Abit Hoxha

Universitetslektor i samfunnsvitenskap

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E-post: abit.hoxha@uis.no


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth; Paschalidis, Panagiotis; Fiedler, Anke


Producing indefinite drafts of history: Journalists’ roles in historic revisionism in Europe and beyond.

Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism.

ISSN 1464-8849.


DOI: 10.1177/14648849241233381

Nicolaidou, Iolie; Zupancic, Rok; Fiedler, Anke; Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit; Ntaltagianni, Christina; Aivalioti, Maria; Kasapovic, Mak; Milioni, Dimitra


Virtual tours as emerging technologies to engage children and youth with their country’s historical conflicts.

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET).

ISSN 1868-8799.

Volum 17.

Hefte 21.


DOI: 10.3991/ijet.v17i21.32853

Slavtcheva-Petkova, Vera; Ramaprasad, Jyotika; Springer, Nina; Hughes, Sallie; Hanitzsch, Thomas; Hamada, Basyouni; Hoxha, Abit; Steindl, Nina


Conceptualizing Journalists’ Safety around the Globe.

Digital Journalism.

ISSN 2167-0811.

DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2022.2162429

Sweeney, James; Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Transitional Justice and Transitional Journalism: Case-Study on Kosovo.

International Journal of Transitional Justice.

ISSN 1752-7716.

Volum 14.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijaa017

Andresen, Kenneth; Siapera, Eugenia; Fiedler, Anke; Hoxha, Abit; Traunspurger, Julia


Report on the state of the art in the field of memory, conflict and media. Troubled Pasts in Journalistic and Citizen-led Media .

CORDIS, the European Commission's official information service for Research & Development - 'Technology Marketplace'.

DOI: 10.3030/769252

Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


The Development of Roles in Kosovo: From Fixers to Journalists.

Journalism Studies.

ISSN 1461-670X.

Volum 20.

Hefte 12.


DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2019.1639539

Skjerdal, Terje; Josephi, Beate; Hanusch, Folker; Alonso, Martin Oller; Shapiro, Ivor; Andresen, Kenneth; de Beer, Arnold S.; Hoxha, Abit; Moreira, Sonia Virgínia; Rafter, Kevin; Splendore, Sergio; Tandoc, Edson C.


Profiles of journalists: Demographic and employment patterns. I: Worlds of Journalism. Journalistic Cultures Around the Globe.

Columbia University Press.

ISBN 9780231186438.


DOI: 10.7312/hani18642-005

Bøker og kapitler

Zupancic, Rok; Kocan, Faris; Andresen, Kenneth; Bojarska, Katarzyna; Farrell, Seamus; Dacosta, Ricardo; Hoxha, Abit; Fiedler, Anke; Ioannidis, Nikandros; Martin, Irene; Kirk, Niamh; Milioni, Dimitra; Panos, Dionysis; Parades, Marta; Triga, Vasiliki; Rawski, Tomasz; Vucko, Tjasa


Troubled Pasts in Europe.

Bristol University Press.

ISBN 9781529233629.

Andresen, Kenneth; Fiedler, Anke; Siapera, Eugenia; Hoxha, Abit


Troubled pasts and the media.

European Commission.


Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Seminar: Lansering av nytt spill og unik vandretur om andre verdenskrig i Kristiansand.

Seminar (heldags);


Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Du kan få den versjonen av fortiden som passer for deg (Kronikk i Fædrelandsvennen).


ISSN 0805-3790.

Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Unveiling the Dark Secrets: Exploring Kristiansand’s Dark Tourism .

Hoxha, Abit


Dealing with the troubled past in Kosovo and Norway.

Seminar for Kosovos journalistlag;


Hoxha, Abit


USes and abuses of history.



Hoxha, Abit


Media Mapping and Dealing with the Past.

Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


RePAST - findings and lessons learned.

Strengthening European integration through the analysis of conflict discourses_ findings from the RePAST project;


Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Andre verdskrig i Kristiansand blir digitalt formidla.

Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Divided societies and divided past.How journalists deal with the past in Kosovo .

CEEISA-ISA 2019 Joint International Conference, Belgrade;

2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19.

Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Politics of Memory in Post-War Kosovo: Restarting collective memory..

3rd Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association;

2019-07-27 - 2019-09-29.

Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Challenges to freedom of expression and safety of journalists, implementation of rule of law in ending impunity for crimes against journalists & Gender equality in media.

Freedom of Media and Safety of Journalists on World Press Freedom Day;


Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Preliminary results from Kosovo in the Horizon2020 Project RePAST.

Roundtable on Kosovo and BiH for Slovenian policy-makers;


Kunstnerisk produksjon

Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth


Andre verdenskrig i Kristiansand: om valg og verdier. En digital vandretur i sporene fra andre verdenskrig i Kristiansand.

Andresen, Kenneth; Hoxha, Abit


Historiejakten - et dataspill/app om kildekritikk.

Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth


Mørk turisme (Dark Tourism) - et online kurs på 6 uker for reiselivssektoren.

Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth


Mørk turisme (Dark Tourism) - undervisningsopplegg - 10 ukers emne for høyere utdanning innen reiseliv og turisme.

Hoxha, Abit; Andresen, Kenneth; Karsrud, Signe Tørå


Promo for dokumentarfilmen "Five days a human".