Aleksandar Bozic

Førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid

Aleksandar Bozic


Telefon: 51832018


Rom: KA A-263

Sted: Kjell Arholms Hus, Floor 2, Office A-235


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for sosialfag

Kort om meg

Research interests

Social innovation and social services; community-based social work; cross-sector collaboration in service provision, international organisations/NGOs/civil society in social welfare and development; migration and preventive socio-educational interventions.


• PhD degree with a specialisation in Social Work and Sociology, the University of Agder, Norway

• Master's degree in "Communities, Organisations and Social Changes", City University London, Great Britain

• Bachelor’s degree in social work, the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Involvement in international research projects

2022-2025 COST Action: CA 21143 - Transnational family dynamics in Europe 

2018-2023 COST Action: CA 18155 - Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at the School level

2016-2021 COST Action: CA 1611 - International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data

2013-2015 Remigrations and transformations in the post-socialist European region (a collaborative research project among universities/research centres in Austria, Croatia and Germany

2010-2012 Dialogue in Transition, The Research Fellowship, ERSTE Foundation, Austria

Academic and professional experience

• Associate professor, The University of Stavanger, Department of Social Studies; Jan 2023 – ongoing

• Assistant professor, University of Agder, Norway, Department of Social Work and Sociology; Jun-Dec 2022

• PhD Research Fellow, University of Agder, Norway; Department of Social Work and Sociology Feb 2018-May 2022

• Over 9 years of professional experience in social work and social development practice from a transitional context. Experienced in designing, managing, training, monitoring, and evaluating various development social- educational programs and welfare services in the areas of children and young people at risk, peer and gender-based violence prevention, adult mental health and youth / transnational justice.

• Experience gained from work for/collaboration with local welfare organisations, recognized voluntary organisations, public authorities, and international development organisations (UNDP, UNICEF, Save the Children...)

Teaching experience

MSO 290 Intercultural practice (master level; course coordinator and teaching,); The University of Stavanger (autumn- winter semester 2023)

MBA202 Diversity, inclusion and child protection in a multicultural perspective (master level, contributing to teaching); The University of Stavanger (autumn-winter semester 2023)

SO-304 Social work at group and community level (bachelor level, course coordinator and teaching; University of Agder, Norway (autumn-winter semester 2022)

SO-407 Social Work Philosophy and Ethics (master-level, course coordinator and teaching in 2022 and contributing to teaching); The University of Agder, (autumn-winter semesters in 2020, 2021)

SO-408-1 Professional development in social work (master-level, contributing to teaching in semesters in 2020, 2021, 2022) University of Agder, Norway

SV-402-1 Profesjoner og samarbeid (Professions and Cooperation). A guest lecturer at the Master-level course in Sociology and Social Work, University of Agder, Norway (semesters 2020 and 2021)

Social Work with Individuals, Guest lecture, the department of Social Work, The University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia (online Dec. 2020)

Publication list

• Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, E., Bozic, A., Støen, J., Ucar, S., Resuli, V. and Mocanu, A. (2023) How do National Antibullying Programs Target Migrant Children and Youths: An Empirical Analysis of Five European Countries (COST Action, special issue, forthcoming)

• Bozic, A. and Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, E. (2023) International Organisations, NGOs and Evidence-Based Programmes in Preventing School Violence and Bullying. Bildung und Erziehung, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage (Forthcoming, Special issue).

• Bozic, A. (2022). Social Services, Social Innovation and Multi-Actor Collaboration: A Civil Society Organisation Perspective. University of Agder.

• Bozic, A. (2022) Unpacking social innovation by non-state service providers in the challenging social work practice, Comparative Social Work Journal, 17(2), 4–28.

• Bozic, A. (2021) Social innovation in a post-conflict setting: examining external factors affecting social service NGOs, Development Studies Research, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 170-180

• Bozic, A. (2020) Global trends in a fragile context: public–nonpublic collaboration, service delivery and social innovation, Social Enterprise Journal, Volume 17, Issue 2

Bozic, A. (2018) Transitioning Back: Re-migration of Tertiary-Educated Bosnians with Experience of International Academic Mobility, in Horstein-Tomic, C., Scholl Schneider, S. and Pichler, R. (eds.) Remigration and post-socialist Transformation, ERSTE Foundation Series/LIT Verlag

• Bozic, A. (2018) Manual for the application of the Family Group Conference model in educational settings in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Early preventive program of support and protection of children, youth and families at risk (Published in Serbian/Bosnian language). IN Foundation and UNICEF BiH. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.18914.79043

• Bozic, A., Ivanovic, B. and Tadic-Lesko, K. (2017) Public-Professional Conference "Family Group Conference - Contemporary Model of Support to Family at Risk”, Annual Meeting of the European Family Group Conference Network, Croatian journal of social policy, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 111-113

• Bozic, A. (2017) Family group conference- Innovative model of support for children, youth and families at risk in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Five years programme implementation assessment report, In Foundation. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11740.18563

• Bozic, A. (2015) International Mobility and Knowledge Flow: Experiences of Young Experts, Upon Return to BiH Following Completion of Postgraduate Studies Abroad, In: Emirhafizović, M., Valenta, M., Kostic, R., Ćosić. E., and Babić, B. (eds.) Migrations in the Function of Development, Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees (Department for Diaspora), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 35-48

• Bozic, A. (2012) A Two-Way Ticket: Return Migration of Tertiary (Post) Graduates as a Potential Channel of the Gain Brain Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERSTE Foundation Research Fellowship, Austria (peer-reviewed).

