Marianne Storm

Professor i helsevitenskap

Marianne Storm


Telefon: 51834158 / 48133750


Rom: OD B-24171


Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Avdeling for folkehelse

Kort om meg

I am a Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. My research interests include patient- and user involvement, care coordination, digital health, social innovation, and health promotion.  I conduct complex interventions with health professionals and patients in mental health and elderly care, to improve quality of care and health promotion through mechanisms of organizational learning and interprofessional collaboration, education, and simulation training. In my Ph.D., I developed an intervention program Service user involvement in practice which is one recommended approach to improving competencies about user involvement in inpatient mental healthcare in the revised Norwegian guidelines for Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of people with psychosis disorder. Published peer-reviewed publications including in BMJ Open, BMC Health Services Research, International Journal of Integrated Care, Journal of Clinical Nursing, one book and several book chapters including in publications by Palgrave MacMillan and Taylor & Francis.

2017-2018 Norwegian Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice. Principal and co-investigator for several research projects receiving grants from the Norwegian Research Council. Currently a member of the steering board of the Norwegian Health Services Research network with the aim to promote high-quality health services research in Norway.

Dette forsker jeg på

Ongoing research projects:

  • Workpackage Lead "Simulation and Training". More good days at home: Advancing health-promoting practices in municipal healthcare services
    for older recipients of home care. Research Project funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2021-2025).
  • Co-Investigator: Nurse Assisted eHealth Service from Hospital to Home: Ameliorating Burden of Treatment among Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases (2019-2023). Researcher Project funded by the Norwegian Research Council HELSEVEL. 
  • Principal Investigator: Digital  Innovation in Mental health (2019-2023).  
  • Project Manager: Ledelse og teknologi for en integrert helsetjeneste (2019-2023). Funded by the University of Stavanger (Faculty of Health and UiS-Business School). 
  • Coordination and social innovation in health services for people with serious mental illness. Funded by the University of Stavanger (2019-2023). PhD-supervisor.
  • E-health coordination of health services for older multimorbid patients living at home. Funded by University of Stavanger (2016-2022). PhD-supervisor.
  • Brukermedvirkning og samvalg i psykisk helsevern for ungdom. Funded by the University of Stavanger (2016-2020). PhD-supervisor. 
  • Safety perceptions of assistive technology used at home. Funded by Stord/Haugesund University College (2016-2020). Co-supervisor PhD student.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Storm, Marianne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Austin, Rosalynn; Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Karlsen, Bjørg; Dalen, Ingvild; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Richardson, Alison; Elwyn, Glyn; Bru, Lars Edvin; Søreide, Jon Arne; Kørner, Hartwig; Moan, Rune; Strömberg, Anna; Lurås, Hilde; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Evaluation of the nurse-assisted eHealth intervention ‘eHealth@Hospital-2-Home’ on self-care by patients with heart failure and colorectal cancer post-hospital discharge : protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 24.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-10508-5

Kvalsvik, Fifi Tjan; Larsen, Bente Hamre; Eilertsen, Grethe; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine; Dalen, Ingvild; Johansen Haaland, Stine; Storm, Marianne


Health Needs Assessment in Home-Living Older Adults: Protocol for a Pre-Post Study.

JMIR Research Protocols.

ISSN 1929-0748.

Volum 13.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.2196/55192

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Storm, Marianne


Responsible coordination of municipal health and care services for individuals with serious mental illness : a participatory qualitative study with service users and professionals.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 24.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-024-10999-w

Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; May, Carl; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Acceptability and usability of a nurse-assisted remote patient monitoring intervention for the post-hospital follow-up of patients with long-term illness: A qualitative study.

International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances).

Volum 7.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnsa.2024.100229

Larsen, Bente Hamre; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine; Dieckmann, Peter; Storm, Marianne


Training healthcare professionals in assessment of health needs in older adults living at home : a scoping review.

BMC Medical Education.

ISSN 1472-6920.

Volum 24.

DOI: 10.1186/s12909-024-06014-9

Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth; Gytri, Silje; Storm, Marianne; Lid, Torgeir Gilje; Sagvaag, Hildegunn


What is known about persons with co-occurring problems’ experiences with supported housing, recovery, and health promotion? : a scoping review.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 24.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-024-11736-z

Austin, Rosalynn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Storm, Marianne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Karlsen, Bjørg


Use of the chronic illness research recruitment taxonomy to evaluate recruitment strategies in an eHealth feasibility study..

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.

ISSN 2451-8654.

Volum 43.

DOI: 10.1016/j.conctc.2024.101420

Eines, Trude Fløystad; Storm, Marianne; Grønvik, Cecilie K Utheim


Interprofessional collaboration in a community virtual ward : a focus group study.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

ISSN 0283-9318.

Volum 37.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1111/scs.13152

Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Designing a future eHealth service for posthospitalization self-management support in long-term illness : qualitative interview study.

JMIR Human Factors.

ISSN 2292-9495.

Volum 10.


DOI: 10.2196/39391

Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth; Wegener, Charlotte; Storm, Marianne


Sykehjemmet som knutepunkt for helsefremmende innovasjon. I: Sykehjemmet : hjem, helseinstitusjon og arbeidsplass.


ISBN 9788245033137.


Hansen, Marte Johanne Tangeraas; Storm, Marianne; Syre, Heidi; Dalen, Ingvild; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Attitudes and self-efficacy towards infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship among nurses : a mixed-methods study.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 32.

Hefte 17/18.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16657

Wegner, Charlotte; Storm, Marianne; Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth


The nursing home as a hub : boundary work as a key to community health promotion.

Health Promotion International.

ISSN 0957-4824.

Volum 38.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daad020

Storm, Marianne; Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth


Deltakelse for helsefremming i helse og velferd. I: Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.


ISBN 9788245037722.


Øksnevad, Linn; Storm, Marianne


Erfaringsmedarbeideren som deltaker i det tverrprofesjonelle samarbeidet i psykisk helsearbeid. I: Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.


ISBN 9788245037722.


Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne


Deltakelse i simulering for læring og helsefremming. I: Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.


ISBN 9788245037722.


Grønvik, Cecilie Katrine Utheim; Storm, Marianne; Eines, Trude Fløystad


Virtuell avdeling : en modell for økt helsefremming i primærhelsetjenesten?. I: Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.


ISBN 9788245037722.


Haaland, Guro Hognestad; Øygarden, Olaug; Storm, Marianne; Mikkelsen, Aslaug


Understanding registered nurses’ career choices in home care services : a qualitative study.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 23.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-09259-0

Hansen, Anette; Tønnessen, Siri; Storm, Marianne; Eilertsen, Grethe


Balansert deltakelse : helsefremmende tjenester til eldre hjemmeboende . I: Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.


ISBN 9788245037722.


Sevic, Aleksandra; Soleiman Pour Hashemi, Neda; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus; Strømstad, Kine; Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie; Storm, Marianne; Brønnick, Kolbjørn Kallesten


Effectiveness of eHealth interventions targeting employee health behaviors : systematic review.

Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).

ISSN 1439-4456.

Volum 25.


DOI: 10.2196/38307

Fortuna, Karen L.; Lebby, Stephanie; Geiger, Pamela; Johnson, Diane; MacDonald, Sandi; Chefetz, Ilana; Ferron, Joelle C.; St George, Lisa; Rossom, Rebecca; Kalisa, Joseph; Mestrovic, Tomislav; Nicholson, Joanne; Pringle, Willie; Rotondi, Armando J.; Sippel, Lauren M.; Sica, Amie; Solesio, Maria E.; Wright, Maggie; Zisman-Ilani, Yaara; Gambee, David; Hill, Julia; Brundrett, Alison; Cather, Corinne; Rhee, Taeho Greg; Daumit, Gail L.; Angel, Jessica; Manion, Ian; Deegan, Patricia E.; Butler, Jason A.; Pitts, Nakristia; Brodey, Denise E.; Williams, Aaron M.; Parks, Joseph; Reimann, Brie; Wahrenberger, J Todd; Morgan, Oscar; Bradford, Daniel W.; Bright, Nicole; Stafford, Elizabeth; Bohm, Andrew R.; Carney, Tracy; Haragirimana, Claver; Gold, Alisa; Storm, Marianne; Walker, Robert


Lived Experience-Led Research Agenda to Address Early Death in People With a Diagnosis of a Serious Mental Illness: A Consensus Statement.

JAMA Network Open.

ISSN 2574-3805.

Volum 6.

Hefte 5.

DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.15479

Collins-Pisano, Caroline; Johnson, Michael; Mois, George; Brooks, Jessica; Myers, Amanda; Mazina, Deanna; Storm, Marianne; Wright, Maggie; Berger, Nancy; Kasper, Ann; Fox, Anthony; MacDonald, Sandi; Schultze, Sarah; Bohm, Andrew; Hill, Julia; Fortuna, Karen


Introduction to the Coproduction of Supervision Standards for Digital Peer Support: Qualitative Study.

JMIR Human Factors.

ISSN 2292-9495.

Volum 10.


DOI: 10.2196/40607

Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Karlsen, Bjørg; Storm, Marianne; Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Søreide, Jon Arne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Assessing a nurse-assisted eHealth intervention posthospital discharge in adult patients with non-communicable diseases: a protocol for a feasibility study.

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 13.

Hefte 8.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069599

Åkerblom, Kristina Bakke; Storm, Marianne; Ness, Ottar


Erfaringskonsulenters roller og involvering i helse- og velferdstjenester. I: Erfaringskonsulenten : funksjoner, roller og involvering.


ISBN 9788245046700.


Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Braut, Harald; Mikkelsen, Aslaug; Storm, Marianne


Older adults’ experiences with participation and eHealth in care coordination : qualitative interview study in a primary care setting.

Journal of Participatory Medicine (JoPM).

ISSN 2152-7202.

Volum 15.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.2196/47550

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Hegelstad, Wenche ten Velden; Joa, Inge; Storm, Marianne


Exploring key determinants of health among individuals with serious mental Illness : qualitative insights from a first episode psychosis cohort, 20 years postdiagnosis.

BMC Psychiatry.

ISSN 1471-244X.

Volum 23.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s12888-023-05270-1

Braut, Harald; Storm, Marianne; Mikkelsen, Aslaug


A Qualitative Study on Distributed Leadership in Integrated Care: Exploring the Experiences of Elderly Multimorbid Patients with GP Collaboration.

Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.

ISSN 1178-2390.

Volum 16.


DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S412283

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Søreide, Jon Arne; Kørner, Hartwig; Storm, Marianne; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Richardson, Alison; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Karlsen, Bjørg


eHealth interventions to support colorectal cancer patients’ self-management after discharge from surgery : an integrative literature review.

Supportive Care in Cancer.

ISSN 0941-4355.

Volum 32.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1007/s00520-023-08191-7

Venegas, Maria D.; Brooks, Jessica M.; Myers, Amanda L.; Storm, Marianne; Fortuna, Karen L.


Peer Support Specialists and Service Users' Perspectives on Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security of Digital Mental Health.

IEEE pervasive computing.

ISSN 1536-1268.

Volum 21.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1109/MPRV.2022.3141986

Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Søreide, Jon Arne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Karlsen, Bjørg; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Posthospitalization follow-up of patients with heart failure using eHealth solutions : restricted systematic review.

Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).

ISSN 1439-4456.

Volum 24.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.2196/32946

Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Grønnestad, Trond Erik; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Storm, Marianne


Parents' perspectives on user participation and shared decision‐making in adolescents' inpatient mental healthcare.

Health Expectations.

ISSN 1369-6513.

Volum 25.


DOI: 10.1111/hex.13443

Sippel, Lauren M.; Myers, Amanda L.; Brooks, Jessica M.; Storm, Marianne; Mois, George; Fortuna, Karen L.


Risk and Protective Factors in Relation to Early Mortality Among People With Serious Mental Illness: Perspectives of Peer Support Specialists and Service Users.

Psychiatric rehabilitation journal.

ISSN 1095-158X.

DOI: 10.1037/prj0000522

Braut, Harald; Øygarden, Olaug; Storm, Marianne; Mikkelsen, Aslaug


General practitioners' perceptions of distributed leadership in providing integrated care for elderly chronic multi-morbid patients: a qualitative study.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 22.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-08460-x

Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


eHealth in care coordination for older adults living at home : scoping review.

Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).

ISSN 1439-4456.

Volum 24.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.2196/39584

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Joa, Inge; Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth; Hegelstad, Wenche; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Storm, Marianne


Perspectives on coordinating health services for individuals with serious mental illness : a qualitative study.

Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.

ISSN 1178-2390.

Volum 15.


DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S384072

Aoki, Yumi; Yaju, Yukari; Utsumi, Tomohiro; Sanyaolu, Leigh; Storm, Marianne; Takaesu, Yoshikazu; Watanabe, Koichiro; Watanabe, Norio; Duncan, Edward; Edwards, Adrian G. K.


Shared decision-making interventions for people with mental health conditions.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

ISSN 1469-493X.

Hefte 11.

DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007297.pub3

Brooks, Jessica M.; Wu, Jia-Rung; Umucu, Emre; Storm, Marianne; Chiu, Chung-Yi; Walker, Robert; Fortuna, Karen L.


Key Components of Recovery Predict Occupational Performance and Health in Peer Support Specialists .

Psychiatric rehabilitation journal.

ISSN 1095-158X.

DOI: 10.1037/prj0000479

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Ødegård, Atle; Wegener, Charlotte; Aakjær, Marie; Pedersen, Anne Lyngby; Østergaard, Maja Boelsmand; Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth


Exploring social innovation (SI) within the research contexts of higher education, healthcare, and welfare services : a scoping review.

