PhD Complete is a workshop series offered by UiS to support you throughout your PhD journey. The goal is simple: to assist you in completing your PhD.

Along the way, you will acquire new skills and have the opportunity to connect with fellow PhD candidates. Some workshops will be offered every year.
In addition, we will host pop-up transferable skills workshops. You find all upcoming workshops in the course calendar. Registration links will be provided in advance of each workshop.
Join us for one or several of our courses. Gain knowledge and build your network while working on your PhD!
PhD Complete – Skills to Finalise Your Thesis
Workshops throughout the year:
- PhD Get Started
- Introduction to Research Data Management Planning
- GDPR and IT security in Data Handling
- How to write the “kappe”?
- Fundamentals of Academic Writing and the Writing Process
- Staying Well and Being Productive
- The Publishing Process from A to Z
- Get Your Message Across: How to Present an Argument
- Plan Your Research Stay Abroad
- How to Revise Your Paper: Editing and Proofreading Strategies
- Shut up & write for PhDs
Writing Groups for PhDs and Individual Guidance from the Library
Writing groups
Are you interested in joining a writing group for PhDs where you meet for a few hours each week to stay motivated, share your experiences, and get feedback on your own text? Send an e-mail to the library.
Individual guidance from the library
The library offers individual guidance in
- literature search
- data management
- open science
- academic writing.
Visit the library to find out more. Welcome!
Contact us:
Stavanger University Library