An international congress and contest aiming to disseminate and evaluate the recent advances in different topics of engineering science as well as modern research topics in the 21st century, structural health monitoring, smart structures, smart cities, and sustainability.
Conference programme
Olympiad in Engineering Science (OES 2023) is an international congress and contest aiming to disseminate and evaluate the recent advances in Engineering Science. Influential scientific minds and distinguished researchers meet in Olympia, the place of the origin of the Olympic Games, to share their knowledge and to assess the novelty of the research works presented in Olympiad. Five days of knowledge sharing and networking.
The most influential scientific minds of the world are going to meet distinguished researchers in Olympia, the place of the origin of the Olympic Games, to share their knowledge and to assess the novelty of the research works presented in Olympiad. The topics for the event are Mechanics of Solids, Mechanics of Fluids, Dynamics & Vibrations, Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Materials Science, and Machine Learning. In the last day of the Olympiad, the jury of each scientific field will announce the winners of the Olympic medals in Engineering Science.

Photo: whyathens

Photo: Aldemar Resorts

Photo: Aldemar Resorts
Important dates (new deadlines)
In this section you will find dates and deadlines for submission and registration.

- Abstract submission: 31 March 2023
- Notification of abstract acceptance: 05 March 2023
- EXTENDED Submission of full-length paper: 25 April 2023
- EXTENDED Notification of reviewers’ comments: 30 April 2023
- EXTENDED Registration and payment deadline: 25 April 2023
- EXTENDED Submission of revised paper (if necessary): 05 May 2023
- Notification of paper acceptance: 10 May 2023
- Hotel booking (special prices at Aldemar Olympian Village Hotel): 28 Feb. 2023
Aldemar Olympian Village Hotel has offered special prices for the conference. Deadline for booking with the special prices is 28 Feb. 2023.
Professor Hojjat Adeli
Ohio State University

Hojjat Adeli received his Ph.D. from Stanford University within 30 months in 1976 at the age of 26. He is currently an Academy Professor at The Ohio State University where he held the Abba G. Lichtenstein Professorship for ten years. He has authored 630 research and scientific publications in various fields of computer science, engineering, applied mathematics, and medicine, including 16 ground-breaking high-technology books, and holds a United States patent in the area of design optimization. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the international research journals Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, now in 37th year of publication, and Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, now in 30th year of publication. He has also been the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Neural Systems since 2005. He has been on the editorial board of 145 journals. He is the recipient of 73 awards and honors including seven Honorary Doctorates and several Honorary Professorships. In 1998 he received the Distinguished Scholar Award, The Ohio State University’s highest research award “in recognition of extraordinary accomplishment in research and scholarship”. In 2010, he was profiled as an Engineering Legend in the ASCE journal of Leadership and Management in Engineering. He is a member of Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, a corresponding member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, a foreign member of Academia Europaea, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Science, a Distinguished Member of ASCE, and a Fellow of AAAS, IEEE, AIMBE, and American Neurological Association. He is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in three categories of Computer Science, Engineering, and Cross Field.
Professor Lance Manuel
University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Lance Manuel is the Texas Atomic Energy Research Foundation Professor at The University of Texas at Austin, where he also serves as the Associate Chair for Civil Engineering. His research is related to the quantification of uncertainties in load and response characteristics of engineered systems, with a primary focus on offshore/marine systems, civil engineering infrastructure systems, and energy generation. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the Structural Engineering Institute, part of ASCE. He is a Diplomate of the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers (ACOPNE). He serves as Editor-in-Chief of ASME’s Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering and is the 2022-23 Chair of ASME’s Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division’s Executive Committee. He serves on the editorial board of several other leading journals. He currently serves on the 25-member Marine Board in the U.S., a program unit under the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM).
Dr. Manuel was a recipient of the 2015 ASCE Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. Energy Award given in recognition of outstanding achievements in the energy field by a civil engineer. He was the 2012 McDonald-Mehta Lecturer, an honor reserved for nationally known scientists and experts in wind-related industries. As an assistant professor, he was earlier awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to support his research on inflow turbulence, loads, and reliability-based design of wind turbines. In 2020, he was awarded the Lockheed Martin Award for Excellence in Engineering Teaching and has been recognized with numerous other teaching awards at his institution. He was selected as a Fulbright Project Specialist and led a project in rural India in 2022.
Dr. Manuel earned BTech, MS and PhD degrees, respectively, from the Indian Institute of Technology (Bombay), the University of Virginia, and Stanford University.
Professor Priyan Mendis
University of Melbourne