Nordic Journal of Social Research.

ISSN 1892-2783.

Volum 12.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.7577/njsr.3455

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: a systematic review.

European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

ISSN 1018-8827.

DOI: 10.1007/s00787-021-01818-2

Østhus, Nille; Storm, Marianne; Kristoffersen, Margareth


Sykepleiere i helsetjenester i hjemmet – hvorfor fortsetter de i sin stilling?.

Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning.

ISSN 1504-3614.

Volum 17.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.7557/14.4975

Storm, Marianne; Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Myers, Amanda L.; Bartels, Stephen J.; Fortuna, Karen L.


Usability testing of a mobile health application for self-management of serious mental illness in a Norwegian community mental health setting.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH).

ISSN 1661-7827.

Volum 18.

Hefte 16.

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18168667

Umucu, Emre; Fortuna, Karen L.; Jung, Hyejin; Bialunska, Anita; Lee, Beatrice; Mangadu, Thenral D.; Storm, Marianne; Ergün, Gul; Mozer, Donyeill A.; Brooks, Jessica


A National Study to Assess Validity And Psychometrics of The Short Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6).

Rehabilitation counseling bulletin.

ISSN 0034-3552.

DOI: 10.1177/00343552211043261

Collins-Pisano, Caroline; Velez Court, Juan; Johnson, Michael; Mois, George; Brooks, Jessica; Myers, Amanda; Muralidharan, Anjana; Storm, Marianne; Wright, Maggie; Berger, Nancy; Kasper, Ann; Fox, Anthony; MacDonald, Sandi; Schultze, Sarah; Fortuna, Karen L.


Core Competencies to Promote Consistency and Standardization of Best Practices for Digital Peer Support: Focus Group Study.

JMIR Mental health.

ISSN 2368-7959.

Volum 8.

Hefte 12.

DOI: 10.2196/30221

Storm, Marianne; Venegas, Maria; Gosinski, Alyssia; Myers, Amanda; Brooks, Jessica; Fortuna, Karen L.


Stakeholders' perspectives on partnering to inform the software development lifecycle of smartphone applications for people with serious mental illness.

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC).

ISSN 2377-6919.


DOI: 10.1109/GHTC53159.2021.9612444

Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Storm, Marianne


En kvalitativ studie om hvorfor ungdom møter til poliklinisk behandling i psykisk helsevern.

Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid.

ISSN 1503-6707.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-3010-2021-04-02

Fortuna, Karen L.; Mbao, Mbita; Kadakia, Arya; Myers, Amanda; Fischer, Daniel; McDonald, Sandi; Bruchete, Sheila; Hitz, Iga; Rossom, Rebecca; Brooks, Jessica; Kalisa, Joseph; Haragirimana, Claver; Storm, Marianne; Mois, George; Umucu, Emre; Almeida, Margaret; Rivera, Jenifer; Zisman-Ilani, Yaara; Venegas, Maria; Walker, Robert


Peer and non-peer academic scientists and peer support specialist community of practice : stakeholder engagement to advance the science of peer support.

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC).

ISSN 2377-6919.


DOI: 10.1109/GHTC53159.2021.9612411

Storm, Marianne; Fortuna, Karen L.; Gill, Emily; Pincus, Harold Alan; Bruce, Martha; Bartels, Stephen J.


Coordination of Services for People with Serious Mental Illness and General Medical Conditions: Perspectives from Rural Northeastern United States.

Psychiatric rehabilitation journal.

ISSN 1095-158X.

DOI: 10.1037/prj0000404

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Kristoffersen, Margareth; Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i samhandling i psykisk helsearbeid.

Sykepleien Forskning.

ISSN 1890-2936.

Volum 15.

DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2020.80125

Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Viksveen, Petter; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Storm, Marianne


User participation and shared decision-making in adolescent mental healthcare: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals' perspectives.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH).

ISSN 1753-2000.

Volum 14.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1186/s13034-020-0310-3

Gill, Emily; Dykes, Patricia; Rudin, Robert S; Storm, Marianne; McGrath, Kelly; Bates, David W


Technology-Facilitated Care Coordination in Rural Areas: What Is Needed?.

International Journal of Medical Informatics.

ISSN 1386-5056.

Volum 137.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.104102

Storm, Marianne; Fortuna, Karen L.; Brooks, Jessica; Bartels, Stephen J.


Peer support in Coordination of Physical and Mental Health Services for People with Lived Experience of a Serious Mental Illness.

Frontiers in Psychiatry.

ISSN 1664-0640.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00365

Aakjær, Marie; Wegener, Charlotte; Willumsen, Elisabeth; Storm, Marianne; Ødegård, Atle; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Hvad skete der med innovationen da den blev social. I: Samskaping : sosial innovasjon for helse og velferd.


ISBN 9788215034089.


Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Digital innovasjon i helse. I: Samskaping : sosial innovasjon for helse og velferd.


ISBN 9788215034089.


Brooks, Jessica M.; Umucu, Emre; Storm, Marianne; Chiu, Chungyi; Wu, Jia-Rung; Fortuna, Karen L.


Preliminary outcomes of an older peer and clinician co-facilitated pain rehabilitation intervention among adults aged 50 years and older with comorbid chronic pain and mental health conditions. .

Psychiatric quarterly.

ISSN 0033-2720.

DOI: 10.1007/s11126-020-09831-5

Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Grønnestad, Trond Erik; Storm, Marianne


I’m not a diagnosis: Adolescents’ perspectives on user participation and shared decision-making in mental healthcare.

Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology.

ISSN 2245-8875.

Volum 8.


DOI: 10.21307/sjcapp-2020-014

Fortuna, Karen L.; Naslund, John A; Aschbrenner, Kelly A.; Lohman, Matthew C.; Storm, Marianne; Batsis, John A; Bartels, Stephen J.


Text Message Exchanges between Older Adults With Serious Mental Illness and Older Certified Peer Specialists in a Smartphone-Supported Self-Management Intervention .

Psychiatric rehabilitation journal.

ISSN 1095-158X.

Volum 42.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1037/prj0000305

Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Thomas, Elisabeth; Elwyn, Glyn; Zisman-Ilani, Yaara


Coordinating mental health services for people with serious mental illness: A scoping review of transitions from psychiatric hospital to community.

Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.

ISSN 0894-587X.

Volum 46.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1007/s10488-018-00918-7

Ree, Eline; Wiig, Siri; Manser, Tanja Nicole; Storm, Marianne


How is patient involvement measured in patient centeredness scales for health professionals? A systematic review of their measurement properties and content.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 19.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3798-y

Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Storm, Marianne; Holm, Anne Lise


Safety for older adults using telecare: Perceptions of homecare professionals.

Nursing Open.

ISSN 2054-1058.

Volum 6.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1002/nop2.328

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Espeland, Jens; Hagen, Laila Garberg; Karlsen, Bjørg


Discussing a nurse assisted ehealth service from hospital to home.

IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking, and Communications.

