Febe Friberg


Febe Friberg


Telephone: 51834251

Email: febe.friberg@uis.no

Room: KA A-254


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Public Health


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Öhlén, Joakim; Friberg, Febe


Empirical Phenomenological Inquiry: Guidance in Choosing Between Different Methodologies.

Global Qualitative Nursing Research.

ISSN 2333-3936.

Volum 10.

DOI: 10.1177/23333936231173566

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Oftedal, Bjørg Synnøve Frøysland; Friberg, Febe


From a professional practitioner to a practice-based researcher: a qualitative study of Norwegian PhD candidates in the fields of health, welfare and education.

Studies in Continuing Education.

ISSN 0158-037X.


DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2020.1732333

Öhlén, Joakim; Sawatzky, Richard; Pettersson, Monica; Sarenmalm, Elisabeth Kenne; Larsdotter, Cecilia; Smith, Frida; Wallengren, Catarina; Friberg, Febe; Kodeda, Karl; Carlsson, Eva


Preparedness for colorectal cancer surgery and recovery through a person-centred information and communication intervention - A quasi-experimental longitudinal design.


ISSN 1932-6203.

Volum 14.

Hefte 12.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225816

Pettersson, Monica; Öhlen, Joakim; Friberg, Febe; Hyden, Lars-Christer; Wallengren , Catarina; Sarenmalm, Elisabeth Kenne; Carlsson, Eva


Prepared for surgery‐Communication in nurses’ pre‐operative consultations with patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer after a person‐centred intervention.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 27.

Hefte 13-14.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14312

Friberg, Febe; Wallengren, Catarina; Håkanson, Cecilia; Carlsson, Eva; Smith, Frida; Pettersson, Monica; Kenne Sarenmalm, Elisabeth; Sawatzky, Richard; Öhlén, Joakim


Exploration of dynamics in a complex person-centred intervention process based on health professionals' perspectives.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 18.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3218-3

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Relationship-based nursing care and destructive demands.

Nursing Ethics.

ISSN 0969-7330.

Volum 24.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1177/0969733015623097

Pettersson, Monica; Öhlen, Joakim; Friberg, Febe; Hydèn, Lars-Christer; Carlsson, Eva


Topics and structure in preoperative nursing consultations with patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

ISSN 0283-9318.

Volum 31.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1111/scs.12378

Sawatzky, Richard; Russell, Lara; Friberg, Febe; Carlsson, Eva; Pettersson, Monica; Öhlen, Joakim


Longitudinal person-centered measurement: A psychometric evaluation of the Preparedness for Colorectal Cancer Surgery Questionnaire (PCSQ).

Patient Education and Counseling.

ISSN 0738-3991.

Volum 100.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.11.010

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Transformasjonsledelse og økte effektivitetskrav i sykepleien.

he Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (NJNR).

ISSN 2057-1585.

Volum 36.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1177/0107408315595163

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe; Brinchmann, Berit Støre


Experiences of moral challenges in everyday nursing practice: In light of healthcare professionals’ self-understanding.

he Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (NJNR).

ISSN 2057-1585.

Volum 36.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1177/2057158516633633

Öhlen, Joakim; Carlsson, G; Jepsen, A; Lindberg, I; Friberg, Febe


Enabling sense-making for patients receiving outpatient palliative treatment: A participatory action Research driven model for person-centred communication.

Palliative & Supportive Care.

ISSN 1478-9515.

Volum 14.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1017/S1478951515000814

Carlsson, E.; Pettersson, M.; Öhlén, J.; Sawatzky, R.; Smith, F.; Friberg, Febe


Development and validation of the preparedness for Colorectal Cancer Surgery Questionnaire: PCSQ-pre 24.

European Journal of Oncology Nursing.

ISSN 1462-3889.

Volum 25.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2016.09.002

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Remaining in the nursing profession: The relevance of strong evaluations.

Nursing Ethics.

ISSN 0969-7330.

Volum 25.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1177/0969733016684545

Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes; Friberg, Febe; Brinchmann, Berit Støre; Svello, Sunniva Nordeide; Valborgland, Torstein; Larsen, Alf Inge


Confronting one's vulnerability - patients with chest pain participating in a high-intensity exercise programme.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 26.

Hefte 13-14.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13609

Bergh, Anne-Louise; Johansson, Inger Signe; Persson, Eva; Karlsson, Jan; Friberg, Febe


Nurses´Patient Education Questionnaire -development and validation process.

Journal of Research in Nursing.

ISSN 1744-9871.

Volum 20.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1177/1744987114531583

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


The nursing discipline and self-realization.