Priyan Mendis is a Professor in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at University of Melbourne, the Director of the ARC Centre for Advanced Manufacturing of Prefabricated Modular Housing (ARC CAMP.H), and the Leader of the Advanced Protective Technology of Engineering Structures Group. He is the Deputy Director of the ARC Industry Transformation Research Hub – Transformation of Reclaimed Waste Resources to Engineered Materials and Solutions for a Circular Economy (TREMS), and also the Convener of the ARC Research Network for a Secure Australia (RNSA) from 2004 -2011.
He is a world leader in Innovative Construction methods such as Prefabricated structures, Tall Buildings, Durability of Concrete Structures, Advanced Materials for Construction including Waste Materials, Protective Technology of structures, Wind, Earthquakes, Fire and Blast.
He is a member of the Australian Standard committees BD2 (Concrete structures) and BD6 (Loading of structures including wind and earthquakes).
Research interests:
- Protective technology of structures, Wind, Fire, Blast, Earthquakes
- Waste Materials in Construction
- Innovative Construction
- Prefabricated Structures
- Smart Infrastructure, design, assessment and monitoring
- High-strength/High-performance concrete
- Seismic design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures
- Design of tall buildings and bridges
- Disaster mitigation and management
- Sustainable infrastructure
He is also a member of several institutions including Institution of Engineering, Concrete Institute of Australia and American Concrete Institute.
The recent key projects include ARC Hub Transformation of Reclaimed Waste Resources on Engineered Materials (TREMS) and Sustainability Victoria project on Novel precast walls including glass fines.
Professor Filippo Berto
Sapienza University of Rome and Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Since fall 2022, Filippo Berto is chair of mechanics of Materials at Sapienza University of Rome Previously he has been international chair in fracture mechanics, fatigue, and structural integrity at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology of Trondheim, Norway, since beginning of 2016. He was professor of machine design at the University of Padua, Italy, between 2006 and 2015. He is chairman of the technical committee ESIS TC15 on Structural Integrity of additive manufactured components of European Structural Integrity Society. Filippo Berto received several awards and distinctions, such as Award of Merit (2018) and Wohler medal (2020) from the European Structural Integrity Society. He has received the Stephen Timoshenko Fellow (2018) given by University of Stanford (USA). Filippo Berto is part of the Top Italian Scientists Engineering (Italy). He is editor-in-chief or Editor of several scientific journals, such as, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Material Design & Processing Communications and Materials. In addition, he belongs to the editorial board of several leading scientific journals in the area of fatigue, fracture and structural integrity, such as, Materials & Design, International Journal of Fatigue, Safety Science, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Advanced Engineering Materials, Polymer Testing, Strength of Materials, among others. Filippo Berto is also voting member of ASTM F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies and ASTM E08 on Metal Fatigue and Fracture. As technical Chair of TC15 is also the founder of the series of European conferences on additive manufacturing ESIAM. In 2020 he has been one of the founders of TC18 of ESIS dedicated to the structural integrity of welded structures. Filippo Berto has a major role in the Italian Group of Fracture being vice-president since 2019 and co-editor in chief of the associated journal.
Professor Gui Yun Tian
Newcastle University and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Gui Yun Tian is Chair Professor of Sensor Technologies for the School of Engineering at Newcastle University and Adjunct Professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
His research interest covers the areas of Sensors (electromagnetic and optical sensors in particular), Sensor Network, System design, Material Identification, and Networked Instrumentation with emphasis in technologies for Non-destructive testing and evaluation, i.e., crack and corrosion detection for the environment, material characterisation, energy and transport including airplanes, Image and Vision, Sensor fusion, Medicine, and Security applications.
He is leading a research team that has developed novel technologies in the area of electromagnetic sensors and NDE, signal characterization including signal separation and reconstruction, and systems applications for sensor networks, robotics, and crime prevention. He has built strong relationships with international and UK industries such as Corus, TWI, Airbus, Holset, GE group, Rolls Royce, Javis, NPL, Sira Ltd, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, OutoKumpu, Alstom, AV-Nederland & AV-International, RD-Tech, Qinetiq, Home Office, Police service, etc.; and academic partners.
He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the journal of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. Because of the impact of his work in Engineering Science he has received many prestigious awards, e.g. International Technology Transformation (Cooperation) Award, Shenyang Academy of Instrumentation Science (National Engineering Research Centre of Sensors, China), International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, 2019, China Instrument and Control Society, Outstanding research achievement and impact award from the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China 2019 (2nd class), ISEM award in recognition of sustainable contribution to NDE, JOHN GRIMWADE MEDAL, BINDT, Best papers in BINDT on RFID based corrosion detection and SensorComm 2011 on EM imaging for security, The Rank Prize Funds Symposium Optical Aspects of Non-destructive Testing, 2008, UK, Outstanding contribution to research, University of Huddersfield, Merit award, HEFCE Rewarding and Developing Staff initiative, UK, Joint invention award for “Colour Normalization Using Interest Points” from The Document Company XEROX, where only 3 invention awards were given from cooperative work with the company all over the world annually, Outstanding research award by the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Sichuan province, etc.
Professor Ahmed G. Radwan
Vice president for Research, Nile University

Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan (Senior Member IEEE, Fellow-African Academy of Sciences) is the Vice-President for Research at Nile University, Egypt.
He is founder and General Co-chair of the Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences International Conference (NILES) for interdisciplinary sciences for 4 years now. NILES conference is IEEE indexed, and its proceedings get published in IEEE Xplore & in special issues of AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications published by ElSevier. Moreover, he is also the Founder and Chair of the Undergraduate Research Forum in Nile University.
Prof. Radwan has total number of indexed publications of 420+, total of 8500+ citations and h-index: 50 according to Scopus database. He is the Co-inventor of 6 US patents, author/Co-author of 10 international books as well as 28 book chapters in the highly ranked publishers such as Elsevier and Springer. He is leading the fractional-order circuits track worldwide. Based on SciVal database, Prof. Radwan in on the top authors worldwide for research track “Capacitors | Networks(circuits)|Fractional-order capacitor (T.21555)” which is related to the interdisciplinary field of fractional calculus and electrical engineering concepts. He is listed among the World’s 2% Top Scientists published by Stanford University 2019, 2020 & 2021 in both categories: Single year & Whole Career.
Prof. Radwan is an Associate editor in 3 prestigious Scopus-indexed journals: Journal of Advanced Research, Elsevier; Circuit, Systems and Signal Processing, Springer; Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi. He is on the advisory board of Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Springer Open, and a TC member in Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee. Dr. Radwan is also leading the track of softrobotics research at Nile University and was able aalong with his team to establish the “Biohybrid softrobotics lab” the first of its kind in the MENA to serve & support all researchers in this field.
He received many awards, some of which: The State Encouragement Award (2012), Abdul Hameed Shoman Award (2015), The State Excellence Award (2018), Scopus Award in Engineering and Technology (2019), Prof. Tarek Khalil Award for Distinguished Leadership from Nile university (2022) and many more. He managed several funded research projects with more than 10 M EGP and supervised more than 35 (Master's & Ph.Ds).
Professor Evangelos Hristoforou
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

Evangelos V. Hristoforou, D.Eng, Ph.D, C.Eng, is Professor of Electronic Materials at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and director of the Laboratory of Electronic Sensors. His lab at the NTUA is performing research in materials and applications for sensors and transducers. Among other activities, he is active in energy & environment, like hydrogen production, optimized photovoltaic cells, smart wind generators, supercapacitor development, battery recycling; in bio-engineering, like multi-viral load sensors, implantable biosensors, point of care devices, theragnostics, electromagnetic stimulation; in advanced manufacturing, like steel health monitoring and rehabilitation, smart magnetometers & hydrophones, smart sensing systems. He is actively related to several industries in the field of sensors, energy and health, running industrial and research projects. He has published more than 150 papers in ISI journals (h-index=30 in Scopus) and has given more than 50 invited talks in international conferences. He is the President of the Hellenic NDT Association and the Chair of the European Magnetic Sensor and Actuator (EMSA) Conference.
International Olympiad Committee in Engineering Science
The 1st Olympiad in Engineering Science is established and sponsored by University of Stavanger, Norway.

The event is organized every 2 years by the International Olympiad Committee in Engineering Science and the European Consortium of Innovative Universities, . The committee consists of one member of each continent.
Based on the outstanding impact of his work in Engineering, honorary chairman of the International Olympiad Committee in Engineering Science is Professor Hojjat Adeli.
Members of each continent:
- Europe: Prof. Dimitrios Pavlou, University of Stavanger, Norway, (Chairman of the committee)
- America: Prof. Hojjat Adeli, Ohio State University, USA, (Honorary chairman)
- Asia: Prof. Gui Yun Tian, Newcastle University, UK, and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
- Africa: Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan, Nile University, Egypt
- Australia: Prof. Priyan Mendis, University of Melbourne, Australia
Nominations for members of the International Olympiad Committee
The right to nominate is open to anyone. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations deadline: 30.11.2022
Minimum requirements: Since the first Olympic games was a contest for the excellence in individual athlete effort, Olympiad in Engineering Science is looking for nominations of researchers of outstanding individual achievements.
Minimum requirements for the nominees are:
- Thirty papers in high-impact journals as single or first author.
- One research monograph, published by a reputed publisher after peer review.
- Sufficient impact of single- or first-authored papers.
Nominations that cannot fulfil the minimum requirements are not considered.
Professor Nicholas Fantuzzi
Mechanics of Solid and Structures (Europe)

