Tanu Biswas

Førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk

Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for grunnskolelærerutdanning, idrett og spesialpedagogikk
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My work as an interdisciplinary philosopher of education is dedicated to challenging children’s historical marginalization by transforming scholarly and social norms, especially in the areas of pedagogy, childism, decoloniality, children's rights, intergenerational climate justice and qualitative methodology. I am an Associate Professor in Pedagogy at the University of Stavanger (Norway) and mentor for early career researchers at the Doctoral College for Intersectionality Studies at the University of Bayreuth (Germany).  I also serve as the co-director of The Childism Institute, University of Rutgers Camden (USA).  

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Biswas, Tanu


      Paradoxes of Conversion - Everyday Lives of Tibetan Buddhist Child Monks in Ladakh.

  • Formidling
    • Florio, Eleonora; Biswas, Tanu; Castelli, Illaria; Caso, Letizia


      Bleak Pedagogy: a new term unveiled from research on Adultcentrism.

      ATEE Spring Conference 2024 “Teacher education research in Europe: trends, challenges, practices and perspectives”;

      2024-05-29 - 2024-06-01.

    • Biswas, Tanu


      Facing the epistemology of non-perception through decolonial childism.

      Raising awareness of scientific epistemology/ies: Potential biases and opportunities in society and academia;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Klage, klage, beklager.


    • Biswas, Tanu; Wall, John


      Childist theory in the humanities and social sciences.

      Children & society.

      ISSN 0951-0605.

      DOI: 10.1111/chso.12738

    • Biswas, Tanu


      Childist notes on positionality and arriving at questions in educational research.

      Early Career Collquium on Emprical Educational Research;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      A childist perspective on children’s civil disobedience for climate justice: Transformative ways of thinking pedagogy and marginalisation.

      PhD Course: Pedagogikkens legitimitet i lys av samtidens utfordringer for demokratisk deltakelse;

      2023-11-15 - 2023-11-18.

    • Biswas, Tanu


      Positionality at the intersections of adultism and racism/coloniality.

      PhD curated event lecture for the Doctoral College for Intersectionality Studies;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Soziale Partizipation: Möglichkeiten innerhalb der Begrenzungen.

      Keynote for 12. Baustelle Inclusion. Department of Children's Worlds;


    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Undervisningsfilm 1: "Introduksjon. Kritisk Hvithet".

      Innspilling av undervisningsfilm;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Undervisningsfilm 2: "Etnisitet og rase. Kritisk Hvithet".

      Innspilling av undervisningsfilm;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Undervisningsfilm 3: "Hvite privileger. Kritisk Hvithet".

      Innspilling av undervisningsfilm;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Undervisningsfilm 4: "Hvit skjørhet. Kritisk Hvithet".

      Innspilling av undervisningsfilm;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Undervisningsfilm 5: "Forglemmelsespedagogikk i Norge. Kritisk Hvithet".

      Innspilling av undervisningsfilm;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Undervisningsfilm 6: "Den norske utdanningspolitiske kjeden. Kritisk Hvithet".

      Innspilling av undervisningsfilm;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Undervisningsfilm 7: "Kulturelt mangfold og det flerkulturelle i norsk utdanning. Kritisk Hvithet" .

      Innspilling av undervisningsfilm;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Educational Video 1: "Introduction. Critical Whiteness".

      Record of teaching and learning video;


    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Educational Video 2: "Ethnicity and Race. Critical Whiteness".

      Record of teaching and learning video;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Educational Video 3: "White Privilege. Critical Whiteness" .

      Record of teaching and learning video;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Educational Video 4: "White Fragility. Critical Whiteness".

      Record of teaching and learning video;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Educational Video 5: "Pedagogy of Amnesia in Norway. Critical Whiteness".

      Arrangement: Record of teaching and learning video;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Educational Video 6: "The Norwegian Educational Policy Chain. Critical Whiteness".

      Record of teaching and learning video;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Biswas, Tanu


      Educational Video 7: "Cultural Diversity and the Multicultural in Norway. Critical Whiteness".

      Record of teaching and learning video;

      2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19.

    • Wall, John; Biswas, Tanu


      Childism and Childhood Studies.

      Children in Theory;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Stand-points of departure: Epistemological implications of the figure of the child in Nordic humanities and social science research.

      PhD Seminar on Epistemologies;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Positionality: Research Ethics Beyond Legal Correctness.

      MA Medborgerskap og Samhandling - Course on Methods ;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Review - Feminist Reflections on Childhood: A History and Call to Action by Penny Weiss.

      Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy.

      ISSN 0887-5367.


      DOI: 10.1017/hyp.2023.52

    • Biswas, Tanu


      On Becoming Good Ancestors: A childist reading of Sacchi et al vs Argentina et al 2019.

      2023 Summer/Winter School – Transformations and transitions in the right to a healthy environment through the rights of children/youth;

      2023-09-11 - 2023-09-15.

    • Biswas, Tanu


      #childism - On the contemporary significance of a seriously playful label.

      Global Childhoods Network Meeting;

      2022-11-16 - 2022-11-18.

    • Biswas, Tanu


      Stavanger er Stedet: Decolonial Childist Notes for Thomas Hylland Eriksen.

      Workshop Series: Perspectives On Environmental Justice in Scandinavian Green Transitions,;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Ageism and Childism.

      Lecture Series "Too young, too old? Age as a marker of social difference across the life course and intergenerational injustice from a global perspective;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Eine dekoloniale Perspektive auf die Kinderrechte.

      11. Baustelle Inklusion;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Childist Discomfort with Pedagogy - Are We Schooling toward Intergenerational Injustice?.

      Speaker Series: Feminist Philosophical Approaches to Oppression and Injustice;


    • Biswas, Tanu


      Childism and Adultism - Between Theory and Practise.

      Children's Rights as Cross Cutting International Field of Study and Action;


    • McNutt, Chris; Biswas, Tanu; Rollo, Toby


      intersecting coloniality, youth autonomy, and adult supremacy w/ drs. tanu biswas & toby rollo # 136.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Bilger, Marie Paule; Biswas, Tanu


      Tanu is dancing.

  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway