Anders Tranberg

Professor i teoretisk fysikk

Anders Tranberg


Telefon: 51831859


Rom: KE E-539


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for matematikk og fysikk

Kort om meg

I work on classical and quantum field phenomena in Particle Physics and Cosmology. My primary focus is Baryogenesis in the Early Universe, Inflation and Preheating, Topological Defects and the development of out-of-equilibrium field theory methods. Much of my research involves High-Performance Computing, in addition to analytical calculations and model-building. 

Current research projects include: 

Real-time quantum field theory methods (Lefshez thimbles, the Classical-Statistical formalism, 2PI). In collaboration with Paul Saffin, Zonggang Mou, Peter Millington, University of Nottingham.

Quantum field effects in the very early Universe (Corrections to inflaton dynamics, curvaton models). In collaboration with Magdalena Eriksson, Jen Oluf Andersen, NTNU.

First order phase transition dynamics in the Early Universe (Bubble nucleation, bubble dynamics, baryogenesis, gravitational waves). In collaboration with Gerhard Ungersbäck.

Short bio:

Master of Science, University of Copenhagen (Niels Bohr Institute), 2000. -- Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, 2000-2004. -- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sussex, University of Cambridge, University of Oulu, University of Helsinki, 2004-2010. -- Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen 2010-2012. -- Full Professor, University of Stavanger, 2013 -- 



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Tranberg, Anders; Ungersbäck, Gerhard


Four results on out-of-equilibrium 2PI simulations in 3+1 dimensions.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2025.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2025)201

Xie, Qi-Xin; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders; Zhou, Shuang-Yong


Quantum corrected Q-ball dynamics.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2024.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2024)165

Tranberg, Anders; Ungersbäck, Gerhard


Quantum tachyonic preheating, revisited.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 76.

Hefte 5.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2024)128

Chandrababu Geetha, Divyarani; Tranberg, Anders


Instabilities of perturbations in some homogeneous color-electric and -magnetic backgrounds in SU(2) gauge theory.

Physical Review D.

ISSN 2470-0010.

Volum 109.

Hefte 11.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.114033

Andersen, Jens Oluf; Eriksson, Magdalena Britt; Tranberg, Anders


Stochastic inflation from quantum field theory and the parametric dependence of the effective noise amplitude.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2022.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2022)121

Woodward, Simon; Saffin, Paul M.; Mou, Zonggang; Tranberg, Anders


Optimisation of Thimble simulations and quantum dynamics of multiple fields in real time.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2022.

Hefte 10.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2022)082

Tranberg, Anders; Ungersbäck, Gerhard


Bubble nucleation and quantum initial conditions in classical statistical simulations.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2022)206

Andersen, Jens Oluf; Eriksson, Magdalena Britt; Tranberg, Anders


Quantum corrections to slow-roll inflation: scalar and tensor modes.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2021.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2021)273

Mou, Zong-Gang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Simulations of a bubble wall interacting with an electroweak plasma.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2021.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2021)189

Millington, Peter; Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Statistics on Lefschetz thimbles: Bell/Leggett-Garg inequalities and the classical-statistical approximation.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2021.

Hefte 3.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2021)077

Caprini, Chiara; Chala, Mikael; Dorsch, Glauber C.; Hindmarsh, Mark; Huber, Stephan J.; Konstandin, Thomas; Kozaczuk, Jonathan; Nardini, Germano; No, Jose Miguel; Rummukainen, Kari; Schwaller, Pedro; Servant, Geraldine; Tranberg, Anders; Weir, David J.


Detecting gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions with LISA: an update.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP).

ISSN 1475-7516.

DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/03/024

Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders; Woodward, Simon


Real-time quantum dynamics, path integrals and the method of thimbles.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2019.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2019)094

Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Quantum tunnelling, real-time dynamics and Picard-Lefschetz thimbles.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2019.

Hefte 11.


DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2019)135

Andersen, Jens Oluf; Gorda, Tyler; Helset, Andreas; Niemi, Lauri; Tenkanen, Tuomas V.I.; Tranberg, Anders; Vuorinen, Aleksi; Weir, David J.


Nonperturbative analysis of the electroweak phase transition in the two Higgs doublet model.

Physical Review Letters.

