Adriana Gerarda Bus

Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS

Faculty of Arts and Education
National Centre for Reading Education and Research
  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Broekhof, Kees; Vaessen, Karin; Coenraads, Christiaan


      Meertalige digitale prentenboeken in het gezin : Onderzoeksrapport.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Bondt, Merel de


      Vroeg begonnen, veel gewonnen : Een onderzoek naar de langetermijneffecten van BoekStart.

      Eburon Academic Publishers.

      ISBN 9789463014182.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Anstadt, Rosalie


      Thuis voorlezen met digitale prentenboeken : Een veelbelovende interventie voor twee- en driejarigen met een taalachterstand : [Digital picture book-reading at home : A promising intervention for two- and three-year-olds with a language delay].

      ISBN 9789463211222.

  • Formidling
    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Hoel, Trude


      A Platform with Multilingual Digital Picture Books to Promote Book-sharing in Families: First Results .

      Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennal Meeting;


    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital Picture Books: A New Opportunity for Children Whose Parents Do Not Read With Them.

      The Good Men Project.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital picture books : A new opportunity for children whose parents do not read with them.

      Child & Family Blog.

    • Tunkiel, Katarzyna; Bus, Adriana


      Shared digital book reading with Polish/Norwegian dual language learners at home and in kindergarten.

      Growing up with Polish in Norway: what do we know and what is yet to be discovered;


    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Hoel, Trude


      When Technology is Here to Stay: Maximizing the Potential of E-Books for Learning in Young Childhood .

      Society for Research in Child Development Biennal Meeting 2021;

      2021-04-07 - 2021-04-09.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      A Comparison of Children’s Reading on Paper versus Screen: A Meta-analysis.

      Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

      2021-07-13 - 2021-07-16.

    • Heimann, Mikael; Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Barr, Rachel


      Growing up in a digital world : Social and cognitive implications.

      Frontiers in Psychology.

      ISSN 1664-1078.

      DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.745788

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Dyslexia, leisure time reading, reading resistance, and technology : Invited keynote at the 12th International Conference of the British dyslexia association.

      12th International Conference of the British dyslexia association;

      2021-05-20 - 2021-05-21.

    • Li, X.; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      The effects of E-book enhancements for developing young children's story comprehension and vocabulary word learning : Poster presented at the AERA conference, April 9, 2021.

      AERA Annual Meeting ;

      2021-04-09 - 2021-04-12.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Reinventing picture books for a new generation of readers : Results of an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis.

      Learning about literacy through multimedia : Symposium presented at SRCD 2021;

      2021-04-07 - .

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Do toddlers learning a second language benefit from digital books and why? .

      When Technology is here to stay : Maximizing the potential of E-Books for learning in young childhood. Symposium presented at SRCD21;

      2021-04-09 - .

    • Shang, Yi; Roskos, Kathleen; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      New evidence : Resolving the lasting dispute about independent reading practice at school : A meta-analysis.

      Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

      2021-07-15 - .

    • van der Sande, Lisa; van Steensel, Roel; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Personalized expert guidance of students’ book choices in primary and secondary education.

      Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

      2021-07-15 - .

    • Sun, He; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Eye tracker and skin conductance in bilingual children’s heritage language reading process.

      Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

      2021-07-16 - .

    • Li, X.; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Effectiveness of digital book enhancements.

      Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

      2021-07-12 - 2021-07-16.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Digitale bildebøker på norsk og polsk: Effekter for ordlæring på andrespråket .

      Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2021;

      2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.

    • Tunkiel, Katarzyna ; Bus, Adriana


      Digitale bildebøker på norsk og polsk: Effekter for ordlæring på andrespråket .

      Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse;

      2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Digitaal lezen : Een krachtig instrument.

      Bestuur, Beleid, Management en Pedagogiek in het Kindcentrum.

      Hefte November/December.


    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      Veelbelovend onderzoek : Thuis voorlezen met digitale prentenboeken.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Gunnerud, Hilde Lowell


      Meta- analysis in early childhood education..

      On-line Filiorum workshop ;


    • Bus, Adriana


      Prentenboeken: liever papier of digitaal? In Spelend leren. Digitale media 2-4 (pp. 20-23). .

    • Gillen, Julia; Arnott, Lorna; Marsh, Jackie; Bus, Adriana; Castro, Teresa Sofia; Dardanou, Maria; Duncan, Pauline; Enriquez-Gibson, Judith; Flewitt, Rosie; Gray, Colette; Holloway, Donell; Jernes, Margrethe; Kontovourki, Stavroula; Kucirkova, Natalia; Kumpulainen, Kristiina; March-Boehnck, G; Mascheroni, Giovanna; Nagy, Krisztina; O’Connor, Jane; O’Neill, Brian C; Palaiologou, Ioanna; Poveda, David; Salomaa, Saara; Severina, Elena; Tafa, Eufimia


      Digital Literacy and young children: towards better understandings of the benefits and challenges of digital technologies in homes and early years settings. Policy briefing of DigiLitEY COST Action IS1410 and the Digital Childhoods SIG of the European Early Childhood Research Association. 31st August.

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