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Faculties and Divisions
Museum of Archaeology
Division of Education
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Performing Arts
Board Secretariat
UiS School of Business and Law
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty Administration TN
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science
Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering
Department of Energy Resources
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
Finance Department
Section for Externally Funded Projects
Section for Salary and Travel Expenses
Procurement Section
Section for Budget and Accounting
IT Department
HR department
Department of Corporate Governance and Development
Department of Facilities Management
Division of Innovation and Society
Division of Research
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Department of Energy Resources
Faculty of Science and Technology
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
Finance Department
Section for Salary and Travel Expenses
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Aigul Taimour Alvi
PhD Candidate
Aksel Hiorth
Alejandro Escalona Varela
Head of Department
Anaelle Suzanne Anne Guillevic
PhD Candidate
Andrea Sortedal
Ann Kristin Henriksen
Auref Rostamian
PhD Candidate
Bahar Khanshaghaghi
PhD Candidate
Behzad Amiri
PhD Candidate
Bjarte Hetland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Bjørn Svale Eikil
Britt Elin Kjørholt
Head of Section
Christopher Townsend
Adjunct Associate Professor
Daniele Blancone
PhD Candidate
David-Ioan Chitan
PhD Candidate
Emmanuel Aduse Poku
PhD Candidate
Enrico Riccardi
Associate Professor
Hamed Vaseghnia
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Heidi Elin Torgersen
Higher Executive Officer
Ingrid Carita Augustsson
Irina Mihailenko
Senior Executicve Officer
Jake Harry Butcher
PhD Candidate
Jassem Abbasi
Kari Aspen
Higher Executive Officer
Karoline Sikveland
Higher Executive Officer
Kate Lorna Powell
PhD Candidate
Khatira Ataie Gumadin
Higher Executive Officer
Lisa Jean Watson
Associate Professor
Lothar Schulte
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Mahmood Fani
PhD Candidate
Maiken Thomassen
Marita Olderkjær
Higher Executive Officer
Mojtaba Ghaedi
Postdoctoral Fellow
Mostafa Mohammadi
PhD Candidate
Nestor Fernando Cardozo Diaz
Nestor Tafur
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Nisar Ahmed
Postdoctoral Fellow
Norman Urrez
PhD Candidate
Paul Henry Nadeau
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Peyman Kor
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Pål Østebø Andersen
Associate Professor
Raoof Gholami
Reagan Kabogozza
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Reidar Brumer Bratvold
Remus Gabriel Hanea
Ressi Bonti Muhammad
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Sadegh Ahmadpour
PhD Candidate
Shipra Singh
Postdoctoral Fellow
Skule Strand
Associate Professor
Solveig Helleren
PhD Candidate
Svein Inge Vaage
Higher Executive Officer
Sverre Ekrene Ohm
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Thomas Meldahl Olsen
PhD Candidate
Tina Puntervold
Tommy Ramsland
Senior Adviser
Udo Zimmermann
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