Cecilie Waallann Brown

Førsteamanuensis i engelskdidaktikk

Cecilie Waallann Brown


Telefon: 51834574

E-post: cecilie.w.brown@uis.no

Rom: HG R-429


Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Institutt for grunnskolelærerutdanning, idrett og spesialpedagogikk


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Brown, Cecilie Waallann


Enacting Critical Visual Literacy in Norwegian Secondary School EFL Classrooms: Opportunities and Challenges.

Nordic Journal of Literacy Research.

ISSN 2464-1596.

Volum 10.

Hefte 3.

DOI: 10.23865/njlr.v10.5911

Brown, Cecilie Waallann; Savic, Milica


Practising critical visual literacy through redesign in ELT classrooms.

ELT Journal.

ISSN 0951-0893.

Volum 77.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1093/elt/ccac049

Brown, Cecilie Waallann; Alford, Jennifer Helen


Critical literacy in the language classroom: Possibilities for intercultural learning through symbolic competence.

Intercultural Communication Education.

ISSN 2209-1041.

Volum 6.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.29140/ice.v6n2.1020

Brown, Cecilie Waallann


Developing multiple perspectives with EFL learners through facilitated dialogue about images.

Critical inquiry In Language Studies.

ISSN 1542-7587.

DOI: 10.1080/15427587.2022.2030228

Brown, Cecilie Waallann


"I Don’t Want to be Stereotypical, but…": Norwegian EFL Learners’ Awareness of and Willingness to Challenge Visual Stereotypes.

Intercultural Communication Education.

ISSN 2209-1041.

Volum 2.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.29140/ice.v2n3.194

Brown, Cecilie Waallann; Habegger-Conti, Jena


Visual Representations of Indigenous Cultures in Norwegian EFL Textbooks.

Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology (NJMLM).

ISSN 1894-2245.

Volum 5.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.46364/njmlm.v5i1.369

Bøker og kapitler

Brown, Cecilie Waallann


Critical Visual Literacy and Intercultural Learning in English Foreign Language Classrooms: An exploratory case study.

ISBN 978-82-8439-032-1.


Brown, Cecilie Waallann


Critical literacy in the language classroom: Possibilities for intercultural learning through symbolic competence.

23rd European Conference on Literacy;

2024-06-24 - 2024-07-26.

Brown, Cecilie Waallann


Redesign in EAL teacher education: An exploration of task affordances from the perspective of intercultural learning.

Redesign in EAL teacher education: An exploration of task affordances from the perspective of intercultural learning;

2024-06-24 - 2024-06-26.

Brown, Cecilie Waallann; Savic, Milica


Enacting critical visual literacy through redesign in the ELT classroom.

DEMCI Past and Future;

2021-12-01 - 2021-12-03.