ISSN 0031-9007.

Volum 121.

Hefte 19.


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.191802

Tranberg, Anders; Tahtinen, Sara; Weir, David James


Gravitational waves from non-Abelian gauge fields at a tachyonic transition.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP).

ISSN 1475-7516.

Volum 2018.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2018/04/012

Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Simulations of cold electroweak baryogenesis: dependence on the source of CP-violation.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2018)197

Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: quench from portal coupling to new singlet field.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2018)103

Brauner, Tomas; Tenkanen, Tuomas; Tranberg, Anders; Vuorinen, Aleksi; Weir, David James


Dimensional reduction of the Standard Model coupled to a new singlet scalar field.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 03.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2017)007

Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tognarelli, Paul; Tranberg, Anders


Simulations of "tunnelling of the 3rd kind".

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2017.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2017)015

Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: finding the optimal quench time.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2017.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2017)010

Mou, Zonggang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: hypercharge U(1) and the creation of helical magnetic fields.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2017.

Hefte 6.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2017)075

Herranen, Matti; Hohenegger, Andreas; Osland, Asgeir; Tranberg, Anders


Quantum corrections to inflation: the importance of RG-running and choosing the optimal RG-scale.

Physical Review D.

ISSN 2470-0010.

Volum 95.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.023525

Andersen, Jens Oluf; Naylor, William; Tranberg, Anders


Phase diagram of QCD in a magnetic field.

Reviews of Modern Physics.

ISSN 0034-6861.

Volum 88.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.88.025001

Damgaard, P.H.; Haarr, Anders; O'Connell, D.; Tranberg, Anders


Effective field theory and electroweak baryogenesis in the singlet-extended Standard Model.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2016.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2016)107

D'Onofrio, Michela; Rummukainen, Kari; Tranberg, Anders


Physical parameters of the electroweak crossover.

Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings.

ISSN 2405-6014.

Volum 273-275.


DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.09.392

Andersen, Jens Oluf; Naylor, William; Tranberg, Anders


Inverse magnetic catalysis and regularization in the quark-meson model.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2015.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2015)042

Rose, Lerner; Tranberg, Anders


Thermal Blocking of Preheating.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP).

ISSN 1475-7516.

Volum April.

DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2015/04/014

Mou, Zong-Gang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Cold Baryogenesis from first principles in the two-Higgs doublet model with fermions.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2015.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2015)163

Herranen, Matti; Osland, Asgeir; Tranberg, Anders


Quantum corrections to inflaton dynamics: The semiclassical approach and the semiclassical limit.

Physical Review D.

ISSN 1550-7998.

Volum 92:083530.

Hefte 8.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.083530

Andersen, Jens Oluf; Naylor, William; Tranberg, Anders


Chiral and deconfinement transitions in a magnetic background using the functional renormalization group with the Polyakov loop.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2014.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)187

Tranberg, Anders; Weir, David J.


On the quantum stability of Q-balls.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2014.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)184

Herranen, Matti; Markkanen, Tommi; Tranberg, Anders


Quantum corrections to scalar field dynamics in a slow-roll space-time.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2014.

Hefte 5.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2014)026

Saffin, Paul M.; Tognarelli, Paul; Tranberg, Anders


Oscillon Lifetime in the Presence of Quantum Fluctuations.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 2014.

Hefte 8.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2014)125

D'Onofrio, Michela; Rummukainen, Kari; Tranberg, Anders


Sphaleron Rate in the Minimal Standard Model.

Physical Review Letters.

ISSN 0031-9007.

Volum 113.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.141602

Markkanen, Tommi; Tranberg, Anders


A simple method for one-loop renormalization in curved space-time.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP).

ISSN 1475-7516.

Hefte 8.

DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2013/08/045

Mou, Zong-Gang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tranberg, Anders


Ensemble fermions for electroweak dynamics and the fermion preheating temperature.

Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP).

ISSN 1126-6708.

Volum 97.

Hefte 11.

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)097

Damgaard, Poul H.; O'Connell, Donal; Petersen, Troels C.; Tranberg, Anders


Constraints on New Physics from Baryogenesis and Large Hadron Collider Data.

Physical Review Letters.

ISSN 0031-9007.

Volum 111.

