Eva Marianne Johansson
Professor em.

Telefon: 51833613
E-post: eva.johansson@uis.no
Rom: HL K-214
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning
Professor em.
Telefon: 51833613
E-post: eva.johansson@uis.no
Rom: HL K-214
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning
Emilson, Anette; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Konflikt som möjlighet och begränsning i barns tillhörighetsprocessor. I: Konflikthantering i professionellt lärarskap .
Gleerups Utbildning AB.
ISBN 9789151110851.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette; Einarsdottir, Johanna; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Piskur, Barbara
The politics of belonging in early childhood contexts: A comprehensive picture, critical factors and policy recommendations.Global Studies of Childhood.
ISSN 2043-6106.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Walker, Sue; Lunn, Jo; Whiteford, Chrystal; Karlsudd, Peter; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Piskur, Barbara; Einarsdóttir, Jóhanna
Educators’ and Parents’ Perspectives About Belonging in Early Years Education in Europe.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
L'Estrange, Lyra; Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Jo; Ryan, Mary; Bourke, Terri; Rowan, Leonie; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Capturing epistemic reflexivity for teacher educators teaching about/to/for diversity in teacher education.Heliyon.
ISSN 2405-8440.
Volum 9.
Hefte 2.
Lunn Brownlee, Jo; Bourke, Terri; Rowan, Leonie; Ryan, Mary; Churchward, Peter; Walker, Sue; L’Estrange, Lyra; Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne
How epistemic reflexivity enables teacher educators’ teaching for diversity: Exploring a pedagogical framework for critical thinking.British Educational Research Journal (BERJ).
ISSN 0141-1926.
DOI: 10.1002/berj.3789
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Personalens blick på barns tillhörighet i förskolan – lika barn leka bäst?.Nordisk barnehageforskning (NBF).
ISSN 1890-9167.
Volum 19.
DOI: 10.23865/nbf.v19.255
Brownlee, Jo Lunn; Walker, Sue; L`Estrange, Lyra; Ryan, Mary; Bourke, Theresa; Rowan, Leonie; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Developing a pedagogy of teacher education for teaching for diversity : Exploring teacher educators’ epistemic cognition for epistemic agency. I: Reconstructing the work of teacher educators : Finding spaces in policy through agentic approaches : Insights from a research collective.Springer.
ISBN 978-981-19-2904-5.
Mascadri, Julia; Lunn-Brownlee, Jo; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura; Walker, Sue; Berthelsen, Donna
Children's perspectives on why and when teachers listen to their ideas: Exploring opportunities for participation in the early years of school.International Journal of Educational Research.
ISSN 0883-0355.
Volum 107.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Rosell, Lars Yngve
Social sustainability through children’s expressions of belonging in peer communities.Sustainability.
ISSN 2071-1050.
Volum 13.
Hefte 7.
DOI: 10.3390/su13073839
Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne
The politics of belonging: Educators’ interpretations of communities, positions, and borders in preschool.International Research in Early Childhood Education.
ISSN 1838-0689.
Volum 11.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.26180/16935079.v1
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Rosell, Lars Yngve
Livsvärdsfenomenologi - att studera männniskors levda erfarenheter. I: Metodologi för studier i om och med förskolan.
Gleerups Utbildning AB.
ISBN 9789151103167.
Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Jo; Scholes, Laura; Johansson, Eva Marianne
The development of children's epistemic beliefs across the early years of elementary school.British Journal of Educational Psychology.
ISSN 0007-0998.
DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12280
Ree, Marianne; Alvestad, Marit; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Hallmarks of participation–children's conceptions of how to get access to communities in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) .International Journal of Early Years Education.
ISSN 0966-9760.
Volum 27.
Hefte 2.
Brownlee, Jo Lunn; Walker, Sue; Scholes, Laura; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Reasoning about social inclusion over the early years of primary school: a focus on epistemic cognition.European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
ISSN 1350-293X.
Volum 27.
Hefte 5.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berthelsen, Donna
Peer culture and mealtimes with toddlers in a child care context : Put your bowls on the table. It´s not a toy. I: Globalization, transformation, and cultures in early childhood education and Care : Reconceptualization and Comparison.Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030271183.
Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Jo; Scholes, Laura; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Young children’s moral evaluations of inclusion and exclusion in play in ethnic and aggressive stereotypic peer contexts.International Journal of Inclusive Education.
ISSN 1360-3116.
Brownlee, Joanne Lunn; Walker, Susan; Wallace, Elizabeth; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura
Doing the right thing in the early years of primary school: a longitudinal study of children’s reasoning about right and wrong.The Australian Educational Researcher.
ISSN 0311-6999.
Volum 46.
Hefte 5.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education in preschool. I: Values in early childhood education : citizenship for tomorrow.
ISBN 9781138230705.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Røthle, Monika Anna
Narratives : tools for reflection on values. I: Values in early childhood education : citizenship for tomorrow.
ISBN 9781138230705.
Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Bjervås, Lise-Lotte; Sigurdardottir, Ingibjorg; Puroila, Anna-Maija
Discourse of Efficiency: Conflicting Values in Educators' Talk About Everyday Practices in the Cloakroom. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Juutinen, Jaana; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Johansson, Eva Marianne
“There Is No Room for You!” The Politics of Belonging in Children’s Play Situations. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Puroila, Anna-Maija; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Toward the Fusion of Different Horizons: Methodological Potentials and Challenges when Exploring Values Education in Nordic Preschools. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette; Puroila, Anna-Maija
Mapping the field : what are values and values education about?. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
The heart of values education in early childhood: key issues and patterns. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Brownlee, Jo Lunn; Walker, Sue; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura; Ryan, Mary
Epistemic climates for active citizenship : dialogically organised classrooms and children’s internal dialogue. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Puroila, Anna-Maija; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Sharing, retelling, and performing narratives : challenging and supporting educators’ work with values in Nordic preschools. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Walker, Sue; Scholes, Laura
Teaching for Active Citizenship: Moral values and personal epistemology in early years classrooms.
