Mina Farmanbar

Associate Professor

Mina Farmanbar


Telephone: 51834507

Email: mina.farmanbar@uis.no


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

About me


Dr. Mina Farmanbar holds the position of Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. She received a bachelor’s degree in software engineering and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science in 2012 and 2016 respectively. She has been an active researcher at UiS and Akershus University Hospital since 2017.

Notably, she is recognized among Norway's top 100 women in the AI field, a testament to her impactful contributions, and is currently a deputy leader of the Applied Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AIxTech) research group. More information about the research group can be found at https://www.uis.no/en/applied-intelligence-and-emerging-technologies 

Additionally, she has been an integral part of the program committee for NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium since 2021, showcasing her dedication to shaping the research landscape in Norway. She has served as the Springer Proceeding Co-Chair/ Editor for the 1st and 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications.

Keywords: data science, natural language processing, and machine learning applications.


  • 2024: Best poster award at NORA Annual Conference
  • 2023: Best paper award at FAIEMA
  • 2023: Best paper award at NORA Annual Conference

Currently taught courses:


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Shakeri, Arezo; Farmanbar, Mina


Natural language processing in Alzheimer's disease research: Systematic review of methods, data, and efficacy.

Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring.

ISSN 2352-8729.

Volum 17.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1002/dad2.70082

Sulaiman, Muhammad; Farmanbar, Mina; Kagami, Shingo; Belbachir, Ahmed Nabil; Rong, Chunming


Online deep learning’s role in conquering the challenges of streaming data: a survey.

Knowledge and Information Systems.

ISSN 0219-1377.

DOI: 10.1007/s10115-025-02351-3

Sulaiman, Muhammad; Finnesand, Erik; Farmanbar, Mina; Belbachir, Nabil; Rong, Chunming


Building Precision: Efficient Encoder-Decoder Networks for Remote Sensing Based on Aerial RGB and LiDAR Data.

IEEE Access.

ISSN 2169-3536.

Volum 12.


DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3391416

Sulaiman, Muhammad; Farmanbar, Mina; Belbachir, Nabil; Chunming, Rong


Genetic Algorithm Empowering Unsupervised Learning for Optimizing Building Segmentation from Light Detection and Ranging Point Clouds.

Remote Sensing.

ISSN 2072-4292.

Volum 16.

Hefte 19.

DOI: 10.3390/rs16193603

Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Farmanbar, Mina; Choat, Tomas Royal; Ljosdal, Otto Nessa; Dyvik, Mathias; Cappelen, Casper; Frøysa, Vidar; Kværness, Jørn; Berg, Gøran Jansson; Ørn, Stein


Exploring Pixel Value Scaling in the Application of Convolutional Neural Network U-Net Models for Segmentation of the Myocardium in Magnetic Resonance Images .

Computing in cardiology.

ISSN 2325-8861.

Volum 51.

DOI: 10.22489/CinC.2024.093

Amber, Khuram Pervez; Ahmad, Rizwan; Farmanbar, Mina; Bashir, Muhammad Anser; Mehmood, Sajid; Khan, Muhammad Sajid; Saeed, Muhammad Umer


Unlocking Household Electricity Consumption in Pakistan.


ISSN 2075-5309.

Volum 11.

Hefte 11.

DOI: 10.3390/buildings11110566

Farmanbar, Mina; Chunming, Rong


Triangulum City Dashboard: An Interactive Data Analytic Platform for Visualizing Smart City Performance.


ISSN 2227-9717.

Volum 8.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.3390/pr8020250

Mehdipourpirbazari, Aida; Farmanbar, Mina; Chakravorty, Antorweep; Chunming, Rong


Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Smart Meter Data: A Generalization Analysis.


ISSN 2227-9717.

Volum 8.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.3390/pr8040484

Farmanbar, Mina; Parham, Kiyan; Arild, Øystein; Chunming, Rong


A widespread review of smart grids towards smart cities.


ISSN 1996-1073.

Volum 12:4484.

Hefte 23.


DOI: 10.3390/en12234484

Farmanbar, Mina; Palanisamy, Anandhakumar; Høydal, Anne Britt; Keprate, Arvind; Haug, Gjermund


A web based solution to track trawl vessel activities over pipelines in Norwegian Continental Shelf.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

ISSN 1757-8981.

Volum 700.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/700/1/012037

Farmanbar, Mina; Toygar, Onsen


Spoof Detection on Face and Palmprint Biometrics.

Signal, Image and Video Processing.

ISSN 1863-1703.

