportunities and utilities. I: Handbook on the science of early literacy.

Guilford Press.

ISBN 9781462551545.


Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Broekhof, Kees; Vaessen, Karin


Free access to multilingual digital books: a tool to increase book reading?.

Frontiers in Education.

ISSN 2504-284X.

Volum 8.

DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1120204

Sun, He; Roberts, Adam Charles; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Bilingual children’s visual attention while reading digital picture books and story retelling.

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

ISSN 0022-0965.

Volum 215.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105327

Tunkiel, Katarzyna A.; Bus, Adriana G.


Digital Picture Books for Young Dual Language Learners: Effects of Reading in the Second Language.

Frontiers in Education.

ISSN 2504-284X.

Volum 7.

DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2022.901060

De Bondt, Merel G. ; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Tracking the long-term effects of the Bookstart intervention: Associations with temperament and book-reading habits.

Learning and Individual Differences.

ISSN 1041-6080.

Volum 98.

DOI: 10.1016/j.lindif.2022.102199

van der Sande, Lisa; Wildeman, Ilona; Bus, Adriana Gerarda; van Steensel, Roel


Personalized Expert Guidance of Students’ Book Choices in Primary and Secondary Education.

Reading Psychology.

ISSN 0270-2711.

Volum 43.

Hefte 5-6.


DOI: 10.1080/02702711.2022.2113944

Walubita, Gabriel; Matafwali, Beatrice; Chansa-Kabali, Tamara; Mwanza-Kabaghe, Sylvia; Chongwe, Gershom; Kasonde-Ng'andu, Sophie; Mofu, Mubanga; Serenje, Janet; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Sex and School Differences in Executive Function Performance of Zambian Public Preschoolers.

American Journal of Applied Psychology.

ISSN 2328-5664.

Volum 10.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.12691/ajap-10-1-5

Ugurlu, Sari; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Dijital cocuk kitaplarinda etkilesim: Hikayeler ve gercek yasam arasinda kopru kurmak . I: Dijital Teknoloji.

ISBN 0000000000.


Furenes, May Irene; Kucirkova, Natalia; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


A Comparison of Children’s Reading on Paper Versus Screen: A Meta-Analysis .

Review of Educational Research.

ISSN 0034-6543.

DOI: 10.3102/0034654321998074

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Roskos, Kathleen; Burstein, Karen


Promising interactive functions in digital storybooks for young children. I: International perspectives on digital media and early literacy : The impact of digital devices on learning language acquisition and social interaction.


ISBN 9780367279042.


Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Anstadt, Rosalie


Toward Digital Picture Books for a New Generation of Emergent Readers.

AERA Open.

ISSN 2332-8584.

Volum 7.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1177/23328584211063874

Bus, Adriana; Hoel, Trude; Aliagas, Cristina; Jernes, Margrethe; Korat, Ofra; Mifsund, Charles L.; van Coillie, Jan


Availability and quality of storybook apps across five less widely used languages. I: The Routledge handbook of digital literacies in early childhood.


ISBN 9781138303881.


Bus, Adriana; Neuman, Susan B.; Roskos, Kathleen


Screens, apps, and digital books for young children: the promise of multimedia.

AERA Open.

ISSN 2332-8584.

Volum 6.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1177/2332858420901494

Barr, Rachel; Kirkorian, Heather; Radesky, Jenny; Coyne, Sarah; Nichols, Deborah; Blanchfield, Olivia; Rusnak, Sylvia; Stockdale, Laura; Ribner, Andy; Durnez, Joke; Epstein, Mollie; Heimann, Mikael; Koch, Felix-Sebastian; Sundqvist, Annette; Birberg-Thornberg, Ulrika; Konrad, Carolin; Slussareff, Michaela; Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Bellagamba, Francesca; Fitzpatrick, Caroline


Beyond Screen Time: A Synergistic Approach to a More Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure During Early Childhood.

Frontiers in Psychology.

ISSN 1664-1078.

Volum 11.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01283

Bondt, Merel de; Willenberg, Ingrid A.; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Do Book Giveaway Programs Promote the Home Literacy Environment and Children’s Literacy-Related Behavior and Skills?.

Review of Educational Research.

ISSN 0034-6543.

Volum 90.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.3102/0034654320922140

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Ijzendoorn, Marinus H. van; Mol, Suzanne E.


Meta-analysis. I: Literacy research methodologies.

Guilford Press.

ISBN 9781462544318.

Sarı, Burcu; Basal, Handan Asude; Takacs, Zsofia K; Bus, Adriana


A randomized controlled trial to test efficacy of digital enhancements of storybooks in support of narrative comprehension and word learning.

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

ISSN 0022-0965.

Volum 179.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2018.11.006

Anstadt, Rosalie; Bus, Adriana


Bliksem! Een experiment met digitale verteltechnieken . I: Lekker lezen: Over het belang van leesmotivatie.

Eburon Academic Publishers.

ISBN 9789463012706.


Bondt, Merel de; Bus, Adriana


Effecten van boekstart na vijf jaar. I: Lekker lezen: Over het belang van leesmotivatie.

Eburon Academic Publishers.

ISBN 9789463012706.


Wildeman, Ilona; van der Sande, Lisa; Bus, Adriana; van Steensel, Roel


Leesroutines stimuleren: het efect van nudging. I: Lekker lezen: Over het belang van leesmotivatie.

Eburon Academic Publishers.

ISBN 9789463012706.


