Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes;
Koskinen, Camilla Ann-Louise
The life path of young adults who have experienced parental alienation.
The 5thInternational NCCS & EACS Conference;
2024-04-23 - 2024-04-25.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes;
Larsen, Alf Inge
Living with microvascular angina and being physical active - from a patient's perspective. Narrative approach to a case story .
The 5thInternational NCCS & EACS Conference;
2024-04-23 - 2024-04-25.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes;
Egeland, Maria R.
Å finne mening når håpet brister.
Konferanse i Bergen, Hotell Terminus (VID vitenskapelige høgskole / VID Specialized University) ;
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes;
Egeland, Maria Røysland, HUS
Å finne mening når håpet brister - en case studie.
Nettverkskonferanse: Meining, håp og livsvilje Åndelig omsorg i sjukepleie og helsefag;
2023-01-10 - .
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes;
Ueland, Venke Irene;
Larsen, Alf Inge
“Phenomenological hermeneutical approach to explore microvascular angina 12 months after participating in a high-intensity physical exercise program” .
Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, 2 - 4 October 2023;
2023-10-02 - 2023-10-04.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes
Implementing interpretive phenomenology in studies exploring experiences of patients with unexplained chest pain and transition through information and physical activity. .
Nordic Conference of Nursing Research, Copenhagen.;
2021-10-04 - 2021-10-06.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes
Feirar 60-årsdagen med å disputera.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes
Ny doktor:
Disputerte på 60-årsdagen.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes
Ikke alle brystsmerter er farlige.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes
Capability - possible in health promotion for people with unexplained chest pain?.
Health Promotion Reseach - An International Forum "Next Health";
2014-08-25 - 2014-08-27.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes;
Friberg, Febe;
Larsen, Alf Inge;
Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Making sense of participating in an exercise training programme for chest pain patients with unexplained chest pain.
Nordisk nettverkskonferanse Grounded Theory;
2014-09-08 - 2014-09-09.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes
Informasjonsbehov hos pasienter med uforklarte brystsmerter.
BestPractice Hjerte-karsykdommer: Faglig dialog mellom leger.
Hefte 13.
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes;
Dysvik, Elin;
Furnes, Bodil
Rehabilitation of patients with non-cardiac chest pain.
British Association for cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation (BACPR);
2011-10-06 - 2011-10-07.