Kenneth Henning Wathne


Kenneth Henning Wathne



Room: EOJ SV-226


UiS School of Business and Law

Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing

About me

Kenneth H. Wathne is Professor of Marketing at University of Stavanger Business School and Adjunct Professor of Marketing at BI Norwegian Business School. Prior to joining the faculty at University of Stavanger and BI Norwegian Business School, Wathne worked as an Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor Wathne earned his Ph.D. at the Copenhagen Business School.
He has published several highly cited articles in the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Research, contributed to book chapters on interorganizational relationships, and currently serves as an Area Editor for the International Journal of Research in Marketing and on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, AMS Review, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, and Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.
Wathne's teaching interests include marketing strategy, interorganizational relationships, business-to-business marketing, and marketing analytics. He is four-time recipient of the Mu Kappa Tau Marketing Professor of the Year award.
Prior to entering academia, Wathne worked as a project consultant and project manager with the Norwegian Institute for Research in Marketing. Wathne earned his MSc in marketing and strategy and a BSc in marketing from BI Norwegian School of Management in Oslo, Norway.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Fjeldstad, Øystein Devik; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Business models and B2B governance Research. I: Handbook of business to business marketing.

Edward Elgar Publishing.

ISBN 9781803923611.


Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Fjeldstad, Øystein Devik


Where do we go from here? The future of B2B governance research..

The journal of business & industrial marketing.

ISSN 0885-8624.

DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-10-2018-0308

Mani, Sudha; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Antia, Kersi D.


Franchising research in marketing : suggestions for future research. I: Handbook of resarch on distribution channels.

Edward Elgar Publishing.

ISBN 9780857938596.


DOI: 10.4337/9780857938602

Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Heide, Jan B.; Mooi, Erik A.; Kumar, Alok


Relationship governance dynamics: The roles of partner selection efforts and mutual investments.

Journal of Marketing Research.

ISSN 0022-2437.

Volum 55.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1177/0022243718801325

Antia, Kersi D.; Mani, Sudha; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Franchisor-Franchisee Bankruptcy and the Efficacy of Franchisee Governance.

Journal of Marketing Research.

ISSN 0022-2437.

Volum 54.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1509/jmr.14.0182

Mooi, Erik A.; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Kayande, Ujwal


Openness and Innovation Performance Revisited.

Journal of Marketing Behavior.

ISSN 2326-568X.

Volum 2.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1561/107.00000028

Heide, Jan B.; Kumar, Alok; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Concurrent Sourcing, Governance Mechanisms, and Performance Outcomes in Industrial Value Chains.

Strategic Management Journal.

ISSN 0143-2095.

Volum 35.

Hefte 8.


DOI: 10.1002/smj.2145

Kumar, A.; Heide, Jan B.; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Performance Implications of Mismatched Governance Regimes Across External and Internal Relationships.

Journal of Marketing.

ISSN 0022-2429.

Volum 75.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1509/jm.75.2.1

Rindfleisch, Aric; Antia, Kersi; Bercovitz, Janet; Brown, James R.; Cannon, Joseph; Carson, Stephen J.; Ghosh, Mrinal; Helper, Susan; Robertson, Diana C.; Wathne, Kenneth


Transaction costs, opportunism, and governance: Contextual considerations and future research opportunities.

Marketing letters.

ISSN 0923-0645.

Volum 21.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1007/s11002-010-9104-3

Biong, Harald; Wathne, Kenneth


Når vennene lurer deg.

Magma forskning og viten.

ISSN 1500-0788.

Volum 12.

Hefte 5.


Heide, Jan B.; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Rokkan, Aksel Ivar


Interfirn Monitoring, Social Contracts, and Relationship Outcomes.

Journal of Marketing Research.

ISSN 0022-2437.

Volum XLIV.


Heide, Jan B.; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Friends, Businesspeople, and Relationship Roles: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda.

Journal of Marketing.

ISSN 0022-2429.

Volum 70.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1509/jmkg.70.3.090

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Relationship Governance in a Supply Chain Network.

Journal of Marketing.

ISSN 0022-2429.

Volum 68.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1509/jmkg.

Rokkan, Aksel I.; Heide, Jan B.; Wathne, Kenneth; Wathne, Kenneth


Specific investments in marketing relationships. Expropriation and bonding effects.

Journal of Marketing Research.

ISSN 0022-2437.

Volum 40.

Hefte may.

Wathne, Kenneth; Biong, Harald; Heide, Jan B.


Choice of supplier in embedded markets : relationship and marketing program effects.

Journal of Marketing.

ISSN 0022-2429.

Volum 65.

Hefte 2.


Wathne, Kenneth H.; Heide, Jan B.


Opportunism in Interfirm Relationships: Form, Outcomes, and Solutions.

Journal of Marketing.

ISSN 0022-2429.

Volum 64.

Hefte 4.


Bøker og kapitler

Sande, Jon Bingen; Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Jensen, Henrik; Ghosh, Mrinal


Relasjonskontrakter i offentlige anskaffelser på e-helsefeltet.

Volum 2022.

Hefte 1.

Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke


Antecedents and consequences of unplanned alliance terminations.

ISBN 9788282471343.

Hefte 4/2018.

Zavyalov, Gennady; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke


Analyzing the Dynamic Interdependence of Network Structure and Performance in Board Interlocks.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-7644-794-1.

Wathne, Kenneth; Heide, Jan B.


Relationship governance in a vertical network context.

Handelshøyskolen BI.

ISBN 82-7042-467-6.

Hefte 6/2001.


Stepanova, Anna; Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


When Should Organizations Outsource Problem Solving? Balancing Functional and Technical Requirement Specifications in Public Procurement.