ISBN 978-1-138-79747-5.
Scholes, Laura; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Walker, Sue; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Lawson, Veronica; Mascadri, Julia
Promoting social inclusion in the early years of elementary school: a focus on children’s epistemic beliefs for moral reasoning.International Journal of Inclusive Education.
ISSN 1360-3116.
Volum 21.
Hefte 5.
Emilson, Anette; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values in Nordic early childhood education – democracy and the child’s perspective. I: International Handbook of Early Childhood Education.Springer.
ISBN 9789402409253.
Tofteland, Berit; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Å beskrive det ubeskrivelige- om metaforer og patisk kunnskap i barnehagens verdipedagogiske arbeid. I: Teori og praksis i barnehagevitenskapelig forskning.
ISBN 978-82-15-02680-0.
Scholes, Laura; Lunn Brownlee, Joanne; Walker, Susan; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Changes in children’s reasoning about the social inclusion of aggressive children over the early years of elementary school.International Journal of Inclusive Education.
ISSN 1360-3116.
Volum 21.
Hefte 10.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Toddler´s Relationships: A Matter of Sharing Worlds. I: Studying babies and toddlers. Relationships in cultural contexts..Springer.
ISBN 978-981-10-3195-3.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Pedagogisk dialog i förskolan–en demokratifråga. I: Förskolans yngsta barn- perspektiv på omsorg, lärande och lek.
ISBN 978-91-47-12275-2.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
Conflicts and resistance: potentials for democracy learning in preschool.International Journal of Early Years Education.
ISSN 0966-9760.
Volum 24.
Hefte 1.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette; Røthle, Monika Anna; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Broström, Stig; Einarsdottir, Johanna
Individual and collective rights expressed in educator and child interactions in Nordic preschools.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 48.
Hefte 2.
Puroila, Anna-Maija; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Estola, Eila; Emilson, Anette; Einarsdottir, Johanna; Broström, Stig
Interpreting Values in the Daily Practices of Nordic Preschools: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 48.
Hefte 2.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Lekens levda etik. I: Lek på rätt väg? — På spaning efter leken.
Studentlitteratur AB.
ISBN 9789144106298.
Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Scholes, Laura; Walker, Sue; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Critical values education in the early years: Alignment of teachers' personal epistemologies and practices for active citizenship.Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
ISSN 0742-051X.
Hefte 59.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Barns omsorg : att förstå och möjliggöra för den andre. I: Omsorg i en förskola på vetenskapelig grund.
Natur och kultur.
ISBN 9789127147072.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Emilson, Anette
Research Project Overview: Values Education in Nordic Preschools—Basis of Education for Tomorrow.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 48.
Hefte 2.
Brownlee, Joanne; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian; Walker, Sue; Ailwood, Jo
Epistemic beliefs and beliefs about teaching practices for moral learning in the early years of school: relationships and complexities.Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education.
ISSN 0300-4279.
Volum 43.
Hefte 2.
Einarsdottir, Johanna; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Broström, Stig; Emilson, Anette
Democracy, caring and competence: values perspectives in ECEC curricula in the Nordic countries.International Journal of Early Years Education.
ISSN 0966-9760.
Volum 23.
Hefte 1.
Pálmadóttir, Hrönn; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Young children’s communication and expression of values during play sessions in preschool.Early Years.
ISSN 0957-5146.
Volum 35.
Hefte 3.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke; Röthle, Monika Anna; Tofteland, Berit; Zachrisen, Berit
Verdipedagogikk i barnehagen.
ISBN 978-82-15-02451-6.
Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke; Tofteland, Berit; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Røthle, Monika Anna
Rettferdighet som demokratisk verdi i barnehagen. I: Demokratiske praksiser i barnehagen.
ISBN 978-82-450-1652-9.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Løkken, Gunvor
Sensory Pedagogy: Understanding and encountering children through the senses.Educational Philosophy and Theory.
ISSN 0013-1857.
Volum 46.
Hefte 8.
Hillesøy, Siv; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Ohna, Stein Erik Solbø
Interaksjoner mellom de yngste barna med cochleaimplantat og andre barn i barnehagen.Nordisk barnehageforskning (NBF).
ISSN 1890-9167.
Volum 7.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.7577/nbf.575
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Lekens levde etikk. I: På spor etter lek.
ISBN 978-82-321-0202-0.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Thornberg, Roberth
En mångfacetterad bild av värdepedagogisk forskning. I: Värdepedagogik. Etik och demokrati i förskola och skola.
ISBN 978-91-47-11414-6.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berthelsen, Donna
The Birthday Cake: Social Relations and Professional Practices around Mealtimes with Toddlers in Child Care. I: Lived Spaces of Infant-Toddler Education and Care. Exploring Diverse Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice.Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
ISBN 978-94-017-8837-3.
Hägglund, Solveig; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Belonging, value conflicts and children’s rights in learning for sustainability in early childhood. I: Research in Early Childhood Education for sustainability.
ISBN 978-0-415-85448-1.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Thornberg, Roberth
Perspektiv på barns och ungas moral: En översikt. I: Värdepedagogik. Etik och demokrati i förskola och skola.
ISBN 978-91-47-11414-6.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Walker, Sue; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian; Ailwood, Jo
Children's perspectives on values and rules in Australian early education.Australasian Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0312-5033.
