Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen

professor i kjønnsforskning

Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen


Telefon: 51832868

E-post: elisabeth.l.engebretsen@uis.no

Rom: EAL H-130

Sted: EAL


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag

Kort om meg

Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen is a Professor at the UiS Centre for Gender Studies and an affiliated researcher with the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality, University of Amsterdam (since 2014). At the UiS, Elisabeth acts as the director of the Research Group on Populism, Anti-Gender and Populism, serves as Study Programme Director (studieprogramleder) at the Centre for Gender Studies, and teaches and convenes the combined BA and MA courses Global Sexualities: Theories, Methodologies, Practices (GEN370, GEN570) and Kjønn, kultur og samfunn: Introduksjon til kjønnsstudier (GEN340, GEN540)

Elisabeth received a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2008, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) and a Chevening Scholarship. The published monograph deriving from the dissertation project, Queer Women in Urban China: An Ethnography (Routledge, 2014), was awarded the 2014 Ruth Benedict Book Award Honorable Mention by the Association for Queer Anthropology, American Anthropological Association. Elisabeth is co-editor of the anthologies Queer/Tongzhi China: New perspectives on research, activism, and media cultures (NIAS Press/University of Hawaii Press, 2015; with William F. Schroeder, Hongwei Bao), Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe (Routledge, 2023; with Mia Liinason), and a special issue of lambda nordica on Anti-Gender Politics and Queer Theory (2022; with Erika Alm). The anthology Feminist Activism in the Post-2010s Sinosphere is forthcoming with Bloomsbury (co-edited with Jinyan Zeng), and Elisabeth has contributed a chapter on queer climate justice to the forthcoming anthology Queer and Trans Life: Anthropological Futures (Berghahn, 2025). Elisabeth’s writing has appeared in journals such as Sexualities, NORA - Nordic Journal of Gender and Feminist Research, American Anthropologist, Sexuality Research & Social Policy, Ethnos, lambda nordica, Scholar & Feminist Online, and UNIPED: Tidsskrift for universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk.

Before joining the UiS in 2018, Elisabeth held lectureships at McGill University’s Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, Shandong University’s Department of Anthropology, Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo, and research fellowships at Duke University’s Department of Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, and the International Institute for Asian Studies at Leiden University.

Elisabeth’s current research is concerned with democratic challenges, far-right extremist movements, populism, and queer and trans theorizing; critical approaches to Pride politics in contemporary Norway and transnationally, modern queer history in Norway and Nordic Europe with specific focus on gender and the 1980s-1990s period, queer climate justice, and feminist and queer activism in the post-2010s Sinosphere. Longstanding topical research and supervision interests include feminist and queer ethnography, queer-feminist research methodology and learning pedagogy, transnational gender and sexual diversities, anti-gender politics and reactionary, populist movements, the global politics of academic freedom, and environmental and climate justice.

Current and Recent Research Projects:

In 2013, Elisabeth co-founded the European Network for Queer Anthropology, an official network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA). She founded and currently coordinates Skeiv Forskningsgruppe (Queer Research Group), a national network for students and researchers engaging in queer research broadly defined. Elisabeth is a board member of the UiS-based Research School in Politics and Society (POL-SOC), and a member of the International Advisory Board of The future of democracy: Cultural analyses of illiberalism in times of crises (FUDEM, coordinated by University of Gothenburg), a research school funded by the Swedish Research Council, 2023-2026.

With Erika Alm, Elisabeth is editor-in-chief of the lambda nordica journal. With Silvia Posocco and E.J. Gonzalez-Polledo, Elisabeth edits the book series Theorizing Ethnography: Concept, Context, Critique (Routledge Anthropology).

PhD supervision:

Qing Shen (Uppsala, Anthropology): Queer Fun in Shanghai - The Social Lives of Elderly Working-Class Chinese Men.

Gadea Méndez Grueso (Gothenburg, Gender Studies)

Nico Miskow Friborg (UiS, Gender Studies)



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Weibo Feminism: Expression, Activism, and Social Media in China.

The China Journal.

ISSN 1324-9347.

Volum 93.


DOI: 10.1086/732901

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


“Cake is not an Attack on Democracy”: Moving beyond Carceral Pride and Building Queer Coalitions in Post–22/7 Norway.

NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.

ISSN 0803-8740.

Volum 29.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1080/08038740.2021.2005139

Alm, Erika; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Gender self-identification.

Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet.

ISSN 1100-2573.

