The library for performing arts covers the subject areas of music and dance.
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About the library
The library is located in Bjergsted and is part of the faculty of performing arts. The library has a large music collection of LPs and CDs, with a focus on jazz, classical, and folk music. You will also have access to more than 18 000 pieces of sheet music for various instruments and ensembles. In the library you can find listening and video rooms, reading spaces, and areas for working together.
The library is staffed Mon–Thur 9 – 4 and Friday 9 – 3.
Mon–Thur: 9am–4pm Friday: 9am–3pm Open to students and staff with a keycard from Bjergsted from 7am–11 pm everyday.
Bjergstedparken, Bjergsted 1 Faculty of performing arts Phone: 51 83 40 10
The University Library of Stavanger Bjergsted, P.O.Box 8600 Forus 4036 Stavanger
Current books
Stavanger University Library
Streaming databases and sheet music
The library has access to a number of streaming databases and more than 20,000 pieces of sheet music.
Feel free to use our listening and video rooms for music streaming. Remember to connect with library remote access if you are not on campus.
Search Oria for an overview of our sheet music. You can search by composer, title or genre - or a combination of these. In the library you will find the music organized in boxes on the shelf where each instrument or ensemble has its own number. Get in touch at the counter or by e-mail if you cannot find what you are looking for.
You are welcome to suggest new acquisitions.
Streaming databases:
Sheet music online:
Useful resources for performing arts
The library gives you access to many journals and databases, as well as other online resources that are particularly relevant for music and dance.

Check our lending regulations for all you need to know about requesting literature, loans, returning books, and late fees.
Master or PhD student or a researcher at UiS? Borrow a librarian for guidance and help with a literature search.
With remote access you can access our electronic resources whether you are on campus or working remotely.
Suggest literature or subscriptions that the library should have in our collection, and we will consider buying it.
Writing assignments and thesis
News from the Faculty of Performing Arts
Cecilia inspires youth in Bolivia to make music
My summer job: The flute student works voluntary with arranging seminars in her home country during the summers
Winners of the Chamber Music Competition 2023
Two ensembles won the 25 000 NOK from Skjeies chambermusic scholarship.
– I wanted to expand my knowledge, competence and network in music production
Frida studied music production and recording, and is now running and administrating a sound studio