Nursing Ethics.

ISSN 0969-7330.

Volum 22.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1177/0969733014543967

Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes; Friberg, Febe


Unexplained chest pain and physical activity: balancing between existential uncertainty and certainty.

Qualitative Health Research.

ISSN 1049-7323.

Volum 26.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1177/1049732315570129

Bergh, Anne-Louise; Friberg, Febe; Persson, Eva; Dahlborg-Lyckhage, Elisabeth


Perpetuating ‘New Public Management’ at the expense of nurses' patient education: a discourse analysis.

Nursing Inquiry (NI).

ISSN 1320-7881.

Volum 22.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/nin.12085

Risa, Christina; Friberg, Febe; Lidén, Eva


Norwegian nurse-midwives’ perspectives on the provision of antenatal diabetes care in an outpatient setting: A qualitative study.

Women and Birth.

ISSN 1871-5192.

Volum 28.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1016/j.wombi.2015.01.013

Haraldseid, Cecilie; Friberg, Febe; Aase, Karina


Nursing students' perceptions of factors influencing their learning environment in a clinical skills laboratory: A qualitative study.

Nurse Education Today.

ISSN 0260-6917.

Volum 35.

Hefte 9.


DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.03.015

Öresland, Stina; Friberg, Febe; Määttä, Sylvia; Öhlen, Joakim


Disclosing discourses: biomedical and hospitality discourses in patient education materials.

Nursing Inquiry (NI).

ISSN 1320-7881.

Volum 22.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/nin.12097

Bergh, Anne-Louise; Friberg, Febe; Persson, Eva; Dahlborg-Lyckhage, Elisabeth


Registered Nurses' Patient Education in Everyday Primary Care Practice: Managers' discourses.

Global Qualitative Nursing Research.

ISSN 2333-3936.

Volum 2.

DOI: 10.1177/2333393615599168

Leksell, Janeth; Berglund, Mia; Koinberg, Ingalill; Friberg, Febe


The growing Research Field of patient education and Learning: the significance of a Nordic network.

he Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (NJNR).

ISSN 2057-1585.

Volum 35.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1177/0107408315578093

Smith, Frida; Carlsson, Eva; Kokkinakis, Dimitrios; Forsberg, Marcus; Kodeda, Karl; Sawatzky, Richard; Friberg, Febe; Öhlen, Joakim


Readability, suitability and comprehensibility in patient education materials for Swedish patients with colorectal cancer undergoing elective surgery: A mixed method design.

Patient Education and Counseling.

ISSN 0738-3991.

Volum 94.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2013.10.009

Friberg, Febe; Lidén, Eva; Håkanson, Cecilia; Öhlen, Joakim


Communicating bodily changes: Physicians´ways of enabling patient understanding in gastrointestinal cancer consultations.

Palliative & Supportive Care.

ISSN 1478-9515.

DOI: 10.1017/S1478951514000352

Karlsson, Magdalena Kauczynska; Friberg, Febe; Wallengren, Catarina; Öhlen, Joakim


Meanings of existential uncertainty and certainty for people diagnosed with cancer and receiving palliative treatment: A life-world phenomenological study.

BMC Palliative Care.

ISSN 1472-684X.

Volum 13.

Hefte 28.

DOI: 10.1186/1472-684X-13-28

Bergh, Anne-Louise; Persson, Eva; Karlsson, Jan; Friberg, Febe


Registered nurses' perceptions of conditions for patient education - focusing on aspects of competence.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

ISSN 0283-9318.

Volum 28.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/scs.12077

Westesson, Myrin; Baghaei, Fariba; Friberg, Febe


The experience of being a female carrier of haemophilia and the mother of a haemophilic child.


ISSN 1351-8216.

Volum 19.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1111/hae.12026

Öhlen, Joakim; Gustavsson, Wallengren; Friberg, Febe


Making Sense of Receiving Palliative Treatment Its Significance to Palliative Cancer Care Communication and Information Provision.

Cancer Nursing.

ISSN 0162-220X.

Volum 36.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1097/NCC.0b013e31826c96d9

Andersson, Susanne; Ekman, Inger; Friberg, Febe; Daka, Bledar; Lindblad, Ulf; Larsson, Charlotte A.


The association between self-rated health and impaired glucose tolerance in Swedish adults: A cross-sectional study.

Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care.

ISSN 0281-3432.

Volum 31.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.3109/02813432.2013.784541

Andersson, Susanne; Ekman, Inger; Friberg, Febe; Bøg-Hansen, Erik; Lindblad, Ulf


The association between self-reported lack of sleep, low vitality and impaired glucose tolerance: a Swedish cross-sectional study.

