Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Bessant, John Robert;
Huang, Judy Hong;
Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna;
Oftedal, Elin Merethe
Boundary innovation spaces as an enabler of user involvement.
I: Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact, Proceedings of The XXXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, held in Tallinn, Estonia on 09 June to 12 June 2024.
ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press.
ISBN 9789526506968.
Huang, Judy Hong;
Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna;
Bessant, John Robert
Exploring Methods for Co-creation in Living Labs .
I: Proceedings of the Open Living Lab Days Conference 2022. “The city as a Lab, but now for real!".
ISBN 9789464668605.
Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes;
Huang, Judy Hong;
van Leersum, Catharina Margaretha;
Oftedal, Elin Merethe
Motivation in living lab user panels.
I: The XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World".
ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press.
ISBN 978-952-335-694-8.
Thomas, Elisa;
Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes;
Huang, Hong
Virtual inclusion of elderly users in early stages of the innovation process.
I: Proceedings on the 2021 ISPIM innovation conference : Innovating our common future.
ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press.
ISBN 9789523354678.
Huang, Hong;
Thomas, Elisa
A review of the living lab research development and methods.
I: Proceedings on the 2021 ISPIM innovation conference : Innovating our common future.
ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press.
ISBN 9789523354678.
Huang, Judy Hong
PhD 90% seminar: Living labs for user innovation.
PhD 90% seminar: Living labs for user innovation;
Bessant, John Robert;
Huang, Judy Hong;
Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna
Hearing user voices in innovation; the role of tools and boundary spaces.
XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference 2023;
2023-06-04 - 2023-06-07.
Huang, Judy Hong
Innovative Products for Daily Life (with LiCalab in Belgium).
User cafe workshops with the user panel members;
2023-03-21 - 2023-03-28.
Huang, Judy Hong;
Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna;
Bessant, John Robert
PhD 50% seminar: Living lab for user involvement in innovation.
PhD 50% seminar;
Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna;
Bessant, John Robert;
Huang, Judy Hong
Hearing the voice of vulnerable users in healthcare innovation.
Open User Innovation conference;
2023-07-10 - 2023-07-11.
Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes;
van Leersum, Catharina Margaretha;
Huang, Hong;
Oftedal, Elin M
Motivasjon i brukerpanelet til et levende laboratorium.
Nordisk Konferanse for Brukermedvirkning ;
2022-05-12 - 2022-05-13.
Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes;
van Leersum, Catharina Margaretha;
Huang, Hong;
Oftedal, Elin Merethe
Motivation in Living Lab User Panels .
XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating in a Digital World ;
2022-06-05 - 2022-06-08.
Huang, Hong;
Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna;
Bessant, John Robert
Boundary spaces to enable innovation: the role of living labs.
23rd International CINet Conference;
2022-09-11 - 2022-09-13.
Huang, Hong;
Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna;
Thomas, Elisa;
Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes
The emergence of the boundary innovation
space for user involvement – the study of a
living lab in welfare service in Norway.
ISPIM Innovation Conference;
2022-06-04 - 2022-06-07.