Stig Lennart Rosenlund


Stig Lennart Rosenlund


Telephone: 51831648


Room: EOJ SV-345


Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Media and Social Sciences


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Flemmen, Magne Paalgard; Jarness, Vegard; Rosenlund, Lennart


Congruence entre classe, style de vie et politique : nouvelles leçons de Norvège.

Berliner Journal für Soziologie.

ISSN 0863-1808.

Volum 32.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1007/s11609-022-00472-y

Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Rosenlund, Lennart


Class and everyday media use: A case study from Norway.

Nordicom Review.

ISSN 1403-1108.

Volum 42.

Hefte s3.


DOI: 10.2478/nor-2021-0030

Rosenlund, Lennart


A bourdieusian CV from the Fringe of the Field.

Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale.

ISSN 1121-1148.

DOI: 10.3280/SR2021-126004

Jarness, Vegard; Flemmen, Magne; Rosenlund, Lennart


From Class Politics to Classed Politics.


ISSN 0038-0385.

Volum 53.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1177/0038038519838740

Faber, Stine Thidemann; Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Five ways to apprehend classes. I: Empirical Investigations of Social Space.


ISBN 9783030153861.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15387-8_7

Flemmen, Magne; Jarness, Vegard; Rosenlund, Lennart


Class and status: on the misconstrual of the conceptual distinction and a neo-Bourdieusian alternative.

British Journal of Sociology.

ISSN 0007-1315.


DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12508

Flemmen, Magne; Jarness, Vegard; Rosenlund, Lennart


Social space and cultural class divisions: the forms of capital and contemporary lifestyle differentiation.

British Journal of Sociology.

ISSN 0007-1315.

Volum 69.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12295

Schmitz, Andreas; Flemmen, Magne; Rosenlund, Lennart


Social class, symbolic domination, and angst: The example of the Norwegian social space.

Sociological Review.

ISSN 0038-0261.

Volum 66.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1177/0038026117738924

Rosenlund, Lennart


Class Conditions and Urban Differentiation - Applying Distinction’s Methodology to the Community.

BMS. Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique.

ISSN 0759-1063.

Volum 135.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1177/0759106317710847

Rosenlund, Lennart


Working with Distinction: Scandinavian experiences. I: The Routledge Companion to Bourdieu's 'Distinction'.


ISBN 978-0-415-72727-3.


Lebaron, Frédéric; Hjellbrekke, Johannes; Jarness, Vegard; Korsnes, Olav; Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart


La sociologie des pratiques culturelles après La Distinction: un etat des enjeux. I: La methodologie de Pierre Bourdieu en action. Espace culturel, espace social et analyse des donnees.

Dunod Editeur.

ISBN 978-2-10-070384-5.


DOI: 10.3917/dunod.lebar.2015.01.0079

Rosenlund, Lennart; Vassenden, Anders


Fra ett til flere hierarkier, og en fortelling om dagens dominerende livsstiler og kulturer i Stavanger. I: Hva har oljen gjort med oss? Økonomisk vekst og kulturell endring.

Cappelen Damm AS.

ISBN 9788202451615.


Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Distinctions danoises. I: La methodologie de Pierre Bourdieu en action. Espace culturel, espace social et analyse des donnees.

Dunod Editeur.

ISBN 978-2-10-070384-5.


DOI: 10.3917/dunod.lebar.2015.01.0151

Faber, Stine Thidemann; Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Nye tider, nye klasseskel?. I: Socialt rum, symbolsk magt : Bourdieuske perspektiver på klasse.

Forlaget HEXIS.

ISBN 978-87-992050-8-0.


Faber, Stine Thidemann; Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Det skjulte klassesamfund.

Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

ISBN 978-87-7124-026-9.

Hefte 4.

Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart


Kulturelle skel i Danmark.

Dansk Sociologi.

ISSN 0905-5908.

Volum 21.


Rosenlund, Lennart; Prieur, Annick


Danske distinksjoner. I: Klassebilder: Ulikhet og sosial mobilitet i Norge.


ISBN 978-82-15-01580-4.

Harrits, Gitte Sommer; Prieur, Annick; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Class and Politics in Denmark: Are both Old and New Politcs Structured by Class?.

Scandinavian Political Studies.

ISSN 0080-6757.

Volum 33.

Hefte 1.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Exploring the city with Bourdieu : applying Pierre Bourdieu's theories and methods to study the community.

VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.

ISBN 978-3-639-16287-5.

Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart


At konstruere et socialt rum. I: Refleksiv sociologi i praksis.

Hans Reitzels Forlag.

ISBN 978-87-412-5283-4.


Prieur, Annick; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Cultural Capital Today: A Case Study from Denmark.


ISSN 0304-422X.

Volum 36.

Hefte 1.


Rosenlund, Lennart


Social Structures an their Transformations. I: Sosiologisk Årbok.

Universitetet i Oslo.

Faber, Stine Thidemann; Prieur, Annick; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Aalborgs symbolske geografi. I: Sociologiens rum : festskrift for Jens Tonboe.

Aalborg Universitetsforlag.


Hjellbrekke, Johs.; Le Roux, Brigitte; Korsnes, Olav; Lebaron, Frederic; Rosenlund, Lennart; Rouanet, Henry


The Norwegian field of power anno 2000.

European Societies.

ISSN 1461-6696.

Volum 9.

Rosenlund, Lennart; Prieur, Annick


Danish social spaces. I: Arbeid, kunnskap og sosial ulikhet / Johs. Hjellbrekke, Ole Johnny Olsen og Rune Sakslind (red.).

Unipub forlag.


Rosenlund, Lennart; Prieur, Annick


Det sociale rum, livsstilenes rum og La Distinction. I: Pierre Bourdieu. En introduktion.

Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Regelmessigheter i den postmoderne uorden - om sosiale og mentale strukturer.

Sosiologi i dag.

ISSN 0332-6330.

Volum 32.

Hefte 01.feb.


Rosenlund, Lennart


Pierre Bourdieu on a visit to Stavanger.

Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift.

ISSN 1403-3216.

Hefte 2.


Rosenlund, Lennart


Regelmessigheter i den postmoderne uorden - om sosiale og mentale strukturer.

Sosiologi i dag.

ISSN 0332-6330.

Volum 32.

Hefte 01.feb.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Pierre Bourdieu on a Visit to Stavanger.

Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift.

ISSN 1403-3216.

Hefte 2.

Rosenlund, Lennart


On the social conditions of producing a thesis.


Volum 6.

Hefte 2.


Rosenlund, Lennart


Answers to Wacquant's remarks on Norwegian Distinction.


Volum 6.

Hefte 2.


Rosenlund, Lennart


Cultural Change in Norway: Cultural and Economic Dimensions.

International Journal of Contemporary Sociology.

ISSN 0019-6398.

Volum 37.

Hefte 2.


Rosenlund, Lennart


Cultural Change in a Norwegian Urban Community: Applying Pierre Bourdieu's Approach and Analytic Framework. I: Derek Robbins(ed): Pierre Bourdieu.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Cultural Change in Norway: Cultural and Economic Dimensions.

International Journal of Contemporary Sociology.

ISSN 0019-6398.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Cultural Change in Norway: Cultural an Economic Dimensions.

International Journal of Contemporary Sociology.

ISSN 0019-6398.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Cultural Changes in a Norwegian Urban Community: Applying Pierre Bourdieu's Approach and Analytical Framework. I: Derek Robbins. (ed): Pierre Bourdieu.

Sage Publications.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Sosiale strukturer og deres metamorfoser.

Sosiologisk Tidsskrift.

ISSN 0804-0486.

Volum 6.

Hefte 01.feb.


Rosenlund, Lennart


Cultural change in a Norwegian Urban Community: Applying Pierre Bourdieu's Approach and Analytical Framework.

International Journal of Contemporary Sociology.

ISSN 0019-6398.

Volum 33.

Hefte 2.

Bøker og kapitler

Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Moe, Hallvard; Rosenlund, Lennart; Holm, Balder


Brukerperspektiv på NRKs bidrag til mediemangfoldet og innvirkning på andre aktører: En analyse av surveydata for Medietilsynet.

Universitetet i Bergen.

Atkinson, Will; Rosenlund, Lennart


Mapping the British Social Space: Towards a Bourdieusian Class Scheme.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Beskjedne funn eller ufølsomme metoder? Et korrespondanseanalytisk tilbakeblikk på noe data fra et studieum av norske jusstudenter, med søkelys på bakgrunnsvariabelstrukturen og sider ved studentenes sosiale miljø. (tilsammen med Roald Nygård og Karen Jensen).

Universitetet i Oslo.