ISSN 2160-4886.

Volum 2019-October.


DOI: 10.1109/WiMOB.2019.8923545

Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Holm, Anne Lise; Storm, Marianne


Trygg og sikker bruk av velferdsteknologi i hjemmebasert helse- og omsorgstjeneste.

Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.

ISSN 2387-5976.

Volum 5.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.18261/issn.2387-5984-2019-03-07

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


Status of knowledge on student-learning environments in nursing homes: A mixed-method systematic review.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 27.

Hefte 7-8.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14299

Wiig, Siri; Ree, Eline; Johannessen, Terese; Strømme, Torunn; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Ingunn; Ullebust, Berit; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Hurup Thomsen, Line; Sandvik Pedersen, Anne Torhild; van de Bovenkamp, Hester; Bal, Roland; Aase, Karina


Improving quality and safety in nursing homes and home care: the study protocol of a mixed-methods research design to implement a leadership intervention.

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 8:e020933.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020933

Fortuna, Karen L.; Storm, Marianne; Aschbrenner, Kelly A.; Bartels, Stephen J.


Integration of Peer Philosophy into a Standardized Self-Management Mobile Health Intervention.

Psychiatric quarterly.

ISSN 0033-2720.


DOI: 10.1007/s11126-018-9578-3

Larsen, Bente Hamre; Storm, Marianne


Pasientperspektiv i innleggelsesskriv for akutt psykisk helsehjelp.

Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid.

ISSN 1503-6707.

Volum 15.

Hefte 2-3.


DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-3010-2018-02-03-05

Fortuna, Karen L.; Storm, Marianne; Naslund, John A.; Chow, Philip; Aschbrenner, Kelly A.; Lohman, Matthew C.; Bartels, Stephen J.


Certified Peer Specialists and Older Adults With Serious Mental Illness' Perspectives of the Impact of a Peer-Delivered and Technology-Supported Self-Management Intervention.

Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

ISSN 0022-3018.

Volum 206.

Hefte 11.


DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000896

Kajander, Martine; Storm, Marianne


‘Kontakt med ett trykk’: hjemmeboende brukeres erfaringer med videosamtaler.

Nordisk sygeplejeforskning.

ISSN 1892-2678.

Volum 7.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.18261/issn.1892-2686-2017-01-02

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne


The Role of Next of Kin in Care Transitions. I: Researching quality in care transitions : international perspectives.

Palgrave Macmillan.

ISBN 978-3-319-62345-0.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62346-7_5

Cappelen, Kathrine; Harris, Anette; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


Healthcare staff perceptions of patient safety culture in nursing home settings - a cross-sectional study.

Open Journal of Nursing.

ISSN 2162-5336.

Volum 7.

Hefte 9.


DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2017.79078

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne


Interprofessional simulation to improve patient participation in transitional care.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

ISSN 0283-9318.

Volum 31.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1111/scs.12341

Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Wiig, Siri; Guise, Veslemøy; Storm, Marianne; Hansen, Britt Sætre


Status of Nordic Research on Patient Safety and Quality of Care. I: Researching Patient Safety and Quality in Health Care: A Nordic Perspective.

Taylor & Francis.

ISBN 9781472477132.

DOI: 10.1201/9781315605609-2

Guise, Veslemøy; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Moltu, Kirsti; Wiig, Siri


Telecare in Home Healthcare Services: Implications for Quality and Safety. I: Researching Patient Safety and Quality in Health Care: A Nordic Perspective.

Taylor & Francis.

ISBN 9781472477132.


DOI: 10.1201/9781315605609-13

Cappelen, Kathrine; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne; Hetland, Jørn; Harris, Anette


Psychometric properties of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture in Norwegian nursing homes.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 16:446.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-016-1706-x

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Laugaland, Kristin A; Storm, Marianne


An observational study of older patients' participation in hospital admission and discharge - exploring patient and next of kin perspectives.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 24.

Hefte 11-12.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.12773

Storm, Marianne; Wiig, Siri


Pasientperspektivet og sikkerhet. I: Pasientsikkerhet teori og praksis.


ISBN 9788215024813.


Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Storm, Marianne


Sikkerhetskultur i sykehus. I: Pasientsikkerhet teori og praksis.


ISBN 9788215024813.


Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Testad, Ingelin; Storm, Marianne


Older patients’ participation in hospital admissions through the emergency department: an interview study of healthcare professionals.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 15.

Hefte October.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-015-1136-1

Storm, Marianne; Siemsen, Inger Margrete D; Laugaland, Kristin A; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Aase, Karina


Quality in transitional care of the elderly: Key challenges and relevant improvement measures.

International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC).

ISSN 1568-4156.

Volum 14.

Hefte Apr–Jun.

DOI: 10.5334/ijic.1194

Wiig, Siri; Guise, Veslemøy; Anderson, Janet; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Testad, Ingelin; Søyland, Elsa; Lorentsen Moltu, Kirsti


Safer@home- Simulation and training: the study protocol of a qualitative action research design.

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 4.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004995

Storm, Marianne; Groene, Oliver; Testad, Ingelin; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Heskestad, Randi Nisja; Aase, Karina


Quality and safety in the transitional care of the elderly (phase 2): the study protocol of a quasi-experimental intervention study for a cross-level educational program.

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 4.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005962

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


Virtual Visits in Home Health Care for Older Adults.

Scientific World Journal.

ISSN 1537-744X.

DOI: 10.1155/2014/689873

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Testad, Ingelin; Storm, Marianne


A review of the literature on patient participation in transitions of the elderly.

Cognition, Technology & Work.

ISSN 1435-5558.

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Aase, Karina; Testad, Ingelin; Storm, Marianne


A review of the literature on patient participation in transitions of the elderly.

Cognition, Technology & Work.

ISSN 1435-5558.

Volum 17.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1007/s10111-014-0300-4

Wiig, Siri; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina; Gjestsen, Martha Therese; Solheim, Marit; Harthug, Stig; Robert, Glenn B.; Fulop, Naomi J.


Investigating the use of patient involvement and patient experience in quality improvement in Norway: rhetoric or reality?.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 13.

Hefte 206.

DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-206

Aase, Karina; Laugaland, Kristin A; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne


Quality and Safety in Transitional Care of the Elderly: The Study Protocol of a case study research design (Phase 1).

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Hefte 3.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003506

Storm, Marianne; Edwards, Adrian


Models of User Involvement in the Mental Health Context: Intentions and Implementation Challenges.

Psychiatric quarterly.

ISSN 0033-2720.

Volum 84.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1007/s11126-012-9247-x

Storm, Marianne; Knudsen, Knud; Davidson, Larry; Hausken, Kjell; Johannessen, Jan Olav


'Service user involvement in practice?: The evaluation of an intervention program for service providers and inpatients in Norwegian Community Mental Health Centers.


ISSN 1752-2439.