Hefte 22.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.221804

Bøker og kapitler

Hetland, Bjarte


Gravitational waves from tachyonic preheating.

Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland; Tranberg, Anders; Paulsen, Elisabeth Stornes; Grønli, John Charles; Puttkamer, Norbert


Balansert Rekruttering. Rapport fra arbeidsgruppa "Rekruttering av kvinner til faste stillinger på TN".

Universitetet i Stavanger.


Tranberg, Anders


Dark Energy.

Stavanger Astronomiske Forening;

2024-11-20 - .

Tranberg, Anders


What you should know about the Universe.

Skolebesøk, Bamble vgs;

2024-05-28 - .

Tranberg, Anders


The first second after the Big Bang.

Realfagsdagene, NTNU;

2024-03-14 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Realtime simulations on the lattice: Quantum, Classical and In-between.

Lattice 2024, Liverpool;

2024-08-01 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Quantum simulations of tachyonic preheating.

npact2024, NTNU;

2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.

Tranberg, Anders


Computing first order phase transitions, numerically.

Nordic meeting on Gravitational Waves;

2024-05-23 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Q-ball dynamics.

Stavanger NPACT seminar;

2024-02-06 - .

Tranberg, Anders; van Dongen, Jeroen; Bomark, Nils-Erik


Wonderful World: Lone Genius or Community Effort (moderator)..

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-05-30 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; van Dongen, Jeroen


Wonderful World: Black Holes (moderator).

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-05-30 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Bomark, Nils-Erik; van Dongen, Jeroen


Wonderful World: History of Concepts in Quantum Mechanics (moderator).

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-05-30 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Tuxen, Johanne Pontoppidan; Vuorela, Mikkel


Wonderful World: Verdens superkræfter: En vild historie om energi og civilisation (moderator).

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-05-31 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Bringmann, Torsten; Ravanis, Julia


Wonderful World: Dark Matter (moderator).

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-05-31 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Hervik, Sigbjørn; Copeland, Edmund


Wonderful World: Dark Energy (moderator).

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-06-01 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Strumke, Inga; Quilez, Alvaro Fernandez


Wonderful World: The Science of AI (moderator).

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-06-01 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Kvellestad, Anders; Raklev, Are


Wonderful World: Partikkelfysikk Q&A.

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-06-01 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Wonderful World: Nuclear Now .

Wonderful World Festival, 2024;

2024-06-02 - .

Enquist, Kari; Tranberg, Anders; Hellstrand, Ingvil ; Tuxen, Johanne Pontoppidan


Science and the human experience.

Science and the human experience;


Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om Universet.


2023-04-19 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om Universet.

Skolebesøg, Skeisvang vgs;

2023-03-27 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide omfysik og matematik ved UiS!.

Besøg fra Sola vgs, 2023;

2023-03-15 - .

Tranberg, Anders


What you should know about relativity!.

Skolebesøg, Sandnes vgs;

2023-02-02 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om relativitetsteori!.

Skolebesøg, Sandnes vgs;

2023-02-09 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Particle physics after the Higgs..

Skolebesøg, Sandnes vgs;

2023-01-26 - .

Tranberg, Anders


What you should know about the Universe!.

Skolebesøg, Bamble vgs.;

2023-01-25 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Lidt om Universet..

Skolebesøg, Luxembourg International School;

2023-06-21 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Real time quantum dynamics from generalised Lefshetz Thimbles.

Nordic Lattice Meeting 2023;

2023-06-07 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Hervik, Sigbjørn; Wehus, Ingunn Kathrine; Nielsen, Alex Bentley


Q&A - Generell relativitet og interstellar vitenskap.

Wonderful World -nordisk festival for filosofi og vitenskap ;

2023-06-01 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Raklev, Are; Kvellestad, Anders


Q&A - Kvantemekanikken – mystisk og sann!.

Wonderful World -nordisk festival for filosofi og vitenskap ;

2023-06-03 - .

Tranberg, Anders; Bjørkum, Per Arne


Kreativitet i Vitenskapens Historie, hva kan vi lære?.

Wonderful World -nordisk festival for filosofi og vitenskap;

2023-06-03 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Real time quantum dynamics on the lattice and generalised Lefshetz thimbles.

