Find your start-up event

Find the start-up event for your study programme and get ready for your first week at UiS. The atumn semester starts Monday 12 august.

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Health Sciences

Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Tuesday 20 August

10.15 – 16.00

Where: Kjell Arholms building, KA U-136

The first meeting of the study program is from Tuesday to Thursday in week 34. See the schedule for more information.

Your timetable and curriculum


Read more about your study programme.

There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Hotel and Tourism

Monday 12. August

Time 11.00–12.00

Kick-off with sponsors from the institute
  • Information from the sponsorship managers
  • Everyone is assigned to a group
  • Information about the groups is available in the auditorium

Time 12.00–13.00

Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Tuesday 13. August

Time 12.00

  • 12.00: Business day organised by StOr
  • 14.00: Fadder event

Wednesday 14. August

Time 14.00

  • 14.00: Fadder event

Thursday 15. August

Time 10.00

  • 10.00- 11.30: Administrative meeting for new master students
  • 14.00: Fadder event

Friday 16. August

Time 14.00

  • 14.00: Fadder event

21. - 22. August

Introductory seminar for new master students - autumn 2024

Place: Viste Strandhotell

Bus from UiS kl. 09:00 tuesday 20. august, and bavck onsdag 21. august kl. 15:00.


  • Prepare students socially and academically for a two-year master's programme.
  • Professional ties and shared ownership of the study programme among employees.

More specifically:

  1. To enable students to form and maintain effective learning groups to support active learning participation.
  2. Providing students with the relevance and main content of the compulsory courses they will encounter. Thus, you clearly see the relevance of the master's profile.
  3. Connecting lecturers to students, thereby creating a basis for valuable interaction between students and lecturers.
  4. Through a service simulation game to enable students to see the business aspect of the programme.


  • Two full days (one night) at Viste Strandhotel, Randaberg.
  • Free of cost to the students. Students entering the program will be informed and expected to attend upon registration as student.
  • Faculty members allocated to the master program are required to join and participate. Overnight stay is mandatory for students.

Timeplan og pensum  

Timetable for the master's programme in service leadership in international business.

Read more about your study programme: Master in Service Leadership in International Business. There you will find your courses, timetable and exam details.

Find your curriculum.

See all student organisations and line associations.


Monday 12 August

10:00 – 10:45

Welcome gathering for all new students at HHUiS (in Norwegian)

Where: Elise Ottessen-Jensen House, main auditorium

Welcome – Associate Dean Ingeborg Foldøy Solli welcomes you and opens the new academic year at HH.

Motivational lecture featuring Professor of Environmental Economics, Gorm Kipperberg.

Student mentors at HH introduce themselves to new students.

Following the HH opening, you will meet your mentor group and proceed with them to classrooms for Get-to-Know-You sessions. You will continue with your mentor group for activities throughout the mentor week, if desired.

Before the semester begins, in late summer, all new students will be called by student-run calling groups from HH and invited to join your program/your student association's Facebook group.

11:00 – 11:30

Introduction to the Master's program in Economics and Administration, M-ØKAD

Where: Elise Ottessen-Jensen House 101, small auditorium

Get to know Associate Dean Ingeborg Foldøy Solli and your study coordinator Anne-Lin Brobakke. We will teach you what you need to know about your studies and show you where you can find important information as a student.

This meeting will be conducted in English.


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Wednesday 14 August

14:00 – 16:00

A joint information session for new international students at UiS.

The meeting is organized by the International Office at UiS.

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for MSc in Business Administration.

Read more about your study programme: MSc in Business Administration. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.


Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Data Science master.

Read more about your study programme: Data Science master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for City and Regional Planning master.

Read more about your study programme: City and Regional Planning master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Computational Engineering master.

Read more about your study programme: Computational Engineering master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Computer Science master.

Read more about your study programme: Computer Science master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Industrial Asset Management master.

Read more about your study programme: Industrial Asset Management master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Environmental Engineering master.

Read more about your study programme: Environmental Engineering master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August

Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Marine and Offshore Technology master.

Read more about your study programme: Marine and Offshore Technology master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Structural and Mechanical Engineering master. Find the timetable for your specialisation by searching for your student number.

Read more about your study programme: Structural and Mechanical Engineering master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Petroleum Engineering master.

Read more about your study programme: Petroleum Engineering master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Risk Analysis master.

Read more about your study programme: Risk Analysis master. There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.


Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Tuesday 13 August

12.15 -15.00

Where: HG N-107

Information meeting for new students in Master in English and Literacy Studies and Introduction Lecture.

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for English and Literacy master.

Read more about your study programme: English and Literacy master There you will find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

Your student association: FIKS

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Wednesday 14 August

10.15 -11.30

Where: HG N-106

Your timetable and curriculum

Your timetable.

Read more about your study programme: Norwegian Language and Culture for international students level 2 and 3 There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

Your student association: FIKS

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Wednesday 14 August

12.15 -13.30

Where: HG N-106

Information meeting for new students.

Your timetable and curriculum

Your timetable.

Read more about your study programme: Norwegian Language and Culture for international students level 3 and 4. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

Your student association: FIKS

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Thursday 15 August

09.00 - 10.30

Where: HG O-103

Information meeting for new students.

Your timetable and curriculum

Read more about your study programme: Norwegian Language and Culture for refugees from the war in Ukraine, level 1 and 2. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

Your student association: FIKS

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Thursday 15 August

11.00 - 12.00

Where: HG O-103

Information meeting for new students (HNO113).

Your timetable and curriculum

Read more about your study programme: Norwegian Language and Culture for refugees from the war in Ukraine, level 3 and 4. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

Your student association: FIKS

See all student associations and organisations.


Monday 12 August


Where:  Eikenessalen Campus Bjergsted

Meet the Buddy leaders of the Faculty of Performing Arts. Remember to sign up for buddy week!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Tuesday 13 August


Where: Eikenessalen

Official opening ceremony at The Faculty of Performing Arts. There will be artistic performances and welcome words.


Where: The foyer and Bjergsted park

Free lunch for students and employees at the faculty.

Wednesday 14 August


Where: Eikenessalen

This is what you need to know to be a student here. What are our information channels, how do I book practice rooms, how do I find my timetable, what duties and rights do I have? The information meeting is in english and is for all new students at one year studies, Bachelor's, extention studies, Master's, PDM, PPU, MPO and incoming exchange students.

At 10.00 the same meeting will be in Norwegian.


Where: Dance Hall 1302

Meet both your fellow students on the Bachelor in Dance and several of the teachers. Information about the academic year that you have in store. Compulsory for all students on the Bachelor in Dance.

Attendance registration.

18.00 - 22.00 - "Student assocation day"

The student assocation FUK invites all students here to campus Bjergted. More information will come from FUK/fadder.

Thursday 15 August


Where: Hetlandsalen

As a new student, it can be overwhelming to know what you are getting into. We will share some tips and good advice to succeed in the first year of study and talk about our expectations of you and the difference between being a pupil and a student. Not least, there is room for your questions. Perhaps you are wondering how to change your GP or vacuum cleaner bag, or where you can find used curriculum literature, gigs or the university's gym. Then you should come to this event!


Where: Dance Hall 1302

Meeting and information about independent project for 3rd class BA dance and those who take this subject after completing the BA.A dans og de som tar dette emnet etter fullført BA.


Where: Eikenessalen

Ingvild Thingnes and Anna Klungre are co-managers of KRA, together with Eduardo Scaramuzza. They are all former students from The Faculty of Performing Arts.

We will talk about our experiences of establishing in Stavanger since graduating from the Faculty of Performing Arts (UiS) in 2018/2021: From being part of separate study groups, to building and participating in a shared community.

Since being part of Kråkeslottet in 2020 and establishing the collective workspace KRA later the same year, we have kept expanding our perception of Stavanger as a cultural city. We have surrounded ourselves with artists from different fields, cultures and lived experiences, and let that influence the way we work and interact with each other. 

We want to talk about how living in smaller cities makes you dependent on expanded communities (and the benefits of it), and how getting involved will get you what you need. We will also discuss how we have come to work with each other as artists, from our respective practices of dance and music, and tap into some of the projects and collaborative work constellations we have been part of. 

As artists, and as managers of an artist-run work-space, we are especially interested in co-creative work, challenging hierarchical work structures and finding ways to make safe and welcoming spaces for artistic practices to thrive. 

Friday 16 August

Choose an activity you want to participate in. All the workshops are open to all students at the faculty and the more people joining, the better it gets!


Where: Dance Hall 1302

Workshop with Hagit Yakira.

Contact Improvisation - by basic exploration of contact work, we will move together - we will push and pull, give and receive weight, fly and land, and create a delicate balance of listening and offering.