Volum 39.
Hefte 2.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
Participation and gender in circle-time situations in preschool.International Journal of Early Years Education.
ISSN 0966-9760.
Volum 21.
Hefte 1.
Fugelsnes, Kristin; Röthle, Monika Anna; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values at stake in interplay between toddlers and teachers. I: Varied Perspectives on Play and Learning: Theory and Research on Early Years Education.
Information Age Publishing.
ISBN 9781623964160.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Självbilden formas av den vuxnes blick.
Pedagogiska Magasinet.
ISSN 1401-3320.
Hefte 4.
Wainman, Briony; Walker, Sue; Brownlee, Joanne; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian; Cobb, Charlotte; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Whiteford, Chrystal
Young children’s beliefs about including others in their play: Social and moral reasoning about inclusion and exclusion.Australasian Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0312-5033.
Volum 37.
Hefte 3.
Walker, Sue; Brownlee, Joanne; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian; Ailwood, Jo; Johansson, Eva; Whiteford, C
Early years teachers' epistemic beliefs and beliefs about children's moral learning.Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice.
ISSN 1354-0602.
Volum 18.
Hefte 2.
Brownlee, Jo; Syu, Jia-Jia; Mascadri, Julia; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Walker, Sue; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian; Ailwood, Jo
Teachers' and children's personal epistemologies for moral education: Case studies in early years elementary education.Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
ISSN 0742-051X.
Volum 28.
Hefte 3.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Læringskulturer i spenningsfeltet mellom "vi og de andre". I: Læringskulturer i barnehagen. Flerfaglige forskningsperspektiver.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
ISBN 978-82-02-35016-1.
Johansson, Eva; Brownlee, Joanne; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian; Walker, Sue; Ailwood, Jo
Practices for teaching moral values in the early years: A call for a pedagogy of participation.Education, Citizenship and Social Justice.
ISSN 1746-1979.
Volum 6.
Hefte 2.
Ailwood, Jo; Brownlee, Joanne; Johansson, Eva; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Walker, Sue; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian
Educational policy for citizenship in the early years in Australia.Journal of Education Policy.
ISSN 0268-0939.
Volum 26.
Hefte 5.
Johansson, Eva
Investigating morality in toddler's worlds. I: Educational Research with our youngest. Voices of Infants and Toddlers.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
ISBN 978-94-007-2393-1.
Johansson, Eva
Introduction : giving words to children's voices in research. I: Educational Research with our youngest. Voices of Infants and Toddlers.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
ISBN 978-94-007-2393-1.
Johansson, Eva
Commentary to Alison Stephenson: "Taking a generous approach in research with young children". I: Educational Research with our youngest. Voices of Infants and Toddlers.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
ISBN 978-94-007-2393-1.
Johansson, Eva
Moral discoveries and learning in preschool. I: Educational encounters: Nordic studies in early childhood didactics.
ISBN 978-94-007-1616-2.
Johansson, Eva
Möten för lärande. Pedagogisk verksamhet för de yngsta barnen i förskolan.
ISBN 91-85128-56-2.
Johansson, Eva
Makt och motstånd i förskolebarns etik. I: Barns lärande i ett livslångt perspektiv.
ISBN 978-91-47-10012-5.
Boulton-Lewis, Gillian; Brownlee, Joanne; Walker, Sue; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Moral and social development:Teachers’ knowledge of children’s learning and teaching strategies in the early years.Australasian Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0312-5033.
Volum 36.
Hefte 4.
Johansson, Eva; Emilson, Anette
Toddler's life in Swedish preschool.
International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 42.
Hefte 2.
Johansson, Eva
'Doing the Right Thing'; A Moral Concern from the Perspectives of Young Preschool Children. I: Participatory Learning in the Early Years. Research and Pedagogy.
Johansson, Eva
The Desirable Child in Preschool: Values Communicated in Teacher and Child Interaction Anette Emilson & Eva Johansson. I: Participatory Learning in the Early Years. Research and Pedagogy.
Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid; Johansson, Eva
Why do children involve teachers in their play and learning?.
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
ISSN 1350-293X.
Volum 17.
Hefte 1.
Johansson, Eva
The preschool child of today - The world-citizen of tomorrow.
International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 41.
Hefte 2.
Johansson, Eva; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid
To weave together- Play and learning in early childhood education.
Australian Research in Early Childhood Education.
ISSN 1320-6648.
Volum 16.
Hefte 1.
Johansson, Eva
Atmosfære og pædagogik. I: Atmosfære i pædagogisk arbejde.
Akademisk Forlag.
Johansson, Eva
Early Childhood Education. I: Moral Education A Handbook, Volume One A-L.
Strømme, Liv Mette
Normalitet i barnehagen. Ansatte og barns forventninger til det å "være normal".
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-7644-855-9.
Hefte ..
Rosell, Lars Yngve; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Små barns kommunikation : en dialektik mellan flöde och brott. I: Fenomenologiska sammanflätningar.
ISBN 9789171735621.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Einarsdottir, Johanna
Values in early childhood education : citizenship for tomorrow.
ISBN 9781138230705.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette; Puroila, Anna-Maijas
Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.
Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Hefte ..
Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Teori og praksis i barnehagevitenskapelig forskning.
ISBN 978-82-15-02680-0.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke; Röthle, Monika Anna; Tofteland, Berit; Zachrisen, Berit
Verdier i barnehagen: Mellom ideal og realiteter. Et utviklings- og forskningsprosjekt.
ISBN 978-82-7644-566-4.
Hefte 43.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Thornberg, Roberth
Värdepedagogik. Etik och demokrati i förskola och skola.
