Johannes Lange

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Eidem, Live Egeland; Birkeland, Even; Austdal, Marie; Bårdsen, Kjetil; Lange, Johannes; Alves, Guido Werner; Berven, Frode Steingrimsen; Nilsen, Mari Mæland; Herlofson, Karen; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Omdal, Roald


Fatigue in Parkinson's Disease: A Proteomic Study of Cerebrospinal Fluid.

Movement Disorders.

ISSN 0885-3185.

Volum 39.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1002/mds.29715

Pedersen, Camilla Christina; Ushakova, Anastasia; Alves, Guido Werner; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Lange, Johannes


Serum neurofilament light at diagnosis: a prognostic indicator for accelerated disease progression in Parkinson’s Disease.

NPJ Parkinson's Disease.

ISSN 2373-8057.

Volum 10.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1038/s41531-024-00768-1

Meng, Jie; Yang, Xiu Mei; Scheer, Oliver; Lange, Johannes; Müller, Heidi; Bürger, Susanne; Rothemund, Sven; Younis, Ruaa; Unterlauft, Jan D.; Eichler, Wolfram


Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor Binding to VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) Increases the Survival of Retinal Neurons.

Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.

ISSN 0146-0404.

Volum 65.

Hefte 10.

DOI: 10.1167/iovs.65.10.27

Oftedal, Linn Silje Wathne; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes


Seed Amplification Assay as a Diagnostic Tool in Newly-Diagnosed Parkinson's Disease.

Journal of Parkinson's Disease.

ISSN 1877-7171.

Volum 13.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.3233/JPD-230065

Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Ushakova, Anastasia; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes


Identification of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of PD using a multiplex proteomics approach.

Neurobiology of Disease.

ISSN 0969-9961.

Volum 186.

DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106281

Pedersen, Camilla Christina; Ushakova, Anastasia; Skogseth, Ragnhild Eide; Alves, Guido Werner; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Aarsland, Dag; Lange, Johannes; Maple-Grødem, Jodi


Inflammatory biomarkers in newly diagnosed patients with Parkinson’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders.

Neurology: Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation.

ISSN 2332-7812.

Volum 10.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000200132

Tufekcioglu, Zeynep; Lange, Johannes; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido Werner; Emre, Murat


Cognitive Profile in Parkinson’s Disease Dementia Patients with Low versus Normal Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid Beta.

Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra.

ISSN 1664-5464.

Volum 13.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1159/000534552

Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Lange, Johannes; Fiske, Eldbjørg


Norsk Parkinsonregister og biobank.

Norsk Epidemiologi.

ISSN 0803-2491.

Volum 31.

Hefte 1-2.


DOI: 10.5324/nje.v31i1-2.5611

Oftedal, Linn Silje Wathne; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Dalen, Ingvild; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes


Association of CSF Glucocerebrosidase Activity with the Risk of Incident Dementia in Patients with Parkinson Disease.


ISSN 0028-3878.

Volum 100.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201418

Pedersen, Camilla Christina; Lange, Johannes; Førland, Marthe Gurine; Macleod, Angus D.; Alves, Guido Werner; Maple-Grødem, Jodi


A systematic review of associations between common SNCA variants and clinical heterogeneity in Parkinson's disease.

NPJ Parkinson's Disease.

ISSN 2373-8057.

Volum 7.

DOI: 10.1038/s41531-021-00196-5

Szwedo, Aleksandra Anna; Pedersen, Camilla Christina; Ushakova, Anastasia; Forsgren, Lars; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Counsell, Carl E.; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes; Macleod, Angus D.; Maple-Grødem, Jodi


Association of SNCA Parkinson's Disease Risk Polymorphisms With Disease Progression in Newly Diagnosed Patients.

Frontiers in Neurology.

ISSN 1664-2295.

Volum 11.


DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2020.620585

Oftedal, Linn; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Førland, Marthe Gurine; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes


Validation and assessment of preanalytical factors of a fluorometric in vitro assay for glucocerebrosidase activity in human cerebrospinal fluid.

Scientific Reports.

ISSN 2045-2322.

Volum 10.


DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-79104-5

Rajkumar, Anto P.; Hye, Abdul; Lange, Johannes; Manesh, Yazmin Rashid; Ballard, Clive; Fladby, Tormod; Aarsland, Dag


Next-generation RNA-sequencing of serum small extracellular vesicles discovers potential diagnostic biomarkers for dementia with Lewy bodies.

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry.

ISSN 1064-7481.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jagp.2020.10.012

Patil, Ketan S.; Basak, Indranil; Dalen, Ingvild; Hoedt, Esthelle; Lange, Johannes; Lunde, Kristin Aaser; Liu, Ying; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Forsgren, Lars; Aarsland, Dag; Neubert, Thomas A.; Larsen, Jan Petter; Alves, Guido Werner; Møller, Simon Geir


Combinatory microRNA serum signatures as classifiers of Parkinson's disease.

Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.

ISSN 1353-8020.

Volum 64.


DOI: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.04.010

Førland, Marthe Gurine; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Aarsland, Dag; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes


The value of cerebrospinal fluid alpha-synuclein and the tau/alpha-synuclein ratio for diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders with Lewy pathology.

European Journal of Neurology.

ISSN 1351-5101.

Volum 27.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1111/ene.14032

Eichler, Wolfram; Lohrenz, Andrea; Simon, Kay-Uwe; Krohn, Sandra; Lange, Johannes; Bürger, Susanne; Liebscher, Inés


The role of ADGRE5/CD97 in human retinal pigment epithelial cell growth and survival.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

ISSN 0077-8923.

DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14210

Solvang, Stein-Erik Hafstad; Nordrehaug, Jan Erik; Aarsland, Dag; Lange, Johannes; Ueland, Per Magne; McCann, Adrian; Midttun, Øivind; Tell, Grethe S.; Melvær, Giil Lasse


Kynurenines, Neuropsychiatric Symptoms, and Cognitive Prognosis in Patients with Mild Dementia.

International Journal of Tryptophan Research (IJTR).

ISSN 1178-6469.

Volum 12.


DOI: 10.1177/1178646919877883

Førland, Marthe Gurine; Öhrfelt, Annika; Dalen, Ingvild; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Alves, Guido; Lange, Johannes


Evolution of cerebrospinal fluid total α-synuclein in Parkinson's disease.

Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.

ISSN 1353-8020.

Volum 49.


DOI: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2018.01.018

Herlofson, Karen; Heijnen, Cobi Johanna; Lange, Johannes; Alves, Guido; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Friedman, Joseph Harold; Fagundes, Christopher P.


Inflammation and fatigue in early, untreated Parkinson's Disease.

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica.

ISSN 0001-6314.

Volum 138.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1111/ane.12977

Førland, Marthe Gurine; Öhrfelt, Annika; Oftedal, Linn Silje Wathne; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Larsen, Jan Petter; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Alves, Guido; Lange, Johannes


Validation of a new assay for α-synuclein detection in cerebrospinal fluid.

Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.

ISSN 1434-6621.

Volum 55.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2016-0409

Lange, Johannes; Lunde, Kristin Aaser; Sletten, Camilla Johanne; Møller, Simon Geir; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido; Larsen, Jan Petter; Maple-Grødem, Jodi


Association of a BACE1 gene polymorphism with Parkinson's disease in a Norwegian population.

Parkinson's Disease.

ISSN 2090-8083.

Volum 2015:973298.

DOI: 10.1155/2015/973298

Alves, Guido; Lange, Johannes; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Andreasson, Ulf; Førland, Marthe Gurine; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Larsen, Jan Petter; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy


CSF Aβ42 predicts early-onset dementia in Parkinson disease.


ISSN 0028-3878.

Volum 82.

Hefte 20.


DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000425

Yafai, Yousef; Iandiev, Ianors; Lange, Johannes; Unterlauft, Jan Darius; Wiedemann, Peter; Bringmann, Andreas; Reichenbach, Andreas; Eichler, Wolfram


Müller glial cells inhibit proliferation of retinal endothelial cells via TGF-β2 and Smad signaling.


ISSN 0894-1491.

Volum 62.

Hefte 9.


DOI: 10.1002/glia.22694

Alves, Guido; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Bloem, Bastiaan R.; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Borm, George F.; Dalaker, Turi Olene; Beyer, Mona Kristiansen; Aarsland, Dag; Andreasson, Ulf; Lange, Johannes; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Zivadinov, Robert; Larsen, Jan Petter


Cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-beta and phenotypic heterogeneity in de novo Parkinson's disease.

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.

ISSN 0022-3050.

Volum 84.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2012-303808

Yafai, Yousef; Iandiev, Ianors; Lange, Johannes; Yang, Xiu Mei; Wiedemann, Peter; Bringmann, Andreas; Eichler, Wolfram


Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Contributes to a Shift in the Angioregulatory Activity of Retinal Glial (Muller) Cells.


ISSN 1932-6203.

Volum 8.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068773

Lange, Johannes; Yafai, Yousef; Noack, André; Yang, Xiu Mei; Munk, Anne-Britta; Krohn, Sandra; Iandiev, Ianors; Wiedemann, Peter; Reichenbach, Andreas; Eichler, Wolfram


The axon guidance molecule Netrin-4 is expressed by Muller cells and contributes to angiogenesis in the retina.


ISSN 0894-1491.

Volum 60.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.1002/glia.22376


Oftedal, Linn Silje Wathne; Lange, Johannes; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Erga, Aleksander Hagen; Dalen, Ingvild; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido Werner; Maple-Grødem, Jodi


Early GCase activity is a predictor of long-term cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease.

Translational Neurodegeneration.

ISSN 2096-6466.

Volum 12.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s40035-023-00373-x