Sande, Lisa van der; Wildeman, Ilona; Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Steensel, Roel van


Lezen stimuleren via vrij lezen, boekgesprekken en appberichten : Effecten van leesbevorderingsactiviteiten in het basisonderwijs en vmbo: onderzoek in het kader van een evaluatie van de Bibliotheek op school : [Free reading, book conversations and app messages : Effects of reading promotion activities in primary education and pre-vocational secondary education : research in the context of an evaluation of the library at school].

Eburon Academic Publishers.

ISBN 9789463012775.

Bøker og kapitler

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Broekhof, Kees; Vaessen, Karin; Coenraads, Christiaan


Meertalige digitale prentenboeken in het gezin : Onderzoeksrapport.

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Bondt, Merel de


Vroeg begonnen, veel gewonnen : Een onderzoek naar de langetermijneffecten van BoekStart.

Eburon Academic Publishers.

ISBN 9789463014182.

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Anstadt, Rosalie


Thuis voorlezen met digitale prentenboeken : Een veelbelovende interventie voor twee- en driejarigen met een taalachterstand : [Digital picture book-reading at home : A promising intervention for two- and three-year-olds with a language delay].

ISBN 9789463211222.


Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Hoel, Trude


A Platform with Multilingual Digital Picture Books to Promote Book-sharing in Families: First Results .

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennal Meeting;


Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Kucirkova, Natalia


Digital Picture Books: A New Opportunity for Children Whose Parents Do Not Read With Them.

The Good Men Project.

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Kucirkova, Natalia


Digital picture books : A new opportunity for children whose parents do not read with them.

Child & Family Blog.

Tunkiel, Katarzyna; Bus, Adriana


Shared digital book reading with Polish/Norwegian dual language learners at home and in kindergarten.

Growing up with Polish in Norway: what do we know and what is yet to be discovered;


Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Hoel, Trude


When Technology is Here to Stay: Maximizing the Potential of E-Books for Learning in Young Childhood .

Society for Research in Child Development Biennal Meeting 2021;

2021-04-07 - 2021-04-09.

Kucirkova, Natalia; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


A Comparison of Children’s Reading on Paper versus Screen: A Meta-analysis.

Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

2021-07-13 - 2021-07-16.

Heimann, Mikael; Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Barr, Rachel


Growing up in a digital world : Social and cognitive implications.

Frontiers in Psychology.

ISSN 1664-1078.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.745788

Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Dyslexia, leisure time reading, reading resistance, and technology : Invited keynote at the 12th International Conference of the British dyslexia association.

12th International Conference of the British dyslexia association;

2021-05-20 - 2021-05-21.

Li, X.; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


The effects of E-book enhancements for developing young children's story comprehension and vocabulary word learning : Poster presented at the AERA conference, April 9, 2021.

AERA Annual Meeting ;

2021-04-09 - 2021-04-12.

Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Reinventing picture books for a new generation of readers : Results of an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis.

Learning about literacy through multimedia : Symposium presented at SRCD 2021;

2021-04-07 - .

Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Do toddlers learning a second language benefit from digital books and why? .

When Technology is here to stay : Maximizing the potential of E-Books for learning in young childhood. Symposium presented at SRCD21;

2021-04-09 - .

Shang, Yi; Roskos, Kathleen; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


New evidence : Resolving the lasting dispute about independent reading practice at school : A meta-analysis.

Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

2021-07-15 - .

van der Sande, Lisa; van Steensel, Roel; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Personalized expert guidance of students’ book choices in primary and secondary education.

Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

2021-07-15 - .

Sun, He; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Eye tracker and skin conductance in bilingual children’s heritage language reading process.

Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

2021-07-16 - .

Li, X.; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Effectiveness of digital book enhancements.

Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

2021-07-12 - 2021-07-16.

Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Digitale bildebøker på norsk og polsk: Effekter for ordlæring på andrespråket .

Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2021;

2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.

Tunkiel, Katarzyna ; Bus, Adriana


Digitale bildebøker på norsk og polsk: Effekter for ordlæring på andrespråket .

Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse;

2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.

Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Digitaal lezen : Een krachtig instrument.

Bestuur, Beleid, Management en Pedagogiek in het Kindcentrum.

Hefte November/December.


Bus, Adriana Gerarda


Veelbelovend onderzoek : Thuis voorlezen met digitale prentenboeken.

Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Gunnerud, Hilde Lowell


Meta- analysis in early childhood education..

On-line Filiorum workshop ;


Bus, Adriana


Prentenboeken: liever papier of digitaal? In Spelend leren. Digitale media 2-4 (pp. 20-23). .

Gillen, Julia; Arnott, Lorna; Marsh, Jackie; Bus, Adriana; Castro, Teresa Sofia; Dardanou, Maria; Duncan, Pauline; Enriquez-Gibson, Judith; Flewitt, Rosie; Gray, Colette; Holloway, Donell; Jernes, Margrethe; Kontovourki, Stavroula; Kucirkova, Natalia; Kumpulainen, Kristiina; March-Boehnck, G; Mascheroni, Giovanna; Nagy, Krisztina; O’Connor, Jane; O’Neill, Brian C; Palaiologou, Ioanna; Poveda, David; Salomaa, Saara; Severina, Elena; Tafa, Eufimia


Digital Literacy and young children: towards better understandings of the benefits and challenges of digital technologies in homes and early years settings. Policy briefing of DigiLitEY COST Action IS1410 and the Digital Childhoods SIG of the European Early Childhood Research Association. 31st August.