Nicholas Fantuzzi is Associate Professor in Mechanics of Solids and Structures at the University of Bologna, Italy. His research portfolio includes over 220 published works on composite laminated structures and innovative materials, fracture mechanics and crack propagation and initiation in metallic and composite materials. His work on mathematical modelling through classical finite elements as well as mesh-free and collocation methods has high impact in Engineering Science.
Nicholas is Co-Editor-In-Chief of "Composites Structures” international journal and Section Editor-In-Chief (Engineering Section) of "Mathematical and Computational Applications” international journal, Editorial Board Member in 17 international journals, Guest Editor and Co-Editor of 11 Special Issues on international journals, and Reviewer for 108 international journals. He has been conference chair and Keynote speaker in many international conferences.
Professor Georgios Georgiou
Fluid Mechanics (Europe)

Georgios Georgiou is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and Director of the Oceanography Center, University of Cyprus. He has been a visiting Professor at various Universities in Greece (Patras, Aegean, Crete), Cyprus (Cyprus University of Technology), Brazil, Egypt, and Morocco. His expertise lies in computational rheology, numerical simulations of viscoelastic flows, numerical solution of PDEs, finite element methods, and computational oceanography. He has published more than 150 peer-review journal papers and more than 100 papers in conference proceedings. He co-authored two books (Viscous Fluid Flow, CRC Press, 2000; Fluid Mechanics of Viscoplasticity, Springer, 2022) and has served as the guest editor of three international rheological journals. In the past 25 years he has been involved as a coordinator or partner in a number of national and European research projects. His funded projects range from oceanographic predictions, autonomous underwater platforms, and tsunami and oil spill modelling to polymer processing and hemodynamic numerical simulations.
Professor José A.F.O. Correia
Materials Science (Europe)

Dr. José A.F.O. Correia is a Researcher of CONSTRUCT (Institute of R&D in Structures and Construction) and INEGI (Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) of the University of Porto (Portugal), and a Guest Teacher at the Engineering Structures Department of the Civil Engineering and Geosciences Faculty of the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). Additionally, José A.F.O. Correia has some honorary positions attributed by institutions of world reference: - Adjunct Professor at the Xi'an Jiaotong University (China); - Guest Professor at São Paulo State University (Brazil); among others. He is the co-author of more than 200 scientific journal papers in the most relevant scientific journals devoted to structural integrity, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials and structures, 300 proceedings in international and national conferences, congresses and workshops, 12 book chapters and 9 books (as co-editor and/or co-author). In the Scopus platform, he is the (co)author of 286 scientific documents and has an h-index equal to 35. He was/is also a team member of the organization and participated in approved national (Portugal) and European research projects (30 research projects), including as a coordinator and co-coordinator. Dr. José A.F.O. Correia has served as a co-chairman of the technical committees of the European Structural Integrity Society "ESIS TC12 - Risk analysis and safety of large structures and components" and "ESIS TC3 - Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures". He is a member of technical committees, CEN TC250 SC3 WG 1-9 Fatigue, CEN TC250 SC3 WG 1-10 Fracture, and CEN/CLC/JTC 20 Hyperloop systems, of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). He received several awards such as: ESIS Award of Merit (2022); Top Downloaded Paper 2019-2020 (2022); FEUP 2020 Scientific Recognition Award (2021); IGF Manson-Coffin Medal (2021); Highly Cited Paper (Clarivate - Web of Science; 2021); Top Downloaded Paper 2019-2020 (2021); FEUP 2019 Scientific Recognition Award (2020); Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019 (2020); Emerald Literati Awards: Highly Commended Paper (2020); among others.
Professor Yuzhu Li
Climate Resilience and Coastal Engineering (Asia)

Dr. Li Yuzhu Pearl is Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a former Marie Skłodowska-Curie Scholar. Her research focuses on many aspects of coastal and offshore engineering, including: wave-structure-seabed interaction, scour, liquefaction, turbulence modelling and breaking waves, with particular focus on computational fluid dynamics modelling and numerical investigation of coastal and offshore engineering problems. She currently serves as an Editorial Board member of the OpenFOAM® Journal and is a Scientific Committee Member and Topic Organizer for the annual OMAE (International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering) conference. She is also a regular reviewer for top journals such as Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Physics of fluids, Ocean Engineering.
Professor Tiago Fazeres-Ferradosa
Subsea Engineering (Europe)