Volum 3.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1080/17522439.2010.501521

Storm, Marianne; Hausken, Kjell; Knudsen, Knud


Inpatient service providers' perspectives on service user involvement in Norwegian community mental health centres.

International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

ISSN 0020-7640.

Volum 57.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1177/0020764010371270

Storm, Marianne; Hausken, Kjell; Mikkelsen, Aslaug


User involvement in in-patient mental health services: operationalisation, empirical testing, and validation.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 19.

Hefte 13-14.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03036.x

Storm, Marianne; Davidson, Larry


Inpatients' and Providers' Experiences with User Involvement in Inpatient Care.

Psychiatric quarterly.

ISSN 0033-2720.

Volum 81.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1007/s11126-009-9122-6

Storm, Marianne; Hausken, Kjell; Knudsen, Knud


Inpatient service providers' perspectives on service user involvement in Norwegian Community Mental Health Centers.

International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

ISSN 0020-7640.

DOI: 10.1177/0020764010371270

Bøker og kapitler

Storm, Marianne; Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth


Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.


ISBN 9788245037722.

Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Storm, Marianne


Sikkerhetskultur i sykehus. Redaktør: Aase K. I: Pasientsikkerhet. Teori og praksis..


ISBN 9788215030678.

Bjønness, Stig Erlend


Ungdoms erfaringer med poliklinisk behandling i psykisk helsevern. En kvalitativ studie med fokus på oppmøte og behandlingsfrafall.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Storm, Marianne


Health and Health Promotion.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Storm, Marianne


Empowerment and Service User Involvement in health services.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Storm, Marianne; Rennesund, Åslaug Botnevik


Brukermedvirkning i psykisk helsearbeid.

Gyldendal Akademisk.

ISBN 9788205391666.

Hefte 1.


Kvalsvik, Fifi Tjan; Storm, Marianne


Exploring Paths from Solitude to Inclusion: A Glimpse into Depression, Loneliness, and Frailty in Home-Living Older Adults..

PAAR-net COST Action Opening Conference;

2024-04-16 - 2024-04-17.

Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth; Gytri, Silje; Storm, Marianne; Lid, Torgeir Gilje; Sagvaag, Hildegunn


What is Known about Persons with Co-Occurring Problems’ Experiences with 1 Supported Housing, Recovery, and Health Promotion? A Scoping Review.

Fag og forskningswebinar;


Storm, Marianne


Tverrfaglig kartlegging av eldre sin helse. Simulering og trening i Heime prosjektet. .



Storm, Marianne


Health Determinants in Older Adults Living at Home .

Storm, Marianne; Larsen, Bente Hamre; Kvalsvik, Fifi Tjan


Heime: Helsefremmende kartlegging av hjemmeboende eldres helse.

Storbykonferansen for eldreråd;

2023-06-05 - 2023-06-07.

Storm, Marianne


Trics of the trade - tips for phd supervisors.

UiS PhD-Supervisory Qualification Programme;


Storm, Marianne; Kvalsvik, Fifi Tjan; Larsen, Bente Hamre


Heime –Simulering, trening og tverrfaglig kartlegging av hjemmeboende eldres helse – hva må til for implementering? .



Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


A qualitative mixed methods design to assess the feasibility of a complex eHealth intervention.

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;

2023-10-02 - 2023-10-05.

Storm, Marianne; Holm, Anne Lise


Trygg og sikker bruk av velferdsteknologi i hjemmebasert helse- og omsorgstjeneste.

Konferansen" «Teknologi i sykepleie – sykepleier- og brukererfaringer», NSFs nasjonale e-helsekonferanse 2023;

2023-02-15 - 2023-02-16.

Storm, Marianne; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Fortuna, Karen L.


Ansvarlig samskaping av et digitalt verktøy: PeerTECH.


2023-11-02 - 2023-11-03.

Larsen, Bente Hamre; Storm, Marianne; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine; Dieckmann, Peter


Tverrprofesjonell simuleringstrening for systematisk og helsefremmende kartlegging av eldre hjemmeboende .

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferanse 2023;

2023-11-02 - 2023-11-03.

Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Storm, Marianne; Holm, Anne Lise


"Trygg og sikker bruk av velferdsteknologi i hjemmebasert helse- og omsorgstjeneste." Poster presentasjon av artikkel på konferansen .

«Teknologi i sykepleie – sykepleier- og brukererfaringer», ;

2023-02-15 - 2023-03-16.

Kvalsvik, Fifi Tjan; Larsen, Bente Hamre; Storm, Marianne


Exploring Recruitment Feasibility: Healthcare Professionals' Views on Engaging Older Adults in an Observational Study .


2023-11-02 - 2023-11-03.

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne


Simulering: En læringsmetode for helsefremming i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester .

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2023;

2023-11-02 - 2023-11-03.

Storm, Marianne


Helsefremmende kartlegging av hjemmeboende eldre.



Hansen, Anette; Tønnessen, Siri; Storm, Marianne; Eilertsen, Grethe


De eldre trenger flere gode dager hjemme, ikke bare økte antall dager hjemme.

ISSN 1891-635X.

Storm, Marianne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


eHealth@Hospital-2-Home: digital, sykepleieassistert hjemmeoppfølging etter utskrivelse fra sykehus - en mulighetsstudie.

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2022;

2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19.

Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Storm, Marianne


Eldre multimorbides opplevelse av deltagelse og samhandling i primærhelsetjenestens: en kvalitativ studie.

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2022;

2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19.

Larsen, Bente Hamre; Storm, Marianne


A scoping review: Exploring training approaches for healthcare professionals in assessment of health determinants in older adults living at home (preliminary results).

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2022;

2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19.

Braut, Harald; Storm, Marianne; Mikkelsen, Aslaug


Distributed Leadership in Integrated Care: A qualitative interview study with elderly multimorbid patients and their GPs.

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2022;

2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19.

Storm, Marianne


HEIME – WP3 - Hva skal kartlegges i arbeidspakke tre?.



Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


eHealth@Hospital-2-Home- A Norwegian study on digital follow-up of patients with heart failure and patients surgically treated for colorectal cancer transitioning from hospital to home. .

Co-Production Lab Meeting;


Hansen, Anette; Tønnessen, Siri; Storm, Marianne; Eilertsen, Grethe


De eldre trenger flere gode dager hjemme, ikke bare økte antall dager hjemme.

Tønnessen, Siri; Storm, Marianne; Hugøy, Therese; Eilertsen, Grethe


Helsefremmende perspektiver i arbeid med eldre hjemmeboende - hva er det og hvordan kan det videreutvikles?.

Helsefremmende arbeid blant eldre - hva og hvordan? ;


Storm, Marianne


Helsekompetanse - sentralt for helsefremming? .



Storm, Marianne; Fortuna, Karen L.


The Origin Story of Digital Peer Support: A Look at the Past, Present, and Future  .

Sterkere sammen konferansen ;

2022-11-09 - 2022-11-10.