ISBN 978-91-47-11414-6.
Zachrisen, Berit; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Røthle, Monika Anna; Tofteland, Berit; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke
Verdier i barnehagen: Mellom ideal og realiteter.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-7644-566-4.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Små barns læring. Møter mellom barn og voksne i barnehagen.
Gyldendal Akademisk.
ISBN 978-82-05-43115-7.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berthelsen, Donna
Spaces for Solidarity and Individualism in Educational Contexts.
ISBN 978-91-7346-718-6.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berthelsen, Donna
Foreword. I: Spaces for Solidarity and Individualism in Educational Contexts.
ISBN 978-91-7346-718-6.
Johansson, Eva; White, E. Jayne
Educational Research with our youngest. Voices of Infants and Toddlers.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
ISBN 978-94-007-2393-1.
Johansson, Eva; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid
Lærerig leg - børns læring gennem samspill.
ISBN 9788772815749.
Sheridan, Sonja; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid; Johansson, Eva
Förskolan, - arena før barns lärande.
ISBN 9789147099610.
Johansson, Eva
Participatory Learning in the Early Years. Research and Pedagogy Donna Berthelsen, Jo Brownlee and Eva Johansson (Eds).
ISBN 9780415989749.
Sheridan, Sonja; Samuelsson, Ingrid Pramling; Johansson, Eva
Barns tidiga lärande: En tvärsnittsstudie om förskolan som miljö för barns lärande.
ISBN 9789173466622.
Hefte 284.
Johansson, Eva; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid
Å lære er nesten som å leke. Leg og læring i barnehage og skole.
ISBN 9788245007770.
Johansson, Eva
Gustav får visst sitta i tjejsoffan. Etik och genus i förskolebarns världar.
ISBN 9789147084715.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Lika barn leka bäst? Om barns tillhörighet i förskolan-från de yrkesverksammas perspektiv .
Fugelsnes, Kristin; Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Barns opplevelse av tilhørighet.
FILIORUMs ressursbank.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Zachrisen, Berit; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Berge, Anita
Tilhørighet - å kjenne seg hjemme.
Verdensdagen for psykisk helse.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
The politics of belonging –communities, positions and borders in the context of early childhood education. Some tentative reflections.
Seminar “Reflecting Cultures of Education in Early Childhood” ;
2022-09-19 - 2022-09-20.
Fugelsnes, Kristin; Rosell, Lars Yngve; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berge, Anita; Eidsvåg, Gunnar Magnus; Zachrisen, Berit; Ree, Marianne; Iversen, Lisbeth
Tilhørighet i barnehagen.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Puroila, Anna-Maija
Research Perspectives on the Politics of Belonging in Early Years Education.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 53.
Hefte 1.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin
Forsker på tilhørighet i barnehagen: Å høre til er et grunnleggende behov for både små og store.
Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Educators'Interpretations of Communities, Positions and Borders in Preschool. .
Workshop Politics of belonging; Educators' and parents' perspectives ;
2020-11-24 - 2020-11-27.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Tilhørighet: Å skape felleskap i barnehagen.
Norsk Barnehagekonferense keynote;
2020-09-28 - 2020-09-30.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Belonging, diversity and social justice and related concepts. Introduction of the course and concepts.
PHD Course ;
2020-02-10 - 2020-02-14.
Zachrisen, Berit; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Berge, Anita; Eidsvåg, Gunnar Magnus; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Rosell, Lars Yngve; Røthle, Monika Anna; Tofteland, Berit
Politics of Belonging. Collectivities in Norwegian Preschools .
ICSEI 20019;
2019-01-09 - 2019-01-12.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in educational settings across borders . Education for tomorrow Annual meeting.
NordForsk Annual meeting;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Politics of belonging. Educators and parents views on belonging I preschool..
Workshop international partners Politics of belonging; Zuyd University;
2019-05-13 - 2019-05-16.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Einarsdottir, Johanna; Emilson, Anette; Piskur, Barbara
Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in educational settings across borders.
Bringing together: ICSEI conference 8-12 January, 2019;
2019-01-09 - 2019-01-12.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Röthle, Monika
Values education in the early years: challenges and competences for the future.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in educational settings across borders Workshop Zuyd.
Workshop international partners Politics of belonging; Zuyd University;
2019-06-12 - .
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Tilkørighet i barnehage. Hva har vi gjort og veien videre. .
Seinar projektdeltagare;
Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Educators’ interpretation of processes for belonging, inclusion and exclusion within diverse educational settings.
EARLI 2019, Symposium Teaching to/about diversity:teaching and teacher education;
2019-08-10 - 2019-08-16.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Tofteland, Berit; Röthle, Monika; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Berge, Anita; Zachrisen, Berit; Rosell, Lars Yngve; Eidsvåg, Gunnar Magnus
Tilhørighet i barnehagen er et eksistensielt behov.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette; Puroila, Anna-Maija
Values in Nordic Preschools : setting the Scene. I: Values Education in Early Childhood Settings. Concepts, Approaches and Practises.Springer Nature.
ISBN 978-3-319-75558-8.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
The project Politics of belonging: inspiration for the survey. WP 2.
Workshop international partners Politics of belonging in Oulu;
2018-01-22 - 2018-01-25.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
The project Politics of belonging: plan and schedule.
workshop international partners Politics of belonging in Oulu;
2018-01-22 - 2018-01-25.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berge, Anita; Eidsvåg, Gunnar Magnus; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Tofteland, Berit; Røthle, Monika Anna; Zachrisen, Berit
WP7: Collectivities in Norwegian preschools.