Volum 25.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.34041/ln.v25.613

Røthing, Åse; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Maktkritiske perspektiver i høyere utdanning? En undersøkelse av omfang og anvendelse i utvalgte programplaner.


ISSN 1500-4538.

Volum 42.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2019-03-02

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Going public: Transnational Pride politics and queer grassroots activism in China.

S & F online.

ISSN 1558-9404.

Volum 16.

Hefte 2.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Boyce, Paul; Posocco, Silvia


Introduction: Anthropology's queer sensibilities.


ISSN 1363-4607.

Volum 21.

Hefte 5-6.

DOI: 10.1177/1363460717706667

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Under pressure: Lesbian-gay contract marriages and their patriarchal bargains. I: Transforming patriarchy: Chinese families in the twentyfirst century.

University of Washington Press.

ISBN 9780295999821.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Boyce, Paul; Posocco, Silvia; Renkin, Hadley; Graham, Mark; Tucker, Heather; Hossain, Adnan; Hendriks, Thomas; Riley, Taylor; Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ


Anthropologists are talking about queer anthropology.


ISSN 0014-1844.

DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2015.1084021

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Schroeder, William F.


Introduction: Queer/Tongzhi China. I: Queer/tongzhi China: New perspectives on research, activism and media cultures.

NIAS Press.

ISBN 978 87 7694 153 6.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Of pride and visibility: The contingent politics of queer grasroots activism in China. I: Queer/tongzhi China: New perspectives on research, activism and media cultures.

NIAS Press.

ISBN 978 87 7694 153 6.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Queer women in urban China: An ethnography.


ISBN 9780415636209.

Hefte 37.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Precarity, protest, change: China’s ‘ant tribes' .

Suomen Antropologi.

ISSN 0355-3930.

Volum 38.

Hefte 2.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


On Urban Anthropology in Contemporary China. I: Anthropology in the city: Methodology and theory.


ISBN 978-1-4094-0833-8.


DOI: 10.4324/9781315567310-10

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Intimate practices, conjugal ideals: Affective ties and relationship strategies amongst lala ('lesbian') women in contemporary Beijing.

Sexuality Research & Social Policy.

ISSN 1868-9884.

Volum 6.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1525/srsp.2009.6.3.3

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Queer Ethnography in Theory and Practice: Reflections on Studying Sexual Globalization and Women’s Queer Activism in Beijing.

Graduate Journal of Social Science.

ISSN 1572-3763.

Volum 5.

Hefte 2.


Bøker og kapitler

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Zeng, Jinyan


Feminist Activism in the Post-2010s Sinosphere: Identifying Issues, Sharing Knowledge, Building Movements.

Bloomsbury Academic.

ISBN 9781350419704.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Orphans of the Japanese Empire. I: Platinum Bible of the Public Toilet: Ten Queer Stories.

Duke University Press.

ISBN 978-1-4780-3006-5.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Liinason, Mia


Transforming identities in contemporary Europe : Critical essays on knowledge, inequality and belonging.


ISBN 9781032151113.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Schroeder, William F.; Bao, Hongwei; Schroeder, William F.


Queer/tongzhi China: New perspectives on research, activism and media cultures.

NIAS Press.

ISBN 978 87 7694 153 6.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Love in a big city: Sexuality, kinship and citizenship amongst lala (lesbian) women in Beijing.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Liinason, Mia; Dahl, Ulrika; Järvklo, Niclas


Changing Conditions for Gender Studies.

Changing Conditions for Gender Studies;

2024-02-07 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


The Sino-Nordic Prism as Queer Method: A Proposal for Transnational Studies of Cultural Diversities in Uncertain Times.

University of Vienna, Dept. of East Asian Studies, Departmental Lecture Series;

2024-04-18 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


The Sino-Nordic prism as queer method: A proposal.

Lund University Perspective Asia Lecture Series;

2024-04-23 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Look to Norway? Queer(y)ing the Potentials for Coalitional Solidarity in Building Climate-Just Futures.

LSE Gender Studies 30th Anniversary Alumni Panel;

2024-03-06 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Slik skaper media mer trans- og homofobisk retorikk..


Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Fenomenet 'anti-kjønn' som samfunnsutfordring.


2024-05-23 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


‘Anti-Gender’ Disinformation Campaigns and Their Violent Potentials: The Case of Norway’s LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy Ban (2023).

6th Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism;

2024-06-17 - 2024-06-19.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Sino-Nordic Perspectives on Reactionary Global Anti-Gender Discourses .