2025 AMA Winter Academic Conference ;

2025-02-14 - 2025-02-16.

Stepanova, Anna; Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


When Should Organizations Outsource Problem Solving? Balancing Functional and Technical Requirement Specifications in Public Procurement.

European Academy of Marketing Conference;

2024-05-28 - 2024-05-31.

Stepanova, Anna; Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Organizing Problem Solving in Interorganizational Relationships: The Role of Functional and Technical Requirement Specifications.

2024 ISBM Academic Conference;

2024-06-04 - 2024-06-06.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Butt, Moeen; Antia, Kersi D.


Mitigating Early Franchise Agreement Terminations: The Role Public and Private Ordering.


2023-05-23 - 2023-05-26.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Pushing the Boundaries of B2B Research.

AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium 2023;

2023-06-14 - 2023-06-17.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Butt, Moeen; Antia, Kersi D.


Mitigating Unilateral Relationship Termination: The Role of Franchise System Hierarchy, Reputation, and Regulation .

2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference;

2023-02-10 - 2023-02-12.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Kumar, Alok; Heide, Jan B.


Offshore Outsourcing.

2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference;

2023-02-10 - 2023-02-12.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Antia, Kersi D.; Mitra, Amrita; Mooi, Erik A.



2021 ISBM Academic Conference;

2022-08-10 - 2022-08-11.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


B2B Marketing: ​Research and Teaching in the Post-COVID Era.

The European Marketing Academy Annual Conference ;

2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Seeking Crisis Recovery In Alliance Rebranding.



Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Ghosh, Mrinal; Jensen, Henrik


The role of cross-understanding in complex problem solving in interorganizational relationships.

2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference;

2021-02-17 - 2021-02-19.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Ghosh, Mrinal; Jensen, Henrik


The role of cross-understanding in complex problem solving in interorganizational relationships.

B2B Marketing Research Online Seminar Series (BROSS);


Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Ghosh, Mrinal


A problem-finding and problem-solving perspective to customer solutions: the role of cross-understanding and relational contracting.

2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference;

2019-02-22 - 2019-02-24.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Ghosh, Mrinal


Microfoundations of value creation and relational contracting in B2B relationships: The role of cross-understanding.

Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research;

2017-04-26 - 2017-04-28.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Ghosh, Mrinal


Microfoundations of Value Creation and Relational Contracting in B2B Relationships: the Role Cross-understanding.

SIOE 2017 (Society for institutional & organizational economics);

2017-06-23 - 2017-06-25.

Mariia, Koval; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke


Alliance Termination and Firm Idiosyncratic Risk: The Role of Governance Misfit.

23rd Nordic Workshop on interorganizational research;

2017-04-26 - 2017-04-28.

Yilmaz, Tuba; Antia, Kersi; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Wuyts, Stefan


Crises in Multilateral Co-branding Alliances: Consequences for Member Firms.

Winter Educator’s AMA Conference;

2017-02-17 - 2017-02-19.

Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke; van Oest, Rutger Daniel


Termination of R&D Alliances: The Role of Formal and Informal Governance.

EMAC 2016 Annual Conference;

2016-05-24 - 2016-05-27.

Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke; van Oest, Rutger Daniel


Termination of R&D Alliances: The Role of Formal and Informal Governance.

 Knowledge & Innovation, Cooperative Strategy, and Entrepreneurship Paper Development Workshop at Strategic Management Society Annual Conference;

2016-09-17 - 2016-09-20.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Ghosh, Mrinal


Does interorganizational cross-understanding matter in buyer-supplier relationships?.


2016-05-24 - 2016-05-27.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Ghosh, Mrinal


The Micro-Foundations of Value Creation in B2B Relationships: The Role of Cross-Understanding.

ISBM Academic Conference 2016: Advances in Business-to-Business Marketing;


Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke


Governing alliance portfolios: alliance termination decisions under relational risks and structural constraints.

EMAC Doctoral Colloquium 2015, Leuven (Belgium), advanced track ;

2015-05-24 - 2015-05-26.

Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke


The Stability of R&D Alliances: Complementary Role of Formal and Informal Governance.

NFB Research School Conference 2015 in Trondheim (Norway);

2015-08-25 - 2015-08-26.

Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke


Termination of R&D alliances: the role of formal and informal governance.

SMS Annual International Conference;

2015-10-03 - 2015-10-06.

Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke


Termination of R&D alliances: the role of formal and informal governance.

The 6th Israel Strategy Conference ;

2015-12-20 - 2015-12-22.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


John A. Howard/AMA Doctoral Award Competition.

2013 Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference;

2014-03-02 - 2014-05-02.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Antia, Kersi; Mani, Sudha


Governance and Bankruptcy in Franchisor-Franchisee Relationships.

35th ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2013;

2013-07-11 - 2013-07-13.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Howard/AMA Doctoral Award Competition.

American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference;

2013-02-15 - 2013-02-17.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Measuring relational norms as higher-order belief structures.

Johan Arndt Konferansen;

2012-05-30 - 2012-06-01.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Customer Identification in Marketing Alliances: Does it Matter Whom They Identify With?.

INFORMS Marketing Science conference;

2010-06-17 - 2010-06-19.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Customer Identification in Marketing Alliances: Does it Matter Whom They Identify With?.

ISBM Academic Conference;

2010-08-11 - 2010-08-12.

Wathne, Kenneth Henning


Hybrid Governance Mechanisms, Ownership Contexts, and Performance Outcomes in Marketing Relationships.

ISBM Academic Conference;

2010-08-11 - 2010-08-12.