Where: Eikenessalen

Workshop choir with dean and conductor Harald Eikaas:
Drop the vitamins and physiotherapy session! Sing a song instead. Several international studies show that singing has an effect on both our mental and physical health!


Where: Hetlandsalen

Jam with teachers from the jazz department, bring your instrument and join in!

Your timetable and curriculum

The timetable for Music Performance master will be available from mid-June.

Read more about your study programme: Music Performance master. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where:  Eikenessalen Campus Bjergsted

Meet the Buddy leaders of the Faculty of Performing Arts ( remember to sign up for buddy week).


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Tuesday 13 August


Where: Eikenessalen

Official opening ceremony at The Faculty of Performing Arts. There will be artistic performances and welcome words.


Where: The foyer and Bjergsted park

Free lunch for students and employees at the faculty.

Wednesday 14 August


Where: Eikenessalen

This is what you need to know to be a student here. What are our information channels, how do I book practice rooms, how do I find my timetable, what duties and rights do I have? The information meeting is in english and is for all new students at one year studies, Bachelor's, extention studies, Master's, PDM, PPU, MPO and incoming exchange students.

At 10.00 the same meeting will be in Norwegian.


Where: Hetlandsalen

Meet both your fellow students in the Jazz department and several of the teachers. Information about the academic year that you have in store. Compulsory for all jazz students.
Attendance registration.


Where: Eikenessalen

Meet both your fellow students in the classical department and several of the teachers. Information about the academic year that you have in store. Compulsory for all classical and church music students.
Attendance registration.


Where: Room 2109 in Building 2

Meet both your fellow students in the conducting department and several of the teachers. Information about the academic year that you have in store. Compulsory for all conducting students .
Attendance registration.

18.00 - 22.00 - "Student assocation day"

The student assocation FUK invites all students here to campus Bjergted. More information will come from FUK/fadder.

Thursday 15 August


Where: Hetlandsalen

As a new student, it can be overwhelming to know what you are getting into. We will share some tips and good advice to succeed in the first year of study and talk about our expectations of you and the difference between being a pupil and a student. Not least, there is room for your questions. Perhaps you are wondering how to change your GP or vacuum cleaner bag, or where you can find used curriculum literature, gigs or the university's gym. Then you should come to this event!


Where: Eikenessalen

Ingvild Thingnes and Anna Klungre are co-managers of KRA, together with Eduardo Scaramuzza. They are all former students from The Faculty of Performing Arts.

We will talk about our experiences of establishing in Stavanger since graduating from the Faculty of Performing Arts (UiS) in 2018/2021: From being part of separate study groups, to building and participating in a shared community.

Since being part of Kråkeslottet in 2020 and establishing the collective workspace KRA later the same year, we have kept expanding our perception of Stavanger as a cultural city. We have surrounded ourselves with artists from different fields, cultures and lived experiences, and let that influence the way we work and interact with each other. 

We want to talk about how living in smaller cities makes you dependent on expanded communities (and the benefits of it), and how getting involved will get you what you need. We will also discuss how we have come to work with each other as artists, from our respective practices of dance and music, and tap into some of the projects and collaborative work constellations we have been part of. 

As artists, and as managers of an artist-run work-space, we are especially interested in co-creative work, challenging hierarchical work structures and finding ways to make safe and welcoming spaces for artistic practices to thrive. 

Friday 16 August

Choose an activity you want to participate in. All the workshops are open to all students at the faculty and the more people joining, the better it gets!


Where: Dance Hall 1302

Workshop with Hait Yakira.

Contact Improvisation - by basic exploration of contact work, we will move together - we will push and pull, give and receive weight, fly and land, and create a delicate balance of listening and offering.


Where: Eikenessalen

Workshop choir with dean and conductor Harald Eikaas:
Drop the vitamins and physiotherapy session! Sing a song instead. Several international studies show that singing has an effect on both our mental and physical health!


Where: Hetlandsalen

Jam with teachers from the jazz department, bring your instrument and join in!

Your timetable and curriculum

The timetable for Music Performance master will be available from mid-June.

Read more about your study programme: Music Performance master. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where:  Eikenessalen Campus Bjergsted

Meet the Buddy leaders of the Faculty of Performing Arts ( remember to sign up for buddy week).


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Tuesday 13 August


Where: Eikenessalen

Official opening ceremony at The Faculty of Performing Arts. There will be artistic performances and welcome words.