Dr. Tiago Fazeres Ferradosa is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Dept. of Civil Eng.) and researcher of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR). Tiago is currently responsible for the R&D unit Offshore Structures & Foundations at the Research Group of Hydraulic Structures and Marine Energy. His research portfolio includes many R&D projects related to offshore engineering and marine renewable energy research, such as MARINET proposal 61; HYDRALAB+ (Proteus proposal); ORACLE; POSEIDON and i.nano.WEC, AquaBreak EEA Grants, among many others. He has been organiser or co-organizer of more than 45 conferences, courses, symposia and other scientific and professional events. He is the editor of the IAHR Newsflash Europe and co-Editor-in-Chief of Maritime Engineering (ICE). He acts as member of the editorial panel in 16 international peer-reviewed journals and was Guest Editor of SI in Renewable Energy (Elsevier) and reviewer in other 29 international peer-reviewed journals. Tiago is the author of more than 45 scientific journal peer-reviewed publications (indexed in Scopus and WoS) and founder and co-organiser of the International Offshore Structures Design course series. He was President of the IAHR Portugal Young Professionals Network, the Coordinator of the Young Professionals of the Portuguese Association of Water Resources and elected member of the Monitoring Committee of the Civil Engineering Doctoral Program between 2016 and 2018. He is also Marine Ambassador Portugal at HAEDES B.V. and he is currently the Secretary for International Cooperation of Hydraulics and Water Resources Institute (IHRH). He is the Portuguese appointed member of the Technical Committee 213 - Scour and Erosion of the ISSMGE. Dr. Tiago is also the awarded researcher of the APRH best PhD thesis of 2018/2019 and the Best Young Researcher of 2021 by the JMSE and co-winner of the Halcrow Prize of the Institution of Civil Engineering in 2022. He acts as an external sensor at Stavanger University (Norway). Along with this track-record he has acted as consultant in several private projects, in Belgium, France, UK, Denmark and many other countries. He is also the President of the Specialized Commission Water and Energy of APRH and member at the Leadership Team of IAHR's Europe Division.
Professor Ranjith Dissanayake
Civil Engineering Structures (Asia)

Prof. Ranjith Dissanayake is a Senior Professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Peradeniya. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) and holds membership from several other prestigious institutions.
He was a Fulbright Scholar in the USA, Endeavour Fellow in Australia, and JASSO Research Fellow in Japan. He was awarded the Young Scientist Award in 2007 for Excellence in Scientific Research by the National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) of Sri Lanka. He received the Overseas Prize of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the UK in 2007 and the Australia Alumni Excellence Award in 2012. He has published over 150 papers in reputed journals. He has also chaired more than ten international conferences.
He is the Chairman of the Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL) and the President Elect of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL). Also, he is a Vice President of the Chamber of Construction Industry (CCI). He is also the former Secretary to the State Ministry of Rural Roads and other Infrastructure and the State Ministry of Urban Development.
He has founded and is the Chairman of several Private Companies, including Lego International (Pvt.) Ltd, ICB (Pvt.) Ltd, Lanka AAC (Pvt) Ltd and GAP (Pvt) Ltd.
Professor Jon G. Hall
Expert Systems (Europe)

Jon Hall is Full Professor of Problem Science and Computing at the UK's Open University. He's a leading research scientist in organisational problem solving and has extensive experience in designing, leading and evaluating research programmes in many fields, including organisational change, expert systems, fin tech, safety-critical systems, and project management. Jon has a long history of delivering excellent value to business and his research has influenced industrial practice both directly with some of the world's largest organisations and through contributions to international standards.
He is Editor in Chief of Wiley's Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering.
Jon Hall is also Chair and Director with over two decades’ experience leading governance activity across a range of organisations including large professional bodies and major educational institutions and businesses. Knowledge exchange ERDF grant winner for work with SMEs. MBA qualified with an expert knowledge of the Education sector, Jon brings fresh perspective and delivers practical solutions to any organisational challenge. A highly independent, critical thinker with a track record of leading and advising effective change and project management, developing strategy and influencing and developing policy.
Professor Joo-Hyung Kim
Intelligent Systems (Asia)

Joo-Hyung Kim received the B.S. and M.E. degrees from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, in 1993 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden, in 2005. From 1995 to 2002, he was a Senior Research Engineer with Daewoo and Samsung SDI central research centers, Korea. From 2006 to 2008, he was a Senior Scientist in the Fraunhofer Institute, Germany, for novel material research in microelectronics. Currently, he is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering in Inha University and Director of the INHA IST and 3D Printing Center. He is also Secretary General of Korea Certification Institute for Machine Diagnostics. His research interests are renewable energy systems, intelligent sensor fabrication, advanced 3D printing, and advanced smart mechanical systems.
Professor Nikolas Xiros
Marine and Ocean Engineering Process, Modelling and Simulation (America)