Rosenlund, Lennart; Flemmen, Magne Paalgard; Hovden, Jan Fredrik


ON A QUEST FOR A “GLOBAL” SPACE OF LIFESTYLE and its social anchorages .

Homology in field analysis (II). Theoretical and methodological advancements in the study of homologous relations. Research workshop;

2024-05-23 - 2024-05-24.

Flemmen, Magne; Jarness, Vegard; Rosenlund, Lennart


Omnivorousness and openness: comments to Tak Wing Chan.

British Journal of Sociology.

ISSN 0007-1315.

Volum 70.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12653

Flemmen, Magne; Jarness, Vegard; Rosenlund, Lennart


Class and status: reply to comments.

British Journal of Sociology.

ISSN 0007-1315.

Volum 70.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12671

Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Rosenlund, Lennart


The uses of media in Norway.

Rising Inequalities III;


Flemmen, Magne; Jarness, Vegard; Rosenlund, Lennart


Class gender intersections and the homology of social and symboloc space.

Rising Inequalities III;


Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Rosenlund, Lennart


The uses of media.

Rising Inequelities III;

2018-10-03 - 2018-10-05.

Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Rosenlund, Lennart


Social space and the space of everyday media practices in Norway.


2018-10-31 - 2018-11-03.

Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Rosenlund, Lennart


Endelaus valfridom, tradisjonelle mønster? Mediebruk, offentleg deltaking og sosial klasse.


2018-03-21 - .

Faber, Stine Thidemann; Prieur, Annick; Rosenlund, Lennart; Skjøtt-Larsen, Jakob


Novos tempos - novas divisões de classe?.

Cadernos de Ciências Sociais.

ISSN 0871-0945.

Hefte 30.


Prieur, Annick Ingrid; Rosenlund, Lennart


From the model to the survey and back: A "hands on" - guide to constructing social spaces.

Putting Bourdieu to work-construction of social spaces;

2014-09-17 - .

Rosenlund, Lennart


Social and cultural change in Stavanger 1994-2009.

Charting social space;

2014-09-18 - 2014-09-19.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Social and Spatial Differentiation in an Urban Environment.


2010-04-13 - 2010-04-14.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Constructin Social Spaces - Scandinavian Experioences.

La Distinction - Apres trente ans;

2010-03-11 - 2010-05-11.

Rosenlund, Lennart


In Search of the Cultural Omnivores.

Network for the Studies of Cultural Distinctions and Social Differentiation (SCUD) second conference;

2009-04-21 - 2009-04-22.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Livsstiler og sosiale klasser i Aalborg.

Norsk sosiologiforenings vinterseminar;

2009-01-30 - 2009-01-31.

Rosenlund, Lennart


The Reception of Stavanger2008: Testing the analytic framework of Pierre Bourdieu.

UNeECC Conference in Vilnius on 'Innovation, Creativity and Culture';

2009-10-22 - 2009-10-23.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Danish Social Spaces.

EDUCULT-08 (Studies in Education and Culture);

2008-06-01 - 2008-06-03.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Class and Politics in Denmark; On the Quest for (socio)logical Patterns.

RC33 (Logic an Methodology in Sociology);

2008-09-09 - 2008-09-11.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Likhetens smak og behag Om forholdet mellom sosial differensiering og livsstiler.

Utsteinseminaret 2007: "Egalitet - om likt og ulikt";

2007-02-09 - 2007-02-12.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Hva skjer med det norske klassesamfunnet?.

Fagkritisk dag;


Rosenlund, Lennart


Structural Homologies.

CARME 2007. Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods;

2007-06-25 - 2007-06-27.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Social Structures and Their Metamorphosis.

Class Analysis: Contemporary Issues and Approaches;

2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21.

Rosenlund, Lennart


The Danish Field of Lifestyles.

Class Analysis: Contemporary Issues and Approaches;

2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21.

Engen, Ole Andreas; Olsen, Odd Einar; Rosenlund, Lennart


Stability and Change. Technology & Knowledge Networks in the Norwegian Supplier Industry.

Final Open Conference COST A-17;

2005-06-09 - 2005-06-11.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Postmodern disorder or regularities of the advanced and differentiated society.

Fifth International Conference on Social Science Methodology;

2000-10-03 - 2000-10-06.

Rosenlund, Lennart


Social Structures and their metamorphoses.

Investigating Social Space;

1998-10-14 - 1998-10-16.