Workshop international partners Politics of belonging in Oulu;
2018-01-22 - 2018-01-25.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
WP7: Tillhörighet I barnehage .
Samling med styrer inom projektet Politics of belonging;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in educational settings across borders .
Seminar Filiorum;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Conceptual and theoretical impulse speeches and discussions Cultures of Early Childhood Education and Care (CECEC) .
Network Meeting Cultures of Early Childhood Education and Care (CECEC);
2018-02-07 - 2018-02-09.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Perspectives of belonging- in theory, methodology and empirical research.
International PHD Course Research in Early childhood education for global citizenship: Belonging, sustainability, and transformative education ;
2018-05-21 - 2018-05-28.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Children as global citizens.
International PHD Course Research in Early childhood education for global citizenship: Belonging, sustainability, and transformative education ;
2018-05-21 - 2018-05-28.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Conflicts, potentials for Democracy Learning in Preschool.
Master I barnehagevitenskap;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
The heart of values education in nordic preschools. To balance between the individual and the community..
master I barnehagevitenskap;
Scholes, Laura; Walker, Sue; Lunn Brwownlee, Jo; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Young children's moral evaluations of inclusion and exclusion in play in cultural and aggressive stereotypic peer contexts..
EECERA Conference;
2018-08-28 - 2018-08-31.
Walker, Sue; Lunn, Jo; Scholes, Laura; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Children’s epistemic beliefs for moral reasoning in elementary school: a longitudinal study.
ANAHE conference;
2018-04-17 - 2018-04-20.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Tilhørigheter i barnehagen, hva handler det om? .
Avsparksdag prosjektet Tilhørigheter i barnehagen.;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Gustav får ikke sitte i jentesofa. Barns tilhørigheter.
Avsparksdag prosjektet Tilhørigheter i barnehagen.;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit
Vad karaktäriserar (god) kvalitet i barnehagen? Uppföljningsstudie inom GoBan-projektet. .
Forum for barnehagevitenskap;
Særheim, Marianne Ree; Alvestad, Marit; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Hallmark for participation-children´s conceptions on how to get access to communities in preschool.
EECERA conferance;
2017-08-29 - 2017-09-01.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit
Qualitative studies Goban.
Researcher seminar GOBAN;
2017-01-24 - 2017-01-25.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
Conflicts–potentials for democracy learning in preschool?.
EECERA konferens;
2017-08-29 - 2017-09-01.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Röthle, Monika
'Learning cultures in the early years'.
2017-07-06 - 2017-07-07.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth
Goban: Workshop Qualitative Studies.
Research Workshop;
2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth; Gjems, Liv
Goban. Workshop Qualitative Studies Fieldwork Children.
2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth; Gjems, Liv
Goban Kvalitativa studien. Fieldwork adults.
Researcher seminar GOBAN;
2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Goban Kvalitativa studien Workshop 20-21 september.
2017-09-20 - 2017-09-21.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Analys Intervjuer Workshop kvalitativa studien , GOBAN 20-21 September.
2017-09-20 - 2017-09-21.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Analys Observationer Workshop kvalitativa studien GOBAN 20-21 September.
Forskarworkshop ;
2017-09-20 - 2017-09-21.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth
Workshop kvalitativa studien Arbete med fallstudierna.
2017-12-14 - 2017-12-15.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth
Kvalitativa studien: Rapporten.
2017-12-14 - 2017-12-15.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
The risk of listening to children's voices.
International PhD-Course;
2017-11-20 - 2017-11-27.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
International policies and perspectives for active citizenship.
International PhD-couse;
2017-11-20 - 2017-11-27.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Conflicts potentials for democracy learning.
International PhD-Course;
2017-11-20 - 2017-11-27.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Etiske perspektiver i Barnehageforskning. " NAFOL samling 05.12.2017.
PHD Course;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Barnehage konferens;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Möten för lärande- arbete med de yngsta barnen i förskolan.
Förskolekonferens ;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
The heart of Values education- key issues and patterns.
Annual scientific meeting;
2016-05-30 - 2016-05-31.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Röthle, Monika; Tofteland, Berit; Zachrisen, Berit
Verdipedagogikk i barnehagen. Mellom ideal og realiteter. Del 1.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Praksisfortellinger - et verdipedagogisk redskap i barnehagen. Men… hvilke fortellinger er tillat og hva snakker vi ikke om? .
Barnehage konferens;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdipedagogikk i barnehagen – mellom ideal og realiteter.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdipedagogikk i barnehagen – mellom ideal og realiteter del 2.
Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values of efficiency in educators’ talk about dilemmas and priorities in the daily pedagogical work.
EECERA 26th Conference;
2016-08-31 - 2016-09-03.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berthelsen, Donna; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Mascadri, Julia; Scholes, Laura; Walker, Sue
Be(com)ing a school child: Rules, responsibilities and identities in the early years.
EECERA 26th Conference;
2016-08-31 - 2016-09-03.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
The heart of values education- Key issues and patterns.
EECERA 26th Conference;
2016-08-31 - 2016-09-03.
Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Scholes, Laura; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Teaching for critical moral learning: Alignment of personal epistemologies and practices for active citizenship.
EECERA 26th Conference;
2016-08-31 - 2016-09-03.
Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Walker, Sue; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura
Changing relationships between children’s moral reasoning for inclusion and epistemic beliefs in early years elementary school classrooms.
EECERA 26th research conference;
2016-08-31 - 2016-09-03.
Sageidet, Barbara Maria; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Learning cultures i early childhood education.
Forskningsseminar Humanistisk fakultet;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Alvestad, Marit
GOBAN: Qualitative studies 19 jan.2016.
