Pravin Tembjerg


Pravin Tembjerg



Room: KA A-231


Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Social Studies

About me

Pravin is professor of psychology and a senior clinical psychologist with sub-speciality in child and adolescent psychology. He has over 20 years of experience in initiating and conducting research on the role of parents in treating children with mental health problems and implementing evidence-based treatment in the context of usual service delivery. He has initiated, developed and conducted empirical research, including RCT studies that tested the feasibility and effectiveness of an evidence-based treatment for youth with depression.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Israel, K Pravin; Ruud, Torleif; Weimand, Bente Margrethe


Carer involvement in the assessment of personal recovery: A naturalistic study of assertive community treatment in Norway.

Frontiers in Psychiatry.

ISSN 1664-0640.

Volum 14.


DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1135135

Israel, K Pravin; Raae, Jan F; Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal


Experiences of counselors participating in an innovative project to develop a training program for specialized foster parents of youth (13–18 years).

Frontiers in Psychology.

ISSN 1664-1078.

Volum 14.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1254700

Israel, Pravin; Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik


Psychometric properties of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-C) used with a clinical sample of adolescents: a preliminary study.

Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology.

ISSN 2245-8875.

Volum 9.


DOI: 10.21307/sjcapp-2021-010

Østvik, Jan Erik; Israel, K Pravin


Fra offentlige til private omsorgstjenester? .

Fontene forskning.

ISSN 1890-9868.

Israel, Pravin; Diamond, Guy S.


Feasibility of attachment based family therapy for depressed clinicreferred Norwegian adolescents.

Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

ISSN 1359-1045.

DOI: 10.1177/1359104512455811

Sund, Anne Mari; Bjelland, Ingvar; Holgersen, Helge; Israel, Pravin; Plessen, Kerstin Jessica


Depresjon hos barn og unge - med vekt på biologiske modeller.

Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.

ISSN 0332-6470.

Saastad, Eli; Askeland Winje, Brita; Winje, Brita A; Israel, Pravin; Frøen, Jahn Frederik


Birth Fetal Movement Counting—Maternal Concern and Experiences: A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial.


ISSN 0730-7659.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-536X.2011.00508.x

Saastad, Eli; Winje, Brita Askeland; Israel, Pravin; Frøen, Frederik


Fetal Movement Counting-Maternal Concern and Experiences: A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial.


ISSN 0730-7659.

Volum 39.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-536X.2011.00508.x

Sund, Anne Mari; Bjelland, Ingvar; Holgersen, Helge; Israel, Pravin; Plessen, Kerstin J.


Om depresjon hos barn og unge med vekt på biologiske modeller.

Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.

ISSN 0332-6470.

Volum 49.

Hefte 1.


Israel, Pravin; Diamond, Guy S.; Siqveland, Johan; Diamond, Gary M.


What can attachment based family therapy offer depressed and suicidal youth?.


ISSN 1501-6994.

Volum 16.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.5617/suicidologi.2069

Saastad, Eli; Israel, Pravin; Ahlborg, Tone; Gunnes, Nina; Frøen, Frederik


Fetal movement counting - effects on maternal-fetal attachment: a multicenter randomized controlled trial.


ISSN 0730-7659.

Volum 38.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-536X.2011.00489.x

Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik; Israel, Pravin; Thomsen, Per Hove


Parental relations and referral of adolescents to Norwegian mental health clinics.

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry.

ISSN 0803-9488.

Volum 64.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.3109/08039481003675068

Israel, Pravin; Diamond, Guy S.


Tilknytningsbasert familieterapi for deprimert ungdom.

Fokus på familien.

ISSN 0332-5415.

Volum 37.

Hefte 1.


Israel, Pravin; Thomsen, Per H.; Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik; Stormark, Kjell Morten


Child factors associated with parent involvement in usual clinical care of children and adolescents: A national register study.

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry.

ISSN 0803-9488.

Volum 61.


DOI: 10.1080/08039480701352363

Israel, Pravin; Thomsen, Per H.; Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik; Stormark, Kjell Morten


Parent- youth Discrepancy in the Assessment and Treatment of Youth Referred to Specialty Mental Health Clinics: Consequences to Parent Involvement.

European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

ISSN 1018-8827.

DOI: 10.1007/s00787-006-0583-y

Israel, Pravin; Thomsen, Per Hove; Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik; Stormark, Kjell Morten


Parental engagement in psychotherapy with adolescents: A preliminary study.

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry.

ISSN 0803-9488.

Volum 58.


DOI: 10.1080/08039480410005512

Bøker og kapitler

Levy, Suzanne A; Diamond, Guy S.; Manson, Syreeta S; Russon, Jody; Bouwens, Christel; Santens, Tara; Elin, Linday; Israel, Pravin; Devacht, Ilse; The, ABFT Training Team



Israel, Pravin; Ringborg, Magnus


Tilknytningsbasert familieterapi. I: Håndbok i familieterapi.


