Emmanuel Aduse Poku

Stipendiat i geovitenskap

Emmanuel Aduse Poku


E-post: emmanuel.adusepoku@uis.no


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for energiressurser

Kort om meg

My background is in geology and applied geophysics so I  use Seismic Refraction and Surface Waves to image the ground, delineate subsurface layers and highlight on aspects of geotechnical significance. I also execute Electrical Resistivity,Electromagnetic(EM) and Induced Polarization(I.P) surveys and give a 2D or 3D electrical  image of the ground.I process and interpret Remote Sensing, Magnetic and Radiometric data and utilize them for structural and mineralisation studies. To be precise, I usually perform geophysical data inversion, spatial correlation  and data interpolation to simplify data visualization.

Currently, I am a PhD fellow at the University of Stavanger (UiS) working on peat mapping and investigating how the accumulated carbon sequestered by this fantastic ecosystem could be accurately quantified. Estimating peat volume is essential because overlooking it, we fall short of modelling the amount of carbon that could escape the natural carbon sink to proliferate atmospheric carbon concentration. Moreover, the EU 2030 climate and energy framework emphasizes how peat lands will play a vital role in realizing the Paris climate agreement and has tasked nations to report the removal and emission of greenhouse gases from peat lands. This ambitious goal can be realized when it goes hand in hand with accurate quantification and volume mapping of peat material. Therefore the task is to investigate and apply cost effective tools to lead the way for peat mapping. Mapping peat is complex and demands diverse approach, so I am confronting this problem with Geographic Information Systems(GIS), Remote Sensing(RS) and Geophysical tools and my trust and confidence in these techniques to map the extent, thickness and volume of Norwegian peat lies in the idea that, they respond well to the physical features of peat and have been proven to provide an effective and a holistic mapping solution for earth materials.

Feel free to reach out to me if you share similar ambition or want to know more about my work.



Sageidet, Barbara Maria; Aduse Poku, Emmanuel


Peatland and the Climate.

Peatland & Climate Event for students;
