Avishek Lahiri

Postdoktor i markedsføring

Avishek Lahiri


Telefon: 51831575

E-post: avishek.lahiri@uis.no

Sted: Elise Ottesen-Jensens hus


Handelshøgskolen UiS

Avd. for innovasjon, led. og mark.føring

Kort om meg

Academic Role

Postdoctoral Fellow in Marketing, University of Stavanger, Norway

Educational Background

PhD in Marketing from Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA

Thesis: Freelance Orientation in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Labor Platforms

MSc in International Management from ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain

Dual degree – CEMS Master in International Management, CEMS Exchange School: Richard Ivey School of Business, London, Canada   

Master in Business Administration (Marketing Specialization), IBS Business School, Kolkata, India

Bachelor of Commerce [Accountancy Honors], Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration, Kolkata, India


Field: Empirical Marketing Strategy

Substantive Interests
  • Digital platforms business models

  • Sharing economy

  • Impact of technology adoption on frontline customer-facing employees

Methodological Competencies
  • Econometric Models

  • Field/Online Experiments

  • Survey Design

  • Qualitative methods - Interviews, Theory Building, Extended Case Study Development


“Engaging Customers in the App World through Smart Analytics' (with V. Kumar and Orhan Bahadir Dogan), Journal of World Marketing Summit, 2(1), October 2016”

“A Strategic Framework for a Profitable Business Model in the Sharing Economy (with V. Kumar and Orhan Bahadir Dogan), Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 69, February 2018, Pages 147-160”

Working Papers

“Elevating Marketing Performance in Ridesharing through a Variable Incentive Scheme: A Field Experiment” (with V. Kumar and Orhan Bahadir Dogan)

“Effect of Categorization of Organizational Reputation on Organizational Outcome: A Higher Education Perspective” (with V. Kumar and Ankit Anand)

“Value Network Governance Mechanisms: Transaction and Innovation Platforms” (with Kenneth Wathne and Øystein Fjeldstad)


Co-instructor: Principles of Marketing

Co-instructor: Business Models, Marketing Strategy, and Analytics

Instructor: Research Design


“A discrete experiment to measure willingness to pay for online social media platforms when transitioning from strictly peer-to-peer to layered services.”

“Mapping value network business models in innovation platforms: Case of Q&A platforms”

“Mapping value network business models in transaction platforms: Case of digital payment platforms”


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Anand, Ankit; Kumar, V.; Lahiri, Avishek


Categorization of organizational reputation and subordinate organizations' global funding outcome: A higher education perspective.

Industrial Marketing Management.

ISSN 0019-8501.

Volum 116.


DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.11.009

Doğan, Orhan Bahadır; Kumar, V.; Lahiri, Avishek


Platform-level consequences of performance-based commission for service providers: Evidence from ridesharing.

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

ISSN 0092-0703.

Volum 52.

DOI: 10.1007/s11747-024-01005-0

Lahiri, Avishek; Dogan, Orhan Bahadir; Doğan, Orhan Bahadır; Kumar, V.


Nurturing resource availability of ridesharing platforms by priming goal-oriented operational effectiveness.

Journal of Business Research.

ISSN 0148-2963.

Volum 168.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114121


Lahiri, Avishek


Freelance Orientation in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Labor Platforms.

Frontiers in Service Conference;

2023-06-15 - 2023-06-18.

Lahiri, Avishek


Freelance Orientation in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Labor Platforms.

EMAC Conference;

2023-05-23 - 2023-05-26.