ISBN 978-82-450-2790-7.


Israel, Pravin; Rognli, Erling


Tilknytningsbasert familieterapi. I: Den krevende foreldrerollen.

Gyldendal Akademisk.

ISBN 978-82-05-50088-4.

Israel, Pravin


Ungdom i sorg og familietilknytning.

Israel, Pravin; Weimand, Bente


Pårørendes erfaring med ACT teamene. I: Utprøving av ACT-team i Norge. Hva viste resultatene?.

Sykehuset Innlandet HF.

Diamond, Guy S.; Levy, Suzanne; Israel, Pravin; Diamond, Gary M.


Attachment-based family therapy for depressed adolescents. I: Treatments for Adolescent Depression: Theory and Practice.

Akershus universitetssykehus.

ISBN 9780191807954.


DOI: 10.1093/med:psych/9780199226504.003.0009

Israel, K. Pravin


Parent Involvement in the Mental Health Care of Children and Adolescents. Empirical Studies from Clinical Care Setting.

Universitetet i Bergen.


Israel, Pravin; Mehlum, Lars; Qin, Ping


The Relative Risk of Parent Mortality Following a Child ́s Death: A National Cohort Study.

2023 IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research;

2023-10-15 - 2023-10-18.

Weimand, Bente; Israel, Pravin


Team leaders' experiences with collaboration with relatives.

3rd European Congress on Assertive Outreach ;

2015-06-24 - 2015-06-26.

Israel, Pravin; Weimand, Bente


Experiences of family relatives in ACT outreach in Norway.

3rd. European Congress on Assertive Outreach;

2015-06-24 - 2015-06-26.

Israel, Pravin


Ny terapi: Deprimerte unge blir behandlet med foreldrene.

Israel, Pravin


– De voksne er et svar, ikke et problem.

Ringborg, Magnus; Israel, Pravin


Attachment based family therapy (ABFT) for youth with depression- An empirically supported treatment for depressed and suicidal youth.

10th Nordic Family Therapy Conference ;

2014-08-13 - 2014-08-16.

Israel, Pravin; Magnus, Ringborg


Attachmen-based family therapy (ABFT) for youth with depression- Research in Norway and Sweden.

10th Nordic Family Therapy Conference;

2014-08-13 - 2014-08-16.

Israel, Pravin


Medical and psycho-social interventions for young people with major depression and high suicidal risk.

Guest lecture;


Israel, Pravin


Attachment Based Family Therapy. Invited lecture on the treatment model and its application to youth and families in India.

Invited Speaker;


Israel, Pravin; Weimand, Bente


The role of relatives and caregivers in ACT.

Second European Congress on Assertive Outreach - "Improving Integration";


Farshbaf, Mehdi; Israel, Pravin; Larsen, C


What are we doing about the world in our own backyard? Examples of research and clinical work addressing cross-cultural aspects in Norway.

The 9th Norwegian Psychology Conference ;

2012-08-30 - 2012-08-31.

Israel, Pravin


Ungdom og depresjon.

Israel, Pravin


Foreldre redde for barna etter bortføringsforsøk.

Israel, Pravin


Involving Parents in Treating Adolescents with Major Depression.

XI Biennial National conference of the Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health ;

2011-11-17 - 2011-11-19.

Israel, Pravin; Magnus, Ringborg


Attachment Based Family Therapy: A New Approach to Treating Depressed, Suicidal and Traumatized Youth.

The 9th Nordic Family Therapy Conference;

2011-08-17 - 2011-08-20.

Israel, Pravin


Attachment Based Family Therapy for Suicidal Youth.

National conference of Suicide Research and Prevention ;

2011-04-04 - 2011-04-05.

Israel, Pravin


Vil teste all ungdom for angst og depresjoner.

Israel, Pravin


Family-based therapy for depressed adolescents referred for outpatient treatment.

The annual meeting of Regional Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health;

2008-11-17 - 2008-11-18.

Israel, Pravin


Depresjon blir ikke oppdaget.

Israel, Pravin


Vil hjelpe de deprimerte hjem.

Israel, K Pravin


Uenighet kan hjemme behandling.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Volum 03.Oktober.

Israel, Pravin; Thomsen, P. H.; Langeveld, J. H.; Stormark, K. M.


Differential Engagement of Mothers and Fathers in Clinic-based Treatment of Children and Adolescents: The Role of Family Factors.

The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research;

2004-06-16 - 2004-06-19.

Israel, Pravin


Therapist Perspective on Parental Involvement in Psychotherapy of Children and Adolescents.

The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research ;

2004-06-16 - 2004-06-19.

Israel, Pravin; Thomsen, Per H.; Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik; Stormark, Kjell Morten


Parental Engagement in Psychotherapy with Adolescents: A Preliminary Study.

Third International Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health ;

2002-06-11 - 2002-06-15.

Israel, Pravin


Where are the parents? A study of parental involvement with children and adolescents .

The International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied professions;

2002-10-29 - 2002-11-02.