Tegg Westbrook
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51831622
Email: tegg.westbrook@uis.no
Room: KE C-335
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
About me
I am Associate Professor at the Department of Safety, Economics, and Planning at the Faculty of Science and Technology. I have a Bachelor of Science in Human Geography, a Master of Arts in International Relations, and a PhD in Globalisation Studies. I am study programme coordinator for City and Regional Planning, including both the bachelor and master programmes (2023-). I was previously coordinator for byplanlegging og samfunnssikkerhet (2021-2023).
My research focusses on the impacts security and safety technologies has on society at different scales. I focus specifically on the end-use of technologies that both challenge and enforce security - from the home, the city, and with relevance to global affairs.
Previous research has focussed on the geopolitical and societal implications of radiofrequency interference and its impacts on critical functions in society, with particular focus on GPS-dependent and -aided cyber-physical systems.
I am currently dedicating research into the coercive effects of geospatial services through the nexus of "hostile architectures." This focusses on the implications of coercive digital planning at the urban scale, focussing on anti-loitering measures, crime detractors, and mandatory parking and speed restrictions.
I am also dedicating research into the phenomon of technology-facilitated abuse with emphasis on intimate partner relationships in smart homes. I work with charities and academics from many disciplines on this issue.
Finally, I am interested how sensitive topics in security and safety are handled in the classroom, particularly with respect to teacher positionality and classroom compositions. I am currently interviewing educators about their experiences.
I believe all research should be free and open access. The vast majority of my work is published through university publishers with zero barriers to access.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch for collaboration, supervision, and networking.
I teach internally and externally in bachelor and master programmes from several study programmes, including city planning, societal safety, risk management, as well as in media and social sciences.
I have also participated and co-managed external education activites, especially on subjects in resilient cities, smart cities, and climate change adaptation.
Other relevant experiences
Between 2019 and 2020, I was Visiting Scholar at the University of St. Andrews, Center for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV). I worked with scholars at the Center on the subject of non-state actor motivations and capabilities in the electromagnetic domain.
For two years during my PhD I worked mostly on a voluntary capacity for Omega Research Foundation who are dedicated to providing rigorous, objective, evidence-based research on the manufacture, trade in, and use of, military, security and police technologies.