Nikolas Xiros is the Interim Chair and a JL Goldman endowed Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the University of New Orleans. His career spans more than 25 years in industry and academia. Until Dec 2011 he held an Associate Professor position with Aerospace & Ocean Engineering at Virginia Tech. In the period 2002-2007, he served as tenure-track Lecturer of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. Then, during the period 2007-2010, he served as Assistant Professor of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering at Florida Atlantic University.
His research and teaching activities encompass marine and ocean engineering process modelling and simulation, system identification, dynamics and control, reliability, signal and data analysis with emphasis on propulsion, power, energy and renewables as well as mechatronics, electromechanical and autonomous systems. His education includes a Dipl. Eng. (MEng. equiv.) in Electrical Engineering, a MSc in Mathematics, a MSc in Applied Physics and a Dr. Eng. degree in Marine Engineering. He has (co)authored numerous journal and conference papers and monographed “Robust Control of Diesel Ship Propulsion,” “Mathematical Magnetohydrodynamics” and “Feedback Linearization of Dynamical Systems with Modulated States for Harnessing Water Wave Power.” He is also a Chief Editor of the Springer Handbook of Ocean Engineering; in the same book, he was the part editor for Part E – Ocean Renewable Energy and author of chapters on digital signal processing, control theory and applications as well as on ocean wave energy conversion concepts.
His teaching experience and focus encompasses undergraduate or graduate courses in a broad range of engineering science and applied math topics including but not limited to: dynamical systems (linear and nonlinear), control, power systems, energy incl. nuclear and renewable, electrodynamics, electromagnetics, waves, scientific computing/AI, signal processing, instrumentation and measurement, reliability theory, robotics, mechatronics etc.
Professor Wim De Waele
Structural Integrity of Wind Turbines (Europe)

Wim De Waele is full professor at Ghent University, Belgium, where he coordinates the ‘Fracture and Fatigue’ research group of Laboratory Soete.
In 2002 Wim obtained his PhD on the topic of structural health monitoring of composite structures using optical fibre Bragg sensors. Thereafter he joined the Laboratory Soete that performed pioneering work on defect acceptance of girth welded steel pipelines using both experimental and numerical fracture mechanics activities. The results of this work have been included in design standards for transmission pipelines. Today Wim is coordinator and partner of several national and international projects addressing fatigue of metal components. Experimental and numerical methods for (corrosion-)fatigue damage assessment, short and long fatigue crack growth, and fatigue lifetime prediction are developed. Besides wire+arc additively manufactured components, the main focus is on steel structures and offshore wind infrastructure (foundations, turbines, blades, power cables). As such, the research group actively contributes to the ambitions of the Belgian Federal Government with respect to energy transition.
His academic bibliography counts over 400 contributions. Wim has been involved in the organising and scientific committees of several international conferences and the editorial board of international journals. He is also member of the Scientific Committee of the Belgian Welding Institute.
Professor Kazuyuki Nakahata
Nondestructive testing & evaluation – NDT/NDE (Asia)

Kazuyuki Nakahata graduated with a BA, MA, and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Tohoku University in Japan. He took a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2003, then moved to Ehime University, where he started as an assistant professor. Since 2004, he has been at Ehime University, where he was appointed professor of Applied Mechanics in the Graduate School of Engineering in 2016. His research explores two main themes. He studies inverse analyses for flaw imaging with a specific interest in ultrasonic phased array transducers and photoacoustic waves by laser irradiation. The second theme focuses on the modelling and simulation of ultrasonic propagation based on the integration of high-performance computation. Nowadays, assimilations of the full field sensing data and a digital twin of infrastructure are his primary interests.
He is an associated editor of the Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Japanese Society of Non-Destructive Inspection (JSNDI), a chief editor of the Journal of Structural Engineering in the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), and a chief editor of Journal of applied mechanics in the JSCE.
Professor Xiaoping Huang
Offshore Structures and Ship Design (Asia)

Xiaoping Huang, PhD. Associate Professor, School of Shipbuilding, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received his bachelor's degree in Chemical Mechanical Engineering from Nanchang University in 1985, master's degree in Petroleum Mechanical Engineering from Daqing Petroleum Institute in 1988, and PhD in Ship and Marine Structure Design and Manufacturing from Harbin Engineering University in 2001.
He has published more than 100 research papers and more than 20 conference papers and two books: “Fracture and Fatigue Control Design of pressure vessel” and “Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures”. He entered the list of most cited authors in China by the largest international publishing group Elsevier (years 2014, 2015, 2016).
Professor Stefanos Zaoutsos
Mechanical Behaviour of Viscoelastic Materials (Europe)

Dr Stefanos Zaoutsos is a Professor in Applied Mechanics at the Dept. of Energy Systems of the University of Thessaly. He graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and completed his Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics in the University of Patras. He also holds an MSc degree in the area of Mechanics and Simulation of Systems in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Thessaly. During 1993-1994 he was a Research Fellow at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels. In 2006 he was elected Associate Professor at Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical Institute of Thessaly and he also tenured a Professor position in Applied Mechanics at University of Thessaly. His expertise and research interests are focused on the mechanics of advanced materials (composites, biomaterials, nanomaterials) and the time-dependent response at varying conditions (mechanical/environmental). During 2021-2022, he was awarded from Fulbright Foundation as a Visiting Professor at John A. Paulson School of Engineering, at Harvard University. He is also a Harvard University associate for academic year 2022-2023. He has published over 140 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is author of three book chapters and reviewer for many scientific journals. He has been invited to lecture in numerous universities and institutes.
Olympiad organization
Olympiad in Engineering Science (OES 2023) is organized by the International OES Committee, and the European Consortium of Innovative Universities, ECIU.