BMC Public Health.

ISSN 1471-2458.

Volum 13.

DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-700

Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes; Dysvik, Elin; Furnes, Bodil; Friberg, Febe


Exploring the information needs of patients with unexplained chest pain.

Patient Preference and Adherence.

ISSN 1177-889X.

Volum 7.


DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S47120

Risa, Eva Christina; Friberg, Febe; Lidén, Eva


Being in an oasis: a restorative and reassuring place- women`s experiences of a valuable antenatal diabetes midwivery consultation.

Nursing Reports.

ISSN 2039-439X.

Volum 3.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.4081/nursrep.2013.e2

Carlsson, Eva; Pettersson, Monica; Hydén, Lars-Christer; Öhlen, Joakim; Friberg, Febe


Structure and content in consultations with patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer.

European Journal of Oncology Nursing.

ISSN 1462-3889.

Volum 17.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2013.07.002

Friberg, Febe; Dahlborg Lyckhage, Elisabeth


Changing Essay Writing in Undergraduate Nursing Education Through Action Research: A Swedish Example.

Nursing Education Perspectives.

ISSN 1536-5026.

Volum 34.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1097/00024776-201307000-00004

Husebø, Sissel Eikeland; Dieckmann, Peter; Rystedt, Hans; Søreide, Eldar; Friberg, Febe


The relationship between facilitators' questions and the level of reflection in postsimulation debriefing.

Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.

ISSN 1559-2332.

Volum 8.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0b013e31827cbb5c

Risa, Eva Christina; Friberg, Febe; Lidén, Eva


Experts' Encounters in Antenatal Diabetes Care: A Descriptive Study of Verbal Communication in Midwife-Led Consultations.

Nursing Research and Practice.

ISSN 2090-1429.

DOI: 10.1155/2012/121360

Husebø, Sissel Eikeland; Friberg, Febe; Søreide, Eldar; Rystedt, Hans


Instructional Problems in Briefings: How to Prepare Nursing Students for Simulation-Based Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training.

Clinical Simulation in Nursing.

ISSN 1876-1399.

Volum 8.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2010.12.002

Friberg, Febe; Öhlén, J.


Hermeneutik och Fenomenologi. (Hermeneutics and Phenomenology). I: Vetenskaplig teori och metod : från idé till examination inom omvårdnad.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144071350.

Friberg, Febe


Tankeprocessen vid litteraturbaserade studier. (The thinking process in literature based studies). I: Dags för uppsats : vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-07323-1.

Friberg, Febe


Att utforma ett examensarbete. (To plan a literature based study). I: Dags för uppsats : vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-07323-1.

Friberg, Febe


Att skapa evidensbaserad omvårdnad med grund i analys av kvalitativ forskning. (To evidence-based nursing based in analysis of qualitative reserach). I: Dags för uppsats : vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-07323-1.

Friberg, Febe


Att göra en litteraturöversikt (To conduct a literature review). (2006). I: Dags för uppsats : vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-07323-1.

Friberg, Febe


Pedagogiska traditioner av betydelse för patientundervisning. Pedagogical theories of significance for patient education. I: Pedagogik inom vård och handledning.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-07554-9.

Bergh, Anne-louise; Persson, Eva; Karlsson, Jan; Friberg, Febe


Registered nurses' perceptions of conditions for patient education - focusing on aspects of competence.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

ISSN 0283-9318.

Volum 20.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2012.01460.x

Husebø, Sissel Eikeland; Bjørshol, Conrad Arnfinn; Rystedt, Hans; Friberg, Febe; Søreide, Eldar


A comparative study of defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance during simulated cardiac arrest in nursing student teams.

Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine.

ISSN 1757-7241.

Volum 20.

DOI: 10.1186/1757-7241-20-23

Friberg, Febe; Granum, Vigdis; Bergh, Anne-Louise


Nurses' patient-education work: conditional factors - an integrative review.

Journal of Nursing Management.

ISSN 0966-0429.

Volum 20.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01367.x

Bergh, Anne-Louise; Karlsson, Jan; Persson, Eva; Friberg, Febe


Registered nurses' perceptions of conditions for patient education - focusing on organisational, environmental and professional cooperation aspects.

Journal of Nursing Management.

ISSN 0966-0429.

Volum 20.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2012.01460.x

Husebø, Sissel Eikeland; Friberg, Febe; Søreide, Eldar; Rystedt, Hans


Instructional problems in briefings: how to prepare nursing students for simulation-based cardiopulmonary resuscitation training.

