Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51832785
Room: HG R-306
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Education and Sports Science
Associate Professor
Telephone: 51832785
Room: HG R-306
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Education and Sports Science
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders; Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria
Researching and teaching speech acts with young L2 learners : Beneath the linguistic surface.
Multilingual Matters.
ISBN 9781800412699.
Myrset, Anders; McConachy, Troy
Incorporating pragmatics into primary English language teacher education. I: Innovative Practices in Early English Language Education.Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783031129216.
Myrset, Anders
‘You could win Masterchef with this soup. Can I get some more?’ Request production and the impact of instruction on young EFL learners.Journal of Pragmatics.
ISSN 0378-2166.
Volum 192.
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders; Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria
Lived experiences as a resource for scaffolding metapragmatic understandings with young language learners.Language Learning Journal.
ISSN 0957-1736.
Volum 50.
Hefte 4.
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders
Hey you, can I loan your yellow pencil? Young Norwegian EFL learners’ metapragmatic appraisal of requests. I: Pragmatics in English language learning.Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781108894241.
Savic, Milica; Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria; Myrset, Anders
Young Greek Cypriot and Norwegian EFL learners: Pragmalinguistic development in request production.Journal of Pragmatics.
ISSN 0378-2166.
Volum 180.
Myrset, Anders; Savic, Milica
“If an astronaut were on the moon…” Eliciting metapragmatic data from young L2 learners.Applied Pragmatics.
ISSN 2589-109X.
Volum 3.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.1075/
Myrset, Anders
Scientific concepts as meaning-making resources for young EFL learners in the learning of pragmatics.Intercultural Communication Education.
ISSN 2209-1041.
Volum 4.
Hefte 2.
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders
But in England they’re certainly very polite, so you mustn’t forget that : Young EFL learners making sense of pragmatic practices. I: Teaching and learning second language pragmatics for intercultural understanding.Routledge.
ISBN 9780367555788.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 4. textbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet. .
ISBN 978-82-11-03253-9.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 4. workbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03258-4.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 4. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03261-4.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 3. textbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03243-0.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 3. workbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet. .
ISBN 978-82-11-03247-8.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 3. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03251-5.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 2. pupils book Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03237-9.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 2. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03241-6.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 1. pupils book. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-02806-8.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 1. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03235-5.
Myrset, Anders; Savic, Milica
From pragmatic development to fostering learner agency through participation in the English classroom: A change of focus.
Research Seminar LAELA;
Myrset, Anders
Leseteater - hva er det og hvordan fungerer det?.
Nasjonal konferanse om lesing 2024;
2024-03-18 - 2024-03-19.
Myrset, Anders
How do young learners perceive L2 pragmatics instruction?.
ITAP Annual Conference 2024: Pragmatics across different educational stages;
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders; Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria
Researching and teaching speech acts with young L2 learners.
UNIC English Language and Literature Seminar;
Myrset, Anders
Leseteater - om å skape en felles leseopplevelse i klasserommet.
Myrset, Anders
Elevmedskaping: Å skape kunnskap sammen. Erfaringer fra partnerskap i DEKOM.
2023-02-02 - 2023-02-03.
Myrset, Anders
Salvatore Attardo and Lucy Pickering, Pragmatics and its Applications to TESOL and SLA.Contrastive Pragmatics: A Cross-Disciplinary Journal (JOCP).
ISSN 2666-0385.
Myrset, Anders
Scientific concepts as a resource for 7th-grade EFL learners’ metapragmatic understandings.
Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Insights and Innovations - TLC 2023;
2023-10-06 - 2023-10-07.
Myrset, Anders
Fostering young EFL learners’ (meta)pragmatic development through concept-based instruction.
LAELA Research Forum;
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders
Young EFL learners’ frames of reference for making sense of pragmatic practices: Potential for teaching L2 pragmatics in primary school.
ATFLY - Advances in Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners;
2022-09-22 - 2022-09-23.
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders
Researching metapragmatic understandings: Tailoring data elicitation methods to young language learners.
Seminari di pragmatica;
Myrset, Anders; Savic, Milica
“If an astronaut were on the moon…” Eliciting metapragmatic data from young L2 learners.
17th International Pragmatics Conference;
2021-06-27 - 2021-08-02.
Myrset, Anders
“It was kind of like ‘wow!’”: Activities for teaching L2 requesting in primary school.
First ITAP Session: Pragmatics in Primary Education;
2021-10-26 - .
Myrset, Anders; Savic, Milica
"Engelskmenn er mye høfligere enn nordmenn" - hvordan bidra til et mer nyansert syn på høflighet i engelskfaget.
Bedre Skole.
ISSN 0802-183X.
Volum 33.
Hefte 4.
Savic, Milica; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo
”If you don’t learn what’s wrong and what’s right, you’ll do something wrong without knowing it.” Exploring young Norwegian EFL learners’ metapragmatic development .
Exploring and Assessing Pragmatic Aspects of L1 and L2 Communication: From Needs Analysis through Monitoring to Feedback ;
2018-07-25 - 2018-07-27.
Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Savic, Milica
‘Hey, you, can I loan your yellow pencil?’ Young Norwegian EFL learners’ metapragmatic assessment of requests.
Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Challenges & Perspectives - TLC 2018;
2018-10-26 - 2018-10-27.
Drew, Ion Patrick Francis; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo
Readers Theatre: How an L1 reading method can benefit the L2 classroom..
The 42nd Annual ATEE Conference: Changing perspectives and approaches in contemporary teaching;
2017-10-23 - 2017-10-25.