Hustoft, Merethe; Bjørgaas, Hanne Marit; Storm, Marianne


Opplevd kontinuitet i tjenestetilbudet til barn og unge med psykisk utviklingshemming i helse vest.

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2022;

2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19.

Eilertsen, Grethe; Storm, Marianne; Tønnessen, Siri


Flere gode dager hjemme – HEIME .

Dialogmøte ;


Storm, Marianne


Tverrfaglig kartlegging av hjemmeboende eldres helse– et helsefremmende tiltak som kan bidra at den eldre får flere gode dager hjemme? .

Velferdsuniversitetet ;


Storm, Marianne; Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Myers, Amanda; Fortuna, Karen L.


User-testing and co-designing a mobile application for self-management of serious mental illness and service integration.

30th RESER International Congress;

2021-01-21 - 2021-01-22.

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Storm, Marianne


Social innovation in the coordination of health services for people with a serious mental illness .

Value Co-creation and Innovation in the New Service Economy - 30th RESER International Congress;

2021-01-21 - 2021-01-22.

Østhus, Nille; Storm, Marianne; Kristoffersen, Margareth


Hvordan skal vi få hjemme sykepleiere til å bli i jobben? .

Hauvik, Stine; Eines, Trude Fløystad; Storm, Marianne; Grønvik, Cecilie K Utheim


Digitale helsetjenester gir fare for utenforskap.

Tidens Krav.

Hauvik, Stine; Eines, Trude Fløystad; Storm, Marianne; Grønvik, Cecilie K Utheim


Digitale helsetjenester gir fare for utenforskap.

Romsdals Budstikke..

ISSN 0806-5160.


Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Storm, Marianne; Karlsen, Bjørg; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Experiences from using co-creation as a methodological approach for development of an eHealth-service post-hospital discharge.

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;

2021-10-04 - 2021-10-06.

Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne


Telephone interview as a data collection method. Developing an eHealth service to support the transitioning from hospital to home..

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;

2021-10-04 - 2021-10-06.

Storm, Marianne


Heime prosjektet – Simulering og Trening for kartlegging av skøpelighet, sanser og kognitiv funskjon .



Storm, Marianne





Østhus, Nille; Storm, Marianne; Kristoffersen, Margareth


Sykepleiere som opplever å lykkes, blir i jobben.

Hefte 12.

Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Holm, Anne Lise; Storm, Marianne


Presentasjon av artikkelen "Trygg og sikker bruk av velferdsteknologi i hjemmebasert helse- og omsorgstjeneste" på seminaret.

"Opplæring i forbindelse med velferdsteknologi";


Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Ødegård, Atle; Willumsen, Elisabeth


Social innovation processes in health and welfare contexts: a scoping review.

the 5th Innovation in Public Services and public Policy conference Pubsic conference (PUBSIC 2020);

2020-01-29 - 2020-01-31.

Kristoffersen, Margareth; Storm, Marianne


Sykepleie under press i utdanning og forskning.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Storm, Marianne


Forskning om dokumentasjonspraksis og informasjonsutveksling i helsetjenesten.

Seminar for miljøpersonell i Psykiatrisk divisjon, Stavanger Universitetssjukehus;


Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i forskning & eHealth@Hospital-2-Home. .



Storm, Marianne


User-testing and co-designing a mobile application for self-management of serious mental illness and service integration".

Introduction talks;


Storm, Marianne


Digital innovasjon for psykisk helse .



Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


E-health technologies in care coordinaton for older patients living home: A scoping review .

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2020;

2020-03-10 - 2020-03-11.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Karlsen, Bjørg


Digital helsehjelp kan lette behandlingsbyrden hos kronisk syke.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Digital innovasjon i helse.



Storm, Marianne


Samhandling og innovasjon i psykisk helse – tema til masteroppgaver .


2019-01-29 - .

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Kristoffersen, Margareth; Storm, Marianne


Opportunities for shared decision-making in care coordination in mental health.

Den 3 nasjonale helsetjenstekonferansen;

2019-03-12 - 2019-03-13.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


Digitalization of healthcare services - a social innovation?.

Den 3 nasjonale helsetjenstekonferansen;

2019-03-12 - 2019-03-13.

Storm, Marianne


Koordinering av helsetjenester for personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse – utfordringer og tiltak .



Storm, Marianne


School Health Nurse Reaches Norwegian Youth Through Social Media.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Hefte 3.

Storm, Marianne


Erfaringer fra Harkness fellowship in Healthcare policy and research.

Fagmøte ;


Storm, Marianne; Fortuna, Karen L.; Bartels, Stephen J.


Peer support in coordination of services for individuals with lived experience of a serious mental illness .

Third workshop of the Nordic Network for Health Policy, Health Management, and Health Services Research;

2019-05-13 - 2019-05-14.

Storm, Marianne; Bartels, Stephen J.


Coordinating services for individuals with serious mental illness and medical co-morbidity.

"It takes a village". An international conference focusing families experiencing substance use, mental or physical health problems;

2019-05-14 - 2019-05-16.

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Kristoffersen, Margareth; Storm, Marianne


Shared decision-making in care coordination for individuals with serious mental illness.

10th international Shared decision making conference;

2019-07-07 - 2019-07-10.

Storm, Marianne


Norway Announces New National Overdose Strategy.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Hefte 5.

Storm, Marianne


Reducing Delays, Providing Telehealth Incentives, and Improving Surgical Care Among Norway’s Key Health Priorities.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Hefte 4.

Storm, Marianne


Norway to Provide Other Countries with Health Technology Assessment and Systematic Review Expertise.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Hefte 4.

Storm, Marianne


Norway and Denmark Sign Agreement on Joint Negotiations for Pharmaceutical Prices.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Hefte 2.

Storm, Marianne


Norwegian Intensive Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment Receives International Attention.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Hefte 1.

Storm, Marianne


Providers in Norway Mandated to Offer Reconciliation Meeting with Patients and Family After Major Adverse Events.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Hefte 1.

Zisman-Ilani, Yaara; Thomas, Elisabeth; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Elwyn, Glyn


Review finds common pitfalls in post-hospital care for people with SMI.

Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Viksveen, Petter; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Storm, Marianne


User participation and shared decision-making in adolescent mental healthcare: A qualitative study of health personnel and managements’ perspective.

5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2019-10-26 - 2019-10-28.

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: A systematic review.

5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2019-10-26 - 2019-10-28.

Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Storm, Marianne; Holm, Anne Lise


"Organizational safety facilitators when using telecare in municipal health- and care service: perceptions of telecare project managers and homecare professionals in Norway". Poster-presentasjon..

Nordic Welfare Techno-2019;

2019-02-04 - 2019-02-06.

Storm, Marianne


Care coordination in the Norwegian healthcare system.

TDI Visiting Harkness Fellow Talk ;


Storm, Marianne


Coordination and Continuity of Mental Healthcare.

New Courtland Center for Transitions and Aging Center Meeting ;


Storm, Marianne


Stakeholder analysis: an introduction.