Clinical Simulation in Nursing.

ISSN 1876-1399.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2010.12.002

Husebø, Sissel Eikeland; Rystedt, Hans; Friberg, Febe


Educating for teamwork - nursing students' coordination in simulated cardiac arrest situations.

Journal of Advanced Nursing.

ISSN 0309-2402.

Volum 67.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05629.x

Risa, Eva Christina; Lidén, Eva; Friberg, Febe


Communication patterns in antenatal diabetes care: an explorative and descriptive study of midwife-led consultations.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 20.

Hefte 13-14.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03552.x

Friberg, Febe; Öhlen, Joakim


Reflective Exploration of Beekman's Participant Experience.

Qualitative Health Research.

ISSN 1049-7323.

Volum 20.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1177/1049732309354988

Wallengren, Catarina; Segesten, Kerstin; Friberg, Febe


Relatives' information needs and the characteristics of their search for information - in the words of relatives of stroke survivors.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 19.

Hefte 19-20.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03259.x

Granum, Vigdis; Friberg, Febe


Pasientundervisning 1994-2004 : teorier, begreper, kategorier og metoder.

Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning.

ISSN 1501-4754.

Volum 12.

Hefte 4.


Persson, Marianne; Friberg, Febe


The dramatic encounter: experiences of taking part in a health conversation.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 18.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02535.x

Scherman, Marianne Hansson; Friberg, Febe


Patienten gör inte som vi vill- en kritisk diskussion om följsamhetsbegreppet och dess användning inom hälso-och sjukvård. I: Den lärande patienten.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-04790-4.


Öhlén, Joakim; Elofsson, Linnéa Carling; Hydén, Lars-Christer; Friberg, Febe


Exploration of communicative patterns of consultations in palliative cancer care.

European Journal of Oncology Nursing.

ISSN 1462-3889.

Volum 12.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2007.07.005

Wallengren, Catarina; Friberg, Febe; Segesten, Kerstin


Like a shadow - on becoming a stroke victim's relative.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

ISSN 0283-9318.

Volum 22.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2006.00494.x

Bøker og kapitler

Friberg, Febe; Öhlen, Joakim


Omvårdnadens grunder : perspektiv och förhållningssätt.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144123189.

Friberg, Febe


Den patientundervisande uppgiften- att möjliggöra lärande. . I: Att bli sjuksköterska : en introduktion till yrke och ämne.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144125350.


Friberg, Febe


Pedagogiska traditioner av betydelse för patientundervisning. I: Läs ett smakprov Pedagogik inom vård och handledning.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144126692.


Friberg, Febe; Öhlén, Joakim


Personcentrering : samtal och kommunikation. I: Kommunikation - Samtal och bemötande i vården .

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144120522.


Friberg, Febe


Hälsa. I: Omvårdnadens grunder : perspektiv och förhållningssätt.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144123189.


Öhlén, Joakim; Friberg, Febe


Person. I: Omvårdnadens grunder : perspektiv och förhållningssätt.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144123189.


Friberg, Febe; Öhlén, Joakim


Omvårdnadens grunder. Perspektiv och förhållningssätt, 2 uppl.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144083537.

Edberg, Anna-Karin; Ehrenberg, Anna; Friberg, Febe; Wallin, Lars; Wijk, Helle


Omvårdnad på avancerad nivå: - kärnkompetenser inom sjuksköterskans specialistområden (bok + digital produkt).

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 9789144071459.

Friberg, Febe


Dags för uppsats : vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-07323-1.

Pilhammar, Ewa; Bergh, Madeleine; Carlson, Elisabeth; Friberg, Febe


Pedagogik inom vård och handledning.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-07554-9.

Friberg, Febe; Öhlén, Joakim


Omvårdnadens grunder : Perspektiv och förhållningssätt.

Studentlitteratur AB.

ISBN 978-91-44-05873-3.


Kristoffersen, Margareth; Oftedal, Bjørg Synnøve Frøysland; Friberg, Febe


Doktorgradsstudenter sliter med å oppnå forskerkompetanse .


Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Strong evaluations – relevant or not as grounds for remaining in the nursing profession?.

18th Nursing Ethics Conference and the 3rd International Ethics in Care Conference.;

2017-09-15 - 2017-09-16.

Friberg, Febe; Carlsson, Eva; Pettersson, Monica; Sawatzky, Richard; Smith, Frida; Håkanson, Cecilia; Kenne Sarenmalm, Elisabeth; Öhlen, Joakim


Process of a complex intervention about person-centered information and communication to enhance patient preparedness for and recovery from cancer surgery: health professionals reflective experiences.