Maynooth University;


Tranberg, Anders


Real time quantum dynamics on the lattice and generalised Lefshetz thimbles.

Carnegie Mellon University, Physics Seminar;


Tranberg, Anders


Real time quantum dynamics on the lattice and generalised Lefshetz thimbles.

Nordic Lattice Meeting;


Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om Universet.

Vgs Besøg fra Odense/Sct Knuds.;


Tranberg, Anders


Dark Matter.

Stavanger Astronomiske Forening, foredrag;


Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I som Naturfagslærere bør vide om Universet.

Besøg, Lærere på StSvithun vgs, Stavanger;


Tranberg, Anders


What you should know about the Universe.

Besøg, Bamble vgs;


Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om Universet.

Besøg, Arendal vgs;


Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om Universet.

Besøg, Skeisvang vgs;


Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and What are we looking for at the LHC@CERN.

Besøg, Edvard Munch vgs;


Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Particle Physics.

Besøg, Edvard Munch vgs, ;


Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Particle Physics.

Besøg, Spjelkavik vgs,;


Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Particle Physics.

Besøg, Fyrstikkalleens vgs;


Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Mechanics, Relativity and Particle Physics.

Besøg, Sandnes vgs;


Tranberg, Anders


What you need to know about the Universe.

Besøg, Sandnes vgs;


Tranberg, Anders


Quarks, Gluons and Gravitons: On the hottest matter in the Universe.

ViS/NTVA seminar;


Tranberg, Anders; Lurås, Inger Johanne; Jakobsen, Mette Mo; Siqveland, Arvid; Gjesteland, Thomas


New Guidelines for the National Curriculum Regulations for Engineering Education in Norway(with emphasis on Mathematics) .

SEFI conference, UiA, 17-18 June 2021;



Bubbles, Baryons and Gravitational Waves.

CP3-Origins 10 year anniversary meeting;

2019-05-21 - .

Tranberg, Anders


A complex path to quantum realtime dynamics.

3rd NPACT meeting, Oslo;

2019-08-05 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Welcome to the Physics Lab.

Åpen Dag, UiS;

2019-03-05 - .

Tranberg, Anders


How the Universe Actually Works!.

Byarkivet Event, Stavanger;

2019-06-12 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Particles and Waves.

Visit International School of Stavanger;

2019-06-06 - .

Tranberg, Anders


The Big Bang.

Norwegian Astronomical Society, Stavanger Astronomical society, Anniversary;

2019-10-19 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Matematikk & Fysikk: What, Why and How?.

Visit, Kongsgård vgs.;

2019-02-08 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Mathematics and Physics and the University of Stavanger.

Visit St Svithun vgs.;

2019-03-25 - .

Tranberg, Anders


How the Universe Actually Works!.

Kunnskapstørst seminar series;

2019-02-07 - .

Tranberg, Anders


The Electroweak Phase Transition Near the Standard Model.

Conference on Strong and Electroweak Matter;

2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29.

Tranberg, Anders


Cold Baryogenesis: Classical and quantum fields on the lattice.



Tranberg, Anders


Quantum mechanics, relativity and particle physics.

Besøg Dalane vgs til UiS;


Tranberg, Anders


At "Se" Partikler.

Besøg Haugaland vgs til UiS;


Tranberg, Anders


Matematikk & Fysikk:. What, How and Why?.

Besøg Randaberg vgs til UiS;


Tranberg, Anders


CERN physics.

Besøg Sandnes vgs til UiS;


Tranberg, Anders


CERN physics.

Besøg Sandnes vgs til UiS;


Tranberg, Anders


Gravitational waves.

Forkurs for ingeniørfag, nationalt møde, UiS;

2018-09-13 - 2018-09-14.

Tranberg, Anders


The Electroweak Phase Transition Beyond the Standard Model.

Nordic Particle Physics Meeting, Spaatind/Gausdal;

2018-01-02 - 2018-01-07.

Tranberg, Anders


Baryogenesis near the Standard Model.

Second Annual NPACT meeting;

2018-05-28 - 2018-05-31.

Andersen, Jens Oluf; Tranberg, Anders


Intervju om konferansen Strong and Electroweak Matter 2016 arrangert i Stavanger (UiS).