Research seminar;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Puroila, Anna-Maija
Values Education in Nordic Preschools. Lived Values in Educational Practices. Central findings from the Nordic Research project. Values Education in Nordic Preschools Basis of Education for tomorrow..
Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and care. Nordic Challenges and solutions. Nordic Ministry Council Seminar;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values Education in Nordic Preschools. Between ideals and reality. Inspiration and challenges from the Nordic Action Research Project..
Seminar participants and researchers ValuEd project;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berthelsen, Donna; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Mascadri, Veronica; Scholes, Laura; Walker, Sue
Becoming a School Child. Rules Responsibilities and identities in the early Years.
UiS Seminar;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Læringskulturer i barnehage Forskning idag och framåt. Att bygga miljö för forskning. PhD Kurs i Utdanningsvetenskap den 28/11 2016.
PHD-Kurs Universitetet i Stavanger Föredrag Utdanningsvetenskap;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
The Heart of Values Education in Nordic Preschools. To balance between the individual and the community..
Research seminar;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdier i Ryggsekken, om verdier i spill mellom barn og voksne i barnehanen..
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Læringskulturer i barnehage, forskning idag och i framtiden. Forskningsseminar med fokus på EU..
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berge, Anita
Skriveseminar. Teori og praksis Hjelmeland 18-21 april..
2016-04-18 - 2016-04-21.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Puroila, Anna-Maija; Emilson, Anette
Values education in Nordic preschools: theory and practice.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 48.
Hefte 2.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Röthle, Monika Anna; Emilson, Anette
Rights and discipline in Nordic Preschools. A study about communicated values in conflicts between Teachers and children..
25.th EECERA Annual Conference;
2015-09-07 - 2015-09-10.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Etik en del av barns liv i förskolan.. I: Att bli förskollärare. Mångfacetterad komplexitet..
ISBN 978-91-47-09962-7.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Forskning med de minsta barnen i barnehage. Barns livsvärldar och kommunikation av värden..
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education: to balance between the individual and the collective.
Research seminar;
Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Berthelsen, Donna; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura; Mascadri, Julia; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte
Children's epistemic beliefs in the context of moral reasoning.
Research seminar;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berge, Anita
Teori og praksis i barnehagevitenskapelig forskning.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
ValuEd; Values education in Nordic preschools: Basis of education for tomorrow NordForsk Annual Conference.
Annual research conference;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Lärandekulturer i spänningsfältet mellan ”vi och de andra”.
2015-09-16 - 2016-09-16.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Små barns læring Møter mellom barn og voksne i barnehagen.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Conflicting values Symposia 1.
Symposia EEECERA 25th conference;
2015-09-08 - 2015-09-09.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette; Röthle, Monika
Rights and discipline in Nordic preschools.
EECERA 25th Conference, Barcelona, ;
Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Berthelsen, Donna; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura; Mascadri, Julia
Children’s epistemic beliefs and moral reasoning..
17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values in early childhood research.
PHD-seminar NAFOL;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke
Verdipedagogikk i barnehagen.
Seminar fagligt möte;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdipedagogikk i barnehagen: Bokpresentation.
Biblioteket Bokpresentation;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
ValuEd; Status of today – the road ahead.
Workshop NordForsk project ValueEd;
2015-06-01 - 2015-06-05.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values Education in Norwegian ECEC. Between the individual and the collective.
Workshop NordForsk project ValueEd;
2015-11-03 - 2015-11-05.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Toddler's relationships a matter of sharing worlds.
Nordic PhD-course;
2015-11-23 - 2015-11-27.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Læringskulturer i barnehage mangfoldige perspektiver.
PHD-Kurs Universitetet i Stavanger Föredrag;
Röthle, Monika Anna; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Looking for Values in Practitioners’ Narratives.
Workshop Values Education;
2014-05-05 - 2014-05-06.
Röthle, Monika Anna; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values in Practitioners' Narratives.
24.th European Early Childhood Education Research Conference EECERA;
2014-09-07 - 2014-09-10.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Toddlers’ life-worlds and the communication of values in preschool.
Key note speech VI Conference on Childhood Studies;
2014-05-07 - 2014-05-09.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education in Nordic preschools: (ValuEd): Values of Childhood and Childhood Studies.
2014-05-07 - 2014-05-09.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
Participation and gender in circle-time situations in pre-school.
Nordic Workshop Oulu 2014.05.05.-06;
2014-05-05 - 2014-05-06.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Gender and values.
Nordic Workshop: Values education in Nordic preschools: Basis of education for tomorrow;
2014-05-05 - 2014-05-06.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
Values in Nordic early childhood education – democracy and the child’s perspective.
NERA conferanse Symposium II;
2014-03-05 - 2014-03-07.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values in Nordic Early Childhood Education, ValuEd: Democracy in theory and practice .
NERA conference Symposium I;
2014-03-05 - 2014-03-07.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Action research and narratives. Methodological tools for the study of values .
NERA confernce: Symposium II;
2014-03-05 - 2014-03-07.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdier i barnehagen Introduktion.
Seminar for barnehagestyrer;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdipedagogikk å balansere mellom individ og kollektiv.
Seminar for barnehagestyrer;
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Röthle, Monika Anna; Tofteland, Berit; Zachrisen, Berit; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke
Verdier i barnehagen. Mellom idealer og realiteter .
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education in Nordic preschools Basis of education for tomorrow.
NordForsk Project conference Teaching for tomorrow;
2014-05-19 - 2014-05-20.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Key note Forskning med de minsta barnen i barnehage. Barns livsvärldar och kommunikation av värden..
