In 2020 the use of social media platforms like Tik Tok increased in all Nordic countries. Find more statistics and reports like this in the database Statista.

The biggest increase in the use of Tik Tok can be found in the age group 15-25 years. Amongst the people using Tik Tok 49% say that they use the platform daily, and 86% say they use Tik Tok weekly.
You can find more information about this in Statista. Here you can find the complete report about Norwegians use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In Statista you can also find statistical data and reports covering many fields of study and research areas.

The library now subscribes to Statista, which means that students and staff at UiS have free access to the database. Use the libraries overview of databases in Oria to gain access.
OBS: Remember to first log in to remote access if you wish to use the database away from campus!
What is Statista?
Statista consolidates statistical data and forecasts on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources from around the world. Sources of information include market research, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.
The database contains among other things quantitative facts on consumer behavior, Energy and Environment, and more. The database has different tools, and it also contains reports on countries, digital & trends, Politics & society, industries, and consumers.