The coordination of the 1st Olympiad is carried out by University of Stavanger, the Norwegian member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities.

Dissemination of research
Publications channels.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer. The proceedings are indexed by the all the important bibliographic databases including SCOPUS and are Open Access.
Guide for Authors including the template for full paper submission can be found here: SPRINGER TEMPLATE
Special issues of the journals Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (IF=10.066) and Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (IF=6.137 will publish substantially extended versions of the most innovative papers presented at the conference.
The honorary Chairman of the Olympiad Professor Hojjat Adeli, together with the members of the OES Committee will be responsible for awarding the Olympiad Medals.
Type of contributions
Olympiad in Engineering Science accepts only high-level fundamental research.
The Olympiad will be held at Aldemar Olympian Village, located in the area of Ancient Olympia.

Olympia was the home of the ancient Olympic Games, and former site of the massive Statue of Zeus, which has been ranked as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Olympia is located near the western coast of the Peloponnese peninsula of Southern Greece. The Olympia archaeological site is of outstanding cultural significance and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1989. The site of Olympia has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In the 10th century B.C., Olympia became a centre for the worship of Zeus. In addition to temples, there are remains of the sports structures erected for the Olympic Games, held in Olympia every four years beginning 776 B.C.
The organizer has agreed special accommodation prices for the participants (reservation link is available HERE! If you prefer to use the booking code, it is Olympiad2023. In both cases the deadline is set for 28/02/2023.)
Transportation to the conference venue
The organizer has arranged direct bus transportation from the Athens airport to the conference venue (prices valid for a minimum of 35 passengers):
- Booking ticket for transportation from Athens airport to the conference venue Book here:
- Booking ticket for Conference excursion
Book here:
Transportation to the conference venue
Information about bus transfer from airport to hotel.
The transportation from the airport to the conference venue (and the return travel) is not a responsibility of the hotel or the conference organizer.
Each participant should manage his/her transportation. In order to help the participants, we recommend them to book tickets via the private transportation office Geo-Travel:
Geo-Travel has provided convenient transportation solution in a very good price. However, the travellers should inform Geo-Travel their arrival time to Athens airport and book the bus ticket as soon as possible in order to help the travel office to make the optimum bus transportation plan that is convenient for the passengers.
Transfer from airport to hotel, and return
Deadline for the submission of reservations for transfers (arrivals & departures) is 10th of May 2023. Duration of transfer 4:30 to 5:00hrs depend on traffic. Please, make sure to submit your reservation on time.
Departure time for shared bus transfer from Athens International Airport to Aldemar Olympian Village, on 22nd of May 2023, is set tentatively for 23:30pm. This time is tentative aiming the bus to collect even the travellers who will arrive late to the airport. If the travellers will arrive early, the travel office will reschedule the time and the bus will depart earlier. Alternatively one bus will depart early, and another one will depart late, depending on the arrival time of the travellers. The buses have 50 seats capacity. Minimum number of passengers per bus is 35. The travel office is trying to group the travellers to groups of 35 persons, but they need their flight details that should be registered via the booking link:
At ARRIVAL terminal EXIT 4, you will meet the driver and the escort, who will safely escort you to bus for your departure.
For your convenience the escort will hold a sign ALDEMAR OLYMPIAN VILLAGE HOTEL – CONFERENCE OES 2023.
Departure time for shared bus transfer from Aldemar Olympian Village to Athens International Airport, on 27th of May 2023, is set for 13:00pm and on 28th of May 2023 is set on 04:45am.
- Booking ticket for transportation from Athens airport to the conference venue
Book here:
Conference Excursion to Ancient Olympia
Deadline for the submission of reservations for the CONFERENCE EXCURSION to Ancient Olympia is 10th of May 2023. Please, make sure to submit your reservation on time.
Please, kindly note that CONFERENCE EXCURSION is planned for Friday 26th of May 2023, afternoon hours (15:30-20:30).
- Booking ticket for Conference excursion
Book here:
In this section you will find information about registration and accomodation.
Early Registration Fee | before 28 Febr 2023 | after 28 Febr 2023 |
Regular participants: | € 450.00 | € 850.00 |
Participants from developing countries | € 160.00 | € 160.00 |
Members of European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) and Editorial Board members of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering: | € 400.00 | € 550.00 |
Students: | € 350.00 | € 350.00 |
Accompanying persons: | € 150.00 | € 150.00 |