Seminar: Et forskerliv med barn, barnehagen og profesjonen;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Små barns livsvärldar och kommunikation av värden i förskola..
Livsvärldskonferensen, Göteborgs universitet, Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteteten ;
Berthelsen, Donna; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Walker, Sue; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Mascadri, Julie
Children’s moral judgements about inclusion and exclusion in play.
OMEP World Assembly and International Conference;
2014-06-02 - 2014-06-05.
Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Scholes, Laura; Walker, Sue; Lawson, Victoria; Berthelsen, Donna; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Children's moral judgements about inclusion and exclusion in play..
Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education (AARE-NZARE) Conference;
2014-11-30 - 2014-12-04.
Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Berthelsen, Donna; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura; Mascadri, Julie; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte
Understanding children's epistemic beliefs in the context of moral reasoning..
EECERA research conference;
2014-09-07 - 2014-09-10.
Walker, Sue; Lunn-Brownlee, Joanne; Berthelsen, Donna; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Scholes, Laura; Mascadri, Julie; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte
Young children’s moral evaluations of inclusion and exclusion in play in ethnic and aggressive stereotypic peer contexts..
Research Conference: the Moral Education for a Democratic Citizenship,;
2014-06-25 - 2014-06-28.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Lekens levede etikk.
Konferanse På spor etter lek – nye perspektiver på lek i det moderne samfunn;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Kommunikation och värden i barns kultur.
PHD-Kurs Universitetet i Stavanger Föredrag;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Participation: Barns rättigheter.
PHD-Kurs Universitetet i Stavanger Föredrag;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
What is good education?.
PHD-Kurs Universitetet i Stavanger Föredrag;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Perspektiv på læringskulturer i barnehagekontext.
PHD-Kurs Universitetet i Stavanger Föredrag;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Rewrite eller reject. Texter från ett redaktörsperspektiv.
Skriveseminar SAK samarbete;
2014-11-03 - 2014-11-05.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Letter from the Editor.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 46.
Hefte 1.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Emilson, Anette
Values education in Nordic preschools: Basis of education for tomorrow.
2013-08-28 - 2013-08-31.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education in Nordic ECEC ValuEd: The Norwegian study.
2013-08-28 - 2013-08-31.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education in Nordic preschools: Basis of education for tomorrow.
2013-01-14 - 2013-01-16.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education in Nordic preschools.
2013-01-14 - 2013-01-16.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values in ECEC.
Forskar konferens;
2013-01-14 - 2013-01-16.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Values education in Nordic early childhood education: The Norwegian study.
Forskar konferens;
2013-01-14 - 2013-01-16.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Röthle, Monika Anna
Hvilke verdier kommuniseres i praksisfortellinger.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke
Styrernes perspektiv på å lede utviklingsarbeid om verdier i egen barnehage.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Små barns læring Møter mellom barn og voksne i barnehagen.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Konferanse SMÅ BARN - STORT ARBEID Lek og læring for de yngste ;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdier i barnehage.
Tofteland, Berit; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Johansson, Eva Marianne; Röthle, Monika Anna; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke
Oppsummerende samtale om verdier.
Avslutningskonferanse, prosjektdag;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Möten för lärande.
Förskolekonferens 2012 -Förskola och lärandets villkor i förändring ;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Möten för lärande. Pedagogisk verksamhet för de yngsta barnen i förskolan.
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Berthelsen, Donna
The birthday cace.Social relations and professionals practices around mealtimes with toddlers.
Research seminar;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
International research collaboration.
2012-11-26 - 2012-11-27.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdier i møtet mellom barn og voksne i barnehagen.
Nasjonalt utdanningstillbud for styrer;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Lärandekulturer i spänningsfält mellan vi och de andra.
Emilson, A.; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Kommunikation af værdier til børn. I: Forskning i pædagogisk praksis.
Akademisk Forlag.
ISBN 9788750042877.
Berthelsen, Donna; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Letter from the editors. Special issue:Children's perspectives.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 44.
Hefte 3.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Letter from the editor.International Journal of Early Childhood.
ISSN 0020-7187.
Volum 44.
Hefte 1.
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Programområde vid IBU: Læringskulturer i barnehage.
Forskar/skrivseminarium den 26-28 november vid Strand Hotel Fevik;
2012-11-26 - 2013-11-28.
Johansson, Eva; White, Jayne
Foreword. I: Educational Research with our youngest. Voices of Infants and Toddlers.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
ISBN 978-94-007-2393-1.
Johansson, Eva
Investigating morality in toddler's life-worlds.
Millennium Children: Their Perspectives and Experiences PhD- course;
2011-02-08 - 2011-02-12.
Johansson, Eva; Emilson, Anette
Rights and gender in Norwegian and Swedish preschool contexts.
2011-09-14 - 2011-09-17.
Johansson, Eva
Investigating morality in toddler's worldsMethodological and ethical issues.
Research seminar;
Jansen, Kirsten Elisabeth; Johansson, Eva; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen
Forord: På jakt etter demokratibegrep i barnehagen.
Nordisk barnehageforskning (NBF).
ISSN 1890-9167.
Volum 4.
Hefte 2.
Johansson, Eva; Emilson, Anette
Resistance and conflicts. Educational challenges and inspirations in working with young children in preschool.
Invied speaker at the con-ference: Is there any know-ledge about how to handle children under three in ECEC? 17 researchers give their views;
Johansson, Eva
”Små barns etik och pedagogers förhållningssätt”.
Huvudtalare konferens för pedagoger i Skärholmen Stockholm;
Röthle, Monika Anna; Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdier og lek.
Inspirasjonsdag for forskningsbarnehager "Verdier i barnehage";
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Relationskompetens i barnehage - vad är det?.
