Christian Henrik Alexander Kuran
Associate Professor

Room: KE C-388
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Associate Professor
Room: KE C-388
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Ylönen, Marja Katariina; Abrahamsen, Eirik Bjorheim; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
How to improve the effectiveness of learning from practice–the case of Norwegian customs and border management bachelor programme.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
ISSN 0031-3831.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Njå, Ove; Braut, Geir Sverre
Conceptualizing the bending and breaking of rules in the heavy goods transport sector.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 166.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Known unknowns in the road-based transport of dangerous goods : consequences for the risk analysis of tunnel systems. I: ESREL 2023 - Proceedings of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference : The Future of Safety in the Reconnected World, 3 – 7 September 2023, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-18-8071-1.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Reforming the customs officer education in Norway : Balancing formal education and deep knowledge. I: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022).Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-18-5183-4.
Gabel, Friedrich; Krüger, Marco; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Bridging the gap between vulnerable groups and vulnerable situations: Towards an integrative perspective on vulnerability for disaster risk reduction.. I: Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022: Our World at Risk: Transforming Governance for a Resilient Future.
ISBN 9789212320281.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Learning to do ethnography in complex systems. I: Inside Hazardous Technological Systems Methodological Foundations, Challenges and Future Directions.CRC Press.
ISBN 9780367226947.
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten
A critical appraisal of individual social capital in crisis response.Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (RHCPP).
ISSN 1944-4079.
Volum 13.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12236
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten
Linking resilience, vulnerability, social capital and risk awareness for crisis and disaster research.Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
ISSN 0966-0879.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Newnam, Sharon; Beanland, Vanessa
Adaptive non-conform behaviour in accident investigations in the road based heavy goods transport sector.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 146.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Krüger, Marco; Segnestam, Lisa; Orru, Kati; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Airola, Merja; Keränen, Jaana; Gabel, Friedrich; Hansson, Sten; Torpan, Sten
Vulnerability and vulnerable groups from an intersectionality perspective.International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
ISSN 2212-4209.
Volum 50.
Hefte November.
Stene, Lillian Katarina; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Vulnerability revitalized : How can vulnerable groups enhance societal resilience. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Njå, Ove
Using ethnographic methodology in the study of complex sociotechnical Systems. I: Safety & Reliability, Theory and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-1138629370.
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Resilience and vulnerability. I: Handbook to improve societal disaster resilience - BuildERS project findings.
ISBN 978-951-38-8768-1.
Kajganovic, Jelena; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Hinton, Jennifer; Rhinard, Mark; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Jukarainen, Pirjo; Keränen, Jaana; Olsen, Alexandra; Orru, Kati; Lovasz, Gabriella; Piseddu, Tommaso; Ludvigsen, Johanna
D8.5 Sustainability Report. BuildERS Report.
Rhinard, Mark; Hinton, Jennifer; Bennich, Therese; Engstrom, Alina; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Jukarainen, Pirjo; Myllylä, Miia; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Gabel, Friedrich; Schobert, Maira; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Olsen, Alexandra; Klaos, Margo; Kajganovic, Jelena
D5.3: Resilience Policy Recommendations. BuildERS Report.
Jukarainen, Pirjo; Mela, Marianne; Valsta, Emilia; Orru, Kati; Lusikka, Toni; Latvakoski, Juhani; Keränen, Jaana; Pilsas, Gerttu; Rhinard, Mark; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Gabel, Friedrich; Berawi, Mohammed Ali; Kajganovic, Jelena; Vrabie, Catalina; Schobert, Maira; Tominga, Ago; Hinton, Jennifer
D6.6 Stakeholder Validation of Research Findings and Co-Creation of Innovations. BuildERS Report.
Rhinard, Mark; Bennich, Therese; Engstrom, Alina; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Schobert, Maira; Nævestad, Tor-Olav
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Airola, Merja; Keränen, Jaana; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Torpan, Sten; Berg, Fanny; Rhinard, Mark; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Bennich, Therese; Segnestam, Lisa; Schobert, Maira; Krüger, Marco
Report on segments of vulnerability country by country basis – inside and outside the official data (D1.3).
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Schobert, Maira; Krüger, Marco; Gabel, Friedrich; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Nahkur, Oliver; Rhinard, Mark; Molarius, Riitta; Schmersal, Elsa; Savadori, Lucia; Nævestad, Tor-Olav
Final report of the unified theoretical framework on the concepts of risk awareness, social, capital, vulnerability, resilience and their interdependencies (D1.2).
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Kruger, Marco; Gabel, Friedrich; Nakhur, Oliver; Orru, Kati; Narusson, Dagmar; Siibak, Andra; Hanson, Sten; Rhinard, Mark; Berg, Fanny; Salvadori, Lucia; Nævestad, Tor-Olav
Hanson, Sten; Siibak, Andra; Back, Asta; Orru, Kati; Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Gabel, Friedrich; Kruger, Marco; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar
Report on communication behaviour and use of social media in Europe (D1.4).
Njå, Ove; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Erfaringer fra redningsarbeidet og selvredningen ved brannen i Oslofjordtunnelen 23. juni 2011. Intervjuer med beredskapspersonell og trafikanter.
ISBN 978-82-490-0841-4.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
BuildERS findings on vulnerability, risk awareness, risk and crisis communication.
PreparEU Pilot workshop focusing on vulnerable groups and preparedness -reaching out and engage;
2024-03-19 - 2024-03-20.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Connecting theory and Practice in Student formation: Fostering intercultural competence in the Customs education at the University at Stavanger.
NIC2024: Intercultural communication and professional practice;
2024-11-27 - 2024-11-29.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Known unknowns in the road based transport of dangerous goods.
International symposium on tunnel safety and security (ISTSS);
2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Agents of change and disruption, cultural and organizational challenges in the Norwegian customs and border management.
31st conference of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA-E);
2023-06-18 - 2023-06-21.
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Hva er sårbarhet, og hvem er mest sårbare i et samfunn? .
Sluttkonferanse SPREAD;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Enhancing resilience by studying vulnerability, risk awareness and social capital - The BuildERS model .
BuildERS Final Conference;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Long Haul-Trucking and the Powers that Be.
17th EASA Biennial Conference EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons;
2022-07-26 - 2022-07-29.
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Social Capital Webinar: Social capital, resilience and vulnerability in crisis management .
International Social Capital Association ISCA;
Challenges in the measurement of vulnerability –lessons from BuildERS .
Society for Risk Analysis – 29th Annual Conference ;
2021-06-14 - .
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Breaking the rules in the heavy goods transport sector.
SIEF2021 15th Congress;
2021-06-19 - 2021-06-24.
Morsut, Claudia; Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Olsen, Odd Einar Falnes; Trageton, Sigmund; Mathiesen, Espen
Risikobevissthet og risikokommunikasjon i skjæringspunktet mellom SoMe og tradisjonell media.
NFR SPREAD prosjekt OF-10727;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Risikobevissthet innenfor BuildERS forskning .
Risikobevissthet og risikokommunikasjon i skjæringspunktet mellom SoMe og tradisjonell media;
Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander
Data analysis: working with ethnographic data in complex systems.
9th International Conference on Prevention of Accidents At Work ;
2017-10-03 - 2017-10-06.