• Bozic, A. (2012) Good practices and lessons learned in the application of the index for inclusion methodology in elementary schools in Republika Srpska, Program evaluation report, Save the Children. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3745.3609

• Bozic, A. and Atanackovic, R. (2011) A study on the stigma and discrimination against mental health service users (written in Bosnian/Serbian language), Udruzenje Zajedno

• Bozic, A. (2010) The Influence of The Third Sector in Changing Welfare System and Shaping Social Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Journal Social Policy and Social Work in Transition, EU-Tempus ‘ACES’, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom, Volume 1, issue 2, pp.75-87


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Støen, Janne; Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Eveline; Ucar, Sedat; Bozic, Aleksandar; Resuli, Vebina; Mocanu, Angela; Fandrem, Hildegunn


Cross-National legal frameworks relating to school bullying and migration in six countries . I: International Perspectives on Migration, Bullying, and School : Implications for School, Refugees and Migrants.


ISBN 9781003439202.


DOI: 10.4324/9781003439202-6

Bozic, Aleksandar; Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Eveline


International Organisations, NGOs, and Evidence-Based Programmes in Preventing School Violence and Bullying.

Bildung und Erziehung.

ISSN 0006-2456.

Volum 76.

Hefte 3.


Bozic, Aleksandar


Unpacking social innovation by nonstate service providers in the challenging social work practice.

Journal of Comparative Social Work.

ISSN 0809-9936.

Volum 17.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.31265/jcsw.v17.i2.416

Bozic, Aleksandar


Social innovation in a post-conflict setting: examining external factors affecting social service NGOs.

Development Studies Research.

ISSN 2166-5095.

Volum 8.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1080/21665095.2021.1950020

Bozic, Aleksandar


Transitioning Back: Remigration of tertiary-educated Bosnians with experience of international academic mobility. I: Remigration to Post-Socialist Europe.

LIT Verlag.

ISBN 978-3-643-91025-7.


Bozic, Aleksandar


International mobility and the flow of knowledge: Experiences of young experts on the return to BIH upon the completion of postgraduate studies abroad. I: Migrations in the Function of Development.

ISBN 978-9958-522-25-3.


Bozic, Aleksandar


The Market and Institutional Value Attachments toSustainable Return of Human Capital to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Journal of Identity and Migration Studies.

ISSN 1843-5610.

Bozic, Aleksandar


The Influence of the Third Sector in Changing the Welfare System and Shaping Social Policy In Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Social Policy and Social Work in Transition.

ISSN 1987-8710.

Volum 1.

Hefte 2.


Bøker og kapitler

Bozic, Aleksandar


Social Services, Social Innovation and Multi-Actor Collaboration: A Civil Society Organisation Perspective.

Universitetet i Agder.

ISBN 978-82-8427-093-7.

Bozic, Aleksandar


Family Group Conference – Innovative model of support for children, youth and families at risk in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Bozic, Aleksandar


Community Social Work and Civil Society Service Provision: The Role of Third Sector Organization and Social Environment.

Lecture and training seminar organised by Department of Social Science and Postgraduate studies ;


Bozic, Aleksandar


Family Group Confernece - A Community Based Approach .

Seminar at Hargeisa University, Somalialand - Erasmus mobility project;

2024-05-01 - 2024-05-02.

Bozic, Aleksandar


Family Group Conference: Children participation and intercultural perspective.

Transnational childhoods in Europe summer school 2024. Odisee University of Applied Science, Brussels, Belgium;

2024-06-26 - 2024-06-27.

Bozic, Aleksandar


School Bullying and Migration: Trends, Interventions and Evidence.

Transnational childhoods in Europe summer school 2024 . Odisee University of Applied Science, Brussels, Belgium;

2024-06-26 - 2024-06-27.

Bozic, Aleksandar


How do National Antibullying Programs Target Migrant Children and Youths: An Empirical Analysis of Five European Countries .

International Conference MIGREL (Migration, Religious, Intercultural Relations);

2023-06-14 - 2023-06-16.

Bozic, Aleksandar


Social innovation in the nexus between communities and civil society organisations .

Research Seminar - "RESILIENT" project in East Africa;


Støen, Janne; Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Eveline; Ucar, Sedat; Bozic, Aleksandar; Resuli, Vebina; Mocanu, Angela; Fandrem, Hildegunn


Cross-National Legal Frameworks Relating to School Bullying and Migration: An Empirical Analysis of Six European Countries .

International Conference by VID Specialized University;


Bozic, Aleksandar; Oltedal, Siv


Professional work in the balance between care and control.

Journal of Comparative Social Work.

ISSN 0809-9936.

Volum 18.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.31265/jcsw.v18i2.712

Bozic, Aleksandar


Civil Society and Social Services: Social Innovation in the Context of Fragility.

14th ISTR International Conference 2021 ;

2021-07-12 - 2021-07-15.

Bozic, Aleksandar


Social Innovations: Opportunities and Challenges for Civil Society Organizations in BiH.

Bozic, Aleksandar


Socijalni rad sa pojedincima: Pristup zasnovan na snagama (engl. Social Work with individuals: The strength based approach).

Bachelor level course;


Bozic, Aleksandar


The role of CSOs in developing innovative solutions to social challenges in a less innovative environment.

ISIRC2019 Social Innovation: Local solution to global challenges;

2019-09-02 - 2019-09-04.

Bozic, Aleksandar


Reshaping Social Welfare Services In a Turbulent Society-A Time For Social Innovation?.

European Conference for Social Wok Research 2019 (ECSWR);

2019-04-10 - 2019-04-12.

Bozic, Aleksandar


You should do a PhD in Norway. Here’s why..

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Bozic, Aleksandar


Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Suvey Registry: All metadata records.