Prefrence Laboratory meeting;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


Mixed Method reviews in exploring Learning environments in nursing education.

Nordic Conference of Nursing Research;

2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15.

Ree, Eline; Wiig, Siri; Manser, Tanja; Storm, Marianne


The properties and content of patient centeredness scales for health professionals – A systematic review.

5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare;

2018-08-30 - 2018-08-31.

Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Storm, Marianne


Adolescents´ experiences with outpatient mental health care: A qualitative study of treatment dropout .

Barn og unge kongressen;

2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25.

Fortuna, Karen L.; Storm, Marianne; Naslund, John A; Aschbrenner, Kelly A.; Bartels, Stephen J.


How Peers Promote Health Behavioral Change in Older People with Serious Mental Illness in a Technology-based Self-Management Intervention. .

UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media Conference;


Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: A systematic review.

5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare;

2018-08-30 - 2018-08-31.

Storm, Marianne


Care coordination for people with serious mental illness and chronic medical conditions.

Harkness final reporting seminar;

2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15.

Ramanuj, Parashar; Franx, Gerdien; Fourcade, Nathalie; Storm, Marianne


Transforming Mental Health Services .


2018-06-20 - 2018-06-22.

Storm, Marianne


Framtidens helsetjenester til personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse.

Nasjonal konferanse om psykisk helse;

2018-10-12 - 2018-10-13.

Storm, Marianne


Digital health and care coordination - opportunities and challenges.

Helse og digitalisering. Workshop i prosjektutvikling;


Storm, Marianne


Samhandling og overføringer i kommunehelsetjenesten.

Helse- og omsorgskonferanse i Buskerud;

2018-11-12 - 2018-11-13.

Larsen, Bente Hamre; Storm, Marianne


Forskeren forklarer: Hvor ble det av pasientenes behov i henvisningene?.

Storm, Marianne


Mange med alvorlige psykiske lidelser får ikke hjelp for livsstilssykdommer.

NAPHA Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid.

Storm, Marianne


Norwegian Government’s Quality Reform for the Elderly.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Volum 5.

Storm, Marianne


New Five-Year National Cancer Strategy Launched in Norway.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Volum 4.

Hefte 4.

Storm, Marianne


Safer Use of Chronic Disease Medications Through Medicine Start Program.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Volum 4.

Hefte 4.

Storm, Marianne


Telecare Services for Norwegians with Chronic Conditions.

The Commonwealth Fund Washington, DC.

Volum 5.

Storm, Marianne


Fremtidens helsetjenester for personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse.

Faglig forum;


Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Holm, Anne Lise; Storm, Marianne


"Helsepersonells opplevelser vedrørende trygghet og sikkerhet for hjemmeboende eldre ved bruk av velferdsteknologi". Presentasjon på konferansen.

"Sampill i praksis. Den 6. nasjonale konferansen for omsorgsforskning".;

2018-10-24 - 2018-10-25.

Storm, Marianne


Pasientperspektiv i helsetjenesten.

Seminar - work shop;


Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning og utfordringer med implementering i døgnbehandling i psykisk helsevern.

Miljøterapiens forskningsdag 2017;


Storm, Marianne


Medvirkning ved alvorlig psykisk lidelse; Hvordan medvirke i egen bedringsprosess?.

Undervisning Master Medborgerskap og samhandling;


Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Berg, Siv Hilde; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents' mental Health care.

Nasjonal konferane i Helsetjenesteforskning;

2017-03-14 - 2017-03-15.

Kajander, Martine; Storm, Marianne


Vård genom videosamtal.

ÄLDRE i CENTRUM, Tidskrift för forskning om äldre & åldrande.

Hefte 2.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


Student learning environments in nursing homes.

International conference 2017;


Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne


Pasientmedvirkning ved overføring av eldre.

Fagdag Finnøy Kommune;


Storm, Marianne; Zisman-Ilani, Yaara


Care coordination in mental health: a scoping review of possible challenges and solutions..

9th international shared decision making conference;

2017-07-02 - 2017-07-05.

Wiig, Siri; Ree, Eline; Johannessen, Terese; Strømme, Torunn; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne; Schibevaag, Lene


SAFE-LEAD Ledelse av kvalitet og sikkerhet i kommunehelsetjenesten.

UiS poster;

2017-03-10 - .

Wiig, Siri; Ree, Eline; Johannessen, Terese; Strømme, Torunn; Storm, Marianne; Schibevaag, Lene; Aase, Karina


SAFE-LEAD Quality and Safety in Primary Care .

UiS poster;

2017-03-10 - .

Wiig, Siri; Ree, Eline; Strømme, Torunn; Johannessen, Terese; Storm, Marianne; Schibevaag, Lene; Aase, Karina


Prosjekt nettsider:

Wiig, Siri; Ree, Eline; Johannessen, Terese; Strømme, Torunn; Storm, Marianne; Schibevaag, Lene; Aase, Karina


Facebook sider for SAFE-LEAD prosjektet

Storm, Marianne


The Norwegian Health Care System.

Harkness fellowship seminar;

2017-09-12 - 2017-09-15.

Storm, Marianne


Coordinating care for older adults with sever mental illness.

Professional meeting;


Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Storm, Marianne


Adolescents´ experiences with outpatient mental health care: A qualitative study in treatment dropout.

4th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2017-09-24 - 2017-09-26.

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Berg, Siv Hilde; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: protocol for a systematic review..

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 7.

Hefte 12.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018800

Storm, Marianne


Kvalitet i overføringer av eldre, hovedutfordringer og forslag til forbedringstiltak.

"Akuttmottak og legevakt for eldre" - Nasjonal møteplass ;

2016-01-18 - 2016-01-19.

Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


The impact of a quasi-experimental intervention programme with health professionals on quality and safety in transitional care.

16th International Conference on Integrated Care;


Heskestad, Randi Nisja; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


The Meeting Point, An inter-organisational learning arena to address transitional care of the elderly.

16th International Conference on Integrated Care;

2016-05-23 - 2016-05-25.

Cappelen, Kathrine; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne; Hetland, Jørn; Harris, Anette


Improving patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes: Validating the NHSOPSC instrument.

the 28th The 28th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care;

2016-12-06 - 2016-12-07.

Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i forskning.

Kick-off møte SAFE-Lead;


Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


Måling av pasientsikkerhetskultur og trygge helsetjenester.

Dagens medisin.

ISSN 1501-4290.

Storm, Marianne


Møteplassen - En arena for kvalitet og sikkerhet i overføringer av eldre.



Storm, Marianne


Pasientrelaterte “outcomes” og andre “outcomes” Måleproblematikk knyttet til pasientsikkerhet.



Storm, Marianne


Om konflikt og konflikthåndtering: Hvordan møte uenighet og interessemotsetninger i studentveiledning?.

Kurs for sykepleiere som er praksisveiledere ;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


Virtual visits in home health care for elderly people – A systematic, integrative literature review.