The registration fee covers attendance of sessions, maximum two papers presentation, the conference banquet (meal package and drinks package with unlimited beer, wine, soft drinks and water), the welcome reception (standing cocktail including meal package and drinks package with unlimited beer, wine, soft drinks, and water), two coffee breaks per day (includes: filter coffee, instant coffee & decaf, variety of teas, mineral water, vanilla & chocolate cake, and american cookies) and access to the conference proceedings.
Cancelation policy
In case of cancellation, a written notification should be sent to the conference secretary. If it is received prior to 15th March, 2023, registration fees will be refunded with a deduction of 50%. No refund can be made after 15th March, 2023.
Social program
We encourage the participants to join our social events.
- Welcome reception: May, 23, 2023 (19:00-21:00), Conference hall
- Conference banquet: May, 25, 2023 (19:00-21:00), Olympia restaurant, Aldemar Olympian Village hotel
The organizer has agreed special accommodation prices for the participants (reservation link is available HERE! If you prefer to use the booking code, it is Olympiad2023. In both cases the deadline is set for 28/02/2023).
- Standard room (Main Building Double room Garden view): €145
- Main Building Double room Sea view (2ad.): €145
- Bungalow Garden view (2ad.): €150
- Bungalow Sea view (2ad.): €160
- Bungalow Sharing pool (2ad.): €180
- Family Apartment Garden view (2ad. & 2 ch. up to 11 y.o.): €250
The above prices include breakfast and dinner in buffet style at the hotel's main restaurant (without drinks package). The cost of upgrading the package to all inclusive amounts to €25 per person. The allocation of rooms will be based on hotel availability.
Deadline for the registration of reservations for the transfer from Athens Airport to the conference venue is 10th of May 2023. Please make sure to register your reservation on time.
- Booking ticket for transportation from Athens airport to the conference venue Book here:
- Booking ticket for Conference excursion
Book here:
Classical Olympia: Visit to the Archaeological Site and Museum of Olympia
Visit in the archaeological site and the museum of Ancient Olympia is offered by the travel agency Geo Travel.

The participation is optional and will be paid directly to the travel agency. The visit to the Archaeological Site and Museum of Olympia on Friday 26th May 2023 includes professional tour guide. The price per person is €42 (for a minimum of 20 people. If the participation is less than 20 people the price will be agreed on the spot as a private tour per vehicle). This price includes the entrance fee to the Archaeological site and museum of Olympia: €12/person.
Register for the excursion here!
Description of the conference excursion
Discover everything about the ancient Olympic Games and the place where fair-play was nurtured, with a Private Olympia Classical Tour. Take the opportunity to enjoy this tour around the area’s breathtaking scenery and exquisite beauty. Enjoy a trip to the magical landscape, rich in history and natural beauty. A professional tour guide will meet you at the reception of the Aldemar Olympian Village Hotel and will start the journey through the landscapes of Ilia, before arriving in Olympia. During this trip, you will have an insight of Ancient Olympia, which was not an ordinary city with permanent residents, but a sanctuary of buildings and temples dedicated to the Gods who were protecting the Olympic Games. Olympia, was built at the king of the gods’ will, Zeus, to promote the cult among the Greeks. You will admire the site which includes the ruins of the Temple of Zeus, the Gymnasium, the Hippodrome and the imposing Olympic Stadium, where the early Games were held, designed to hold up to 40,000 spectators. Afterwards you can pay a short-guided tour to the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Olympia. You will feel the pulse of these ancient times, the splendor and magic of the Olympic idea.
Ending the guided tour, you can enjoy a short stop in modern city of Olympia, where you will be given free time to shop in the souvenir and tourist shops, or you can relax in one of the cafes enjoying the beauty of the place.
- Departure from Aldemar Olympian Village: 15:30
- Return to Aldemar Olympian Village: 19:30
- Duration of stay in Olympia: 3.5 hours
- Total tour duration: approximately 5 hours
What is included in the price:
- transportation by air-conditioned minibus
- professional tour guide services – all taxes
Topics of the conference
The Olympiad covers a wide range of topics in the field of engineering.
Topics of the conference:
- Computational Mechanics (FEM, BEM, Transfer Matrices, Finite Volumes)
- Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue and Structural Integrity
- Marine Structures, Pipelines, and Subsea Technology
- Wind Turbines, Renewable Energy Production-Saving-Transformation
- Structural Health Monitoring and Sensors Technology
- Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Composites,
- Machine Learning
- Structural Dynamics and Vibrations
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Nanomechanics and Nanotechnology
- Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation
- Smart Materials and Structures
- Hydrogen Storage and Transportation
- Additively Manufactured Materials and Technology
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Viscous Fluid Flow, Turbulent Flow, Multi-Phase Flow
- Robotics and Automatic Control
- Building Information Technology (BIM)
- Materials Science, Corrosion and Corrosion Protection
- Engineering Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, PDFs, Nonlinear Systems
- Multiphysics Simulation
- Sustainable Cities, Green Energy Transition, and Circular Economy
Faculty Administration TN
Project Support and PhD Administration TN
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science