Elin, Linda, and John David at the Stavanger University Library are passionate about research being open and transparent. Each year they help hundreds of researchers with open access, choosing the right journal, and publishing on UiS Publishing Platforms.

Have you ever thought about the importance of open science, also known as open research? It can have major consequences for society and the environment if important data, findings, and research results are hidden behind expensive paywalls.
For far too long, expensive publishers have had a monopoly on the publication of research, and that is why universities all over the world are fighting for more open research.
Employees at the Stavanger University Library help and guide researchers with open access, visibility, and publishing on UiS Publishing Platforms.
Important for the Sustainable Development Goals
Elin Stangeland has worked with open access and publishing for over 20 years. Every day, she works strategically and purposefully towards more transparency. She assists researchers and Ph.D. candidates at UiS.

Open research is an important contribution to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals faster. There are major challenges in the world, and working openly with various research projects will make research accessible to more people. The major challenges can be solved more quickly.
In addition, it is an advantage for the individual researcher and author.
- Researchers need to publish to advance their careers, and it is very positive for your reputation if your research is open and accessible, says Elin.
Helps researchers
John David Didriksen works daily to assist researchers who want to publish on UiS publishing platforms and gives advice on research data and open access.

- The universities in Norway are funded by the public, and I think it is very important that the research is openly available to everyone, says John David.
The goal is for researchers to publish freely and openly.
The staff at UiS collaborate with other universities in Norway and the rest of the world.
Has never been more important
Linda Johnsen supports researchers and answers questions.

- Many researchers find it confusing, and I understand that. There are many requirements and a lot to deal with, and many people want to publish openly because they see that it is important, says Linda.
She gives advice, and holds courses in choosing journals and publishing platforms.
- I collaborate a lot with other universities in Norway and internationally, and everyone is moving in the same direction. There is more and more transparency in research, which is positive for society as a whole, she says.
Why choose open access?
- Open access gives a larger audience access to research results.
- It is a requirement according to Plan S.
- It is beneficial for researchers because it contributes to increased visibility and quality in research.
- The author retains rights to own work.
The library can help you with many steps of the publishing process.
Classes from the library:
Questions about publishing? Contact:
Stavanger University Library