9th Biennial International Conference in Organisational Behaviour in Health Care. ;

2014-04-23 - 2014-04-25.

Storm, Marianne


"Møteplassen» - En tverrprofesjonell arena for kvalitet og sikkerhet i overføringer av eldre".

Regional konferanse om eldre medisin 'Gode grep for eldres helse';

2014-06-04 - 2014-06-05.

Storm, Marianne


Kvalitet og sikkerhet i helsesystemer. Helsetjenesteforskning i Stavanger-regionen.

HØKH-seminar ;


Storm, Marianne


Pasientperspektivet & brukermedvirkning i helsetjenesten.

Møt forskeren;


Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Virtual visits in home health care for elderly people - A systematic integrative review of service content and technology users' experiences.

3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Health care;

2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03.

Kajander, Martine; Storm, Marianne


Videophone communication in home healthcare- experiences of elderly service users.

3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Health care;

2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03.

Nedreskår, Heidi Helen; Storm, Marianne


Coordination of health care services when elderly patients are discharged from hospital.

3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Health care;

2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03.

Guise, Veslemøy; Wiig, Siri; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Søyland, Elsa; Testad, Ingelin; Lorentsen Moltu, Kirsti


Videokommunikasjon i hjemmebaserte tjenester - Bruksområder, brukere og mål for opplæring.

Informasjonsmøte hos Randaberg kommune;

2014-08-22 - .

Guise, Veslemøy; Wiig, Siri; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Søyland, Elsa; Testad, Ingelin; Lorentsen Moltu, Kirsti; Anderson, Janet


Kartlegging av opplæringsbehov: Resultater fra datainnsamling i WP4.


2014-06-05 - .

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne


Development of healthcare professionals’ competencies in supporting elderly patients’ participation in transitional care.

3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare;

2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03.

Storm, Marianne


Framtidens pasientrolle - behandleransvar og pasientmedvirkning.



Storm, Marianne; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Aase, Karina


"Møteplassen" - en tverrprofesjonell arena for kvalitet og sikkerhet i overføringer av eldre.



Wiig, Siri; lunde husebø, Anne Marie; Guise, Veslemøy; Storm, Marianne; Søyland, Elsa; Moltu, Kirsti; Testad, Ingelin


Using videophone technology in homecare services for the elderly - healthcare professionals' views on implications for quality and safety.

3dr Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare;

2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03.

Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning og recovery i psykiatrien: Hvor er vi og hvilke utfordringer ser vi.

Dalane seminar;


Storm, Marianne


Pasientperspektivet i helsetjenesten, kvalitets- og sikkerhetsarbeidet.

Etterutdanning i Pasientsikkerhet;


Wiig, Siri; Guise, Veslemøy; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Sissel Eikeland; schibevåg, lene; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Aase, Karina; Heskestad, Randi Nisja; Haraldseid, Cecilie; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden


Status on Nordic research on patient safety and quailty in healthcare and suggestions for future research.

Preconference workshop - NSQH 2014;

2014-10-01 - .

Storm, Marianne; Laugaland, Kristin A; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Aase, Karina


Setting the scene for supporting quality in transitional care of the elderly: An analysis of the current situation in two Norwegian hospital regions.

Oslo2013 - 38th world hospital congress;

2013-06-18 - 2013-06-20.

Storm, Marianne; Wiig, Siri; Aase, Karina


Pasienter og brukere er en uutnyttet ressurs.

Tidsskriftet sykepleien.

ISSN 0806-7511.

Volum 101.

Hefte 1.


Aase, Karina; Wiig, Siri; Husebø, Sissel Eikeland; Storm, Marianne; Hansen, Britt Sætre


Vanskelige helsestandardarder.

Bergens Tidende.

ISSN 0804-8983.

Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


Kvalitet og sikkerhet i overføringer av eldre.



Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Laugaland, Kristin A; Storm, Marianne


Elderly patients' participation in transitional care.

World Hospital Congress, Oslo 2013;

2013-06-18 - 2013-06-20.

Storm, Marianne


Kvalitet og sikkerhet i overføringer av eldre -resultat fra en observasjonsstudie.

Fagmøte for leger;


Storm, Marianne


Pasientperspektivet i helsetjenesten og overføring av eldre pasienter.



Storm, Marianne


Bruker/Pasientperspektivet i helsetjenesten og kvalitets og sikkerhetsarbeidet spesielt.

Kurs i Pasientsikkerhet;


Storm, Marianne; Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Aase, Karina


A review of patient-oriented care models as applied in transitional care of the elderly.

2nd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare ;

2012-03-06 - 2012-03-07.

Storm, Marianne; Edwards, Adrian


Models of user involvement in mental health.

8th Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare conference. Patient centered healthcare teams: Achieving collaboration, communication and care.;

2012-04-15 - 2012-04-17.

Storm, Marianne


Brukerperspektivet og brukerinvolvert forskning.


2012-10-18 - 2012-10-19.

Storm, Marianne


Brukerperspektiv og brukermedvirkning i helsetjenesten.



Storm, Marianne



Fagkongress for veiledere;


Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i distriktspsykiatriske senter.



Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i psykisk helsearbeid.



Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i psykisk helsearbeid.



Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning ved Jæren DPS.



Storm, Marianne


Service user involvement in inpatient mental health services.



Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i NAV Når velferdsforvaltningen og brukerorganisasjonene skal jobbe sammen Tone Alm Andreassen Gyldendal Akademisk 2009 Anmelder: Marianne Storm, dr. gradsstipendiat ved Universitetet i Stavanger institutt for helsefag.

Sosial Trygd.

ISSN 0038-1608.

Volum 98.

Hefte 4.

Storm, Marianne


Service user involvement in inpatient mental health care facilities.

Methods for research on complex mental health services interventions;

2008-04-02 - 2008-04-03.

Storm, Marianne


User involvement in in-patient mental health care: mental health providers assessment.

16th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services;

2008-05-14 - 2008-05-16.

Storm, Marianne


Patient involvement in a community mental health centre.

The 5th Nordic Interdiciplinary Conference on Qualitative Methods in the Service of Health;

2008-05-19 - 2008-05-20.

Storm, Marianne


Service user involvement in inpatient mental health care - leadership implications.

Theories and Methodology in Leadership Course paper presentions;


Storm, Marianne


Hvordan drive forskningsbasert arbeid med Brukermedvirkning i DPS ? Et doktorgradsprosjekt om brukermedvirkning i psykiatrien.


2007-11-07 - 2007-11-09.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Karlsen, Bjørg; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug


Hjem fra sykehus-med digital selvhjelp.

Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


Pasientperspektivet i overføring av eldre.

Storm, Marianne; Rennesund, Åslaug Botnevik


Brukermedvirkning i psykiatriske avdelinger og Distriktspsykiatriske senter En håndbok om brukermedvirkning og verktøy for arbeid med brukermedvirkning.