Where: The foyer and Bjergsted park

Free lunch for students and employees at the faculty.

Wednesday 14 August


Where: Eikenessalen

This is what you need to know to be a student here. What are our information channels, how do I book practice rooms, how do I find my timetable, what duties and rights do I have? The information meeting is in english and is for all new students at one year studies, Bachelor's, extention studies, Master's, PDM, PPU, MPO and incoming exchange students.

At 10.00 the same meeting will be in Norwegian.


Where: Eikenessalen

Meet both your fellow students in the classical department and several of the teachers. Information about the academic year that you have in store. Compulsory for all classical and church music students.
Attendance registration.


Where: Room 2109 in Building 2

Meet both your fellow students in the conducting department and several of the teachers. Information about the academic year that you have in store. Compulsory for all conducting students .
Attendance registration.

18.00 - 22.00 - "Student assocation day"

The student assocation FUK invites all students here to campus Bjergted. More information will come from FUK/fadder.

Thursday 15 August


Where: Hetlandsalen

As a new student, it can be overwhelming to know what you are getting into. We will share some tips and good advice to succeed in the first year of study and talk about our expectations of you and the difference between being a pupil and a student. Not least, there is room for your questions. Perhaps you are wondering how to change your GP or vacuum cleaner bag, or where you can find used curriculum literature, gigs or the university's gym. Then you should come to this event!


Where: Eikenessalen

Ingvild Thingnes and Anna Klungre are co-managers of KRA, together with Eduardo Scaramuzza. They are all former students from The Faculty of Performing Arts.

We will talk about our experiences of establishing in Stavanger since graduating from the Faculty of Performing Arts (UiS) in 2018/2021: From being part of separate study groups, to building and participating in a shared community.

Since being part of Kråkeslottet in 2020 and establishing the collective workspace KRA later the same year, we have kept expanding our perception of Stavanger as a cultural city. We have surrounded ourselves with artists from different fields, cultures and lived experiences, and let that influence the way we work and interact with each other. 

We want to talk about how living in smaller cities makes you dependent on expanded communities (and the benefits of it), and how getting involved will get you what you need. We will also discuss how we have come to work with each other as artists, from our respective practices of dance and music, and tap into some of the projects and collaborative work constellations we have been part of. 

As artists, and as managers of an artist-run work-space, we are especially interested in co-creative work, challenging hierarchical work structures and finding ways to make safe and welcoming spaces for artistic practices to thrive. 

Friday 16 August

Choose an activity you want to participate in. All the workshops are open to all students at the faculty and the more people joining, the better it gets!


Where: Dance Hall 1302

Workshop with Hagit Yakira.

Contact Improvisation - by basic exploration of contact work, we will move together - we will push and pull, give and receive weight, fly and land, and create a delicate balance of listening and offering.


Where: Eikenessalen

Workshop choir with dean and conductor Harald Eikaas:
Drop the vitamins and physiotherapy session! Sing a song instead. Several international studies show that singing has an effect on both our mental and physical health!


Where: Hetlandsalen

Jam with teachers from the jazz department, bring your instrument and join in!

Your timetable and curriculum

The timetable for Extension Studies in Music Performance will be available from mid-June.

Read more about your study programme: Extension Studies in Music Performance. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where:  Eikenessalen Campus Bjergsted

Meet the Buddy leaders of the Faculty of Performing Arts ( remember to sign up for buddy week).


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Tuesday 13 August


Where: Eikenessalen

Official opening ceremony at The Faculty of Performing Arts. There will be artistic performances and welcome words.


Where: The foyer and Bjergsted park

Free lunch for students and employees at the faculty.

Wednesday 14 August


Where: Eikenessalen

This is what you need to know to be a student here. What are our information channels, how do I book practice rooms, how do I find my timetable, what duties and rights do I have? The information meeting is in english and is for all new students at one year studies, Bachelor's, extention studies, Master's, PDM, PPU, MPO and incoming exchange students.

At 10.00 the same meeting will be in Norwegian.


Where: Ramsland block 8

Meet both your fellow students in musicproduction studies and your teacher. Information about the academic year that you have in store. Compulsory for all MPO students.

Attendance registration.

18.00 - 22.00 - "Student assocation day"

The student assocation FUK invites all students here to campus Bjergted. More information will come from FUK/fadder.