Relationskompetens i barnehage;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Verdier fra barns perspektiver – om individualitet og felleskap.
Forskningsprojekt: Verdier i barnehagen;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Gustav kan så visst få sitte i jentesofaen! Etikk og kjønn i førskolebarns verdener.
Barnehagen: Arena for Likeverd og makt mellom Gutter og Jenter Verdier i barnehage, ett forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt.;
Johansson, Eva Marianne
Å lede et utviklingsarbeid på avdelingen. Utfordringer og muligheter.
Verdier i barnehage, ett forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt. "Barnehagen: Arena for Likeverd og makt mellom Gutter og Jenter ";
Johansson, Eva Marianne; Fugelsnes, Kristin; Grindland, Berit; Mørkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke; Röthle, Monika Anna
Verdier i barnehage, ett forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt.Hur forska tillsammans?.
Forum for Barnehagevitenskap;
Alvestad, Marit; Moser, Thomas; Johansson, Eva; Johansson, Jan-Erik; Lillemyr, Ole Fredrik
Omsorg, lek og læring i barnehagen: En helhetlig tilnærming.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Johansson, Eva
Etiske konflikter og små barns læring.
ISSN 1500-6905.
Volum 27.
Hefte 1.
Johansson, Eva
Inte kränker vi väl barn i förskolan.
Johansson, Eva
Etik och genus i barns världar.
Johansson, Eva; Ailwood, ukjent-for-m059456; Cobb-Moore, Charlotte; Walker, Sue; Brownlee, Jo; Boulton-Lewis, Gillian
Children's perspectives on rules and participation in Australian early education.
XXVI OMEP World Congress Children citizens in a challenged world;
2010-08-11 - 2010-08-13.
Johansson, Eva
Caring, disciplined and democratic girls and boys in pre-school.
XXVI OMEP World Congress Children citizens in a challenged world;
2010-08-11 - 2010-08-13.
Johansson, Eva; Emilson, Anette
Values and gender in communication between teachers and children in pre-school.
XXVI OMEP World Congress Children citizens in a challenged world;
2010-08-11 - 2010-08-13.
Johansson, Eva; Berthelsen, Donna
Mealtime in early childhood programs - a potential for learning?.
XXVI OMEP World Congress Children citizens in a challenged world;
2010-08-11 - 2010-08-13.
Berthelsen, Donna; Johansson, Eva; Klerfelt, Anna; Larsson, Jonna; Nykänen, Pia
Meeting the editors: Key issues in developing articles for publication.
XXVI OMEP World Congress Children citizens in a challenged world;
2010-08-11 - 2010-08-13.
Johansson, Eva; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid
Lek og læring i barne-hage. Å lære er nesten som å leke.
Johansson, Eva
Medvirking - bare på liksom.
2010-05-27 - 2010-06-28.
Johansson, Eva; Emilson, Anette
Rights, caring and gender in Norwegian and Swedish preschool contexts.
36th Annual AME Conference: Gateway to Justice Meeting the Moral challenges of Social injustice.;
2010-11-05 - 2010-11-07.
Johansson, Eva
Verdier vad är det?.
Johansson, Eva
Barns samspel i förskolan.
2010-01-21 - 2010-01-22.
Johansson, Eva
Observera barns samspel.
Abrahamsen, Gerd; Alvestad, Marit; Berge, Anita; Grindland, Berit; Johansson, Eva; Röthle, Monika; Sageidet, Barbara Maria
Gode barnehager er bra - også for de yngste.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Abrahamsen, Gerd; Alvestad, Marit; Berge, Anita; Johansson, Eva; Röthle, Monika
Gode barnehager er bra ? også for de små.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Johansson, Eva
Dagens förskolebarn ? morgondagens världsmedborgare.
Volum 1.
Hefte 2.
Johansson, Eva
Observera barns samspel.
ISSN 1402-7135.
Volum 34.
Hefte 6.
Johansson, Eva
Observera barns samspel.
Johansson, Eva
Moral discoveries and learning in preschool.
The Hellenic Association of Early Years Teachers;
2009-04-03 - 2009-04-04.
Johansson, Eva
Att närma sig barns perspektiv Etik och metodologi i forskning med små barn.
2009-03-25 - 2009-03-26.
Johansson, Eva
Inte kränker vi väl barns rätt i förskolan?.
Barnkonventionen 20 år? vad har hänt?;
Johansson, Eva
Gustav får visst sitta i tjejsoffan Om etik och genus i förskolebarns världar.
Johansson, Eva
¿Doing the right thing¿ Different Life-worlds and Similar values in Toddler Interactions.
The 18th EECERA annual conference;
2008-09-03 - 2008-09-06.
Johansson, Eva
Teacher observations as a method for studying toddler¿s interaction. Possibilities and challenges.
The 18th EECERA annual conference;
Johansson, Eva
The Preschool Child of Today - the World-citizen of Tomorrow?.
The 18th EECERA annual conference;
2008-09-03 - 2008-09-06.
Johansson, Eva
Teacher and child interactions ¿ bodily communication as dimensions of learning.
ECER annual conference;
2008-09-10 - 2008-09-12.
Johansson, Eva
Values of rights and gender-expectations in preschool children¿s morality.
ECER annual conference;
2008-09-10 - 2008-09-12.
Johansson, Eva
Moral discoveries and learning in preschool.
Eg get, vil og kann, Reykjavik City Preschool Department;
Johansson, Eva
Learning encounters in preschool.
Johansson, Eva
Dagens förskolebarn¿Morgondagens världsmedborgare.
Barnehagekonferens i Tønsberg "Forskning og utforskning";