The Global Qualitative research conference, ;

2017-05-08 - 2017-05-09.

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Creational phenomenology; a significant perspective in nursing philosophy?.

20th International philosophy of nursing conference and 12th Philosophy in the nurse's world conference;

2016-08-22 - 2016-08-24.

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Å fortsette i sykepleien - livsforståelsens betydning.

NSF Sykepleierkongress 2016;

2016-09-27 - 2016-09-28.

Carlsson, Eva; Pettersson, Monica; Sawatzky, Richard; Smith, Frida; Håkanson, Cecilia; Friberg, Febe


Development and validation of the preparedness for colorectal cancer surgery questionnaire. PCSQ-pre 24..


2016-10-19 - 2016-10-22.

Friberg, Febe; Carlsson, Eva; Pettersson, Monica; Sawatzky, Richard; Smith, Frida; Håkanson, Cecilia; Kenne Sarenmalm, Elisabeth; Öhlen, Joakim


Enabling patient preparedness- an innovative intervention concept for improved recovery following colorectal cancer surgery.


2016-11-24 - 2016-11-25.

Carlsson, Eva; Pettersson, Monica; Sawatzky, Richard; Smith, Frida; Öhlen, Joakim; Friberg, Febe


Development and validation of the preparedness for colorectal cancer surgery questionnaire. PCSQ-pre 24.

International Society of Quality of Life research ( ISOQoL;

2016-10-19 - 2016-10-22.

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe; Brinchmann, Berit Støre


Nurses' selfunderstanding can bring light to experiences of moral challenges in everyday nursing care.

The 1st International Care Ethics (ICE) Observatory Ethics in Care and 16th Nursing Ethics Conference;

2015-07-17 - 2015-07-18.

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Considering destructive demands within relationship-based nursing care - relevant or not?.

Technology, Health Care and Person-centeredness: Beyond Utopia and Dystopia. Thinking the future. 19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference;

2015-08-24 - 2015-08-26.

Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes; Friberg, Febe; Larsen, Alf Inge; Brinchmann, Berit Støre


Making sense of participating in an exercise training programme for chest pain patients with unexplained chest pain.

Nordisk nettverkskonferanse Grounded Theory;

2014-09-08 - 2014-09-09.

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Leadership - a contributor to meeting the demands of efficiency in nursing practice.

The 6 th International Nursing Management Conference;

2014-10-27 - 2014-10-29.

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Friberg, Febe


Selvrealisering - en mektig moralsk kilde for profesjonell praksis.

Nordpro-konferansen 2014;

2014-10-23 - 2014-10-24.

Haraldseid, Cecilie; Aase, Karina; Friberg, Febe


Student participation in developing digital tool contents to facilitate clinical skills training.

NSQH 2014;

2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03.

Haraldseid, Cecilie; Friberg, Febe; Aase, Karina


Nursing students’ perceptions of factors that influence their learning environment in a clinical skills laboratory.

ProPel ;

2014-06-24 - 2014-06-26.

Friberg, Febe; Husebø, Sissel Eikeland


From Phenomenology to Ethnomethodology - with examples from Interaction Analysis (Febe Friberg); Educating for teamwork: Nursing students' coordination in simulated cardiac arrest situations (Sissel Eikeland Husebø).

Agency in Health Care - Phenomenology and Experience;


Smith, Fride; Öhlen, Joakim; Carlsson, Eva; Friberg, Febe; Forsberg, Marcus; Kokkinakis, Dimitrios


Ny studie visar hur informasjon til pasienter med kolorektal cancer kan förbättras.


Hefte 5.


Halvorsen, Anne; Friberg, Febe; McGuirk, James


Mer Forskning til profesjonsfagene.


ISSN 1891-635X.

Smith, F.; Friberg, Febe; Carlsson, Eva; Forsberg, M; Wallengren, Catarina; Öhlen, Joakim


Evaluation of Patient Education Materials (PEM) for patient with colorectl cancer undergoina elective surgery- a combination of three methods.

Body and Mind 21 Internaional HPH conference;

2013-05-22 - 2013-05-24.

Halvorsen, Anne; McGuirk, James; Friberg, Febe


Mer forskning i profesjonsfagene.


ISSN 1891-635X.

Furskog-Risa, Christina; Friberg, Febe; Lidén, Eva


The antenatal consultation- a qualitative study of institutional talk between diabetic pregnant women and midwives in antental specialist care.

Research workshop ;

2007-10-26 - 2007-10-27.