Volum 11.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1007/s11760-017-1082-y

Farmanbar, Mina; Toygar, Onsen


Feature Selection for the Fusion of Face and Palmprint Biometrics.

Signal, Image and Video Processing.

ISSN 1863-1703.

Volum 10.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1007/s11760-015-0845-6

Farmanbar, Mina; Toygar, Onsen


A Hybrid Approach for Person Identification Using Palmprint and Face Biometrics.

International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.

ISSN 0218-0014.

Volum 29.

Hefte 6.

DOI: 10.1142/S0218001415560091

Lotfi, Nasser; Tamouk, Jamshid; Farmanbar, Mina


3-SAT Problem A New Memetic-PSO Algorithm.

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security.

ISSN 1947-5500.

Volum 11.

Hefte 6.


Tamouk, Jamshid; Lotfi, Nasser; Farmanbar, Mina


Satellite image classification methods and Landsat 5TM Bands.

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security.

ISSN 1947-5500.

Volum 11.

Hefte 6.


Farmanbar, Mina; Chefranov, Alexander G


Investigation of Hill cipher modifications based on permutation and iteration.

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security.

ISSN 1947-5500.

Volum 10.

Hefte 9.


Bøker og kapitler

Farmanbar, Mina; Tzamtzi, Maria P.; Verma, Ajit Kumar; Chakravorty, Antorweep


Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications : 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023.

Springer Publishing Company.

ISBN 978-981-99-9836-4.

Hefte ..

Farmanbar, Mina; Tzamtzi, Maria P.; Verma, Ajit Kumar; Chakravorty, Antorweep


Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications. FAIEMA 2023.


ISBN 978-981-99-9835-7.


Shakeri, Arezo; Ahmad Freja, Shaima; Hallaj, yeganeh; Farmanbar, Mina


Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease through Speech: A Comparative Study of GPT Embedding Models and a Traditional NLP Feature Extraction Method .

NORA Annual Conference 2024;

2024-06-03 - 2024-06-04.

Mohammad Haider Ali Bis, Nourin; Farmanbar, Mina; Mehidpour Pirbazari, Aida


Exploring Fashion Recommendation System: A Multimodal Clip Approach.

NORA Annual Conference 2024;

2024-06-03 - 2024-06-04.

Farmanbar, Mina; Ahmad Freja, Shaima; Shakeri, Arezo


Improving Early Dementia Detection with Advanced Language Models Based on Linguistic Features.

2nd International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA);

2024-10-01 - 2024-10-02.

Sulaiman, Muhammad; Farmanbar, Mina; Belbachir, Ahmed Nabil; Rong, Chunming


Leveraging YOLOv8 Fine-Tuning and SEEM Inference for Accurate Building Segmentation Using RGB and LiDAR Datasets.

2nd International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA);

2024-10-01 - 2024-10-02.

Shakeri, Arezo; Farmanbar, Mina; Ahmad Freja, Shaima


Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease through Speech: A Comparative Study of OpenAI Embedding Models and a Traditional NLP Feature Extraction Method.

Digital Life Norway conference 2024;

2024-10-14 - 2024-10-15.

Shakeri, Arezo; Farmanbar, Mina; Ahmad Freja, Shaima


A Comparative Study of OpenAI Embedding Models and a Traditional NLP Feature Extraction Method.

Applied Signal Processing Workshop: Joining academia and industry for better good!;


Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Farmanbar, Mina; Choat, Tomas Royal; Ljosdal, Otto Nessa; Dyvik, Mathias; Cappelen, Casper; Frøysa, Vidar; Kværness, Jørn; Berg, Gøran Jansson; Ørn, Stein


Exploring Pixel Value Scaling in the Application of Convolutional Neural Network U-Net Models for Segmentation of the Myocardium in Magnetic Resonance Images.

Computing in Cardiology 2024;

2024-09-08 - 2024-09-11.

Erik, Finnesand; Sulaiman, Muhammad; Farmanbar, Mina


An Efficient Machine Learning Approach for Building Segmentation Using Aerial Images and LiDAR Data.

NORA Annual Conference 2023;

2023-06-05 - 2023-06-06.

Farmanbar, Mina; Kolstrup, Per Johan


Publishing with Open Journal Systems (OJS): the engaged university and library support at the University of Stavanger.

The 15th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2020;

2020-11-17 - 2020-11-19.

Parham, Kiyan; Farmanbar, Mina; Chunming, Rong; Arild, Øystein


Assessing the importance of energy management in smart homes.

4th International Conference on Viable Energy Trends (InVEnT2019);

2019-04-26 - .