Thursday 15 August


Where: Hetlandsalen

As a new student, it can be overwhelming to know what you are getting into. We will share some tips and good advice to succeed in the first year of study and talk about our expectations of you and the difference between being a pupil and a student. Not least, there is room for your questions. Perhaps you are wondering how to change your GP or vacuum cleaner bag, or where you can find used curriculum literature, gigs or the university's gym. Then you should come to this event!


Where: Eikenessalen

Ingvild Thingnes and Anna Klungre are co-managers of KRA, together with Eduardo Scaramuzza. They are all former students from The Faculty of Performing Arts.

We will talk about our experiences of establishing in Stavanger since graduating from the Faculty of Performing Arts (UiS) in 2018/2021: From being part of separate study groups, to building and participating in a shared community.

Since being part of Kråkeslottet in 2020 and establishing the collective workspace KRA later the same year, we have kept expanding our perception of Stavanger as a cultural city. We have surrounded ourselves with artists from different fields, cultures and lived experiences, and let that influence the way we work and interact with each other. 

We want to talk about how living in smaller cities makes you dependent on expanded communities (and the benefits of it), and how getting involved will get you what you need. We will also discuss how we have come to work with each other as artists, from our respective practices of dance and music, and tap into some of the projects and collaborative work constellations we have been part of. 

As artists, and as managers of an artist-run work-space, we are especially interested in co-creative work, challenging hierarchical work structures and finding ways to make safe and welcoming spaces for artistic practices to thrive. 

Friday 16 August

Choose an activity you want to participate in. All the workshops are open to all students at the faculty and the more people joining, the better it gets!


Where: Dance Hall 1302

Workshop with Hagit Yakira.
Contact Improvisation - by basic exploration of contact work, we will move together - we will push and pull, give and receive weight, fly and land, and create a delicate balance of listening and offering.


Where: Eikenessalen

Workshop choir with dean and conductor Harald Eikaas:
Drop the vitamins and physiotherapy session! Sing a song instead. Several international studies show that singing has an effect on both our mental and physical health!


Where: Hetlandsalen

Jam with teachers from the jazz department, bring your instrument and join in!

Your timetable and curriculum

The timetable for Music Production and Recording will be available from mid-June.

Read more about your study programme: Music Production and Recording. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.


Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Biological Chemistry master.

Read more about your study programme: Biological Chemistry master. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Energy, Reservoir and Earth Sciences master.

Read more about your study programme: Energy, Reservoir and Earth Sciences master. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Where: Tjodhallen, in Kjølv Egeland's house

Welcome to UiS and the Faculty of Science and Technology!


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Tuesday 13 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Wednesday 14 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Thursday 15 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Friday 16 August


Fadder event: Get to know other students!

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Mathematics and Physics master.

Read more about your study programme: Mathematics and Physics master. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Social Sciences

Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Friday 16 August

09.00- 12.00

Where: Foyer Elise Ottsen-Jensens hus

  • 09.15-09.25: Welcome from Head of Department Oluf Langhelle.
  • 09.25-09:30: Welcome from Study Programme Coordinator Liv Sunnercrantz.
  • 09:30-10:00: Presentation of the study programme and staff.
  • 10.15-11:00: Students present themselves.
  • 11.15-11.45: Information from administration, the UiS library and student associations.
  • 11.45-12.00: Sum-up and what will happen next week.

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Energy, Environment and Society master.

Read more about your study programme: Energy, Environment and Society master. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

Monday 12 August


Official semester opening ceremony in the Fadder area.

Thursday 22 August

Time: 10.00- 13.00

Where: Foyer Elise Ottsen-Jensens hus

  • 10:00-10:15: Welcome from the Head of Department Oluf Langhelle  
  • 10:15-10:30: Welcome from the Study Programme Coordinator Raul Ferrer Conill
  • 10:30-11:00: Presentation of study programme and staff                                          
  • 11:00-11:30: Administrative info, student associations (StOr, SiS, and DigSoc) and the University Library 
  • 11:30-12:30: Mingling session               
  • 12:30-12:50: Lunch is served 
  • 12:50-13:00: Concluding remarks 

Your timetable and curriculum

Timetable for Digital Society and Societal Transformations.

Read more about your study programme: Digital Society and Societal Transformations. There you can find your courses, the timetable, and details about exams.

Find your curriculum.

See all student associations and organisations.

How to get started

Get to know UiS