On Transnational Anti-Gender/LGBTQ+ Movements: Bridging European and Asian Experience;

2024-06-28 - 2024-06-29.

Gichohi, Matthew Kiragu; Gressgård, Randi Elin; Shah, Svati; Ka Canham, Hugo; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Gaitho, Waruguru


Queer and trans subjectivities.

Bergen Exchanges on Law and Social Transformation;

2024-08-19 - 2024-08-23.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


“We will not be broken by anti-trans campaigns: Some reflections and suggestions from a «Hard Core Transactvist»” (“Vi skal ikke la oss knekke av anti-transkampanjene: Noen refleksjoner og forslag fra en «Hard Core Transaktvist»”).

Transsynlighetsdagen - Transgender Day of Visibility;

2023-03-31 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Alm, Erika; Halberstam, Jack; Brock, Maria; Martinsson, Lena


Abiding by the rules will not be enough: challenging anti-gender politics in academia and beyond.

Abiding by the rules will not be enough: challenging anti-gender politics in academia and beyond;

2023-05-08 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Evang, Jenny Andrine Madsen; Skarstein, Karoline; Guldberg, Sverre Christoffer; Fedorczuk, Jonah; Stekl, Míša; Sagdahl, Mathea Slåttholm


Panelsamtale: Kjønnsmangfold, en ny og radikal ideologi?.

Skeive Samtaler;


Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Slangsvold, Einar Lie


NRK P2-PULSEN (Om den skeive rettighetskampens tilbakeslag).

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Presentation "LGBT+ Research/ers and Academic Freedom"; plus a Plenary Conversation with Christen Krogh (rector, OsloMet), Trine J. Meza (rector, Kristiania), Jon Martin Larsen (chair, PhD candidate Kristiania), and Rolf Martin Aspenes (Norsk studentorganisasjon, member of KIF committee)..

Kristiania Pride-seminar: Threats, censorship, and self-censorship in LGBTIQ+ research;

2023-06-28 - .

Norheim, Christine Lillethun; Eriksen, Kristin Gregers; Lauritzen, Solvor Mjøberg; Bangstad, Sindre; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Synnes, Ronald Mayora


Rasisme - en trussel mot akademisk frihet.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Invisible Women in ‘women-friendly’ Norway: The Politics of Movement, Feminism and History in the 1988 Cross-country Lesbian Bus Campaign.

Scandinavian Symposium on Queer Cultural Heritage;

2023-10-17 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Ihlang Berg, Eir


«La folk værra som dem er!».


ISSN 0803-141X.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Alm, Erika



Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet.

ISSN 1100-2573.

Volum 28.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.34041/ln.v28.870

Brendmo, Elanor Halvorsen; Bromseth, Janne; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Gressgård, Randi; Gross, Lena; Jentoft, Elian Eve; Stubberud, Elisabeth


Kjønnsidentitet som kampsak.


ISSN 0805-3839.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Pető, Andrea; Gillis, Stacy; Grenz, Sabine; Madarova, Zuzana; Munt, Sally R.; Panayotov, Stanimir; Sayegh, Ghiwa; Alm, Erika


Roundtable on the impact of COVID and Open Access on Gender Studies Journal, in Open forum: The politics of gender (research) in a global pandemic.

The European Journal of Women's Studies.

ISSN 1350-5068.

Volum 29.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1177/13505068211065138

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Aamundsen, Jakob Semb


Mener Pride-bevegelsen avfeier viktig kritikk.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Stubberud, Elisabeth; Svendsen, Stine H. Bang; Dahl, Ulrika; Kyrola, Kata


Inconvenient attachments: Thinking and acting queerly with/after Berlant.

NORA Conference;

2022-06-21 - .

Anderssen, Norman; Hellesund, Tone; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Gressgård, Randi; Hellum, Anne


Skeiv forskning i Norge - hvordan ligger vi an?.



Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Alm, Erika


On the Importance of Queer Scholarship in Times of War.

Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet.

ISSN 1100-2573.

Volum 27.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.34041/ln.v27.786

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Sundberg, Trude


Oppfordring til å støtte opp om uigurske og kinesiske studenter.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Nilsen, Jens Aldo


Hoveodden må bli et natur- og friluftsområde for alle.


ISSN 0805-3723.

Alm, Erika; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Anti-gender Politics & Queer Theory (editorial).

Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet.

ISSN 1100-2573.

Volum 27.

Hefte 3-4.


DOI: 10.34041/ln.v27.838

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Alm, Erika


Anti-Gender Politics & Queer Theory.

Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet.

ISSN 1100-2573.

Volum 27.

Hefte 3-4.


DOI: 10.34041/ln.v27.838

Dietrichson, Susanne; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


– Kvinnedagen er fortsatt viktig..

Kvål, Sikke; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Debatt om deltid i sykepleieryrke.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


To kjønn?.


ISSN 0805-3839.

Myong, Lene; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Kroløkke, Charlotte; Nebeling Petersen, Michael; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland


Publishing Gender, Feminist, and Queer Studies in the Nordic region.

Kjønnsforskning NÅ!;

2021-05-27 - 2021-05-28.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Alm, Erika


The State(s) We're in: European Freedom Zones and Pan-Nordic Collaborations on LGBTIQ+ Rights.

Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet.

ISSN 1100-2573.

Volum 26.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.34041/ln.v26.717

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Universitetet pynter seg med Prideflagget.


Sareen, Siddharth; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; By, Rune Todnem; Jørgensen, Finn Arne


Det nødvendige akademiske ansvar i møte med klima­krisen.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Sareen, Siddharth; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; By, Rune Todnem; Jørgensen, Finn Arne


Det nødvendige akademiske ansvar i møte med klima­krisen.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Lode, Sindre C.; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Kina vil lære gutter å bli mer «mandige» .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Huang, Xin; Tou, Shi


We are here – Queer feminist engagements.

Asia in Conversation Series;

2021-04-15 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Invisible women in ‘women-friendly’ Norway and the problem of representational pasts in the present: The Lesbian Bus Campaign, 1988.

Histories of Sexualities, Gender Diversity and Queer in the Nordic and Baltic Region;

2021-10-25 - 2021-10-26.

Elnæs, Caroline Ugelstad; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Nytt nummer av Nordens eneste tidsskrift for lhbt+forskning.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Boikott eller støtte? Dilemmaer i forskningssamarbeid med Kina.

Tysdagsforedrag på Arkeologisk museum;

2020-02-25 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Dahl, Ulrika; Renkin, Hadley


Queering Anthropology.

Social Anthropology Seminar Series;

2020-02-28 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Beyond equality: Women's sexual justice activism in Scandinavian queer organizing.

Departmental Lunch Seminar;

2020-02-24 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Alm, Erika


Editorial: Greetings from the new editors.

Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet.

ISSN 1100-2573.

Volum 25.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.34041/ln.v25.672

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Engesbak, Reidar


– Hvor er motkulturene?.


ISSN 0803-141X.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Gressgård, Randi Elin; Myong, Lene; Sunnercrantz, Liv Åsa-Maria


Ytringsfrihetens ansvarlighet: En samtale om akademia og akademikeres rolle i samfunnet .

Fagforum IMS, UiS;


Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


A brief history of Pride activism in Norway, 1969-2019.

OUTing the past international festival;

2019-03-16 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Sasunkevich, Olga; Wang, Di; Xiong, Jing


Feminist Activism.

Exploring gendered dimensions of welfare in China and the Nordic countries;

2019-03-26 - 2019-03-29.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Historisk tilbakeblikk på Pride i Norge, 1969-2019.

FRIs Skoleringsseminar;

2019-04-05 - 2019-04-07.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Debatt: Sexarbeid – I historisk perspektiv og dagens realitet.

Regnbuedagene i Bergen;

2019-06-03 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Tense alliances: Gender politics in Norway's queer communities during the transitional 1980s..

Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections: An International LGBTIQ+ Conference - "Queering Memory. Archives – Arts – Audiences";

2019-06-27 - 2019-06-29.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Røthing, Åse


Fram for maktkritisk utdanning.


Myong, Lene; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Klitgård, Mathias; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland


Roundtable: Thinking feminist and gender studies now.

Kjønnsforskning NÅ;

2019-11-13 - 2019-11-15.

Lindstad, Siri; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Homo i går, skeiv i dag.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Hellesund, Tone; Berg, Andreas Ihlang; Stubberud, Elisabeth


Skummel ideologi, Gjevjon.


ISSN 0805-3839.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Seawomen of Iceland: Survival on the edge (by Margaret Willson, Washington, University of Washington Press, 2016).

NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.

ISSN 0803-8740.

Volum 26.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1080/08038740.2018.1465463

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Kristiansen, Hans Wiggo; Kwam, Hannah Wozene


Teatersalong: Skeive historier (Engler i Amerika).

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Excavating Pride activism in Norway since the 1970s.