Tranberg, Anders


The matter/antimatter asymmetry, (e)LISA and the LHC.


2016-11-11 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Baryogenesis at the Electroweak Scale.


2016-04-13 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Beyond the Standard Models.

Foredrag, Vitenfabrikken, Sandnes;

2016-04-03 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Gravitationsbølger fra Big Bang.

Foredrag, Stavanger Astronomiske Forening.;

2016-09-14 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Dark Matters that Matter..

Fagdag for fysiklærere/UiS;

2016-11-15 - .

Tranberg, Anders


LHC@Cern kører igen: Hvad leder vi efter, og hvordan ved vi, når vi har fundet det?.

UiS Åpen Dag, 2016;

2016-03-08 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Invited Talk: Electroweak baryogenesis: can we compute a number for the baryon asymmetry (and what is it…)?".

Dutch Cosmology Seminar;

2015-05-08 - .

Tranberg, Anders


"Hvorfor er Universet ikke tomt?".

Foredrag, Arkæologisk Museum, Stavanger;

2015-02-24 - .

Tranberg, Anders


LHC@CERN kører igen: Hvad leder vi efter, og hvordan ved vi, når vi har fundet det?.

UiS Åpen Dag, 2015;

2015-03-10 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om Universet.

Besøg på Hetland vgs;

2015-02-04 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om Universet.

Besøg, Kongsgård vgs;

2015-02-23 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I bør vide om partikelfysik.

Besøg, Sandnes vgs;

2015-02-09 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Universets tre grundstoffer.

Besøg, St. Olav vgs;

2015-02-10 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Astronomi/Hvorfor er Universet ikke tomt?.

Gassco seminar;

2015-05-22 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad vi (ikke) ved om: Universet og dets historie.

NRK Kunnskapskanalen;

2015-05-23 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Quantum corrections to inflaton dynamics.

HEP Seminar, TU Munchen;

2015-11-26 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Corrections During Inflation.

Strong and Electroweak Matter 2014;

2014-08-14 - 2014-08-18.

Tranberg, Anders


Hva vi (ikke) vet om: Universet og dets historie.

Forskningsdagene i Stavanger 2014;

2014-09-23 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Higgspartiklen og partikelfysikkens Standard Model: Ved vi nu alting om alting?.

Åpent Universitet, UiS;

2014-09-28 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Universets historie: det vi ved, vi ved, og det vi ved, vi ikke ved.

Åpent Universitet, UiS;

2014-09-28 - .

Tranberg, Anders



Event på Vitenfabrikken, Sandnes.;

2014-01-21 - 2014-02-01.

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I Bør Vide om Universet.

Besøg på Sandnes vgs;

2014-02-19 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I Bør Vide Om Partikelfysik.

Besøg på Hetland vgs;

2014-01-20 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Hvad I Bør Vide om Astronomi/Universet.

Besøg Randaberg vgs;

2014-11-03 - .

Tranberg, Anders


4 ting vi ikke ved om Universet.

Besøg af St. Olav vgs;

2014-02-18 - .

Tranberg, Anders



Forelæsning ved Stavanger Astronomiske Forening;

2014-08-27 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Forskar på universets første sekund.

Tranberg, Anders



Guest lecture in vgs, Fys 1/2;

2013-04-19 - .

Tranberg, Anders



Guest lecture, Stavanger Astronomiske Forening;

2013-03-20 - .

Tranberg, Anders


The Higgs Particle (Nobel Prize in Physics 2013).

TekNat Thursday Seminar;

2013-11-01 - .

Tranberg, Anders



TekNat Torsdagsseminar;

2013-03-01 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Stand-up Fysik: Vand som partikeldetektor.

Forskningsdagene i Stavanger 2013;

2013-09-26 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Higgs Partiklen.

Fagdag for fysiklærere/;

2013-11-13 - .

Tranberg, Anders


Quantum Corrections to Inflaton Dynamics.

Workshop on Cosmological Perturbations;

2013-06-05 - .

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Tranberg, Anders; Weir, David James; Haarr, Anders; Ricciardone, Angelo; Hohenegger, Andreas; Brauner, Tomas


Particle Physics and Cosmology.

Particle Physics and Cosmology.