The 5th OUTing the Past Academic Conference of LGBT History & Activism;

2018-03-16 - 2018-03-18.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Bli med på dragbingo: - Folk elsker å komme hit.

Misje, Ingeborg; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Flytende kjønnsidentitet oftere tema i skolen.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.; Endestad, Ingvild; Jørgensen, Bente Bækkelund; Hammervold-Austinat, Martine; Olsen, Linda Walbeck


Felles kamp for likeverd.


ISSN 0803-141X.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Re-view: Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America; Special Book Review Section: Reviewing Mother Camp (Fifty Years Late).

American Anthropologist.

ISSN 0002-7294.

Volum 120.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1111/aman.13151

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


The importance of historicizing Norwegian Pride activism.

Queer at home - and in the streets: An open seminar on queer history;


Henriksen, Sissel; Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Bryter ned høye murer (om kinesisk feminisme).

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Gender, feminist activism and #metoo.

China behind the media;

2018-12-15 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


DEMOS - Democratic participation in society; how to live together? The first workshop in the Transforming Identities project.

DEMOS - Democratic participation in society; how to live together? The first workshop in the Transforming Identities project;

2018-11-07 - 2018-11-09.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Bromseth, Janne; Svendsen, Stine Helena Bang; Prøitz, Lin; Roen, Katrina


Fem forskere svarer Tonje Gjevjon: Fordomsfull kunnskapsløshet om kjønnsmangfold.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Jævla homo! utfordrer kjønnsforskerne.

KILDEN : informasjonssenter for kjønnsforskning.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Con/divergent queeries: Histories of North American and European queer anthropology (roundtable).


2017-11-29 - 2017-12-03.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Lie, Merete


Juryens begrunnelse for 2000-tallets artikkel (Muslimen med slør, anorektikeren og den transseksuelle: Hva har de til felles? av Randi Gressgård).

Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning.

ISSN 0809-6341.

Hefte 4.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Marching for pride? Towards a history of lgbt activist visibility in Norway.

3rd Workshop in series: Future of feminism in the Nordic countries;

2017-08-25 - 2017-08-27.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Sino-nordic feminist film evening (convenor).

Screening of feminist documentaries (Hooligan sparrow, China; Vejen er lang, Denmark); program at the international conference for the Sino-Nordic gender studies network (Age, agency, ambiguity);


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Transnational biopolitics and the undercommons (roundtable; organizer and panellist).

6th Conference of the Sino-Nordic Women and Gender Studies Conference Series;

2017-08-29 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Jessen, Reidar Schei


Nasjon og kjønn i nyere feministisk teori.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Schroeder, William F.; Bao, Hongwei


Queer/Tongzhi China:New Perspectives on Research, Activism and Media Cultures.

NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.

ISSN 0803-8740.

Volum 25.

Hefte 3.


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Boyce, Paul; Posocco, Silvia; Gonzalez-Polledo, EJ


A commmitment to difference: An interview with Esther Newton.


ISSN 1363-4607.

Volum 21.

Hefte 5-6.


DOI: 10.1177/1363460717706666

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


LHBT i transnasjonal kontekst: Friksjon eller frigjøring?.

Skeiv Lunch, LHBT Senteret, BUFDIR;


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund; Orning, Sara Elisabeth Sellevold


Faglige ansvarlige og innledere: "Feministiske Forskningsfronter: Teori, politikk, samarbeid".

Seminarserie Forskningsstatus;


Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


#FreeTheFive: Sosiale medier og uavhengig feministisk aktivisme i Kina.


Volum 3.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


UiB-rektor og instituttleder: – Vi kjenner oss ikke igjen (om debatten om kvinners muntlige deltakelse i forelesningssalen).

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Kjønnskap (dokumentarfilm for BA eksamen, laget av HiOA studenter i media og kommunikasjon).

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Feministiske forskningsfronter: Teori, politikk, samarbeid.


ISSN 1891-1420.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Queer kinship as a quest for well-being in contemporary China.

Smith College, Department of Anthropology;

2015-03-26 - .

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Female gender and sexual diversities (duo yang nv/xing).

5th biennial conference on gender and sexuality (ordstyrer for panel);

2015-07-04 - 2015-07-06.

Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund


Queer kinship as quests for well-being in China.

Yale Ethnography and Social Theory Colloquium;

2015-03-25 - .

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L.


Et historisk tilbakeblikk på Pride i Norge siden 1974.

Et historisk tilbakeblikk på Pride i Norge siden 1974.